Eberac Blackcoal |
Oh, I did not realise at all O.o
Did not check in the recruitment treat at all due to missing my background text (did not have any time to write it plus forgot to post about it).
EDIT: Got my character up and sorted out his stuff. Just need to come up with the Background info still to flesh him out
Bad thing about him though: In the beginning he is more melee person (could envision him being something akin typical shouxi or apachi indian, but saving money to get that sweet double-barreled shotgun)
Marshal Blanc |
I'm very tired, just got back from a long day out, so only a couple brief notes here, and I'll have more to say tomorrow along with hopefully getting us rolling.
Re: Backgrounds--As long as I've got basics to work with that's all I need, although the more the merrier.
Re: Melee--Don't consider it a bad thing, consider it a fun thing! Something to set your character apart. And you'll have opportunities to get yourself a boomstick before too long.
Re: Healing--If it looks like you guys need extra healing, I'll implement the optional rule in the DMG about that, so don't worry about swapping things to make up for it. I'd rather you play your characters as you want to than have you changing choices in order to pick up "necessary" abilities for the party.
Marshal Blanc |
Alright, I'm more awake now and I've got time, so I've gone over characters and here's my feedback:
Alright, that's all for now. I'll try and have this game open and running by this evening if we get everything together and everybody's ready to go; if anyone wants or needs more time, just let me know.
Eberac Blackcoal |
Stout and wide, braided beard is what describes Eberac at best... along with his anger control issues. What he lacks in social-talents, he overcompensates with his prowess in melee fights.
Drinking and fighting are his most favorite thing but the combination with his short fuse and not being able to take insults (talk about lack of confidence) has caused him a lot of troubles.
Shying away from his other dwarven brethren and spending time on his own, Eberac began to notice that he actually enjoyed it for the time being and it did help with his anger issues as well selfcontrol although there is still much to improve.
Lately, Eberac has started to feel the need to talk with other people, considering that he might have at least done some fixing to better his attitude. For these reasons Eberac decided to abandon his own small camp and began to follow a road, just to meet new people and to see if he could better himself (although the craving for alcohol was starting to affect him).
Among his time in the wild, Eberac has been out of connection with more of the civilized world but has quite curious mind towards these new so called "weapons". Looking like a stick made from wood, making loud noises but able to cause huge damage. What a day to be alive and to dream to own something like that. What he could simply do if he had also such a "boomstick"
Marshal Blanc |
Eberac -- Background looks good! It's worth noting that firearms have been around for a little while at this point, I'm rough estimating about a hundred years, but being a long-lived dwarf and living in what sounds like a smaller camp out on the Frontier, it's possible he isn't very familiar with them. Sounds like a good setup, though.
Aren -- My personal preferred format looks something like this or this. I'm not a big fan of spoilers where they aren't needed, and I like using bolding and dashes to clearly denote different sections and elements. You don't need to take quite the amount of time setting it up as I do, if you don't want to, but I find something like this to be easy to read and reference. In the end all that really matters is that everything makes sense and you and I can find what we need.
Marshal Blanc |
Alright, Gameplay is finally up! Sorry it took so long, I should never have bothered trying to get this started while I was still visiting family. If it isn't last-minute outings to see a movie (the new Jason Bourne film is quite good), it's spotty wi-fi, or 18-month twins causing trouble and demanding attention (gods help my aunt and uncle). However, after an incredible 10-hour drive home, I'm here and have the post up! Check in when you have the time; I'd suggest starting with a description of your character and then you can do as you please. You're all arriving at the same time, perhaps by fate, perhaps by trope, or perhaps through convenience.
EDIT: Not sure if you want to mark it on your sheets or anywhere, but I've decided we'll use the Healing Surges option as presented in the 5E DMG on page 266-267. Should help with you guys staying alive without much magical healing.
Eberac Blackcoal |
Sorry guys for the inconvience with posting.
I got suddenly new job (working as Process Engineer Analyst) from Lufthansa Technik and that started to eat my time... a lot. Been learning new things whole week and had little time to get my normal life in order but its getting at least a bit easier now and weekend.
Marshal Blanc |
My apologies that I didn't update today--I went to a parade this afternoon to support my younger sister, who's in the local high school marching band, and then had an unexpected but enjoyable event tonight where I ran a session of D&D for my younger brother and his friends, most of whom were first-timers. Very fun, and I'm always happy to help introduce people to the hobby if they're interested, but obviously time-consuming and a tad draining. My schedule is wide open tomorrow, as far as I know, though, so I'll update then!
