Adventure Ensues! (Inactive)

Game Master Jiggy

Current location: Eastern Ruins (northeast area, ziggurat, tier 1)
Day 9 (early afternoon)
Weather: Fair
XP — 2297/2700

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Discussion thread created!

Male Wood Elf Cleric 3 (life domain) - HP (0/21) AC 17(19) Init +3 Perc +5 Str +2 Dex +2 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +5 Cha +1

Thanks, Jiggy. Looking forward to it. :)

Male Halfling Ranger 3 - HP (8/28) AC 16 - Perc. 14 - S +2/D +6/Co +2/I +1/W +2/Ch -1 (Lucky) (Adv: psn, fear) (Resist: psn)- HD 3/3


Trinkets for everyone!

Layali: 1d100 ⇒ 29 A pair of old socks.

Gordon: 1d100 ⇒ 25 A tiny silver icon of a raven.

Leifa: 1d100 ⇒ 80 A bronze pentacle with an etching of a rat's head in its center.

Nathadriel: 1d100 ⇒ 51 A dead scarab beetle the size of your hand.

Female Tiefling Sorceress 3 AC 15 HP 7/20 Init +2 Pass Perception 11 Saves: Str -1 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +0 Ch +6 Sorcery Points 2/3

I don't think you need to post to see new posts here. I saw your post about the trinkets. I am thrilled beyond words to have old socks! :)

Male Wood Elf Cleric 3 (life domain) - HP (0/21) AC 17(19) Init +3 Perc +5 Str +2 Dex +2 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +5 Cha +1

I'm trying to work out exactly why I'm keeping my beetle... :o

Yeah, not all trinkets are created equal, it seems.

In other news, Gordon, could you put your saves into your stat line so I can see them without going to your profile? Thanks.

Female Tiefling Sorceress 3 AC 15 HP 7/20 Init +2 Pass Perception 11 Saves: Str -1 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +0 Ch +6 Sorcery Points 2/3

I pretty much always think trinkets are amazing. I love my old socks! They are totally out of place for Layali, so she'll have to have a pretty interesting reason for keeping them around...

Female Tiefling Sorceress 3 AC 15 HP 7/20 Init +2 Pass Perception 11 Saves: Str -1 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +0 Ch +6 Sorcery Points 2/3

Heads up, I have a local convention Friday and Saturday so my posting will probably be minimal.

Male Wood Elf Cleric 3 (life domain) - HP (0/21) AC 17(19) Init +3 Perc +5 Str +2 Dex +2 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +5 Cha +1

Jiggly, do you want me to [ooc] include the bare details of the spells I cast (as I just did) for easy reference? Or would you rather I not clutter the thread? (The bare bones are in my profile anyhow).

There's no "L" in my name. ;)

And yes, having at least enough of the spell effect in Gameplay that I can apply its effects is helpful.

Male Wood Elf Cleric 3 (life domain) - HP (0/21) AC 17(19) Init +3 Perc +5 Str +2 Dex +2 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +5 Cha +1

That's what bleary-eyed, morning typing/reading looks like... :/

It occurs to me that, sooner or later, we'll have a combat where the terrain is not quite so open, or otherwise encounter a situation where it matters who's in front. Therefore, I'd like to get a general marching order.

In a situation where you'd be walking two-by-two, is it safe to assume that we'd have Gordon and Leifa in front with the two spellcasters in the back? If not, what would be preferred?

In a single-file situation, who wants to be in the front and who wants to be in the back? (The middle makes less difference.)

