Advice for working with a player in my campaign.


Dark Archive

I have a friend of mine in the campaign I am getting ready to run here in a few months. We will be playing RotRL. I am working with people on their characters, trying to work within the rules so they can do what they want to. Everything is going well, then I have one of the players do this.

He wants to play a Human, that was raised by a dwarven Druid, and gets the benifits of having proficiency with the dwarven weapons. Well I did some searching and found the Racial trait that can be swapped out so he can take the weapon familiarity of his adoptive parents. He was not happy loosing the bonus feat, saying since he was raised with them he should know how to use them. I told him he could, but he has to take the optional racial trait. He has not decided on that one yet.

Next he wants to be able to rage, and become large when he does so. I suggested he look at the Titan Mauler archetype. He was not happy with that cause it would take too long before he could get large.

So he asked me if we could come up with a archetype for him to use, no sooner did I say yes then he sent me this:

Hulking Rager:

Upon reaching 2nd level the Hulking Rager can spend 2 points of rage per round to be effected by the Enlarge Person spell. The Hulking Rager gains all bonuses and minuses of this spell for the duration of the rage. This ability replaces Uncanny Dodge that would be gained at 2nd level and Improved Uncanny dodge that would be gained at 5th.

Upon reaching 3rd level... I dont have anything for this yet. This will replace Trap Sense. Suggestions?

Upon reaching 7th level the Hulking Rager can spend 2 points of rage per round to be effected by Righteous Might as per the spell as if cast by minimum level spell caster for the spell. This ability replaces Damage Reduction.

Upon reaching 14th level the Hulking Rager can spend 2 points of rage per round to be effected by Righteous Might as per the spell as if cast by a 15th level caster. This ability replaces Indomitable Will.

As you can see from this it is obvious what he is trying to do.

Now the adivice I need, is there anything we can do or I can do to find him what he wants without letting him be completely broken and OP?

I have said nothing from 3.5 or 3rd party, and I would be willing to work with him on a archetype, but where should I start with this?

I see problems with this. What you should probably suggest to him as an alternative would be to take a good look at combining some levels of Alchemist with levels of Barbarian.

He could achieve his big nasty hulk build, without driving you crazy and without homebrewing up something that could potentially screw up the game for everyone else.

Dark Archive

Lamontius wrote:

I see problems with this. What you should probably suggest to him as an alternative would be to take a good look at combining some levels of Alchemist with levels of Barbarian.

He could achieve his big nasty hulk build, without driving you crazy and without homebrewing up something that could potentially screw up the game for everyone else.

I will make that suggestion and see what he thinks.

Silver Crusade

If he really just wants to get big, suggest dipping 2 levels of rogue - to take Rogue Talent: Minor Magic. Then he can spend a feat to gain Extra Rogue Talent: Major Magic - and here he chooses Enlarge Person.

If he wants a longer path - or to truly optimize by taking both - he should look at the Eldritch Heritage: Orc line.

A single level dip into cleric or druid with the growth subdomain would let him enlarge himself as a swift action for a round at a time 3+wis times per day, so he could pick and choose the rounds it'd be most useful.

He'd also get enlarge person as a domain spell that way. And could take the trait to make him effective caster level +2 with it.

The maps for the first two chapters of RotR are quite cramped and he'll get very little chance to use Enlarge Person effectively without also blocking his allies from the fight. I don't remember exactly when it opens up.

I suggest he takes the Titan Mauler archetype as it's pretty good considering the enemies later in the AP, and buys the caster Pearls/Runestones of Power for several castings of Enlarge Person per day until he gets the ability himself.

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