Alchemist making golems


Do Alchemist levels count as Caster Levels for the purpose of taking feats like Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor or Craft Construct? I just got another cool idea for a character of mine, but I fear the rules might be limiting my options.

Grand Lodge

Yes. There are current APs that have alchemist NPCs with such feats.

Thanks, this just made my Kobold Alchemist that much more fearsome.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Well, it makes some sense. I can't see anyone but an alchemist making an alchemy golem, for instance. I mean, I'm sure a wizard could, but it just feels more thematic...

Ask your DM. Some sources imply alchemists don't use "magic" per se, such as the mentions that alchemists can be found and can still use their powers in the Mana Wastes, but as blackbloodtroll mentions, there are also APs with alchemists using crafting feats. So...up to DM i suppose.

Grand Lodge

Just so you know...

One of the NPCs was a Lich, with only levels in alchemist.

Carrion Crown:
There are alchemists in the Carrion Crown AP that have made Flesh Golems.

My resolve on this issue has been shaken since the flurry of blows issue.

Read as written, the answer is no.

As intended? It's probably meant that they can take magic item creation feats.

Here is a summary of all the evidence in favor of them crafting. Do note that this was before the flurry of blows issue and that while James Jacobs is the original designer, Jason Bulmahn took it over and crafted it. Not meant as a slight to James, but just like how Jason Nelson commenting on the sohei or any other of his archetypes isn't official errata or an official answer, he can give what he had intended when he turned it over to Paizo.

More disconcerting is that the alchemist received Brew Potion because they do not meet the requirements necessary to take the feat.

Grand Lodge

Just point your DM in the direction of the Carrion Crown AP.

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