Male Halfling Ranger 3 - HP (8/28) AC 16 - Perc. 14 - S +2/D +6/Co +2/I +1/W +2/Ch -1 (Lucky) (Adv: psn, fear) (Resist: psn)- HD 3/3

I think I'll take point in the group, since I'm the hero and all, plus I have the most HP

Female Tiefling Sorceress 3 AC 15 HP 7/20 Init +2 Pass Perception 11 Saves: Str -1 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +0 Ch +6 Sorcery Points 2/3

I believe bane should have affected their saving throws as well, but it is moot since Nathadriel got a crit on the last guy :)

Male Wood Elf Cleric 3 (life domain) - HP (0/21) AC 17(19) Init +3 Perc +5 Str +2 Dex +2 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +5 Cha +1

Yeah - an uncharacteristic rush of blood... :o

Layali Amani wrote:
I believe bane should have affected their saving throws as well, but it is moot since Nathadriel got a crit on the last guy :)

I started by just rolling the d20's, saw that they rolled so high it didn't even matter, and just moved on. :)

Male Halfling Ranger 3 - HP (8/28) AC 16 - Perc. 14 - S +2/D +6/Co +2/I +1/W +2/Ch -1 (Lucky) (Adv: psn, fear) (Resist: psn)- HD 3/3

OK, I'm not sure if I imagined this or not, but I can't find it again. I could have sworn I saw something in the PHB (a feat? a class ability?) that, when I make an attack with a bow, lets me make another attack with that bow as a bonus action. I'm not talking about the extra attack class feature, either. Does anyone recognize that?

Male Halfling Ranger 3 - HP (8/28) AC 16 - Perc. 14 - S +2/D +6/Co +2/I +1/W +2/Ch -1 (Lucky) (Adv: psn, fear) (Resist: psn)- HD 3/3

Also, can I recover my murder weapons arrows?

Gordon Lightfoot, Hero wrote:
Also, can I recover my murder weapons arrows?

Let's see...: 1d3 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1

Okay, so you get one out of the guy's chest, but the other one breaks in half.

Let's just go ahead and make it a thing from here forward that, after using X arrows/bolts, you can recover 1d(X+1)-1 of them.

Male Wood Elf Cleric 3 (life domain) - HP (0/21) AC 17(19) Init +3 Perc +5 Str +2 Dex +2 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +5 Cha +1
Gordon Lightfoot, Hero wrote:
OK, I'm not sure if I imagined this or not, but I can't find it again. I could have sworn I saw something in the PHB (a feat? a class ability?) that, when I make an attack with a bow, lets me make another attack with that bow as a bonus action. I'm not talking about the extra attack class feature, either. Does anyone recognize that?

No, sorry that's unfamiliar to me. That is the mechanic for two weapon fighting, so that's how it works with your swords - were you perhaps thinking of that?

@Layali—Note that with Thaumaturgy only having a range of 30ft, choosing to do the "make them think it's caving in" plan will involve moving forward and making a Stealth check.

Female Tiefling Sorceress 3 AC 15 HP 7/20 Init +2 Pass Perception 11 Saves: Str -1 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +0 Ch +6 Sorcery Points 2/3

Yeah, that makes sense.

Layali, I thought Witch Bolt established an ongoing arc between you and the target, but your description makes it sound unconnected to you. Am I misremembering?

Female Tiefling Sorceress 3 AC 15 HP 7/20 Init +2 Pass Perception 11 Saves: Str -1 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +0 Ch +6 Sorcery Points 2/3

Yeah, re-reading the description I will describe it differently in the future.

Witch Bolt:

A beam of crackling, blue energy lances out toward a creature within range, forming a sustained arc of lightning between you and the target. Make a ranged spell attack against that creature. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 lightning damage, and on each of your turns for the duration, you can use your action to deal 1d12 lightning damage to the target automatically. The spell ends if you use your action to do anything else. The spell also ends if the target is ever outside the spell's range or if it has total cover from you.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the initial damage increases by 1d12 for each slot level above 1st.

Male Halfling Ranger 3 - HP (8/28) AC 16 - Perc. 14 - S +2/D +6/Co +2/I +1/W +2/Ch -1 (Lucky) (Adv: psn, fear) (Resist: psn)- HD 3/3

Arrow recovery: 1d3 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1

So, what are the rules on stopping bandits, especially re: "finders keepers"?

What seems believable to you, given the circumstances?

Male Halfling Ranger 3 - HP (8/28) AC 16 - Perc. 14 - S +2/D +6/Co +2/I +1/W +2/Ch -1 (Lucky) (Adv: psn, fear) (Resist: psn)- HD 3/3

I mean, can we lay legal claim to the bandits' equipment? I don't want to walk into town festooned with stolen property, you know.

