About Edmond, The LightHP: 64
Other spell effects: Cure, Invigorate, Restore, Revitalize, Resuscitate Immediate Actions: Swift Actions: Move Action Options: Racial Traits:
- Ability Score Racial Traits: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, and –2 Strength. - Size: Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. - Base Speed (Slow Speed): Halflings have a base speed of 20 feet. - Languages: Halflings begin play speaking Common and Halfling. - Fey Thoughts (1 RP): Select two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, or Use Magic Device. The selected skills are always class skills for the character. This trait replaces fearless. - Halfling Luck: Halflings receive a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws. - Human Shadow: Halflings seem to pop up wherever humans are found, in part because they actively support and move with human explorers, settlers, and travelers without drawing attention to themselves. These halflings can use Stealth to hide behind creatures at least one size category larger than themselves, without any other source of concealment or cover. As long as the halflings are within 30 feet of a human, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Sleight of Hand checks and Stealth checks. This racial trait replaces keen senses and sure-footed. - Shadowplay (1 RP): Characters with this trait cast spells with the darkness, light, or shadow descriptor at +1 caster level. Halflings can take this trait in place of weapon familiarity. Favored Class (Soul Weaver): [x8] +1/6 Magic Talent Class Abilities:
This modifies channel energy This replaces bound nexus. This modifies Blessing/Blight. - - Blight: At 2nd level, the soul weaver may touch a target and expend a use of Channel Energy to place a blight on them. The target is allowed a Fortitude save, and on a failure, grows a patch of festering undead flesh where he was touched (this patch may be hidden under the skin if the soul weaver chooses, so a target might not even know he’s been infected). Blight is considered a magical disease and is permanent until removed by magic or with the Heal skill. A blessing counters and dispels a blight, leaving neither blessing nor blight in place. A creature with blight suffers a -2 penalty to all saves against necromancy spells, Death sphere abilities, bound nexus powers, or blight abilities. A soul weaver may concentrate at any time to discover what creatures within Close range possess blight. - - Lesion: At 6th level, a soul weaver may target a creature within Close range already suffering from a blight and expend a use of Channel Energy to cause that blight to rupture. This deals 1d6 damage per soul weaver level to the target (Fortitude half). Using lesion consumes and removes their blight. - - Blessing: At 2nd level, the soul weaver may touch a target and expend a use of Channel Energy to place a blessing on them (unwilling targets may make a Will save to resist). A blessing lasts for 24 hours and grants a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws. - - Heal: At 6th level, a soul weaver may target a creature within Close range already under the effects of a blessing and expend a use of Channel Energy to heal that target for 10 hit points per soul weaver level. Healing a target in this way consumes and removes their blessing. - - Grand Channel: At 4th level, when the dual channeler uses the channel energy class feature, she may spend an additional use of channel energy to increase the die size to d8s instead of d6s. At 8th level, this increases the die size to d10s instead of d8s. - - Channel Mastery: At 8th level, when channeling energy, the dual channeler may spend an additional use of channel energy to add the benefits of any one feat which has channel energy as a prerequisite to that channeling, even if she does not possess that feat. She must meet all other prerequisites of the feat to gain its benefits in this manner. Feats and Traits:
- 1: Extra Magical Talent -1b: Versatile Channeler -2b: Blessing/Blight Versatility - 3: Channel Destruction - 5: Greater Channel Destruction - 7: Searing Brilliance Spheres and Talents:
Spell Points: 15 CL: 9 (Light) CL: 8 (All others) DC: 14+MOD Tradition:
- Easy Focus
Bonus SP: +1, +1/6 per level Talents:
2 + int 1
Concentration (Int) +12 = MSB + CON +2 Bluff (Cha) + 9 = 1+3 +5 CHA (Diplomacy/Intimidate rolled up per GM)
+4 Size to Stealth
Dagger Sack, belt pouch Mwk Pipes
HP: 72 AC: = 10 + 3 dex +7 natural armor; Size: Medium; Speed: 20 ft.; Saves: Fort (bad), 3 = +2 base +1 con Ref (good), 8 = +5 base +3 dex (+ evasion) Will (good); 5 = +5 base +0 wis (=4 vs charm/enchantment) Ability Scores: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 15 (lv4:CON) SP: 2 Attack: (BAB +6)
+2 Light Crossbow, +9 ranged, 1d8+2 dmg, 19-20/x2, 80ft, P Gloom Blast: FORT DC 14 or sickened. UNDEAD blinded on fail, bypass undead's immunity to blind
Player Notes: