A Beginners Guide.


The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I have been a member of the forums for quite some time. I have been working on this guide for a while now and finished a rough draft. It's full of little tips and tricks as well as being chalked full of useful information that most beginning players will not know and some moderately experienced players may overlook. I would hope that any new players take the time and read through it. it is broken down into sections to make "cherry picking" the information you want a bit easier.

Nephril's Extended Beginners Guide..

Under Pitfalls of Pathfinder, second section, final line. It says many "did" party members instead of many "dead" party members.

Edit: Also #3 under "Pitfalls of Pathfinder" is incorrect. You get 2 rounds per point of Constitution. So if you have a 12 Constitution you get 24 rounds. Rounds of holding breath does not go by level.

The Exchange

thank you for reading through. i tried to have some friends go through and double check my work. spell check doesnt catch everything.

Once this gets cleaned up a little bit it really should get linked-to in the guides guide sticky.

Good stuff, thank you!

The Exchange

once the spelling and error checking is done ill work on creating links within the document so that the index can take you to where you want to go. but right now i just want it all correct.

The Exchange

If anyone reads a portion (or all of it) i'd really appreciate feedback or suggestions. significant input could warrant an honorable mention in the final draft. i have always appreciated the leagues help when pounding out ideas.

Content-wise, I'm loving what I've read so far, but a lot of little nit-picky stuff. I have a red pen if you need it.

The Exchange

Please if you have a list of corrections id appreciate it. wish i could open it to editing but there is only so much trust in forums lol. an easy way to edit would be like

ch 1. sct 2 blt 2 ln 3. this tells me that in chapter one section 2 bullet point 2 and line 3. this can be used to quickly point out spelling or gramatical errors.

for anything more significant like a mechanical problem just mention the section and the problem id really appreciate it. i know its a lot to read.

I started, but it's late (for me.) I'll toss out three first-glance suggestions for correction:

1- On the Page Number thingie in your WP program, select the option for no number on the first page. You do not need to number your title page. I'd also add the date, at least the year, when you do formally publish it. This gives readers a reference point when they access it, especially in regards to errata and FAQ materials.

2- Some spelling errors and chipped sentences. Spell check won't always tell you 'there', 'their' or 'they're.'

3- Change the font size for the Table of Contents so it sits neatly on one page. Just a style comment, and that might be my own peccadillo.

Overall first impression is great content, needs some attention to detail. I like that you've included the "table etiquette" section, and will read more as time allows. Kudos on such an undertaking!

The Exchange

thank you ironskull. ill be adding pictures hyperlinks mutliple fonts and alot of other pretty stuff after rough draft. i was using open office for the first draft and couldnt figure out how to number pages with the thing. i am working with google.doc now and i think i got that figured out but i agree it would look much better without the table of contents and title pages numbered.
thanks for the positive words always appreciated.

Happy to help, I'm a clandestine copywriter. I'll check in soon, good luck!

Liberty's Edge

I'm gonna strongly disagree with your Bard write-up. You start with 'so many shortcomings' and then proceed to list only two: mediocre HP and low AC. Which aren't even always true (archer Bards tend to do pretty well on AC, for example). And Bard is actually probably one of the best classes for solo play since they can do a bit of everything.

The list of strengths is probably correct, and it has too many moving parts to be recommended to new players, but your summary leaves it sounding like it's only good for buffing others which isn't precisely true.

Under Section 2:

Points 5 and 8 are duplicated.

sgtrocknroll wrote:

Under Section 2:

Points 5 and 8 are duplicated.

Actually most of section 2 is duplicated within the section, if fixed would be half the length.

Perused it, as an experienced player i'm going to give this a real read-through when it's not 5am.

aside from some text formatting.. Maybe just some bright colored headers and bigger spacing? I'm only recommending this semi-childish idea because I'm thinking that from a new player's perspective, They might be daunted by the uniformity of the document's layout for the amount of pages. A slightly smaller font could balance out to the same amount of pages.

I've started reading it, and you will excuse me if I sound rude but half of the Game expectation are b#+*#!*#. I'll not go over it in detail but here's some point:
You don't level up home unless psecifically told so. Most group i played with level up as a group to discuss strategy, confront choice, and talk with the master.
Out of character talk is perfectly fine if you are running a funny campaign or just having some laugh for the night. RPG are hobbyes, not work.
Last, my "favorite".

During other players turn keep your mouth shut

Really? I thought i was playing a coop game. There is so much b*%%**$% in this affermation i can't actually express it since i'm not good with words.

Worst read for beginner ever.

I'll just note that I posted in a thread of the same name, possibly a duplicate thread. I considered copy/pasting it here, but that's probably not needed I guess.

The Exchange

ChaiGuy, this is the only thread with a link to this guide. i never posted it anywhere.

Dekalinder, during another players turn you should not be using metagame tactics (in my opinion) if they can ask you a short question (feasibly asked and answered in 6 seconds) then you could respond. however during someone else s turn they should be allowed to operate unimpaired. players who abuse game chatter to create strategies during fights dont set a real expectation for combat. each player talking during each other players turn definitely exceeds the 6 seconds time frame. yes this is a coop game. and i would expect people to play to a mutual end and help one another while staying within game limits.
Dekalinder, while table rules and expectations can vary i still think it is a reasonable expectation to work on your character in your own time. just like a teacher that let you do homework in class you should still be ready to do homework at home.
Dekalinder, thank you for reading through the first section. i hope you enjoy the rest as it gets more to the heart of the game.
Deadmanwalking, ill take another look at the bard instance in my guide. i try my best to convey the characters strengths and weaknesses ill check out my words they may just be coming across too strong.
Dustboy, thanks for the read ill be adding pics, colors, fonts, hyperlinks, and other pretties when im out of rough draft phase.
sgtrocknroll, it took some reading on my part (every chapter has a section 2 lol) but i found the instance you were talking about thank you very much for pointing that out i fixed it.

