Ascension of the Orphan Sun: a SW Saga adventure

Game Master vonklinen

A SW Saga homebrew adventure beginning on Tatooine, 38 BBY.

Current Characters

Male human on stilts
(815 posts)


Male Human Technomancer 5
(1,631 posts)
Gold Dragon

Male Human
(364 posts)

Droid Scoundrel 1 | HP: 18/18 | Ref: 17 Fort: 14 Will: 12 | Dmg Threshold: 14 | Condition Track: 0 | Init: +3 | Perception: +6 | Force Points: 5 | Darkside Score: 0/9 | Blaster Ammo: 46/50 |

played by Kip84 (57 posts)
Activation Cube
DM Holocron

played by vonklinen (106 posts)
Irak Rann

Male Miraluka Jedi 1 | HP 31/31 | Threshold 13 | Defenses: REF 12, FORT 13, WILL 15 | Condition [0] | Init +0 | Per +8 |Force Points: 5 |Dark Side Points: 0

played by SoulDragon298 (14 posts)
Verik Vancaskerkin
Joran Gres

Male Human Scout 5/Scoundrel 3 | HP 64/64; DT: 21 | Fort 21 (26 vs Force), Ref 25, Will 23 (28 vs Force) | Force 7/9 | Destiny 1 | Init +13 | Perception +14 | DSP: 0

played by Phntm888 (132 posts)
Member of the Green Faith
Lor Hook

Male Kel Dor Scout 1 | HP 23/23 | Threshold 11 | Defenses: REF 17, FORT 11, WILL 15 | Condition [0] | Init +9 | Per +9 |Force Points: 5 |Dark Side Points: 0

played by SoulDragon298 (10 posts)
Nyla Selanno

Female Human Soldier 1 | HP 24/31 | Threshold 14 | Defenses Ref 14, Fort 14, Will 13 | Condition [ 0 ] | Init +7 | Percep +7 | Force Pts 5 | Drk Side 0 | Pwr Packs 2 / Carbine: 48 / Pistol: 250

played by Warhawk7 (46 posts)


played by OberonViking (1 post)
Grallak Kur
Zoo Lom

M Sullustan Scoundrel 1 | HP 20/20 | Ref 17 | Fort 12 | Will 11| Threshold 14 | Force points:5 | Dark Side points 0/10 | Perception 0 | Initiative 8 |

played by vonklinen (20 posts)