GM Ascension |

Ky smiles as she speaks, "Good to see you prospering Lyle."
She takes a sip of the wine Soliel brought over, "Thank you. Now I've found out a little about your army friend. Might take some patience on your part though."
"He has been coming in and out of the city every few days through the west gate, different set of clothes each time, though that big sword he wears on his back is always the same. He's been staying in a different place each time so you won't be able to just wait for him. I got a friend of mine that can point him out to you though next time he passes through." She gives directions to a home near the western gate. "Tell Jak I sent you and he will help you out. But you'll probably have a few days of sitting around doing nothing."

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Soliel raised her glass with a wry smile at the mention of prospering, one make's a lil' coin we all make a lil' coin, ya? "Lyle" listened intently to the information provided. Doin' nothin' I can do, jus' so long as I get paid for doin' it. Throwing back the rest of the boilermaker she held, she added, [b]Alright, I'll go talk to this Jak of yours, see what's what. Usual cut for ya afterward if it all works out. Ladies, [b]she added with a smile and tip of the cap, before turning and heading back out the front door of the bar.
Out on the street, "Lyle" strolled casually a short ways before ducking into an empty alley. There Soliel used her innate cloaking aka Stealth to vanish from sight while changing her guise to that of a nondescript human female. As usual she checked her pockets for anything that may have been placed in them before making her way back toward the Tower. Sneaking past the guards, Soliel re-appeared and shifted her guise back to her true appearance only once fully back inside the Tower itself.
Soliel then sought out Edmond and Ian, to brief them on what she found out and begin preparations for the night's venture into the d'Alkenov's manor.
@GM: Glad to hear we may be getting a new PC soon. Should we hold off on the next steps until he/she is on board?

GM Ascension |

Will wait for the new PC before moving to nay larger group encounters. However...
As Soliel takes back to be hidden in the light of the day a man in his late twenties or so walks past the alley. He glances down the alley, his eyes going past Soliel unseeing. But you are sure he was in the Iron Gullet when you left. He is dressed just a slight cut above the normal patrons. He continues past the alley though without hesitation.

Ian Marros |

While Soliel is away, Ian looks for Edmond, knocking at his door fully armored.
"Edmond, you there? Want to go get a drink?" Ian's deep gravelly voice reverberates through the door. He acts like he doesn't care either way, but he waits there silently.
If Edmond agrees, Ian will head to a favorite tavern in Tiny Town, somewhere the locals love best but probably isn't the most clean or safe, and buys him a couple drinks.
"I spent a lotta time around this neighborhood when I was younger, in the guard. Still partial to it," he takes a drink himself. "Where'd you grow up? Or did the Tower just make you outta magic?" He seems to only be half-joking, scratching one of his slightly pointed ears uncomfortably. His armored frame looks absurdly large on the small barstool. "You keep things professional, I respect that. Hells, no one in the world I respect more than Miss Bellafini. Guess I should say Master Bellafini," he raises his mug in a toast to no one. "No one keeps things more professional than her," he smirks a little bit at some memory.
If Edmond declines going out, Ian will just hang out outside his door drinking his own booze and talking through the door at him :D

Edmond, The Light |

Edmond will go with Ian for a drink down to Tiny Town.
"I grew up in the shadow of the Tower down here in Tiny Town. Old Quarter. They built over it after the fire." Edmond smirks, his eyes focused on a memory rather than his glass. "After that, the Tower came looking for me. Guess they found out who did it. When they found out why, they offered probation by way of membership rather than imprisonment."

Ian Marros |

"No s!@$? Think I remember that fire, didn't know they'd caught who did it. Why'd you do it, anyway?"
Ian buys himself another drink and tips the bartender, seeming perfectly at home in a seedy tavern.
"How long you got on 'probation'?"

Edmond, The Light |

"Someone was making little skeletons, and using the poor to do it. My family and I were the poor. When I came home from the market to nothing, I had nothing to lose. It wasn't hard to figure out where they'd go next, so I waited for them. As for probation, I dunno. They don't ask me about it anymore and there's hardly any evidence it happened so it's probably over."

Ian Marros |

Ian nods slowly, and grunts. "Damn. Well, good f&%@ing riddance. If I knew what was goin' on I would have helped," he lets the silence hang for a moment, out of respect, then asks the bartender for something stronger, moonshine maybe.
"Ever think about leaving the tower, hunting people like that on your own?"