The Exchange

chapter 2, section 2, reworked this section to try not to sound so negative while still highlighting the bards strengths and weaknesses (in my opinion of course)

Dear Nephril I’m sure that many new players will benefit from this guide. I have included several things I have noticed in the guide, many are simple spelling/grammar mistakes, which is understandable considering the length of the document.

“Nothing is Law” note, I would advise noting this applies to the GM and not to other players or their PCs, of course players should work with the GM to make things flexible for their PCs.

Section 3 Pitfalls of Pathfinder:
• 2: should be “result in many dead party members.”
• Drowning: instead of 2/level it’s “twice her constitution score” Core pg. 445.
• 6: “Ghost Touch” weapon, also for early level parties the spell “magic weapon” allows weapons to deal half damage to incorporeal enemies when non magical attacks can’t affect them. Spells like magic missile helps too, since it’s a low level spell that does force damage.
• Cleric: on the notes about shields, you should note that since many cleric spells require somatic components (hand movements) you need one free hand to cast them. In this case bucklers or light shields should be used. Also clerics are no longer proficient in heavy armor from default, they are limited to medium unless they take the heavy armor proficiency feat.
• Druid the armor limitation to non metal is worth noting IMO.
Ranger devastating skirmisher note: if you have it working with spring attack it’s not allowed per an errata and FAQ “When I built the Vital Strike feat chain, it was designed specifically to speak to the need for martial characters to be able to take a move action and still do a reasonable amount of damage in a single turn. The decision was made to limit this chain to make it a character decision point, as opposed to just making it part of a larger "must have" feat stack to make "The Baddest Fighter on the Block".
In hindsight, it might be a bit to restrictive, but RAW that is the way it currently functions.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
• Section 2: Expand upon your definition of “min max” please. I usually define it as minimizing a characters weakness while maximizing its strengths for example.
• Dwarfs, I’m not sure how they master wearing armor, they simply aren’t slowed by it.
• Rangers and the feat Boon Companion: I would note which book noncore rulebook info comes from since beginners may not have additional books and try to find the feat in the core rulebook. Boon Companion is from Pathfinder Player’s Companion: Animal Archive for those interested.
• The feat “Natural Spell” allows druids to cast spells in wild shape.
• Combat Free perception checks each round: In the skill section core pg 102 it notes that intentionally searching for stimulus is a move action. Perhaps you refer to the “most perception checks are reactive” note in the skill. Generally I think that means the GM can allow PCs to make perception checks when something is going on, but may be easy to miss.
• Drinking potions: you seem to allude to it, but drinking potions provokes AoO. I think you suggest taking a 5’ step before drinking to avoid the AoO, since you mention the reach thing.
• Technically a 5’ step is no action pg. 183, I’m not sure why they do that since there doesn’t seem to be any difference between free and no action.
• Defense: I believe you mean if you’re wielding a shield as opposed to just carrying it (like an archer with a shield on his back).
• Mages and armor: You could note the Bard’s armor exception I guess.
• Damage two handed weapons: note that the 1.5 strength modifier is rounded down.
• Section 6, 4 Enhancement “none bypass”.
• DR notes, stating the difference between DR X OR Y, and DR X AND Y.

I’ll have to come back to this later.

The Exchange

Chaiguy great stuff.
did you download this or are you checking the drive for it. i already fixed the first 2 things you found. just now modified my incorporeal listing. your cleric note was supposed to be covered under spells but i forgot about it during the time thank you very much.
i added to the druid instance. its a tough choice to cover specific limitations in classes. each class has so many things to mention but i agree that the non metal limitation is a significant one that warranted mention.
no i never intended vital strikes to be paired with shot on the run. its more of a move out from cover and shoot, or a retreat and shoot feat.
updated min maxing to better explain my version of the terminology.
dwarfs now "excel" at wearing armor and i explained why.
thanks for the natural spell corrections.
my combat free perception checks is not to mean you can search each round for free. each round your character is looking in one direction or another since there is no facing in this game it is important to point out which way you are focusing. if you are looking at an area not previously covered you should get a perception check to notice obvious things. example i attack and kill my foe i turn to guard the door behind me. there is a stealthing character somewhere in view. if your dm is not a nice guy and just asks for perception checks you may need to ask for them (as in most games ive played) if your character is looking somewhere a perception check should give you the 3.5 spot equivalent information. this could be a house rule but i think its pretty basic stuff.
as for mentioning where feats come from there are several through the document i need to list thank you.
changed carrying to wielding. the clarification should be made.
added the potion AoO to the AoO section.
added another point to damage reduction.

Delete #8 under Combat Rounds, as it duplicates #6

I feel like there is either too much or too little information here. I don't see the usefulness of breaking down a class to a half page write up. The ideas of each class can be conveyed in a sentence or two, and then if the person is interested, they can just read the relevant text in the CRB or on the PRD.

