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Stinky curses as he looses the second sac, as the poison dribbles into the gooey mess of its beaten and bleeding cephalothorax. "Blast, its gone." He seems engrossed by the loss and once more returns to his notebook, drawing the anatomy of the spider and the position of the poison sacs, then comparing it with the drawings he made previously.

Dennvyn Fealthan |

Dennvyn says, "I don't think the kids came down here, thanks to the lock. And a good thing, I'd hate to be looking for their remains. Still, I think this may show us that we need a healer with us."
With that, he starts searching the webbing for anything interesting.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Arianna Willowwood |

"I agree with the need for a healer. If we find the kids and one of them is hurt, we may not have the time to get back to the town. We should finish searching here, then go back and see who we can round up before going on."
As she finishes removing the webbing Arianna, places her bow back over her shoulder.

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Stinky takes the herbs from Barnebus, "If you'd let me, hmmm!" he scratches his smooth chin, before puling out his notebook. He seems to leaf through stopping every so often at a random page. Then his head jerks back and forth between the herbs and the book, until you hear a long satisfied, "hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm!, that's it!"
Knowledge (Nature) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Dennvyn Fealthan |

Dennvyn's mind churns at Stinky's discovery, and he gives voice to the stream of questions in his head, "Is it toxic? Why would it be here in a torture chamber?"

Arianna Willowwood |

"Yes, and since this person died by having their throat ripped out we're definitely dealing with something feral. It may bea good idea to hold on to this stuff and get moving. Lets see what else there is here and move on."
Arianna squats down into a crouch, studying the ground forn a few moments before letting her eyes roam around the room seeking signs of anything of interest. She breathes deep, choking back the bilethat rises from the stench, seeking any telltale sign of animal or predator activity.
Perception1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

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"Lycanthopes? hmmmm! the small gnome ponders, "Not something I've ever come across, hmmmm, maybe have to open a new chapter..." Stinky looks in his book, finds a blank page and writes Lycanthropes as a heading. "Umm, I don't mean to pry, but these Lycanthrope things what are they like? and did one do that to the body?" he asks and gulps a little at the thought of the creature that might do such a thing. "And why would they want the children?" as his eyes open wide as he imagines the terrible scene. "Oh no, we must go back to town and get everything we need, then continue the search... we must be prepared, otherwise...oh!" as he doesn't finish speaking but points to the corpse.

Dennvyn Fealthan |

Dennvyn asks the Gnome, "Is there some sort of silver-wash we could use, do you know?"

Jund |

With a nod at Barnabus, "Thank you my friend."
Steadied, Jund addresses the group. "I agree we should go to town for a cleric, but the children still need us and if we all go back to town that is valuable time lost that could mean the difference of life or death for them. Perhaps it is wiser for one of us to go to town to retrieve a cleric while the rest continue the search for the children?"

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"Yes, yes, but a dead search party is no party at all, that's all, best we stick together. I mean you did see what the ..... " he stops to think .. "the lycanthrope did .. ripped the neck out, arteries, windpipe,.. the lot...no,no best we stay together." Stinky makes it obvious that going back is something they should do together. "Preparation is the key ... yes .. prepare." he starts to walk up and down, back and forth, hands clasped behind his back.

Dennvyn Fealthan |

Dennvyn nods, "While one of us might be faster, it won't save us any time if they're killed in the woods."

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Back in town, Stinky leaves the crowd for a short while. It is within minutes he returns with a dog in tow. The beast is not dressed for batlle, but carries Stinky's possessions.
On seeing Herman, he waits until he's introduced or the man introduces himself, as in the meantime he fusses around his dog patting him and saying in its ear, "Its alright CarrierOfMyWorkAndComforts, these are friends, calm down Comwac, Sit!"
Handle Animal 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Herman the Cleric |

The man approaching you looks fairly average, except for the Big Club he carries. The club looks like it has metal studs in it. "Are you the folks who are out here to save the Children?" Herman inquires.
"If so..can I be of assistance?." he asks.
"Oh yes my manners...so sorry...I'm Herman, cleric of Yamatsumi at your service." He says with a small bow.
And if he sees anyone wounded he will move to help them.
I just realized i never finished his profile....I'll try and work on that tonight. Its done up in herolabs, just need to get it here.

Barnabus II |

"Indeed we are and this is Jund an assimere monk, he got bit by a spider an is not feeling to well."
indiactes the man with his arm over his shoulder....
"I am Barnabus."

Dennvyn Fealthan |

Dennvyn nods grimly, "Especially if there are lycanthropes about."

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As they start walking, a dog starts to sniff round the man called Herman. A voice from behind is heard "Comwac, leave him alone, he's probably had a long journey today. Heel!" The dog waits for a little gnome who starts to walk by Herman's side. "Hello Herman," as the gnome write the name down in his book, "I am Carnider Dravonic, brother to Radiner and half owner of 'Davonic's Healing Emporium' in Falcon Hollow. You might have heard of it." he says expectantly, his eyes shining with pride. "Come in sometime, if you help us here, I'll give you a good price. I make potions and things you see, and I'm developing this flash and bang potion, hope to sell it to the watch one day. Oh yes, it's all very exciting and now we're going to find the lost children, oh yes! Though everyone is a bit upset about these lycanthropes, I hope we'll be all right. Great advertising if I can help, everyone in Falcon's Hollow will know about the store." he beams at Herman. "So have you come far to help us today?"