GM Ascension |

When Soliel reports back on the latest news regarding Banmor, Master Hast is there to greet the group and hear the report. A man in his early 30's accompanies Master Hast. "This is Dareon, we have reassigned him to work with your group to fill in some gaps in the talents needed to fulfill your assignments. I will let him introduce himself further."

Ian Marros |

Ian nods, thinking for a moment. "I don't like em either, but I like the results. I'm just glad to have smart people like Sister Soliel and Bellafini to point me where to go. Even Hast is pretty sharp."
He finishes his drink. "You ever leave the Tower to be a hammer, and you'd like some help on somethin', let me know, I'll be there."
After that, Ian heads back to the tower grounds.
At the meeting with Master Hast, Ian is still in his usual custom battle-scarred full plate mail, spikes on the elbows, knees, shoulders, boots, and gauntlets. Past middle age with some gray in his hair. Rough gravelly voice. Very tall (nearly 7') and broad-shouldered. He keeps his black-with-gray hair close cropped, military style, with a clean shaven strong chin and jawline to match. Those traits keep him from being outright ugly, but he isn't pretty either. A deep scar crosses his left eye, and the iris is slightly misty. His half-elf blood barely shows--pointier ears than most humans, taller, and green eyes just slightly too bright. He carries a huge well crafted greatsword slung over his shoulder in its sheath.
He listens to Master Hast stoically, then looks the newcomer over, waiting for him to speak.

Dareon Lebeda |

Dareon Lebeda is a pale-skinned man of moderate height, a slim build, and ordinary features. He wears plain blue trousers and a white tunic underneath what appears to be a padded and armored coat made of darkleaf cloth. His eyes are a very light, icy blue, and he carries a rather intimidating stare. He meets everyone's gaze for just a few moments too long. "Hello," he says. "I've been told you three undertake missions for the Tower. As do I. Apparently I am to partner with you."
It's only then that he smiles and extends his hand in greeting. "My name is Dareon. I am a natural psychic. I can read minds, speak with the dead, influence people psychically, and, when necessary, fight by overloading people with raw psychic energy. I hope our partnership will be profitable."

Edmond, The Light |

"Sure thing. And thanks for putting up with my nascent pyromania. Fire is simple. It burns things. And too many things are complicated in this world."
As Daeron enters, he sees among those assembled a halfling introduced as Edmond. He is a halfling with slick blonde hair that looks like the owner made a half-hearted attempt to keep out of disarray. He wears white robes, carries a faintly glowing staff but no other obvious weapons. He wears various pieces of jewelry and a cloak and has a strange look in his eye as if he is paying attention elsewhere.
More imposing is the eight foot tall serpentine creature that stands guard behind him, equipped with a sinister-looking sickle and crossbow. It has two humanoid arms and its scales are blue-red-orange-yellow-white, like fire in varying intensities.

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Standing with Master Hast, Dareon spots a lithe, petite human woman stride down the hall towards him with Edmond and Ian just behind. Dressed in dark, loose-fitting clothes with flared gloves and high, soft boots, twin short sword hilts are visible just above her back. Bandolier straps holding various small vials in neat rows crossed her chest. Staring directly at Hast, she walks with the grace of a dancer and the purpose of a soldier. Though Ian and Edmond's Serpentine pet towered over her, the woman's intensity is palpable as the group closed on Dareon and Hast.
Marching directly up to Hast, the dark haired, pale-skinned woman with slate grey eyes stopped abruptly in front of the man and pounded her right fist to her upper left chest in a salute. Not an unattractive woman, the salute nevertheless was a telling sign of her membership in the Friends of the Tower.
Sir, may I make a report on our recent endeavors, sir? The woman spoke in a clipped, sharp Common with a bit of an odd, unplaceable accent added in. A quick perfunctory nod from Master Hast and she continued. Sir, I successfully met with sources "Ky" and "Sela", her tone made it clear she doubted either name was truth, and secured a lead regarding the elusive LT Banmor. The lead is possibly a trap, but likely still worth investigating. However, our current priority is to infiltrate the d'Alkenov residence, locate Firyin and seek leads regarding Anthony and his cohorts, while ensuring that no familial relation of the d'Alkenov's is permanently harmed. Shall we continue mission as instructed? The woman waited for Master Hast's answer, and afterward again pounded her fist to her chest in acknowledgment.
At that point the woman turned her attention to Dareon, after Master Hast made the introduction. Though appearing to really look at the Dareon for the first time, one could not help but get the sense that she had been vigilantly watching the man, and essentially everything else around, since she arrived. She met Dareon's odd stare directly, unblinking, and he could see that the woman's eyes flushed almost completely black for a moment. Clearly she was not human after all.
Reaching out her hand in a sharp handshake gesture, the woman responded to Dareon's introduction. Well met, I am Sister Soliel Levant, a Friend of the Tower. I am not familiar with your skill set, but I am certain Master Hast has made a wise choice assigning you to us. The Tower has entrusted us with several important initiatives on which we will not fail. Have you been informed of our upcoming actions?
@Not sure how much the GM has let you know offline about what we have going on, don't want to be redundant

