And Then a Skeleton Popped Out: subSPUF Carrion Crown

Game Master Rynjin

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Male Human Monk2/Brawler 10 HP 103/124 | AC 26 T 15 FF 22 | CMD 31 (+14 grapple; +6 trip; +4 bull rush) | Fort +18 Ref +17 Will +13 | Init +9 | Perc +28 SenMot +27

We are discussing this in-character.

"Hold up. Why can't we just destroy it? Or get it, uh, disjuncted? I remember some guy I was bodyguardingg talking about how disjuncting things can destroy even powerful magic stuff."

"And this big dragon, he's good, and we're a hundred-percent sure of that? Because once he's got it I don't think we'll be able to take it back if he doesn't want us to."

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

"It will be difficult to find an arcane caster who can cast Mage's Disjunction, and it certainly won't be cheap. What's worse, there is only a small chance that the spell will actually destroy the artifact. And worse still, the spell poses a huge danger to the caster - it can permanently destroy their spellcasting ability."

"Most casters would not take that risk once, let alone make several attempts to ensure the artifact's destruction."

Does my Kn. Geography tell me anything about the nature of Hermea itself? Like, say, that it'll be basically impossible for us to get in?

You get all the info on the wiki page I posted.

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

"There is also the glaring issue of how we will gain an audience with Mengkare in the first place. Hermea is a secluded island society of his design, a sort of social experiment to cultivate humankind into a more perfect form. The island is heavily guarded, and almost seldom is anyone given permission to enter. I highly doubt they would open the gates for us, and sneaking in is guaranteed to incur Mengkare's wrath."

Male Human Monk2/Brawler 10 HP 103/124 | AC 26 T 15 FF 22 | CMD 31 (+14 grapple; +6 trip; +4 bull rush) | Fort +18 Ref +17 Will +13 | Init +9 | Perc +28 SenMot +27

"Tell 'em we're trying to prevent Tar-Bufont from getting brought back."

Quick Crunch:
Sorcerer (Tatooed Undead) | HP: 64*/62 | AC: 24, T: 16, FF: 20 | Fort: 6, Reflex: 9, Will: 9 | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | Init: +10 | Perception: +16

"I'm no expert of them, but aren't gold dragons supposed to be good? Mother said the golds wear Sarenrae's loving gaze as their scales and hate injustice more than the high abbot. Even if there are exceptions, as there always are for universalities, if the dragon was evil and running a country, wouldn't it be at war with everyone or gathering slaves that run away, instead of having to turn away volunteers?" He shakes he head. "Men can be bought. Organizations can be infiltrated. But a dragon with a nation behind it, even a small one, I not easily stolen from, and trying to buy treasure from a dragon...what can you possibly offer him that he doesn't have or couldn't simply take? Their minds are particularly resistant to intrusion as well, I can tell you. As you say, an audience would be hard, but I think inevitably it is a more secure resting location. And didn't you say he collects artifacts? He may know the location of other pieces we could then find and store with another goodly guardian, like a silver Dragon or maybe we can magically contact an angelic being or such by the time we reach sufficient strength or resources, so the pieces are never together but held by powerful creatures of light who by their very nature would want to keep it from those who would misuse it."

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

"Yes, I completely agree that it would make an excellent resting location, if we managed to gain an audience. And what about our journey there? None of us can teleport, and travelling by ship leaves us open to attack."

"In any case, Daramid will be expecting a report from us. At the very least, we should inform her of what we've found."

Why do you think Daramid in particular will be expecting a report? She's just a cog in the Order's machine.

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

Do we know any other Order members we could report to?

Not as such, but IIRC I had Daramid give you a way to contact the order, yes?

Male Human Monk2/Brawler 10 HP 103/124 | AC 26 T 15 FF 22 | CMD 31 (+14 grapple; +6 trip; +4 bull rush) | Fort +18 Ref +17 Will +13 | Init +9 | Perc +28 SenMot +27

Also, I don't think Sledge knows Daramid.

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18
Sundakan wrote:
Not as such, but IIRC I had Daramid give you a way to contact the order, yes?