Male Wood Elf Cleric 3 (life domain) - HP (0/21) AC 17(19) Init +3 Perc +5 Str +2 Dex +2 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +5 Cha +1

Just to let you know things are a little manic at work this week. I'm still online but don't have much creative energy. Things will calm down come Monday - apologies in advance for any pauses in posting. It shouldn't interfere with a couple of posts a day.

Male Halfling Ranger 3 - HP (8/28) AC 16 - Perc. 14 - S +2/D +6/Co +2/I +1/W +2/Ch -1 (Lucky) (Adv: psn, fear) (Resist: psn)- HD 3/3

Arrows: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3

What are you guys thinking of the lines of info I have at the top of each page? Helpful? Stupid? Something in between?

Also, I was thinking of bringing in randomized weather effects, to add to immersion. Thoughts?

Male Wood Elf Cleric 3 (life domain) - HP (0/21) AC 17(19) Init +3 Perc +5 Str +2 Dex +2 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +5 Cha +1

I like them - I wasnt really paying attention at first, but it's a good way to provide "administrative" information without cluttering up the gameplay thread.

Personally, I think a weather line would be good. (It could potentially increase Leifa's ability to use the elf hide ability and anything which gives players extra chances to use their class/race features is an automatic inclusion, in my book).

Female Tiefling Sorceress 3 AC 15 HP 7/20 Init +2 Pass Perception 11 Saves: Str -1 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +0 Ch +6 Sorcery Points 2/3

The summary information has been very helpful, I like it!

Weather would be an interesting addition. It seems like it is something that is always glossed over unless you have to cross the ENDLESS DESERT or FROZEN WASTES! And, if we find we don't care for it, you can always just go back to glossing over it ;)

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Male Wood Elf Cleric 3 (life domain) - HP (0/21) AC 17(19) Init +3 Perc +5 Str +2 Dex +2 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +5 Cha +1

In the spirit of more feedback: Being a relative PBP newcomer, I'm not sure what's "standard" or not, but I apprecite the pace you are setting - glossing over the minutiae of who does what when and so forth and then pausing at the significant decision/interaction moments. The games I have been in (several years ago) often stalled out in decision making time as everyone waited to consult with everyone else.

I much prefer waking up to eight posts where stuff has happened than two posts of:

1. suggested action.
2. what do you think?

Init +3 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | Ki 0/3 | S+3/D+5/C+2/I+0/W+3/C-1 | Perc +5 | Ins +3


RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I'm a big fan of both points.

Male Halfling Ranger 3 - HP (8/28) AC 16 - Perc. 14 - S +2/D +6/Co +2/I +1/W +2/Ch -1 (Lucky) (Adv: psn, fear) (Resist: psn)- HD 3/3

So I'm looking at higher-level abilties, and I'm not seeing much chance for damage scaling for me. I get a few things that let me hit multiple opponents, and a couple of ways to add a d6 or d8 here and there, but it doesn't scale nearly as fast as HP.

Of course, I don't know what kind of magic items we'll find, or how those impact damage, but I'm assuming they won't come with significant damage boosts.

Female Tiefling Sorceress 3 AC 15 HP 7/20 Init +2 Pass Perception 11 Saves: Str -1 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +0 Ch +6 Sorcery Points 2/3

Gordon, you are not going to find much in the way of damage scaling. Spells are where you'll see better damage scaling (and rogue sneak attack).

Female Tiefling Sorceress 3 AC 15 HP 7/20 Init +2 Pass Perception 11 Saves: Str -1 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +0 Ch +6 Sorcery Points 2/3

If you guys want to just split the 150 gp 4 ways that's fine with me. I don't really need to buy much of anything. We could also invest the 150 in 3 healing potions to spread around the party a each of you should carry one, just in case.