Agree with the previous poster that noted that many of your rules are specific to your home game. Again it's a bit wordy - you can basically sum it all up in "Don't metagame, DM is the boss, be nice to the game host." Is anyone reading the thing about being clean and smelling nice and changing their hygiene habits?

Sorry, you clearly put some effort into this, but I'm not sure who your audience is. No one who's really brand spanking new to tabletop RPG's is going to get all the way through this thing. On the flip side, anyone who is somewhat experienced is going to be skimming around looking for anything that's useful to them.

The Exchange

i put the index in specifically so people could cherry pick the information they wanted from it. this started out as a aid to help someone build characters but turned into a play assitance guide also. there are lots of finer points that players dont take note of.

Looked through your guide, up through Chapter 1. Here are some fixes:

Title page:
Subtitle is too small. Recommend a larger font, and perhaps italics.

Page 2:
Add a title "Forward" to indicate it is frontmatter.
Also mention http://www.d20pfsrd.com/ and http://archivesofnethys.com/.
The SRD is well indexed and searchable. The Archive is more complete. Neither is official, so compare to the PRD.

With all that said I do not believe a 1 page syllabus or a 5 page breakdown can't thoroughly prepare someone for this game.

"With all that said I do not believe a 1 page syllabus or a 5 page breakdown can prepare someone for this game."

Core Rulebook, Advanced Players, Bestiaries, Dungeon Masters read it all the more information the better.

"Core Rulebook, Advanced Players Guide, and Bestiaries (for GMs only) read it all the more information the better."

Table of Contents:
In MS Word, there is a tab type called Decimal. It causes numbers to be right aligned to the tab. Place such a tab on the right to cause all the numbers to line up.
When doing that, change the leader from None to ..... This will cause the correct number of leading dots to show up.

Chapter 1. Getting Started:
Don't make a new page by adding lines. Use the page break. MS Word uses Insert -> Page Break (Control+Return).
You use a lot of numbered lists. Only use numbers when there is a specific order being relayed, such as steps in a process. If it is just a list, use bullets (or asterisks) instead.

Section 1. Game Expectations:

Air on the side of fairness

"Err on the side of fairness"



Add these bullets:
* This is a team game. Player vs. Player is nearly always bad. It can be fun, but only if everyone buys into it.

* Electronic devices are fine for looking something up, but do not use it in place of paper. Paper is king. It is easy to see, and easy to verify if all is good. If you have stuff on a device, print it before arriving, and work of the print while playing. Also, such devices can often distract, so should be limited to looking things up while another's turn is happening.

* GMs make bad calls sometimes. Don't worry about it then unless it is crucial. Instead, call it to their attention, and look-up and provide rules text after the session and not in the session. Game time is too precious to waste on arguments and looking up rules. GMs want the game to flow quickly, so the story and action can unfold.

* Know what type of game you are playing. Beer and Pretzels is fine for having fun with friends who happen to roll-play but not seriously. while optimized min max characters is more for the serious player who wants to get the most of his character. There are many styles of play, so you should know if your style works with everyone else.

If you are playing in a shop adhere strictly to there play rules.

"If you are playing in a shop adhere strictly to their play rules."

Section 2. Game Terminology:

Saves are a set value that is composed of a combination of your stat modifiers and the base saves given by your class plus any any random modifiers from abilities or feats.

"Saving throws are set values that are composed of your stat modifiers and your class' base saves plus any other modifiers from abilities or feats."

BAB is your base attack bonus this is a big chunk of what decides if you hit or not.

"BAB is your Base Attack Bonus. This is a big chunk of what decides if you hit or not."

Hit dice refers to the amount of hit points you get per level. In society play each class gets ½ of there hit dice rounded up every level and max at first level. Others may have you roll or other variations.

"Hit dice refers to the amount of hit points you get per level. The default is max hit points at first level, and rolled for every level after that. In society play each class gets ½ of their hit dice (rounded up) every level and max at first level."

Level refers to your overall amount of levels. If you are a fighter 1 barbarian 7 and someone asks what level you are you can simplify I am an 8th level character.

"Level refers to many things. Character level refers to your overall amount of levels. If you are a fighter 1 barbarian 7 and someone asks what level you are you can simplify I am an 8th level character. Spell level refers to how difficult a spell is to cast. Caster level refers to how many class levels you have in the class that casts a spell."

DC is short for difficulty class. This refers to a target number you are trying to hit with a bonus from a source and a d20 roll.

"DC stands for Difficulty Class. This is a target number to meet to cause success at an action, or making a saving throw."

SR is spell resistance. Some characters will be naturally resistant to be targeted by spells. The spell resistance is a dc that you have to beat in order to effect them with your spell.

"SR is Spell Resistance. Some characters are naturally resistant to spells. Spell Resistance is a dc that must be beaten in order to affect a target with a spell."



CR is Challenge Rating and this is used to describe how hard a challenge will be for a character rather it be a monster a trap or any other test for the character.

"CR is Challenge Rating and this describes how hard a challenge will be for a character, whether it is a monster, a trap, or other test for the character."

"Fort", "Will", and "Ref" points should be next to the one about saving throws.

A Check is a term used when you attempt to do something requiring a D20 roll. Sometimes other dice can be used but D20 is the default dice for most things.

"A Check is a term used when you attempt to do something requiring a D20 roll, that is not an attack or save."