Did she? I don't remember that.

Samuel Sledge wrote:
Also, I don't think Sledge knows Daramid.

...Yeah you do. Judge lady? Told us about the Order and the Way? Offered a lot of money for coming here? Zin almost strangled her?

But Vanne doesn't know her. I'm sure they'll get along great, though.

He was definitely there. This was right before the first major bit of Belligerent Sexual Tension between Zin and Darius, which I recall him commenting on.

Male Human Monk2/Brawler 10 HP 103/124 | AC 26 T 15 FF 22 | CMD 31 (+14 grapple; +6 trip; +4 bull rush) | Fort +18 Ref +17 Will +13 | Init +9 | Perc +28 SenMot +27

Ah, right.

Quick Crunch:
Sorcerer (Tatooed Undead) | HP: 64*/62 | AC: 24, T: 16, FF: 20 | Fort: 6, Reflex: 9, Will: 9 | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | Init: +10 | Perception: +16

"A scroll of Sending should be sufficient means to at least inform the dragon of intent. Perhaps if we do get an audience, transport would be arranged as well. Sending is a very secure means of communication, provided we take efforts to prevent scrying...which if you're all being scryed on they already know these plans and any others you come up with anyway, so...yeah...But there's no real way to not get a sending outside of an antimagic field (Actually asked JJ that in the AMA thread once, if golarion celebrities get tired of sending spells from fanboys), so we could send it directly to the dragon king himself to prevent interceptions."

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

Jones shrugs. "I suppose there's no harm in that. We'll add that to our expenses for when we reach a proper town."

Male Human Monk2/Brawler 10 HP 103/124 | AC 26 T 15 FF 22 | CMD 31 (+14 grapple; +6 trip; +4 bull rush) | Fort +18 Ref +17 Will +13 | Init +9 | Perc +28 SenMot +27

I suppose we return to town.

Well, first you return to the surface.

After an hour, Croon is treated to a sight of a dead man, a woman cooing softly ad stroking his hair, a crazed half-dead...thing sitting in the corner muttering to itself, and two people covered in blood and ooze, sitting in the compartment.

"What in Hell happened down there?"

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

"Quite a lot."

Jones described what they found - from the Mi-Go and their experiments, to meeting Vanne and agreeing to join forces, to the brief, mind-breaking encounter with Shib-Niggurath.

When explaining what happened to his friends and Mayor Greedle, his voice gets colder, and he lowers his head until the brim of his hat covers his eyes.

"And Darius, as you can especially worn out."

At this point he switches to Draconic, hoping Zin is too distracted to notice.

He was killed by Sib-Niggurath's spawn. Zin firmly believes that he is alive, and becomes violent when presented with evidence to the contrary. I ask that you go along with our ruse, at least until we can have Darius resurrected and the others cured of their insanity.

He also shows Croon the two pieces of Mi-Go technology.

Male Orc (Half Elf) Inquistor 8/ Alchemist (Grenadier) 2/ Warder 1 (lvl 11) | HP 102/102| AC 26 T 13 FF 24| Fort +18 Ref +11 Will +17 | CMD 27 | Init +9 | Perception +23

Did you forget the part where she got all fiery.. and eye changed and stuff... Also dont forget our Elf.. who has the mind of a child.

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

Right. Violent.

"Mi-Go, you say? And Shub-Niggurath himself made an appearance? Fascinating..." he breathes...then quickly backpedals.

"But terrible, yes. You should get your injured some medical attention, though I fear returning to town is...ill-advised. Not that anyone here could help you in the best of times."

"...You did at least get me a Mi-Go corpse, right?"

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

"No, it didn't occur to us that you might want to study one."

