So...Can You Mind-Control Behemoths / Spawn?

Rules Questions

So here's an interesting question: for those of you who are not aware, there was new spell released in the Inner Sea Gods called "Spawn Calling" (or Call the Godspawn). Here is what it does...

Having attained the highest and most profane form of magical achievement in your god's service, you are able to call forth his most dreaded creations: the godspawn.

Casting this spell requires a week-long ritual involving the sacrifice of one or more sentient humanoid creatures that between them possess a total of at least 15 Hit Dice. You may not eat, sleep, or cast any other spells for the duration of this ritual. After the third day of the ritual, you must succeed at a Constitution check on each remaining day of the ritual (DC 10 + 1 for each previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage from hunger. At the end of the ritual, you gain the exhausted condition from lack of sleep.

Upon completion of the ritual, the ground rumbles in a 100-foot radius centered on you. This effect lasts for 1 round. Any creature on the ground in this area that attempts to cast a spell during this round must succeed at a concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) or lose the spell. Any creature on the ground in the area that attempts to attack or move during this round must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save at the beginning of its turn or fall prone.

At the beginning of your next turn, a massive fissure full of dark fire and shrieking cries appears at a point you designate within the spell's range, and a godspawn emerges.

This creature takes the form of a thunder behemoth with the advanced and entropic simple templates. Unlike with summon monster or similar spells, the caster has no control whatsoever over the called creature. The spawn immediately heads in a random direction or toward an obvious target such as a population center, destroying anything in its path, yourself and your allies included.

Any creature may attempt to control the called godspawn via spells like dominate monster or binding.

However, if such an attempt fails, it draws the godspawn's attention, and the monster immediately tries to destroy the creature that attempted to control it. Because the godspawn are all magical beasts native to the Material Plane, spells such as banishment or dismissal have no effect on the called spawn.

Okay, the part in bold is what I wanna draw your attention to, because under normal circumstances, Behemoths are actually immune to mind-effecting effects. However, this spell seems to suggest that 'mind controlling' the one you summon with this spell IS possible.

I guess my question is...does this mean that this particular behemoth is not immune to mind-effecting (or does it just apply to dominate monster). Furthermore, the mythic version of this spell seems to suggest that you could also use dominate monster to control a friggin Tarasque (and again I I reading this right?)

Duskblade wrote:

Okay, the part in bold is what I wanna draw your attention to, because under normal circumstances, Behemoths are actually immune to mind-effecting effects. However, this spell seems to suggest that 'mind controlling' the one you summon with this spell IS possible.

I guess my question is...does this mean that this particular behemoth is not immune to mind-effecting (or does it just apply to dominate monster). Furthermore, the mythic version of this spell seems to suggest that you could also use dominate monster to control a friggin Tarasque (and again I I reading this right?)

I think the significance of that paragraph is "The writer couldn't be arsed to check his work against existing rules".

I will second Pupsocket.

I think this is the scenario they are considering:

Your PC spends a week and summon a godspawn. He/she notices that he/she don't have control over it via the summoning (the PC may or may not have known that ahead of time). The PC can attempt to control the godspawn via a dominate or binding spell. The PC may or may not know that those spells don't work on the godspawn; Rovanag doesn't care if his worshippers survive or not, so even the clergy might not know this helpful fact. The godspawn gets mad and eats the PC.

Thirding Pupsocket. You can ATTEMPT to control them. Any such attempts will, of course, automatically fail thanks to their immunity to such effects. But you can try.

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