Dareon Lebeda |

Not too much, and I prefer to be told in-character so there are no gaps in the narrative.
Dareon shakes his head. "No, I've just finished a job. I was summoned this morning and only told that I was being assigned to a group. Your names - You're Soliel," he says, indicating the tiefling with his head. He gestures at the halfling and the soldier. "And your names? Your skill-sets? Does that... creature... belong to somebody? Or have a name?"

Ian Marros |

By the way, in-canon what happened to Wraxus?
"I'm Ian. Take a guess at what my 'skill-set' is. Nothing fancy."
How's Hast look? Normal? Stressed/exhausted? Optimistic? Anything Ian can read?
Sense Motive if needed: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

GM Ascension |

"Excellent, with the introductions taken care of, you may be wondering about Wraxus Drake. While he is a fine servant of the tower, he had some misgivings about doing what needs to be done with the more undesirable elements you have been working against. We have reassigned him elsewhere where he can keep his conscience clear."
Master Hast seems a bit smug talking about Wraxus moral quandary, but otherwise has his calm serious demeanor covering over anything else he might be thinking.
"Soliel, you seem, as always, to have things well in hand. Eliminating the drow Firyin should go a long ways in restoring the faith of the citizenry in the tower."
Back to finishing the uncompleted map that I'd started a while back to give the layout of the di Alkanov that Aurelion and Tunny are providing. I may get it up tomorrow, but probably not till the weekend.

Dareon Lebeda |

I need someone to tell me what we are doing, and why.
Dareon splits his gaze between the halfling, who still had not given his name, and Master Hast, who seemed happier to allow one of the members of the group authority than to actually give any orders. Perhaps this "Soliel" was a woman of greater standing than he would have assumed.
"There is a drow?" he asks, "What can you tell me about them?"

Dareon Lebeda |

Dareon's eyebrows inch upward a smidgen. This small man must be really very unsentimental to not even name a creature which he had created to protect himself. Dareon wonders if the creature is sentient and thinking, or not. He would have to check on it later.
Clasping his hands behind his back, he looks between the four people in the room with him, waiting to be given further instructions. It would be imperative to get to know these people better, but it would have to wait until they were out from in front of the boss - personal stories didn't really look good. He briefly considers if there is time for a meal with them, so he could get a better sense of the group and their current goals, and so they could get a good sense of him.
Can I get a description of the room we are in? I assume it is in the Tower, so can I get a description of the Tower?
What do I know about Master Hast?
What time of day is it?