Marshal Blanc |
Just dropping this in Discussion for all the games I'm running: Much as I'd love to break my horrible pacing and post in here, finals are taking up a ton of my time between writing essays, putting together portfolios, and studying for exams. I sincerely hope to have time to post on Wednesday, but it's not very likely; Thursday is probably the best bet, since I'll be done by then and heading home for winter break. Hopefully you can all hang in until that point!
Marshal Blanc |
Also, to let you all know in case you're interested, I've opened recruitment for a campaign I've been planning to run for a little while now. It's in the Savage Worlds system, combining a couple of the settings/subsystems from that game. Don't worry if you're not familiar with all that--it's pretty easy to pick up, and I'm happy to help with mechanics if you've got a fun concept! Check it out and let me know if you're interested.
Tex Powderblack |
I'll be taking a fighting style from your addon PDF, I'm still waffling between Shootist and Close Quarters Gunman. I'm leaning towards the latter mostly because I can't apply divine smite to ranged weapons (I think there was an option for that in the playtest version of 5e, but as near as I can tell, it's totally gone in the actual release). Plus, y'know, I get to be Wyatt Earp and pistol whip all my problems. :)
Are we rolling hit dice or taking the average?
Marshal Blanc |
Hey all! I felt I owed you guys a quick note on what's going on since I haven't updated recently. I'm in my final week of classes as an undergraduate, and it's at least as busy as that phrase suggests. I've got projects due, papers to write, tests to take, and a decent chunk of a novel to write and revise and polish up. Add in extracurricular stuff--two shows over the course of last weekend--and going over essays for the students I'm TAing for... and I'm a little pressed for time.
I'm not abandoning these games by any means, but I don't know how well I'll be able to post for the next week or so (until finals are over and everything's turned in). My hope is to have time to post on this Thursday at least, and perhaps over this weekend, but I can't guarantee anything. So please bear with me for a little while, and we'll get things going again as soon as I can!
Marshal Blanc |
Hey all, just posting in to let you know that I probably won't be updating things until Sunday evening or Monday morning (EST). My great-grandmother passed away a couple days ago, and some family I haven't seen in a while is visiting, so I don't expect to have the opportunity to post. Sorry for the delay, and thanks for your understanding.
Vrog Skyreaver |
To all of my games:
I am currently operating with limited internet access. I will do my best to update when I can, but I don't think I will have internet until at least monday.
If I am a player in your game, please bot me. If I am a GM, know that I haven't dropped the game and I am committed to keeping it going. Thank you.
"Aren" |
Just want to give an update to my games, as I don't have time for a super long post today:
First, I am sorry about the radio silence, but what was supposed to be resolved on Monday with my internet has stretched into Wednesday. I will update everything then.
Apologies for my lack of communication, and know that this is not normal for me.
Marshal Blanc |
My deepest apologies for the delays; between being busy IRL and the site having troubles, I haven't been able to post for the last few days. That said, I should have more reliable access and enough time to post in the next couple days, so hopefully I'll get things going again as early as this evening!
Marshal Blanc |
Hey all, posting in to let you know that I'm going to a summer camp with my family for a few days, starting tomorrow. I won't have Internet access or my laptop with me, so I don't expect to be posting at all while I'm there, but it's only a few days--tomorrow afternoon through Friday afternoon. Feel free to take the time to RP, discuss things out of character, or anything else you like--I should be back and updating things Friday evening or Saturday morning to keep things moving as soon as I can.
Marshal Blanc |
Hey everyone, I want to give yet another deep apology for my extended absence from the site. It started with a somewhat impromptu trip last week (my younger brother is looking at colleges) that left me with much less time and wifi access than I'd expected. I had really hoped to post regularly leading up to the weekend, but it didn't happen. Then this weekend was the expected absence from a paintball event, but I'd meant to start posting again as soon as possible after returning from that.
This week, I don't know that there's a tangible reason for my not updating so far, and I know that's really sh*tty but I'd rather be honest than come up with some other excuse. I don't know if it's just that I've been working on other stuff, or that I haven't had the mental energy, or what exactly, but I just couldn't get on here to update things. That's a really crappy place to be regardless, but it's definitely a bad place to be as someone running a game for other people (or playing in them).
In any case, it's come to a close, whatever it was, and I want to get stuff moving again as best as I can. I'm going to try and update everything intermittently throughout today, and tomorrow if I don't get to it all, so look for updates. If all the absences have killed the flow or your mood for the game, I fully understand, so just let me know, but I am really hopeful to be a better GM in terms of posting frequency. Thanks.
Tex Powderblack |
No worries, I understand completely. I'm still down to play.
As terrible as the timing on this is, I'm going to be camping out at at a festival through Tuesday morning. I can tether from my phone and I have my little baby laptop with me so hopefully I can continue to update, but it may be a little scarce.