1st Level Skill Boosts

Skills, Feats, Equipment & Spells

Silver Crusade

My friends and I were building first level characters, and we ran into a question that we did eventually find the answer to.

1. When choosing skills to make trained at first level, can you use a "boost" to bring a skill from untrained to trained, can you train it up to expert?
2. What about if it's already trained from your background, can you then?

Based off of our best reading, watching the character creation stream, and buying the Herolab Online package, the answer is "no" to question 1 and "yes" to question 2. My request would be that it is more plainly spelled out, perhaps even given an example in the character creation rules if there is space, since we spent a good 30 minutes trying to figure out what the answer would be. Part of the confusion came from the fact that you apply your background before the class, making you "trained" in a skill before you get your training.

Another thing we would like to see if possible is the fact that Lore is a signature skill for everyone more prevalent, rather than only written in the skill description itself. Being written under the Signature Skills in the classes would be really helpful, specifically.

Will report back once we see what else we find!

You do not gain skill increases at 1st level. You only gain trained skills. The book dances around it, but page 43 is the closest to stating this outright. There is no perceptible way to become expert in a skill at 1st.

Silver Crusade

Correct, hence why "boost" was always in parentheses, since I was lacking a better way to say it in a succinct way, as opposed to saying "the training you get in skills at level 1" every time.

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