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@GM: In addition to the map of the d'Alkenov residence, Soliel had asked for and presumably received descriptions of the d'Alkenov family members.
@Dareon: it is likely about 5pm or thereabouts. Also, recommend referencing the Campaign Info tab (right next to the Gameplay tab) when names or places you don't know come up. Hast and the other Masters are described there.
Soliel continued her impassioned expression in the face of praise from Master Hast, but the whole of her eyes flushed white for a moment before disappearing as quickly. Very well sir, we will move to planning the operation. Is there anything else sir? Soliel wait for any additional instruction, which was followed by her customary salute.
After Master Hast departed, Soliel turned back to the assembled group, just as the clarification (or lack thereof) concerning Snake-Man had been completed. We have a decision to make regarding our plan of action this evening. Noting that the group was next to one of the Tower's dining chambers, Soliel suggested the group sit down to dinner while discussing the d'Alkenov raid.
Assuming no disagreements....Sitting down to a bland but nutritious meal supplemented with water to drink, Soliel turned to Dareon. As I mentioned previously, the Masters have seen fit to entrust us with a wide variety of missions that overlap no more than the welfare of Coran and its enlightened leadership. She spoke in very articulate Common, but spoke as if it was a well-known second language. I will not burden you at the moment with the details of them all, but later this , here she brought out a battered black journal pulled out of an improbably small pocket, will be of benefit to your knowledge base.
After a few bites of food and a drink, Soliel continued. Firyin, the drow in question, caused some issues amongst the underworld vermin that invest this city some time ago. He was apparently the confidant and close associate of "The Mistress", a drow named Diguri who runs the underworld of this city. The drow of course are effectively illegal in the city, and no wonder why given the volume of their presence amongst the criminals.
Another bite of food, the observant noticing the woman ate with impeccable table manners. This Firyin then, sought to overthrow Diguri and failed, but caused considerable tumult. As a wanted criminal he of course must be eliminated, but the situation is more complex. He was at odds after the coup attempt with a band of Diguri loyalist run by a summoner named Anthony. Soliel's eyes slide noticeably toward Ian as she spoke that last name. Anthony and his band are, by some margin, Diguri's most effective operational arm. Eliminating them would be a substantial achievement, both for practical and....sentimental reasons. Again a glance at Ian as she finished the sentence.
Therefore, our first objective is to speak with Firyin to ascertain the location of Anthony's contingent. He should be more than happy to convey what he knows in this regard, given his loathing of them. Firyin in fact has surreptitiously sought out the Tower's help before to avenge his slain hussy Vondereil. Likewise, our group has come into information that will display in no uncertain terms that past alliances Firyin thought he had with others outside the Tower were violated. So while he cares about nothing but himself, our interest in the matter of Diguri's thugs do rather nicely align. It may be he knows nothing useful of Anthony's location. But on the quite possible chance he does, securing that potential information has primacy.
Letting that information sink in, she took in a few more bites of food. We have strong intelligence to suggest that Firyin is currently housed within the d'Alkenov residence. The d'Alkenov's, as I am sure you are aware, are a major merchant family in Coran. And the Merchant class of course play a rather large role in shaping Coran and the kingdom. In discussion with select Masters, it was made clear that while the d'Alkenov's have clearly made some inappropriate choices, for the time being it is best not to create unneeded complications with them directly. Operationally, this means we will actively avoid injury to d'Alkenov family members but guards and other associates can be dealt with as required. Incriminating evidence regarding the d'Alkenov's activities can be collected as primary mission parameters allow. After we have secured all information Firyin has regarding Anthony's location, he is to be eliminated.
Soliel finished her meal while answering any questions Dareon had before moving onto planning. Now then, we need to determine the best way to accomplish our objectives. Unrolling the map provided by Aurelion, she continued. Fortunately one Aurelion d'Alkenov, a scion of the same family, has seen past the criminal ways of his family and has become an upright soldier for the Mageocracy. He has provided us with this map of the residence, along with descriptions of d'Alkenov family members. Importantly, Aurelion's associate Tunny Murdoch also provided the location of two secret entrances; one here, she pointed to the cellar and here, pointing to the chimney. Of these the chimney entrance seems unknown to many even in the family and its associates. The Murdochs appear to comprise the more competent of the d'Alkenov mercenaries.
Soliel paused to answer questions, then posed her own, her gaze taking in the whole group. So, how should we approach this task?

Dareon Lebeda |

What is in the campaign tab is all that I know about Hast? He wears tailored clothes, he's short, and people respect him?
"So, we need to take out this criminal Firyin, but first we need to interrogate Firyin about the whereabouts of a different criminal, named Anthony. But, because Firyin is sheltering with one of Coran's noble families, the operation to actually retrieve Firyin has complications itself."
"There is no other way to discover the whereabouts of this Anthony man? There is no one capable of performing a scrying for us?" Dareon scratches his chin and eats a big bite of whatever it is that's in front of him. "Either way, I have the capability to take peoples' secrets from them, so perhaps I was the right one for this job. Umm, hmm."
"If we really have to go into this... d'Alkenov estate, the easiest way to get into a noble estate is to be a servant. Are any of you at all adept in disguise?"