Section 3. Pitfalls of Pathfinder.:
Delete the period at the end of the section line to be consistent.

grappling ....

"Grappling is best avoided by beginners, due to its complexity. Even experts have trouble with the rules. It can be done, but takes a lot of skill and investment of character resources."

Traps. Its not every game that someone takes on the trap finder responsibility. Hopefully someone can at least find them then disarming them is a matter of controlled tripping or magical means. Find the trap try to identify it then pick the best suited person to trip it. Just blundering through blindly and hoping for the best result can result in many dead party members.

"Traps. Not every game has someone to take on the trap finder responsibility. Hopefully someone can at least find them. Disarming them is a matter of controlled tripping (Disable Device skill) or magical disabling. Find the trap, try to identify it, and then pick the person best suited to trip it. Just blundering through blindly and hoping for the best result can kill the entire party."

Water combat. Drowning takes longer than most people would think. You are given a pool of 2 rounds/ point of constitution. Every round you take a full round action or a standard action reduces that time by an additional round. After the time expends you start making relatively easy constitution checks (dc 10) that get +1 harder each subsequent round. Instead of trying to swim to the surface finish your fight calmly then get some breath. As a spell caster I would strongly suggest swimming if it is at all possible to avoid.

"Water combat. Drowning takes longer than most people would think. You can hold your breath for 2 rounds / point of constitution. Each round you take a full round action or a standard action reduces that time by one. After the time expends you start making relatively easy constitution checks (dc 10) that get +1 harder each subsequent round. Instead of trying to swim to the surface finish your fight calmly then get some breath. I would strongly recommend spell casters avoid swimming if it is at all possible."

Swallow whole. Is annoying and comes from grapple. However general rules for monsters lead to them doing much less damage while your inside than when your on the outside. Carry a dagger and make them pay for swallowing you.

"Swallow whole. It is annoying and comes from grapple. However most monsters do much less damage while you're inside than when you're on the outside. Carry a dagger, since you cannot use large weapons while inside, and make them pay for swallowing you."

Flying bad guys can be difficult to deal with if you are not prepared. Though if you are prepared it will usually be a breeze. The ability to fly increases there CR quite a bit. If you get on even footing with them you will find they are usually easier than other monsters of there CR to defeat.

"Flying bad guys can be difficult to deal with if you are not prepared. if you are prepared it will usually be a breeze. Flight increases their CR quite a bit. If you get on even footing with them, you will find they are usually easier than other monsters of their CR to defeat."

Incorporeal monsters are much like flying monsters. If you are not ready for them they can lead to a total party wipe pretty quickly. But with a ghost touch weapon you can quickly dispatch appropriate CR monsters, Alternatively a magic weapon can deal half damage and “magic missile” is a low level spell capable of hitting the incorporeal making them less of a hinderance.

"Incorporeal monsters are much like flying monsters. If you are not ready for them they can lead to a total party wipe pretty quickly. But with a ghost touch weapon you can quickly dispatch incorporeal monsters, Alternatively a magic weapon can deal half damage and “magic missile” is a low level spell capable of hitting the incorporeal."

Invisibility. Oddly enough this comes into play quite often. You can counter this magically (glitterdust, or invisibility purge), mundane means exist (sack of flower, or other dust) the most dangerous thing about invisibility is that it makes all party members flat footed.

"Invisibility. Oddly enough this comes into play quite often. You can counter this magically (glitterdust, or invisibility purge), or use mundane means (sack of flower, or other dust). The most dangerous thing about invisibility is that it makes creatures flat footed."

Illusions. Though not as deadly when viewed alone they can be used to hide all manner of terrible thing. A massive spike trap with an illusory wall over the top makes for a death trap with no save. The first person in the party will generally fall and become stuck inside the trap unless played carefully. One means of doing this is to learn from the blind. Take a quarter staff and use it to tap test all floor the front person must walk slower than normal to utilize this technique (most DMs agree some may not require a movement speed decrease) but it could save a lot of game time and party resources.

"Illusions. Though not as deadly when viewed alone they can be used to hide all manner of terrible things. A massive spike trap with an illusory wall over the top makes for a death trap with almost no save. The first person in the party will generally fall and become stuck inside the trap unless played carefully. One means of avoiding traps is to learn from the blind. Take a quarter staff and use it to tap test all surfaces in front of the lead person. You must walk slower than normal to utilize this technique (most GMs agree, some may not require a movement speed decrease). It could save a lot of game time and party resources."

The range of your attacks increases dictates the vision you need.

"The range of your attacks dictates the vision you need."

Damage reductions

"Damage reduction"


MyTThor wrote:
Is anyone reading the thing about being clean and smelling nice and changing their hygiene habits?

I think I may have encountered a few players that would actually benefit from that advice.

I actually met a guy at PFS that PICKED HIS NOSE, AND ATE IT!!! And... My girlfriend almost fainted!

Maybe Nephril should include a point about not picking your nose!

