A Song of Mice and Ire (Inactive)

Game Master BastianQuinn

A game of MouseGuard.
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Bottoms up!: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 6, 5) = 16
Boom!: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Barton throws back the second drink without pause (he does use his paws though) and Peigi's smile broadens. She glances at the large reservoir of green drink and shrugs. "So what brings you to my booth, boys? Tucking in for the night? Looking for a warm bed?" She's no longer intent on seeing the older mouse drink. In fact, she's mostly watching Barton.

Seyth allows the tender-paw to down the foul liquid. That shite gave him a headache.

Words probably already gotten around, what we're doing in this town. what Douglass probably didn't mention was that the tax wasn't for the guard. Seyth downs a regular drink We're collecting it to fund measures to prevent large animal attacks, and deter them from our borders. A technical truth that would perhaps lead her to the wron conclusion You've seen yer share of aimal atacks, woudl ye consider lending your seal to this? He asks

Persude + predator wise+Rp + Governorw-wise: 7d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 1, 1) = 24 Either we start with 10 disposition, or I have 5 sucesses on a vs.

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Will: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 4, 2) = 19
"No kidding? I could get in on some of that. -you guardmice too, if you had a mind to. It's high time we had something more effective than the piss border. An anti-predator fund would be just the thing, and I know why Dughlass kept me in the dark." Taking a casual sip from her glass, she leans in, then speaks loud enough for everyone to hear. "The captain keeps a Mink." She leans back. "This kind of thing gets big, no way Overlord Teigh won't see everything of a mustelid persuasion as a target." She shrugs. "Turnabout's fair play I guess. Where's your paper?" Peigi reaches over to a belt lain across the lounge and pulls out a brass seal.

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I feel dirty

Oh thank god, im not the only one. Clearly need to run a few psychiatric tests.

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

She will more than likely be at the summit in the fall... now that she has a vested interest.

so, can we safely blame that on the absinthe, or are we gonna be in trouble?

Seyth hands her the document, and lets her put her portion of the seal to it. He stays a while longer, trading stories of giant predators with Peigi, before excusing himself and Barton. I should get the lad to bed after what he's drank, he might well need the morning off.

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

It's not like anyone's going to wonder who gave her the idea. It just means the terms of the bill might be a little more disputed. Fortunately, Peigi's no Orator. Plus, what's wrong with opening a College of the Territories on tax money?

Am I wrong, or does that make 5 peices, with Duglass, Sally o'Galavan, and the mayfair (who are out of port) left?

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

You have Frie's, Turtleback's, Lyosha's, and Peigi's, so I count 4, adding Brian to the list of missing seals. The only truly unaccounted seal is Julian's I think.

Meanwhile you have a tenderpaw carting around Frie to heal him. That should make us look good no?

okay, let's try for Brian's next, before we try to talk Sally ito this, or blackmail Duglass...

Actually, come to that, could we just get Douglass arrested,a nd his seal redistributed to someone else? hopefully not on his crew?

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Frie is back upright, but a little shaken. He won't be able to speak for awhile on account of a mouth full of moss and wadded linen. Bry's out of moss, and running low on cloth. He still has Salve for Injuries, and Elixir as a healing tool, as long as he uses it responsibly.

Barton, meanwhile, feels warm and fuzzy, but not like, mouse-fuzzy. Fuzzy like an angora bunny. Have you ever slept on a bunny, Seyth? I'll bet it's like sleeping on a cloud. Not a cloud in the sky though.

Barton is by no means inhibited by the drink, but he might be a little loopy until he gets some food drink or rest.

It's not impossible to have Dughlass taken in, and his position re-filled. Especially if you have Rolly report to Tiegh. You're confident you could word a report that would guarantee an order to arrest. You could have it back by morning if you tell them all that's what's in the way of getting the border up next spring.

Bry maked sure to pack up his remaining medical supplies after the tooth removal. I will need to take a look at your leg in a little while, but I think I should wait until your mouth feels a bit better. I removed the broken teeth so that should clear up any pain from there.

The young mouse looked over to his fellow counter part. How was the drink? Just want to check up. Have you had drinks before? Feeling any symptoms? Annoyed that I'm not giving you five seconds to catch your breath before checking on you?

I...I like it. It’s tasty, I feel good!

Barton has had a very different experience with Absinthe than myself

Seyth lets the lads have the morning off., and writes a shprt missive the the guard command.