Ian Marros |

Ian follows Soliel's suggestion without comment, joining them for dinner. He eats and listens to her talk. The only clue that he's paying attention is that he stops eating when she mentions Anthony's gang, but doesn't look over. When she says 'sentimental reasons' he finally speaks up. "They killed my friend, they killed Bellafini, and they f!+!ing killed me. I want them dead. Every day they're loose out there is a insult to us and danger for the people of Coran." There's something more emotional than patriotism or altruism when he says 'people of Coran', it's personal, family.
He looks to Dareon, "We've caught them by scrying before, they've wised up. You pry that information out of Firyin and I'll owe you a drink, new guy."
"As for disguises, Soliel can get in anywhere, but I want to be close by just in case. I don't like the idea of splitting us all up--us who can hide in plain sight and us who can't," he drains a tankard to wash down the food then belches. "Any reason we can't just walk up as agents of the Tower and ask politely? Maybe put some guards at any escape tunnel exits case they bolt?"
He nods to Soliel, "Whatever you think, Sis, I trust your judgment and got your back."

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@Dareon: That's pretty much what we know so far. I actually thought the most interesting part about Weldon Hast is that he really isn't one of the Masters, at least not anymore, but still operates as if he is. You also may know more than what is listed if your backstory involved Hast, a good question for the GM.
Soliel nodded as Dareon summed up the mission, and tilted her head thoughtfully as the man suggested an ability to pry data out of Firyin's head. Master Hast certainly knew what he was doing assigning him to us, she thought. As Ian indicated, Scrying has been attempted and they would likely be ready for such an approach. If Firyin fails to have worthwhile leads a return to scrying may be our best hope, but for now the drow appears to be the optimal path.
The tiefling stayed silent while Ian spoke up about Anthony, but her eyes flushed black for a moment. In a decidedly measured tone, devoid of emotion, she softly added, and they took advantage of the absence of many Masters dealing with the prior Fran matter to raid the Tower itself, killing many loyal Tower servants and releasing a number of high-value prisoners. For that reason, we have determined that all those brought to the Tower for interrogation will be executed immediately afterward. Prior to the arrival of Edmond and I this group tended to be much...softer...on such matters. Soliel's response made it clear that Ian was not the source of this prior leniency.
Clearing her throat as way of re-orienting back to the mission at hand, the woman went on. In the spirit of full disclosure, Aurelion himself suggested that if we only sought Firyin we should surround the d'Alkenov manor with guards and demand that they hand the drow over. I had rejected this idea because we have the means to make Firyin believe we are truly allies, something Aurelion was not aware of. I suspect the drow would be more forthcoming under such circumstances than under the Question. Nevertheless, if the group consensus is to follow Aurelion's recommendation we shall do so.
Soliel's eyes flushed white while a slight smile crossed her face when Dareon inquired if anyone was at all adept at disguise, but the expression was quickly gone. Yes, I am....rather capable at disguise. Likewise I could simply vanish at this moment, and if I chose to slay anyone in this room they would very likely die never seeing me while thinking another in the room was their assailant. Soliel tone was matter-of-fact, without a hint of braggadocio. I convey this so that you have a full sense of our capabilities while considering our collective actions. Because of these specialties I have handled some of our group's tasks individually, and could quite possibly enter the manor on my own, find Firyin, attempt to gather the needed information from him and leave without anyone other than the wretched drow knowing I was there. There she paused, having offered one of several potential courses of action. Nodding towards the halfling, she added, Edmond's ability with Fire is likewise substantial. I rather think he could simply immolate the d'Alkenov manor would we decided to. Again, simply a matter-of-fact tone, as if commenting on the weather. Though I strongly suspect such a method is far from keeping with the Masters' intent.

Edmond, The Light |

Edmond nods. "Yes, that's my plan. Then again, since no one ever likes my plans, what about a combination of available plans. Surround the tower with guards and then enter as friends? The guards create one complication while helping to eliminate another. Sends the message that we're friends if they want to be, and choosing another option would be most unwise."