Some notes from my side:

1. Mithral heavy shields still have a 5% ASF. Mithral light shields and bucklers have 0% ASF, I would advise a buckler since it leaves the hand free for casting, wands and so on (you can NOT cast with the hand holding a light shield - see chapter 4, section 3, step 24). Note that using any item in the shield hand makes you lose the shield AC bonus, though.
2. Wielding a shield you are not proficient with means that you'll have to lose a move action to drop it.
3. Haste also gives an extra full BAB attack to your pet melee BSF, after he charged.
4. Drinking a potion also requires a (provoking) move action to retrieve it.
5. Chapter 3, Section 7, step 15 - repeats what already stated in #14.
6. I'd point out that while fighting enemy caster, a ready action "attack as he casts" has a good chance to disrupt the spell if the attack lands.
7. Metamagic feats are powerful, but impose a heavy price and are best handled by experienced players.
8. Deafened characters have 20% spell failure chance, not 50%.

At the beginning, there's mention of "www.pfsrd.com" - that site doesn't contain any Pathfinder rules :)

You probably mean d20pfsrd.com ;)
Personally, I think it'd be a nice touch to point to the official PRD first (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd) and then mention d20pfsrd.com directly afterwards as being more user-friendly, and containing more material - but that's your call of course :)

The Exchange

Amazing stuff guys i really appreciate it. i used alot of yoru suggestions cevah. i kept some of the things as i had them purely a prefference thing. but your insight and proofreading was very appreciated.
Zhelgadis and matt thank you for the additional corrections. they are all helpful.
and prong glad you enjoyed it please refer any friends you have to it i would appreciate any circulation i could get.
another week or so and ill be putting in some time on a finalized version of this i cant wait.

Stuff you missed in Chapter 1:
  • Quote:
    Core Rulebook, Advanced Players, Bestiaries, Dungeon Masters read it all the more information the better.

    "Core Rulebook, Advanced Players Guide, and Bestiaries (for GMs only) read it all the more information the better."

    1) I forgot to bold the "and".
    2) Beginning players should not need the Bestiaries.
    3) Dungeon Masters are for D&D, and AD&D, not PF. PF has Game Masters (GMs).

  • Add these bullets:
    * This is a team game. Player vs. Player is nearly always bad. It can be fun, but only if everyone buys into it.
    This is very important. If you are coming from a MMORPG, there is a lot of PvP. Try that in PF, and you quickly destroy the game unless ALL have decided that is what they want.

  • Word errors:
    1) There -- this is a place
    2) Their -- this denotes ownership
    You seem to confuse #1 and #2 a lot.

  • Quote:
    DC is short for difficulty class. This refers to a target number you are trying to hit with a bonus from a source and a d20 roll.

    "DC stands for Difficulty Class. This is a target number to meet to cause success at an action, or making a saving throw."

    1) You may not be trying to hit a DC. It might be your enemy.

  • "Fort", "Will", and "Ref" points should be next to the one about saving throws.
    Since these are not referred to above in "Saving Throws", and they don't mention "Saving Throws", the reader may not realize they are.

  • Quote:
    A Check is a term used when you attempt to do something requiring a D20 roll. Sometimes other dice can be used but D20 is the default dice for most things.

    "A Check is a term used when you attempt to do something requiring a D20 roll, that is not an attack or save."

    Attack rolls are d20. Saving Throws are d20. Neither is a check.

  • Quote:
    Water combat. Drowning takes longer than most people would think. You are given a pool of 2 rounds/ point of constitution. Every round you take a full round action or a standard action reduces that time by an additional round. After the time expends you start making relatively easy constitution checks (dc 10) that get +1 harder each subsequent round. Instead of trying to swim to the surface finish your fight calmly then get some breath. As a spell caster I would strongly suggest swimming if it is at all possible to avoid.

    "Water combat. Drowning takes longer than most people would think. You can hold your breath for 2 rounds / point of constitution. Each round you take a full round action or a standard action reduces that time by one. After the time expends you start making relatively easy constitution checks (dc 10) that get +1 harder each subsequent round. Instead of trying to swim to the surface finish your fight calmly then get some breath. I would strongly recommend spell casters avoid swimming if it is at all possible."

    1) "an additional round" implies something is growing, and your words lead one to think your pool is growing. By saying "one", you simplify the implied meaning greatly.
    2) The last sentence reads badly, which is why I offered the rewrite.

  • Quote:
    Flying bad guys can be difficult to deal with if you are not prepared. Though if you are prepared it will usually be a breeze. The ability to fly increases there CR quite a bit. If you get on even footing with them you will find they are usually easier than other monsters of there CR to defeat.

    "Flying bad guys can be difficult to deal with if you are not prepared. if you are prepared it will usually be a breeze. Flight increases their CR quite a bit. If you get on even footing with them, you will find they are usually easier than other monsters of their CR to defeat."

    Missed a "their".

  • Quote:
    Incorporeal monsters are much like flying monsters. If you are not ready for them they can lead to a total party wipe pretty quickly. But with a ghost touch weapon you can quickly dispatch appropriate CR monsters, Alternatively a magic weapon can deal half damage and “magic missile” is a low level spell capable of hitting the incorporeal making them less of a hinderance.

    "Incorporeal monsters are much like flying monsters. If you are not ready for them they can lead to a total party wipe pretty quickly. But with a ghost touch weapon you can quickly dispatch incorporeal monsters, Alternatively a magic weapon can deal half damage and “magic missile” is a low level spell capable of hitting the incorporeal."

    Not all "appropriate CR monsters" are incorporeal, and ghost touch weapons do nothing special to enemies that are not incorporeal.

  • Quote:
    Invisibility. Oddly enough this comes into play quite often. You can counter this magically (glitterdust, or invisibility purge), mundane means exist (sack of flower, or other dust) the most dangerous thing about invisibility is that it makes all party members flat footed.