Male Halfling Ranger 3 - HP (8/28) AC 16 - Perc. 14 - S +2/D +6/Co +2/I +1/W +2/Ch -1 (Lucky) (Adv: psn, fear) (Resist: psn)- HD 3/3

I need a spell component pouch, and some more arrows would be nice, to be on the safe side. I'm assuming magic items including potions are in the DMG? I don't know the stats on those.

Right now, I'm wondering if Sharpshooter is a feat tax to keep damage up. I'm considering multi-classing into either Rogue (to pick up Stealth and sneak attack, which looks incredibly easy to pull off), or Cleric, to get faster access to higher-level spell slots. Too bad ability score improvements are tied to class instead of level. That seriously puts the hurt on multiclassing.

Female Tiefling Sorceress 3 AC 15 HP 7/20 Init +2 Pass Perception 11 Saves: Str -1 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +0 Ch +6 Sorcery Points 2/3

The healing potions should be listed in the Player's Rules pdf under equipment I believe. 50 gp each and 2d4+2 I believe.

Sneak attack damage is really, really easy to pull off in this edition. It's nice. I've played a rogue a bit who pretty much always gets to take his sneak damage.

Gordon Lightfoot, Hero wrote:

So I'm looking at higher-level abilties, and I'm not seeing much chance for damage scaling for me. I get a few things that let me hit multiple opponents, and a couple of ways to add a d6 or d8 here and there, but it doesn't scale nearly as fast as HP.

Of course, I don't know what kind of magic items we'll find, or how those impact damage, but I'm assuming they won't come with significant damage boosts.

A couple of things to keep in mind:

1) This isn't Pathfinder. The math is very "flattened" by comparison. Just the simple fact that you get an extra attack later means you're a martial. That said...
2) Rangers in 5E are half-casters, more comparable to Pathfinder's bards and inquisitors than to Pathfinder rangers.
3) I'm making up monster stats out of thin air anyway, so don't worry about it. ;)

Layali Amani wrote:
The healing potions should be listed in the Player's Rules pdf under equipment I believe. 50 gp each and 2d4+2 I believe.

Nope, they're somewhere in the DMG, which I don't have. I just peeked at the DM Basic Rules, and they don't have healing potions, though the potions that are there don't have listed prices (which seems to be a theme with magic items in 5E). Magic items are things you'll have to find.

Female Tiefling Sorceress 3 AC 15 HP 7/20 Init +2 Pass Perception 11 Saves: Str -1 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +0 Ch +6 Sorcery Points 2/3

There is a potion of healing in the free rules PDF. Table on page 47 and description on page 49.

Like other themes in 5e, not buying and selling magic items is a thing.

Oh! Completely missed that in the PHB as well. In that case, you can totally buy potions of healing in Korkas for the listed price if you want.

Female Tiefling Sorceress 3 AC 15 HP 7/20 Init +2 Pass Perception 11 Saves: Str -1 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +0 Ch +6 Sorcery Points 2/3

Thinking about it more, we probably will be better off right now spending that money 'gearing up' a bit and maybe buying one potion of healing or even waiting till after we return for them.

I am ok however you guys want to proceed with it. I am going to purchase the following from my own gold regardless: steel mirror, scroll case, paper (5), ink bottle, ink pen (17 gp, 2 cp total).

Init +3 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | Ki 0/3 | S+3/D+5/C+2/I+0/W+3/C-1 | Perc +5 | Ins +3

I'm okay with the idea of purchasing a healing potion for the group, and then splitting up the rest.

Weather roll: 1d100 ⇒ 25

Female Tiefling Sorceress 3 AC 15 HP 7/20 Init +2 Pass Perception 11 Saves: Str -1 Dex +2 Con +4 Int +2 Wis +0 Ch +6 Sorcery Points 2/3

Leveled up to 2. I didn't include any gold split yet though.

Male Halfling Ranger 3 - HP (8/28) AC 16 - Perc. 14 - S +2/D +6/Co +2/I +1/W +2/Ch -1 (Lucky) (Adv: psn, fear) (Resist: psn)- HD 3/3

I'm claiming 26 gp from the pot for a component pouch and 20 more arrows. We should probably spend some on rations too (or can us survivalists forage indefinitely?).

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