GM Ascension |

Just to give Dareon some additional details, but others may read
It is late afternoon when Master Hast asks you to follow him, indicating the Tower has a new assignment for you, and he would like to introduce you to some other faithful servants of the tower. He leads the way to one of the outlying buildings at the south end of the tower grounds. It is not uncommon for mission briefings and debriefings to take place in one of these locations, depending on when rooms are free from normal classroom use.
The Master's expression is closed, as is so often the case. Long practice as a politician. He was once a member of the council of seven, but does not currently hold any position in that esteemed membership. He is both respected and feared by many of the students of the Tower. Among his peers he is respected by most, though frequently he and Master Veray, the first seat on the council, are at odds with each other. Most don't ever see this tenseness between them, but those who have been around for a while, as you have, notice it on those occasions when they are in the same room together.
"As always, you appear to have things well underhand. You'll provide a report in the morning I trust?" With nothing else, Master Hast takes leave of the group.
The left side is the ground level, the right is the upper level.
The cellar sits under the house such that the staircase behind the wall (and secret door) would overlap with the staircase into the grand room on the main floor. The Secret door thus coming out from under the staircase on that main floor.
The one set of fireplaces shown is the other secret passage. Tunny describes it as being a thin chute that lets out to the outside.
Descriptions of Aurelion's family members were given.

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@GM: couple of clarifications regarding the floor plan:
1) The cellar secret door would only be reachable via a secret door in the grand room main chamber. In other words, anyone effectively using the way out/in of the house would have to transit through the grand room that has the main doors to the outside. Correct?
2) How far away from the house (and where precisely) is the exit out into town from the cellar?
3) Would the Fireplace chute be too small for a large man in armor? Would it require any skill checks to navigate it up or down?
4) Seeing the map now, Soliel would have asked about where guards are typically posted, especially in the grand hall and by the fireplace.
5) When you say Aurelion gave descriptions of his family members, did you mean you actually wrote those out somewhere, or just to assume he provided them? I don't see anything about the d'Alkenov family member descriptions in the IC thread.

GM Ascension |

1) Correct.
2) The cellar entrance is just south of the house itself (5' square next to it, door opening into the ground like cellars from the 1800's early 1900's
3) No, it would be a tight squeeze for someone to try and fight within it, but any medium sized creature would fit.
4) Any meetings are likely to take place in one of the halls with the table (1st or 2nd floor). Ground floor guards would be posted at H4-5 and E11-12 outside the doors. Depending on the nature of the meeting there may or may not be more within. Upper floor meeting would have guards at H24-24 and C/D-26. If people are just relaxing (not in a meeting) they would do so in the grand hall (the grand room has the pillars in it). A pair of guards would be posted at each door.
5) Assume descriptions were given, I didn't actually list them out.

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Soliel tapped the map for a moment looking off to the side in thought. Very well, it seems the majority would prefer a more direct approach. Such would be in line with what Aurelion also suggested.
The Masters may be willing to allocate us a contingent of guards, one sizable enough to make our point. I concur with Ian that we need to guard the two known secondary exits as well to ensure Firyin does not slip out while we are in conversation with the d'Alkenov's at the front door.
Edmond, I would suggest you and Snake Man cover the Fireplace exit. On the somewhat unlikely possibility Firyin does emerge at that location, remember that we need him alive. Execution is for after we have the information we need. Ian, you and I can guard the cellar exit. Most likely Firyin will come to ground there where we will first try to speak with him and if necessary subdue and capture. Dareon, that would leave you to come to the front door with the majority of the guard. Recommend being polite and straightforward, saying that you understand that Firyin has arrived at the d'Alkenov residence and that since the esteemed house would certainly not willingly harbor a drow, that the Tower is here to resolve the matter.
@Dareon: if you'd rather be with Ian and Soliel takes the front door we can do it that way too. Also, really just putting forward a plan reflecting the majority consensus. If anyone has other/better ideas I'm good with that too.

Dareon Lebeda |

Dareon nods. "I agree that it seems like a fine plan. I am not a strong fighter, so leaving me to intercept an escaping criminal might not be the best use of me or my skills."
Well, Dareon has all the necessary skills to be a frontman, so I'm fine with him taking the face role here.