To whom it may concern
I've reason to believe that someone in Port Sumac is harboring a mink. might be using it for labor. I'm seeking permission to intervene.
Awaiting further instruction
Instructor Seyth

and takes it to Rolly. I have a missive for the guards command. , would you please deliver it, and get a reply. things might be about to get interesting. He ells him

What would I roll to find out a bit more about Brian? Circles to talk to locals? Governor-wise?

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Brian hasn't been a Governor before, ob4 to know much of anything about him, but he's the buff chocolate mouse who said you could stick around and warned you about Pieter. Circles ob3 to find him, +1D as an ally.

"Right away, sir." Rolland gives a formal salute. "I'll be back in Lockhaven before sunset." He turns with a flutter of his cloak, and scampers up a nearby building toward where his mount is roosting.

Circles for Brian: 5d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 1, 6) = 13 Well... need fails too

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

It's getting dark when you finally find Brian shouting down another mouse in among some stacked crates on the western dock. "I'm not going to let you keep her locked up in the hold, let alone try to feed her to that thing. Not for all the gold in the territories."

MouseGuard-wise: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3) = 14
"Lot more'n gold on the line now that the Guard is sniffing around. Mark my words: Seyth will have us all locked up on conspiracy by noon tomorrow. I've seen 'im do it. If he caught wind of the tenth part of our little operation, it'll be executions for the lot of us."

"That doesn't excuse murder." Brian punches a crate, sending the stack tumbling into the water.

The other mouse takes a step back, deeper into the shadows. "I don't know what rock you've been under, but we crossed that line ages ago."

"Who? -when!?" Brian advances, furious.

The two mice are getting further away, and further into the tall stacks of shipping crates and barrels. What's the plan?

Seyth quickly draws the two tenderpaws forward, and whispers in their ears I'm going to go confront those two. you two stay here. watch my back, but mind your own.

Gonna wait, so the others have a chance to jump in with a plan if they come up with one.

Bry nods, and sits down to look at Frie's leg. Barton, mind helping me with this?

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

It will be an ob1 Fighter test to rebreak Frie's leg, margin of success will be help dice added to Bry's ob3 Healer test to fix the Injury.

It's a Scout vs Scout/Nature to approach the duo unseen. It's Health vs Nature to run them down if you're spotted. This might become a Chase Conflict, or even a Fight. We are passing into threat of injury territory. -or you might be able to de-escalate things, I dunno.

What's Barton doing?

Can I help with the leg and also be Seyth’s backup?

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

No. Bry only has time to try this because he's choosing to opt out of the chase. Otherwise, he would have to wait for the Player Turn.

Barton quietly brushes Bry aside and quietly trails Seyth trailing the two conspirators, ready to save the day (if needed)

I can't think of a FoRK for Scout, so I think I'm just rolling half my health, and hoping for them having low natures

Following: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Unfortunately, mouse-who-has-not-yet-been-named has Scout(3), and Brian is 'helping'.
Scout: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 4, 1) = 12

That's a tie so far, is Barton helping the stealthy approach?

I don’t know how I’d help with the stealth, I’m more there to help when things go wrong.

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Seyth, Fate to re-roll that 6, trait to break the tie and get spotted, or a rolloff?

Bry, you need at least 1 success on 3 die (1/2Health for Beginners Luck) to break Frie's leg.

I'll spend the fate

reroll: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Seyth and Barton:
The two of you scale the crates and follow from above, keeping the freight between yourselves and the fighting mice.

"-how did you think you got to where you are so fast? Luck?" through the darkness you make out a distinctive folded hat and the sound of a wooden leg on the dock.

"My boat. The leviathans. The biggest haul of fish we've ever seen?"

"-and you still would never have made it without my help, unsavory as you might find it. None of you kids sees the harsh realities of our position. I never should have let you lot convince me. I knew that mink was more trouble than she was worth."

"Nobody asked you to feed her mice!" Brian sends another column of crates tumbling into the water.

"They we're in the way. It was us or them."

You have moments before this becomes a fight, and Barton sees the glint of a knife clear a scabard. You're close enough to drop in on them without a Chase.

What do I roll if I don't have fighter? Kinda why Bry asked for Barton's help. And he can't exactly help with the chase. So he is doing what he can.

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

When you don't have a skill, you can either roll Nature (which would tax it in this case, so I don't recommend it) or start learning it with Beginner's Luck. Because Fighter is a physical skill, we start with Health, which is six. You add any dice from tools, wises, and help, then divide the pool by half. So, 3d6. You've got a good chance of success.

REBREAK THE LEG: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 6) = 11

fate for that 6: 1d6 ⇒ 2

healer+compasionate+clothor salve: 4d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 2, 1) + (3) + (3) = 17
Well.. I needed the failure... I'm sorry Frie.

