Do awakened trees have Constitution scores?

Rules Questions

10 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.

"An awakened tree has characteristics as if it were an animated object, except that it gains the plant type and its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores are each 3d6. An awakened plant gains the ability to move its limbs, roots, vines, creepers, and so forth, and it has senses similar to a human's."

The tree is a Plant-type creature, not a Construct-type one, so technically, it should have a Constitution score since it's a living creature... but the spell seems to have missed that part.

So what do I do? Do awakened trees have Constitution scores?

Have the awakened tree automatically die from lack of constitution?

Seriously non-awakened trees should have a 'constitution score' simply by virtue of being living organisms... I do not see why an awakened tree would be any different... now what a tree's con score might be :::shrugs:::

It is treated as an animated object, which means it has construct traits and therefore has no constitution score.

Grand Lodge

I agree to a point with RumpinRufus. The animated tree has the characteristics of an animated object (except where stated otherwise) so it has no Constitution. Since this is not the same as a Constitution of 0, this plant creature can remain alive.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Interesting question. I see a few reasons for not wanting to give a awakened tree a constitution score and instead giving it bonus hit point based on its size, but for some effects it seem weird.

PRD wrote:


This type comprises vegetable creatures. Note that regular plants, such as one finds growing in gardens and fields, lack Wisdom and Charisma scores and are not creatures, but objects, even though they are alive. A plant creature has the following features.

d8 Hit Die.
Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (medium progression).
Good Fortitude saves.
Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. Some plant creatures, however, are mindless and gain no skill points or feats. The following are class skills for plants: Perception and Stealth.

Traits: A plant creature possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry).

Low-light vision.
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).
Immunity to paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and stunning.
Proficient with its natural weapons only.
Not proficient with armor.
Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep.

Looking the plant type we see that they are already treated like objects but they have a constitution score as they lack this phrase that is present in the traits of the construct type: "No Constitution score. Any DCs or other statistics that rely on a Constitution score treat a construct as having a score of 10 (no bonus or penalty)."

So my conclusion is that they have a constitution score and it is the same that they had prior to being awakened.

Fun note: herbicides don't work in Golarion as the plants are "immune to poison".

Sovereign Court

Avakened tree is a plant creatures, thus possessing a constitution score.

Diego Rossi wrote:

Looking the plant type we see that they are already treated like objects but they have a constitution score as they lack this phrase that is present in the traits of the construct type: "No Constitution score. Any DCs or other statistics that rely on a Constitution score treat a construct as having a score of 10 (no bonus or penalty)."

So my conclusion is that they have a constitution score and it is the same that they had prior to being awakened.

Fun note: herbicides don't work in Golarion as the plants are "immune to poison".

I'm thinking in the same lines, because they need a Constitution score as they are living creatures. I'm not animating them using Animate Objects.

I'll subject my question as a FAQ request, because I'd really like to get the writers' answer about that.

Hama wrote:
Avakened tree is a plant creatures, thus possessing a constitution score.

Good to know. How do I calculate that then? What dice do I roll? What are the size modifiers? Also, animated objects, as well as any construct, have d10 HD, so since awakened trees are plants, they have d8 HD, right? They have the same statistics as animated objects, so do they also have Construction Points to add them new abilities like tramble, constrict and additional slam?

It's like they didn't address a bunch of things. Was it THAT hard to make a stat block for the awakened tree from the ground up, or even have the Awakened Tree as a creature in the Bestiary?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
RumpinRufus wrote:
It is treated as an animated object, which means it has construct traits and therefore has no constitution score.

It's treated as an animated object for purposes of describing the attacks it's capable of. It doesn't lose the constitution it had as a living plant.

RAW tends to leave a lot of blanks because the writers tend to assume and shorthand a lot of what they consider "obvious" details.

What's the CON score of a regular tree? What about a rose bush?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Quantum Steve wrote:
What's the CON score of a regular tree? What about a rose bush?

Why is this a question really? Unless your PC is an actual rose bush, why would it matter?

Diego Rossi wrote:

Fun note: herbicides don't work in Golarion as the plants are "immune to poison".

Eh. The game is full of rules exceptions. Just include a line that reads, "Plants are not immune to this poison," and you're set.

RumpinRufus wrote:
It is treated as an animated object, which means it has construct traits and therefore has no constitution score.

You missed that part: "except that it gains the plant type".

It's not a construct with the plant subtype nor a plant with the construct subtype. It's a plant creature, a living being, thus it gets a Constitution score... that isn't mentioned in the spell, ever since 3E for that matter.

LazarX wrote:
Quantum Steve wrote:
What's the CON score of a regular tree? What about a rose bush?
Why is this a question really? Unless your PC is an actual rose bush, why would it matter?

Isn't that what this thread is about? The CON score for an awakened tree would be the same as the CON score for a regular tree. And if a tree gets a CON score, why not a rose bush?

While we're on the topic, what are the STR and DEX scores for a regular tree? Since Awaken doesn't give them STR and DEX scores (only INT, WIS, and CHA) they must use they same scores they have.
Trees are immobile, that would suggest a DEX of 0. Do Awakened trees keep their 0 DEX? That would make them pretty useless.

given that normal trees and shrubs can't moveof thier own volition, they have strength and dexterity scores of 0. The awaken spell accounts for this by telling you to use the characteristics of animated objects of the correct size... ergo an awakened large sized tree would have the str and dex of a large sized animated object (in this case 22 str and 8 Dex).

Treants are described as an "animated tree". They are size huge plants, and have a 23 constitution. I'd use these stats.

In fact, Treants even have an ability called "Animate Tree" that makes a tree fight with the same stats as the Treant, including the constitution score. If awakening is basically "tree + animate object," then I think using the Animate Tree ability as a guideline is a pretty safe bet.

Also, the Liveoak spell animates a huge oak tree, and uses the stats of a Treant as well.

The Ill Way wrote:

Treants are described as an "animated tree". They are size huge plants, and have a 23 constitution. I'd use these stats.

In fact, Treants even have an ability called "Animate Tree" that makes a tree fight with the same stats as the Treant, including the constitution score. If awakening is basically "tree + animate object," then I think using the Animate Tree ability as a guideline is a pretty safe bet.

Also, the Liveoak spell animates a huge oak tree, and uses the stats of a Treant as well.

Thanks for the pointer :)

Answered in the FAQ...

Where's the link?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
JiCi wrote:

"An awakened tree has characteristics as if it were an animated object, except that it gains the plant type and its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores are each 3d6. An awakened plant gains the ability to move its limbs, roots, vines, creepers, and so forth, and it has senses similar to a human's."

The tree is a Plant-type creature, not a Construct-type one, so technically, it should have a Constitution score since it's a living creature... but the spell seems to have missed that part.

So what do I do? Do awakened trees have Constitution scores?

I think "characteristics of an animated object" can be taken quite literally... and animated objects have no Constitution score. The plant type is an overlay, much as the Vampire template grants the undead type to its base creature.

The thing is that a vampire is an actual Undead; the base creature loses its constitution score.

An awakened tree isn't a construct creature like an animated object, but with the plant subtype, it is an actual plant creature, thus is needs a constitution score, which isn't provided in the spell's description. My question apparently got answered in the FAQ, but I can't find it anywhere.

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