Male Orc (Half Elf) Inquistor 8/ Alchemist (Grenadier) 2/ Warder 1 (lvl 11) | HP 102/102| AC 26 T 13 FF 24| Fort +18 Ref +11 Will +17 | CMD 27 | Init +9 | Perception +23

He literally said to bring back a corpse before we went in. Though Darius is dead, he would have reminded you guys a few times before that last room to do so. Though to be fair that was a Skum body not a Mi-Go

Male Human Monk2/Brawler 10 HP 103/124 | AC 26 T 15 FF 22 | CMD 31 (+14 grapple; +6 trip; +4 bull rush) | Fort +18 Ref +17 Will +13 | Init +9 | Perc +28 SenMot +27

"Ah. No, we forgot. If we're willing to wait, I'll go grab some and some shambler bodies as well, if Jones is up for it. We'd have to dig through some rubble, though. Probably. Maybe just swim through some flooded halls. We'd need protection from the pressure too."

"Probably best if Zin and Vanne wait here while we do so."

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

"I'd be happy to help, though I'll need to prepare another Water Breathing extract. I believe my Ant Haul from yesterday is still active, so I could help with moving rubble and bodies."

"If we maneuver the submersible closer to the entrance, we shouldn't have to spend too much time in the intense pressure. We did leave quite a few bodies scattered through the building." He smirks at that.

BTW your Freedom of Movement Extract protects you from the pressure.

"That would be splendid! A real alien creature to's more than I'd hoped!"

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

Yeah but it'll wear off by the time we reach the bottom.

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

Actually, I guess we don't really need another Water Breathing. I keep forgetting it's 2 hours per level.

"So, you said we should avoid returning to town. Does this mean the townsfolk have condemned us entirely?"

Jones looks toward the distant town on the horizon.

"It's because of Greedle's disappearance, isn't it? We're the most obvious suspects, of course. We vanished only a few days after arriving in town, and the mayor disappeared around that same time. To say nothing about how we were treated with suspicion from the moment we came here. Even after we saved several citizens from that giant octopus...and that couple's infant child from the Dagon priests...and that woman from the Colour Out of Space..."

He pounds his fist against the side of the boat.

"None of it mattered. These people will remember us as monsters, even though we've done more to help them than they could possibly understand."

Male Human Monk2/Brawler 10 HP 103/124 | AC 26 T 15 FF 22 | CMD 31 (+14 grapple; +6 trip; +4 bull rush) | Fort +18 Ref +17 Will +13 | Init +9 | Perc +28 SenMot +27

"Hey, maybe if we brought the mi-go corpse to town that would convince them."

"Greedle's gone?" Croon says, looking startled.

"No, I'm fairly certain it has more to do with how you slaughtered the local priesthood in a rain of fire and blood."

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

Jones is pretty sure he just went over this.

"Greedle is dead. Another victim of the Mi-Go's experiments, of which I will spare you the gruesome details. There was nothing we could do to save him. I'm sorry."

"And yes, I suppose you're right about our 'slaughtering the priesthood'. Perhaps we could have done more to expose their crimes and conspiracy, before we vanished into the sea for a day."

"Can't say I'll shed any tears over the man, corrupt as he was, but I suppose nobody deserves that."

"The future of this town is actually looking pretty bright."

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

"Indeed. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have some corpses to retrieve."

Jones hops back into the submarine.

Male Human Monk2/Brawler 10 HP 103/124 | AC 26 T 15 FF 22 | CMD 31 (+14 grapple; +6 trip; +4 bull rush) | Fort +18 Ref +17 Will +13 | Init +9 | Perc +28 SenMot +27

Do we wait a day so you'll have freedom of movement?

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

Yeah, I guess we have to. I forgot that we could only last for about a minute last time.

But we don't really have a place to stay, unless Croon's house has a convenient hiding place.

Male Human Monk2/Brawler 10 HP 103/124 | AC 26 T 15 FF 22 | CMD 31 (+14 grapple; +6 trip; +4 bull rush) | Fort +18 Ref +17 Will +13 | Init +9 | Perc +28 SenMot +27

The boat?

Regardless, I doubt we'll have much trouble since we killed everything, so if it's alright with Rynjin we can handwave the part that would be just Sledge and Jones going for a little swim and move on to the adventure.

If there is a tussle to be had, I'm always down to clown.