Bry watched as Barton left. Bry gulped audibly as his fellow tenderpaw abandoned him. The young mouse knew he would have to rebreak Frie's leg, and was hoping the stronger, more combat focused mouse would be able to do it. Despite everything the young chestnut mouse was very uncomfortable hurting another being. Knocking teeth out to deal with an addiction and help Frie heal was one thing. But breaking a leg was something Bry still wasn't comfortable with.

Sighing inwardly to himself, the young mouse had Frie lay down, breaking the leg as quickly as possible. He nearly vomited when he heard the crack. He mad a nice clean break, but his hands were shaking as he tried to brace the older mouses leg. Oh no...

rp applicable?: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Bry, you get 1 additional die from your extra success breaking the leg, but you need two more successes. (One if we want to take the RP die. We'll talk if it's needed.) I think you're also out of persona. Things look dire.

But yeah, you do need some failures if you're going to reach 5...


Clearly Bry has some abandonment issues from his fellow tenderpaw

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

page 128: "To treat an injury, the Healer must make an Ob 3 skill test. If the healer test is successful, the penalty is removed and the condition alleviated. If the healer fails his test, the Injury condition is removed, however the Injury permanently reduces one ability or a skill."

Frie's Health is reduced from 2 to 1. On the plus side, the bone is set correctly. All he needs now is months of physical therapy.

... But I don't want him to die. Alright. I'll find him a good physical therapist. He can make those checks to gain health back. Lets see. Bry has now helped Frie and the mice over... wherever the heck it was that Bry decided to hate the law.

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

You're at Healer 5 now! Let's see who ends up stabbed...

Seyth quietly drops down, behind Brian. spear ready, he says Both of you, throw down any weapons you have, and put your hands in the air. I don't want to hurt you.

Persuasion?: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 1, 4) = 14 Does this apply, and could I tap tough/use the spear as a tool, given this is a intimidation-y version of persuasion

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Tough is good, but the book says this: A deceiver uses lies, half-truths, ugly truth, soothing platitudes and intimidation to get what he wants, and a persuader convinces another mouse to do what he wants in a friendly manner. A persuader shows you why it’s in your own best interest to help him out.

Here, let me show you.

The mouse in the shadows slides forward and pulls Brian into a hold, blade flashing against the fur of his neck. "See kid? Hang first, ask questions later. Fortunately, I believe they would rather I didn't open you up here, and as we've previously discussed, I have no such interest in your foolish hide."
Deceiver+Knife+MouseGuard-wise: 4d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 6) + (6) + (3) = 26

"Make way, Seyth. Taking me in now is a waste of time... and life."

Will: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3) = 14
Brian is speechless.

Brian is ready to cooperate, but our Deceiver has 4 successes. Right now, Barton isn't involved in the consequences of this test. He might be able to circle around and get the drop on him if you fail here. Fair warning: This character has 1 Fate, and 1 Persona.

I'll reroll, cause I only get 3 dice, but I get another sweet, sweet deceiver check.

reroll, will + tough: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5) = 15

Screw it, spending a fate to make it a roll-off

explode that six with a fate: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

If you're switching to Deceiver, you can also use your spear.

Spear: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Rolloff: 6d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 2, 5, 1, 6) = 24
Here it is folks, can Seyth get successes on his next three dice, or one on his fifth? (I just dumped a bunch of dice to keep things moving)

The docks go dead quiet as the two mice stand their ground. Each watches the other, looking for an opening.

In the distance, Frie cries out in pain, and everything begins to move.

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Wow, that mouse has will up the wazoo

Tiebreaker: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 5, 4, 2) = 22 But, Seyth is a tough old guy

Barton's job here is to step in IF things go south. Making a move now will only aggravate the situation. He waits to see when he's needed, staying out of sight for the time being...

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

The knife drops to the dock, and the mouse steps back into the light. Peiter, as this could be no other mouse, has grey fur and keen eyes under the brim of a black tricorn hat. His carved wooden leg taps lightly against the dock. He raises his paws with a dry laugh. "I suppose that nixes my beauty rest."

He eyes Seyth up and down. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Patrol Leader Seyth?"

Brian relaxes, and raises his paws. He's looking from Seyth to Peiter with apprehension.

Actually, I was coming to speak with Brian. Stumbling into a confession of murder was a fortunate accident. Bind his forepaws, Barton Seyth says, spear readied.

I'm sorry, Brian, but you have to come with us too. Sounds like more has been happening in Port Sumac than I knew, and I plan to change that.

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