Shaman Spells


Grand Lodge

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Shaman have two different ways to get spells form other classes on their spell list.
Half Elf/Half Orc/Human FCB adds a spell one level lower than their max spell level (without changing the level of the spell.)
Lore (Arcane Enlightenment) should be a very popular wandering Hex, and adds your Cha Mod in spells from Wizard/Sorcerer to the shaman spell list (with a limit on castable spell level to (Int-10).)

What are the best spells to nab (keeping in mind the Shaman's spell list)?

My first cut was (PFS, so only looked up to level 5 cleric spells)
1 - Burning Disarm, Deadeye's Lore
2 - Shield Other, Defending Bone (Silence?)
3 - Prayer, Channel the Gift
4 - Blessing of Fervor, Debilitating Portent
5 - Wall of Stone (one level lower than vanilla Shaman.), Air Walk, Communal
And the good Summon Monster X levels.

Wizard-wise, up to 5th again I'm much less sure.
1 - Enlarge Person?
2 - Mirror Image. (Glitterdust, Web, Invisibility are all compelling too.)
3 - Haste.
4 - Dimension Door
5 - Teleport.
Probably the coolest Beast Shape/Elemental Form/etc.

What are you looking forward to picking? If you only got 4 wizard spells, up to 6th level, what would you pick (assuming you're going for support/control with possible Familiar buffs.)

Grand Lodge

Now that a lot of people are discovering and playing shamans it may be good to revive this thread. I will give some other spells I like for each list. I also went up to 5 because I primarily play PFS, so these are the levels I'm familiar with and a spell's value may be different in a home game compared to PFS. All the spells in the previous post are ones I agree with.

Cleric Spells
1 - Divine Favor (for melee), Shield of Faith, Liberating Command (situational but good mid to late game), Sanctuary (lots of people like this spell I rarely find use for it).

2 - Align Weapon, Burst of Radiance, Grace (Hexes require you to be close making this is my top level 2 spell), Iron Skin (you have bark skin which is usually better but this maybe stronger for some builds), Savage Maw (for half orc melee shamans), Shield Other (necessary for many healing builds), Sound Burst (stun is a little under rated dropped weapons mean no AOO).

3 - Align Weapon Communal, Chain of Perdition (decent control option), Invisibility Purge (I took this it would be to cast it from a scroll, so it may not be worth it), Prayer (it should be on the shamans list), Summon Monster 3.

4 - Air Walk, Aura of Doom (you are close to the fight punish people that come closer), Blessing of Fervor (haste with caster support), Forceful Strike (I like swift action spells for melee shamans), Freedom of Movement, Spiritual Ally

5 - Air Walk Communal, Righteous Might, Scrying.

Grand Lodge

Wizard Spells

Most builds will only start getting these around level 6 with wandering hex. When considering low level spells I will be trying to recommend spells that are good at and above level six.

A few general thoughts, all summon monster after 3 are worth a look, as with the cleric list. All polymorph spells are also worth a look. If you are typing to build a blaster any of the efficient damage spells on this list are almost necessary. I will include melee recommendations though they are all weak because it is difficult to build a melee shaman that can use Arcane Enlightenment well.

These spells tend toward Control "god wizard" stuff because those spells are so good.

1 - Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Lucky Number.

2 - Create Pit(its a good spell targets a good save and has no sr), Frigid Touch (good on spell storing armor depending one you load out for the day you may use Stricken Heart), Protection from Evil Communal, Spider Climb (is good under ground), Stone Call (if your using dazing meta magic).

3 - NNTH (never not taking haste), Aqueous Orb (really powerful with misfortune or evil eye), Disable Construct (sometimes you know what your up against if that is a construct this is a decent choice), Heroism, Phantom Steed (I like this for a shaman again because moves a are valuable to them).

4 - Black Tentacles, Charm Monster, Emergency Force Sphere, Scrying, Wall of Ice.

5 - Baleful Polymorph (seems very good thematically, it's decent and fun), Overland Flight, Wall of Force.

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