AceNegatov |

Hey guys.
So, as the title says, I'm working on a Red Mantis Assassin build.
Here's what I have so far:
Warpriest (Mantis Zealot) for first level - Weapon Focus and EWP with the Sawtooth Sabre. For our first level feat, we'll take TWF.
Brawler (Snakebite Striker) for second level. This gives us a bunch of things; bonuses to unarmed strikes if we ever need it, it allows us to dump Int, and it gives us a d6 of Sneak Attack. I think this is better than taking a level of Rogue or Ninja because of better BAB and d10 hit dice.
(I should also note that before 3rd level, I'll be using a bow mostly.)
Swashbuckler for 3rd level, no particular archetype in mind. Gives us Weapon Finesse, and our 3rd level feat will be Slashing Grace for Sawtooth Sabres.
Now for 4th and 5th level, I'm not sure what to take. I could take a level of Rogue/Ninja to get another d6 of Sneak Attack. I could take a level of Fighter for bonus feats, better BAB and d10 health dice (as for feats I don't know what else I should be taking, I know I have to get Alertness at 5th level for RMA).
As for stats, our main stats would be, in order: Dex-Cha-Con-Wis-Str-Int
I don't really mind any race.
Any advice on how I can improve this build would be much appreciated.