    "Invisibility. Oddly enough this comes into play quite often. You can counter this magically (glitterdust, or invisibility purge), or use mundane means (sack of flower, or other dust). The most dangerous thing about invisibility is that it makes creatures flat footed."

    When the party rogue goes invisible, it does NOT make the party flat footed. It instead denies the rogue's target their dex bonus. Very little makes things flat footed. Hence the rewrite.

  • Quote:
    Illusions. Though not as deadly when viewed alone they can be used to hide all manner of terrible thing. A massive spike trap with an illusory wall over the top makes for a death trap with no save. The first person in the party will generally fall and become stuck inside the trap unless played carefully. One means of doing this is to learn from the blind. Take a quarter staff and use it to tap test all floor the front person must walk slower than normal to utilize this technique (most DMs agree some may not require a movement speed decrease) but it could save a lot of game time and party resources.

    "Illusions. Though not as deadly when viewed alone they can be used to hide all manner of terrible things. A massive spike trap with an illusory wall over the top makes for a death trap with almost no save. The first person in the party will generally fall and become stuck inside the trap unless played carefully. One means of avoiding traps is to learn from the blind. Take a quarter staff and use it to tap test all surfaces in front of the lead person. You must walk slower than normal to utilize this technique (most GMs agree, some may not require a movement speed decrease). It could save a lot of game time and party resources."

    When you say "One means of doing this", you are referring to "fall and become stuck".
    Your last sentence reads badly, hence the rewrite.

Chapter 2. Character Creation:
Section 1. Core Class Overview (Strengths and Weaknesses)

"meat shield" -- game term to define.

Making there true weakness

"Making the true weakness be"


Bard. My Main Problem with the bard could also be considered there strength. they do a lot of things all at once but they really shine when they specialize it is easy to be a half character with the bard.

"Bard. Bards, they do a lot of things, but they really shine when they specialize. It is easy to be half a character with the bard."


This class can see some strong multiclass options with good saves armor proficiency the ability to use all divine magic items (wands and so forth) and a lot of power at level one with domain powers.

"This class can see some strong multiclass options with good saves, armor proficiency, the ability to use all divine magic items (such as scrolls), and a lot of power at level one with domain powers."

[wands are not limited to arcane or divine users]
[PFS house rules scrolls as neither arcane nor divine, and usable by either if it can be used by your class]

"There" vs "their".

Limited on weapons you can use your fists gain additional damage and abilities as you progress. From DR bypass to additional attacks your fists can prove an exceedingly difficult weapon.

"Limited on weapons, you can use your fists to gain additional damage and abilities as you progress. Such as DR bypass and/or additional attacks, your fists can prove an exceedingly difficult weapon."

to your natural attacks

"to your natural attacks (like your fists)"

Getting to add your wisdom to ac is nice but it is at the cost of severely limiting your armor (none).

"Getting to add your wisdom to AC is nice but it is at the cost of prohibiting you from wearing armor."

"tankiest" -- game term to define.


The major down fall with these guys is that most other players and DMs will have something to say about how you play the mandatory lawful good character.”

"The major problems with these guys are their "code" and that most other players and GMs will have something to say about how you play the mandatory lawful good character. If you break your "code", you might "fall", which severely handicaps your Paladin until he atones."

saves which for 5 points on a buy

"saves, which for 5 points on a stat buy"

"or you can choose to get a nice active to boost your weapon damage"
What is "active"? Do you mean "ability"?


Ranger are situational but depending on the campaign you are running you can pick the race you want to fight and the terrain you want to spend most of your time in.

"Ranger are situational but depending on the campaign you are running, you can select enemies and terrains that are common to get the best bonuses."


Arcane is (in my opinion) a much stronger type of magic than divine with so many powerful spells the shortcomings of this class can be quite appealing.

"Arcane is (in my opinion) a much stronger type of magic than divine. With so many powerful spells, even with the shortcomings of this class, it can be quite appealing."

When playing this class always watch for ranged opponents and when you can spend some time and effort into defensive strategies or spells.

"When playing this class, always watch for ranged opponents, and when you can, spend some time and effort on defensive strategies or spells."

"3.5" -- game term to define

As a wizard you are allowed to leave spell slots open then you can just prepare the spells later in the day

"As a prepared caster you are allowed to leave spell slots open then you can just prepare the spells later in the day"

[Clerics and witches can also do this.]

Advanced Player's Guide adds the following classes: Alchemist, Cavalier, Inquisitor, Oracle, Summoner, and Witch
[You indicated in chapter 1 you would cover this book.]

Ultimate Combat adds the following classes: Gunslinger, Ninja, Samurai
[More (alternate) classes to note.]

Ultimate Magic adds the following class: Magus
[Another class to note.]

Not sure where Antipaladin class comes from
[Another alternate class]

Section 2. General build

will fill much less useful

"will feel much less useful"

Multiclassing: Many class abilities scale with level. Multiclassing means the abilities won't scale.

Section 3. Seemingly Required feats.

Section 4. Feats and Features


Chapter 3. Combat:
Section 1. Action Economy
1. In the order of importance actions are generally as follows: Full Round Action>Standard>Move>Immediate>Swift>Free.

This is not "importance", but "length". Generally free actions are best if you can use them.

