Academy of Secrets PFS
Game Master
Academy of Secrets Map
Academy of Secrets Tactical Map

Hello folks!
I am interested in running the PFS module Academy of Secrets, which is Tier 12-14. Currently I have one player already on board, so am looking for another 3-5.
It must be a legal PFS character that has leveled up to 12-14. If you don't know what that means then you probably don't qualify.
once per day, if we have to bot we will, but since no one is able to play their characters again until we finish we have to keep moving. Also note that I am on the West Coast of the US, so if that effects your ability to interact let me know.
I will post maps via google drive so you can move your self around for encounters.
Recruitment stays open until I have players.
Basically I will accept anyone who qualifies, but I am wary of those that have a limited history on the boards. If you bail on the game everyone is screwed over.
The mod is about 33 pages so we should be able to bang this out in a few months, if we stay committed. Who knows maybe faster if they dice are with you. I will be following the mod exactly.
Please post if you are interested and what kind of characters you want to bring.
I can do this. I would rather do it face to face, but my window for that seems to be shrinking as I look at the upcoming months and my weekends. If this can be done before I would have a chance to play it in person, I might as well.
I have a level 14 fighter from PFS. Sword and falcata, high AC, front line tank.
the folks I play the high level stuff with is running it and I can't be there, so I figure I can catch up this way :)
anyhow dr if you can commit you are in. I hope to start next week, maybe earlier.
That makes 2 folks :)
Sure, I can commit. Posting each day doesn't tend to be a problem for me usually. I might have one weekend where posting is sketchy, but other than that, no problem.
great. The player that is already in is a 14 cleric.
alright folks! Looking for 2 more pfs players that want a chance to play their retired characters
I am going to ping with interest. I would like to play, I have to get a char up to that level and get something started but I will post for this later tonight with a submissions
will you be able to do that by next week?
I have a melee Ranger 13 who would like to play. I just have to put his stats up in his profile.
I'm also on the West Coast, fyi.
I should be able to do it by the EOD today hopefully.
krumthi. Do you have a pfs legal character that is already that level? It has to be an existing character, not one that you have made. Perhaps I am misunderstanding you.
amazing. Welcome.
Introducing Venture Captain Tallak and his trusty Venture Lieutenant Thor.
I think everything is updated and uploaded. If I'm missing anything let me know.
Tallak, you are officially in, an you pop your PFS number in there as well?
Done. And this is Red BTW.
2 slots down, at least 1 left to be taken, preferably 2
OK, here's the fighter (drbuzzard here)
+30 to hit!?!?!?!?! Holy hell.
In any event you are in Vars
It's alright, I'm usually power attacking so it's only +26. Heck, my sunder is +32. I also have dazing strike so I need that +30 anyway.
That's reasonable for a fighter who focused on enhancement bonuses. I mean with favored enemy my attack bonus can be +29. And hey a sunder buddy! Though my sunder is only +28.
Still seeking one more folks.
wonder if you should try asking over on the PFS general forum
yea I'll try that. I mean we have 3
posted it there, and contacted someone individually who i saw was lamenting having finished eyes of the ten and not being able to continue.
well we can go with three, it is legal. Once Our Cleric gets his stuff up we can start. With the animal companion you should be alright
MiniGM wrote: well we can go with three, it is legal. Once Our Cleric gets his stuff up we can start. With the animal companion you should be alright I have a PC I'd like to run through this, but I should probably wait until after I've played Eyes or Ruby Phoenix. She's Bard 10 / Pal 2, and a skill & knowledge monkey, so Academy suits her philosophically.
Will we be running one of the inconics with us since it is a 3 person table?
If so I vote for the Wizard.
yea we can do that. Unless either of you know someone interested
I can try asking, but I haven't much hope.
Yea, it's hard to recruit for higher level games here on the boards.
all good, i am happy with you two and my other. Once he gets it up and rolling we can start. i might know someone interested in running the pregen as well. He would probably play but he doesnt have a high level.
yes he is happy to play the pregen. Would you prefer the Wizard or the Sorcerer? since i assume you want the caster
Probably the wizard, Ezren.
Yeah, I kinda prefer a wizard for versatility. I've got a PFS games tonight, and I'll see if any of them are interested. Two of them have 14th level characters also.
Also the pre-gen is out. I had thought they were legal for module play, but a thread follower pointed out that they are not.
Heck go for both of them. That would be awesome, you guys are pretty fast posters already.
I got three volunteers, 14, 14, 13
Vars Stanic wrote: I got three volunteers, 14, 14, 13 uh, okay, I'll go with Vars...
class = Hillbilly (same as Barbarian, 'ceptin barbarians come afar, and hillbillies come from the trailer park across town -- and they take a level or two of bard, for callin' at the ho-down)
great guys post your profile and we can play!
a barbarian. Tons of melee!
I'm one of vars volunteers.
I'll work on my profile later tonight.
Raith 13th level tower elf magus.
ooo never seen one of those. I mean I've seen maguses but not that archetype
still waiting for the cleric to reply again. But with this much offense it might not matter
I was in group which manage Eyes of the Ten without a cleric or oracle. We just won at rocket tag. But I would certainly rather have the cleric.
It was like we didn't have a cleric when we ran through Eyes. The one time we needed some cleric'ing it didn't happen. We just have to adjust our play depending on if we have one.
well he said he is in. But we all know how it goes sometimes. I was just commenting that with this group it is porb ok, especially if all three of your friends join
I am the final player that Dr. Buzzard recruited.
Lithuan, Eldritch Knight. 7514-1
Profile is up already (I will update it to 14th if I haven't already, I forget).
(Hi Red, how goes it?)
Hey Red, does Feral want to play?
Nope, he's already played it with another group. We have more than enough anyway.
I suppose Gil has played it too?
Gil wants to wait until his topple-mancer is big enough to start playing the high level modules. I however don't want to wait the months for that.