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

Yeah, I don't want to keep everyone else waiting for this.

When we reach the bottom, I'll give both of us Freedom of Movement, Darkvision, and Water Breathing. I'll also drink my mutagen, Allocated Elixir of Vision, and Ant Haul. Sledge can wear the Helm of Underwater Action in case of tussle.

Male Orc (Half Elf) Inquistor 8/ Alchemist (Grenadier) 2/ Warder 1 (lvl 11) | HP 102/102| AC 26 T 13 FF 24| Fort +18 Ref +11 Will +17 | CMD 27 | Init +9 | Perception +23

Im dead, can't exactly stop you guys. Darius could only extend his death throes for a period of time. Right now he is ironically having the best rest of his life... Considering he rarely slept.

Jones and Sledge can easily enough retrieve the corpse from the bottom, one of each mi-go and skum. Croon is overjoyed!

So where to?

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

Do we know where the nearest real reasonably sized town is from here?

Thrushmoor, you passed through it on the way to Illmarsh. It's not a city, by any means, but it's a fairly large town. here's a map of the country, for reference.

You could, I suppose, cross the border into Razmiran and make it to Thronestep faster than you could get back to Lepidstadt, or as fast as you could go to Caliphas (which is where you would be heading were you following the AP), but that might be ill-advised.

Male Orc (Half Elf) Inquistor 8/ Alchemist (Grenadier) 2/ Warder 1 (lvl 11) | HP 102/102| AC 26 T 13 FF 24| Fort +18 Ref +11 Will +17 | CMD 27 | Init +9 | Perception +23

It would be wise to make knowledge checks about these places

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

Kn. Local, Take 10:
Thrushmoor: 20 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ 20 + (1) + 2 = 23
Thronestep: 20 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ 20 + (4) + 2 = 26
Caliphas: 20 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ 20 + (5) + 2 = 27

"Vanne, can you repair magical equipment? My headband and Darius's cloak were nearly destroyed in that last fight."

Thrushmoor: You've been there.

Thronestep: Thronestep is the capital city and seat of power for Razmiran, as well as the dwelling place for Razmir, the Living God, Master of the 31 Steps Kn. Religion for further info on Razmir. All in Thronestep worship Razmir, most in the hopes that he will lift them up from the squalor to join his faithful on the Steps, taking them from the enormous slums that are the Stones area of the city.

Caliphas: The capital of Ustalav, and its most open and welcoming city to outsiders. Due to being a port, it is very cosmopolitan and visitors from all over the world are common.

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

Kn Religion: 28 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ 28 + (1) + 2 = 31

Razmir is, perhaps, the closest any mortal can be to a god (that is, a very high level Wizard), but his divinity is a sham. He's built the entire country on a cult of personality and "divinely smites" any naysayers.

Interestingly, his priests can still cast divine magic, proving that strong enough faith, regardless of divinity, can create a divine spark.

Sheet | Male Half-elf Investigator (Empiricist) 12 [dex mutagen] | HP 69/75 | Init +5[+2]
AC, Saves:
AC 27[+4](+4 bk), T 16[+2], FF 22[+2](+4 bk) | (All saves +3 Good Hope) Fort +10, Ref +16[+2], Will +13[-1] (+4 illusion, +2 enchant, immune sleep)
CMD, Senses:
CMD 25[+2], FF 20 | Perc. +1d6+26 (+10 elixir, +6 vs traps), Low-light vision, Sense Motive +1d6+18

Jones describes the nearby settlements, and the super-wizard cult in Thronestep.

"I think Thrushmoor is our safest bet."

Male Human Monk2/Brawler 10 HP 103/124 | AC 26 T 15 FF 22 | CMD 31 (+14 grapple; +6 trip; +4 bull rush) | Fort +18 Ref +17 Will +13 | Init +9 | Perc +28 SenMot +27

"That sounds fair."

Thrushmoor it is. Here's the rub with Thrushmoor: 5th level casting is your limit there. So Reincarnate and Raise Dead are your two options for Darius. I might suggest simply using your Salve of the Second Chance on him.

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