3. You get a free perception every round. Try to use it without bogging down the game. Check an exit or double check something that you rolled poorly on earlier.

When the GM asks you to make one, it is a free action. When you purposely make one, it is a move action.

4. Swift and immediate actions share the same place. If you use one you cannot use the other. If you do not have any abilities that allow you use immediate actions then consider what can be done as a swift action. Many feats allow you to do something as a swift action. Often times these are very useful feats. Arcane armor training allows you to ignore 10% arcane spell failure. Arcane strike adds a bonus to damage. There are a lot of abilities and items that you can activate or direct as a swift action. These can be a boon to your character and grant you more actions per turn than your opponent.

An immediate action in your turn is the swift action of your turn if you have not used your swift action yet. All other immediate actions are from your next turn.

6. A trait called accelerated drinker can be a big boon to someone who plans on using potions. Freeing up your standard action to instead use a move means you could drink a potion of enlarge then attack someone with your newly gained reach.

However, retrieving that potion is also a move action, so this may not help much unless your potion is already in hand.

7. The order you take your actions in matters. Using a bow or casting a spell move out of melee range before taking your standard action to avoid attacks of opportunity.

Moving out of melee provokes an AoO. Instead, use a 5’ step, and still have a move action left that can be used for something that is not a move (like fetch a potion).

8. A 5 foot shift is a free action that you can take in any round that you do not take a move action to actually move. Move actions could be directing a spell, drawing/sheathing a weapon, or standing up. You are then allowed to move 5 feet away possibly to safety.

The term is “5’ step”, not “shift”. Tell someone you are shifting, and they will either think you are shapeshifting or using some other special power.

9. A lot of feats affect a full round action. Most modify the action and are not limiting to being combined. Using Rapid fire and Manyshot both effect the same action and allow you to make the most of standing still. In times like this it makes since to use a full attack action instead of skirmishing (moving then attacking or vice versa.) while a champion that focuses on the Vital strike feat chain would be well suited to moving then attacking as a standard action. Making the most of your actions is a combination of positioning and character ability. Some people make a better turret than charger.

Not “since” but “sense”

10. Casters have the ability to summons monsters that in turn have there own round of actions. This doubles (or more) the amount of actions you have a round. Meaning that a caster has the opportunity to outplay other characters purely based on the fact they can do more each turn than anyone else.

Not “there own” but “their own”. More creatures take more time to handle, so be sure you don’t hog the spotlight, as that will make the other players unhappy waiting for you.

11. Rangers, druids, and sylvan sorcerers make use of powerful animal companions that have there own actions although they are limited to physical attacks and movement they still allow these characters an obvious advantage.

Not “there own” but “their own”.

Section 2. Combat Rounds

6. Players can hold a standard, free, or move action to perform later during the turn under a set circumstance (ill hold an attack to shoot the spell caster when he tries to cast a spell) this does move your initiative however. Next everyone rolls initiative. Roll a d20 then add your dexterity plus additional modifiers to see what your placement will be obviously highest goes first.

Remove duplicate text from #3

7. Some players may wish to delay their initiatives to go after other players.

Duplicate of #4

Section 3. Attack Bonuses

1. Flanking is the easiest bonus to get and give to friends. You both get +2 to attack just for positioning. This is the equivalent of 2 feats each or a buffing spell each.

For positioning and threatening. It also enables the sneak attack bonus of rogues.

Section 4. Defense

2. Wielding a shield you are not proficient with means you take that shields check penalty to skill rolls and attack rolls. I personally would trade a -2 to skill checks for +2 ac during a surprise round. A masterwork heavy shield has a check penalty of -1 and a mithral or darkwood shield has a 0 penalty making these amazing marching items.

Some shields also have 0% Arcane Spell Failure as well, and so can provide casters some extra AC.

3. Fighting Defensively gives you a +2 ac while taking a -4 to attacks. This is a standard action that can be used while aiding another.

If you have 3 or more ranks in Acrobatics, you get +3 AC instead.

4. Combat Expertise is a feat that allows you to sacrifice some of your attack in exchange for some armor. It is also a prerequisite to a lot of other feats. If you have this feat remember it there may be a time to use it. When using this feat you must attack that round. This can be added to fighting defensively.

That should be “sacrifice some of your attack bonus”.

5. Total Defense is also a standard action that gives a +4 dodge bonus to ac however you cannot make any attacks that round even attacks of opportunity.

If you have 3 or more ranks in Acrobatics, you get +6 AC instead.

6. There are several ways to increase your ac. The obvious ones are wearing armor, carrying a shield, and having dexterity. Increasing these is an easy way to increase your ac. Magical bonuses to all of these is possible and effective. But before you put that +2 on your armor or shield consider an amulet of natural armor. This would stack with your current ac for cheaper. Also rings of protection are fairly inexpensive early on and give the best ac bonus in the game (as it applies to all types of armor) if you don’t wear a shield a wand of shield costs 2pp or 750gold and gives a nice bonus (assuming you can use magic devices) or a wand of mage armor in the case you don’t wear armor again 2pp or 750 gold.

Wands of Mage Armor & Shield do not cost 2 platinum pieces. If you mean 2 prestige points, that is only PFS, and should be noted as such. I also think it is 2 pp and 750 gp is PFS, but am not sure.

13. If you are being shot at from range simply dropping to the ground gives you a +4 ac bonus versus there shots forcing them to close distance.