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Going to assume Edmond's good with the plan too. Soliel glanced to each group member as they nodded in concurrence. She stopped briefly at Ian's response, and looked for a moment to be on the verge of saying something before stopping and rolling up the map. Very well, we have a consensus. We should seek out the Masters again to secure the needed contingent of guards.
Both Dareon and Ian have decent Sense Motive skills, and would likely notice a couple of things in Soliel's demeanor during the planning meeting. First, while she supported the majority conclusion on the plan she likely would have preferred a more stealth-oriented approach, even if it meant going in alone. Second (and related), she seems a bit uncomfortable with being placed in the "leader" role. She appears to be acting in that role at times out of necessity, as Dareon just arrived and both Ian and Edmond don't seem the type.
@GM: think we areready to move ahead, unless there is anything of note when we explain the plan to the Masters and request the guards

GM Ascension |

The guards join you at the home, surrounding it, though keeping back from the home to be able to get a wide view of it.
Lights glow behind the windows on both floors, though drapes prevent a view into the home other than an occasional shadow moving behind them. With everyone else in place, the lieutenant approaches the front door with Dareon, giving it a few hard knocks, then steps back to let Dareon speak.
The door opens to show a pristine and decorated entry hall. Paintings hang on the walls of high quality, polished wood panels. An older gentlemen stands in the doorway, gloved hands and a fine suit marking him as a butler. He looks at Dareon and the lieutenant and the guards standing farther back, a bit of confusion on his face. But he responds with a crisp voice, "How may I help you?"

Dareon Lebeda |

Dareon nods. "You may," he says. "You can fetch the master of the household for me. I am from the Tower, and we have some questions."

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Soliel ghosted around the cellar door, using her odd innate cloaking ability to stay hidden from all but the sharpest eyes. She kept one sword drawn and the other free to imbibe elixirs as needed. Likewise, she listened intently for noises or voices heard around the vicinity.
DC 31 Stealth DC to perceive her, making active perception checks to see if she hears anything coming from the house or up from the cellar.

Ian Marros |

Ian leans on his sword and looks around the dark (now brightened) exterior for Soliel, but quickly gives up on that and just trusts that she's out there, watching their backs.
Realizing they might be in for a long stakeout, he settles in leaning on the wall beside the secret exit, crosses his arms and appears to nap.

GM Ascension |

The butler nods, "Of course, come inside and please be seated while I let Master Alkinov know you are here."
He motions you in and gestures to several cushioned chairs in the southeast corner of the entrance hall.
Two bored looking guardsmen also stand within the room. Each bears a faint resemblance to Tunny Murdoch.
The butler heads upstairs, returing several minutes later followed by a well dressed middle aged man, clearly Aurelion's father. "It is an honor to have the servants of the tower in my home. To what do I owe this pleasure?" His smile and handshake are warm and sincere.

Dareon Lebeda |

Who is Tunny Murdoch? Who is Aurelion?
Dareon sits down carefully on the edge of the seat and looks the older nobleman in the eye. "I believe that you are harboring a criminal in your household. The Tower does not wish to bother or prosecute you, but we have need of this criminal. In order to prevent an incident it would be better if you would remand this criminal into our custody as soon as possible."
"Do you know of whom I am referring?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14

GM Ascension |

Both work for the Tower, and provided the details/layout for the house. Aurelion is the son of Anton (Anton is who you are speaking with now). The Murdoch's essentially work as the muscle/guards for the di Alkanov family. Tunny is Aurelion's personal bodyguard (though in truth Aurelion is the more dangerous of the two in a straight up fight).
Anton blinks a few times looking confused. "I'm sorry, but I think your information is incorrect."
He is good, smooth with his words, even with his tone, but his eyes dart side to side as he speaks. You are quite certain he is lying.

Dareon Lebeda |

"Then I'm sure you have an explanation for why Tower scryers saw this particular criminal inside the house when we asked for a divination on him." says Dareon, also quite smoothly. He knew that the man would try to lie about it, of course.
And if it came down to it, Dareon was confident in his ability to psychically convince Anton to part with the truth anyway.

Dareon Lebeda |

I actually don't know what Firyin's crimes are? And neither does Dareon IC, I think. Is anybody outside going to do anything except wait, or is the plan just to convince this guy to give us the criminal?
Dareon coolly raises an eyebrow. "I'm not sure what you think you have to gain with this rigmarole, sir. The man I'm referring to is named Firyin. Do you have him here, or do you not have him here?"