Why I Hate My Life

Off-Topic Discussions

We've got a 'Why I Love My Life' thread. How about some balance?

I just found out that I need extremely expensive treatment and surgery. I will never see the amount of money required to pay for it.


FML, indeed.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

My wife is currently working four hours away during the week and driving home for the weekends. And I will be going to a training exercise for the next two weeks, away from home sleeping in a tent and working around the clock.

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You went to public school.


Liberty's Edge

Dead cats.

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Dead cats.

One of my cats got hit by a car while I was right there. He died in my arms.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

TriOmegaZero wrote:
My wife is currently working four hours away during the week and driving home for the weekends. And I will be going to a training exercise for the next two weeks, away from home sleeping in a tent and working around the clock.

Gee, that sounds familiar. I'm also a midweek geo bach. And JRTC.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

*shares a bottle with CB*

I decided to go to school part time this semester so I could work full time and not have to take out any student loans. I was downright bored last semester, school full time working only 16 hours a week, I figured I could handle it. Part of the idea is that, after working full time over the summer (since May 26th) I would have paid time off activated so I could take off time here and there to do homework if need be (or to just have a day off).

Because of a hiccup in the way they calculate it, which is too complicated to get into, I didn't have my PTO activated in August 11th like I expected, but have to wait until at least 9/22. Which means my trip to visit relatives last weekend cost me an extra few hundred dollars in lost wages.

Furthermore, the classes I'm taking which I thought would be easy, have had a crazy amount of homework. I've spent at least 20 hours online each of the last 2 weeks doing math homework alone.

I'm going to be expected to run a game on Thursdays in about 6 weeks, which I've had no time to prep for because of this other stuff, and I've been promising to run for over 2 years.

My wife left me Thursday. We'd been dating/married almost 17 years.

Thanks for the support.

Liberty's Edge

Sorry bro.

Uninvited Ghost wrote:
My wife left me Thursday. We'd been dating/married almost 17 years.

That's rough :(

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I don't know what to say, Ghost. I've narrowly avoided the same misfortune myself. I don't know what abyss I'd be in right now if I hadn't.

Thanks guys. I do not forsee a worse event occuring in my life.

And not that it matters in the grand scheme of things, just more insult to injury, she was the GM. So I don't have a play group anymore.

Uninvited Ghost wrote:
My wife left me Thursday. We'd been dating/married almost 17 years.

I only just now read this. I'm so sorry to hear about it. You don't know me and I don't know you, but if you want to rant, vent, or curse in every language you know feel free to send me a private message.

Sorry to hear that Ghost!

If it was going to end, perhaps it is better to get it over with. Life is long, and there are better women and gaming groups out there somewhere!

My wife and I have been more like roommates than spouses for nearly all of the 22 years we've been married. We get along great, but it's not a "real marriage", at least in the manner I've always seen it defined. Add to that we'll finally be getting a divorce soon and I'll have to find a new place to live. I draw a disability check from the government, which is meager enough as it is, but I'll lose the extra coverage offered by her work insurance. I'm in line for housing assistance and I'm months away from my "number" coming up (yes, you have to wait sometimes 2 years or more where I live for assisted housing and they only place one person or family at a time). So I'll have to find a place that I can afford on a tiny check, be able to buy food and gas for my vehicle, as well as one that accepts dogs. OH, and because I don't have any dependents, I'm not allowed to live in a place with more than one bedroom.

So that's why (well, one of the reasons) I hate my life.

The Exchange

DungeonmasterCal wrote:

My wife and I have been more like roommates than spouses for nearly all of the 22 years we've been married. We get along great, but it's not a "real marriage", at least in the manner I've always seen it defined. Add to that we'll finally be getting a divorce soon and I'll have to find a new place to live. I draw a disability check from the government, which is meager enough as it is, but I'll lose the extra coverage offered by her work insurance. I'm in line for housing assistance and I'm months away from my "number" coming up (yes, you have to wait sometimes 2 years or more where I live for assisted housing and they only place one person or family at a time). So I'll have to find a place that I can afford on a tiny check, be able to buy food and gas for my vehicle, as well as one that accepts dogs. OH, and because I don't have any dependents, I'm not allowed to live in a place with more than one bedroom.

So that's why (well, one of the reasons) I hate my life.

It is getting to be hard for any single person to afford housing unless they are one of the lucky wealthy few.

Jesus, uninvited ghost, that's awful. My deepest condolences.

Umbral Reaver wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
Dead cats.
One of my cats got hit by a car while I was right there. He died in my arms.

Please tell me that driver was remorseful at least.


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Uninvited Ghost and DungeonmasterCal, sorry about your divorce troubles. I sympathize. My divorce was easy as divorces go--no kids, no significant property--but was still nightmarish. Maybe you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel right now, but you will get through it and things will be different, better even, on the other side in ways you can't imagine. The loss hits hard but you will get through it and you will get better.

I used the opportunity of being unencumbered by obligations to pursue some things I wouldn't have otherwise. I ran a 10-miler. I started a master's. I reconnected with friends. I dated. I gamed. It helps to get you through it to sieze the opportunity to find some activity that you love to do and do it full steam. The sooner you can reclaim your self-sufficiency, the better off you will be.

One last thing: get a lawyer RIGHT NOW. Call somebody this very minute if you don't already have one. If you think you can't afford one, believe me, you can't afford NOT to have one.

Hope you will take this as some practical help you can use and not just empty platitudes. Send me a PM if you want to talk--I don't mind giving out my phone number.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Hey Charlie, you can sympathize with this.

We didn't have the tents staked down when the stormfront came through. Blew one right over and shifted the other one a few feet. Now we got a busted drash tent and a buch of wet gear.

I know it's petty compared to everyone else's troubles, but here I am stuck in the rain with two weeks to go. >.<

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Dang, man, that's rough. Somebody will be falling on their sword over that. Hopefully it blew out the mosquitoes and blew in some cooler air, anyways.

Grand Lodge

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Hey Charlie, you can sympathize with this.

We didn't have the tents staked down when the stormfront came through. Blew one right over and shifted the other one a few feet. Now we got a busted drash tent and a buch of wet gear.

I know it's petty compared to everyone else's troubles, but here I am stuck in the rain with two weeks to go. >.<

Could be worse: During our FTX's in Korea, they planted our tent city on the base golf course but would forget to turn the sprinklers off. At 4am every night they'd go off until everything was flooded. The farmers rice fields just outside base would flood due to summer rainstorms and his fields of rice...and human excrement would flow into tent city, making sure everything was wet with a nice smelly brown glaze.

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