But leave you prone, needing a move action (that can provoke AoOs) to stand up.

22. Gaining reach by any means rather it be increasing your size or using a reach weapon can allow you to avoid a lot of damage.

But increasing your size allows more attackers to reach you.

Section 5. Damage

1. Whetstone is a cheap and easy way to give you a +1 damage bonus on your first attack. Combine this with a few weapons and you can get that bonus for a few rounds by simply drawing a new weapon.

Not “attack” but “hit”. It is best used on ammo like arrows, bolts, and shuriken.

2. Two handing a weapon gives you 1 ½ your strength modifier rounded down as bonus damage (instead of the normal 1x). This can even be used on a one handed weapon.

At the price of not using a shield.

3. Power attack is the most common way to increase your damage. When used 2 handed adds 3 damage instead of the normal 2.

At the price of a penalty to hit. If you have full BAB, it is usually worth it. If you don’t, it probably is not.

5. Increasing your strength by any means increases your damage. For ever 2 points you get 1 dmg one handed or 1.5 2 handed while getting an attack bonus this is by far the most effective combat bonus for you. A potion of bull's strength costs 300 gold and lasts 3 minutes. For 3 minutes you get +2 to hit and +2 damage (one handed) +2 to hit and +3 damage (two handed) and +2 to your cmb and cmd. That is a minimum of 3 feats and the bonus against cmb and cmd is amazing.

Not “For ever” but “For every”. Only for melee, not for ranged combat.

6. Increasing your size magically also increases your damage. With the strength bonus (a size bonus that stacks with enhancement bonuses), the damage dice increase with the weapon, and the reach for more attacks and attacks of opportunity this is one of the most powerful things a melee fighter could use.

Only for melee. Unless you use oversized arrows, will they remain oversized when they leave you. Also, you can be attacked by more creatures at the same time and have a lower AC.

7. Positioning is very important when it comes to dealing damage. Making sure you are in a place that allows you to take attacks of opportunity is a key way to increase your damage per round. If you have an attack of opportunity left when your turn comes back around that means there was a chance last round you could have dealt more damage.

Such AoO are very dependent on the GM. More common with unintelligent opponents, much less so with smart ones.

8. Focusing an enemy as a group. Each enemy does 100% of there total damage until they are 100% disabled. Meaning if you and your party are damaging 4 different people and get them all to 75% you are still taking 400% damage. Now if you had grouped and focused one person you would have 1 at 0% and 3 at 100% meaning you take only 300% damage.

Not “Focusing an enemy” but “Focus on one enemy”. Not “there” but “their”.

Add: 11. There are some things better than damage. If you can take an opponent out of the fight, you reduce their ability to do damage. If you force a martial to waste a move action on something, they cannot take a full attack, thus getting only one attack rather than multiples they can get at high levels. If you can blind someone, they lose much of their threat because they now miss a lot. Many conditions can slow or shut down your opponents.

Section 6. Damage Reduction
Add: 9. Weapon blanches are consumables that are applied to weapons to make them temporarily count as made of a special material.

Section 7. Attacks of Opportunity

1. an attack of opportunity happens when you do something that allows other people to attack you for free outside of there turn.

An Attack of Opportunity happens when someone does something that allows others to attack them for free.

4. Moving out of a threatened square provokes an attack of opportunity. However a 5 foot shift never provokes and withdrawing does not provoke when you leave your first threatened square (all other offenses are resolved as normal)

Not “5 foot shift” but “5’ step”.

5. Casting a spell while threatened provokes an attack of opportunity. Casting on the defensive is a concentration check and negates the attack of opportunity rather you make the dc or not however failure to make a check of 15+2x spell level will cause you to lose the spell.

"Casting on the defensive prevents the attack of opportunity, but requires a concentration check of 15+2x spell level. If you fail the check, you lose the spell."

6. Firing a ranged weapon while threatened provokes attacks of opportunity. There are higher level feats that negate this Moving out of a threatened square provokes an attack of opportunity. However a 5 foot shift never provokes and withdrawing does not provoke when you leave your first threatened square (all other offenses are resolved as normal)

Remove the duplicate text from #4

7. Casting a spell while threatened provokes an attack of opportunity. Casting on the defensive is a concentration check and negates the attack of opportunity rather you make the dc or not however failure to make a check of 15+2x spell level will cause you to lose the spell.

Duplicate of #5

8. Firing a ranged weapon while threatened provokes attacks of opportunity. There are higher level feats that negate this.

Duplicate of #6

12. There are a list of feats and class features that allow people to take additional attacks of opportunity against you for a wide array of reasons. But there are some ways to protect yourself.

"There are a list of feats and class features that allow you to have additional attacks of opportunity for a wide variety of reasons. Extra attacks mean extra damage."

13. These attacks are normal attacks so a good ac/cmd can help you handle the extra attacks. A very tank character could even use there move action to purposefully provoke attacks of opportunity hoping there friends can get by without having to worry about them.

Not “there” but “their”.

14. Some feats or class features give you bonuses vs attacks of opportunity. Mobility gives you a +4 dodge bonus vs attacks of opportunity it is a situational feat but a very large boost to your AC during this time. These attacks are normal attacks so a good ac/cmd can help you handle the extra attacks. A very tank character could even use there move action to purposefully provoke attacks of opportunity hoping there friends can get by without having to worry about them.

Remove duplicate text from #13.


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