Underline HTML?

Website Feedback

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any chance the we could get HTML for underlined text?

Italics and boldface are fun, but [u]underline[/u] could also be neat.

Strikethrough also would be way cool!

An option for fixed width font would also be greatly relished.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Improving our BBCode support is definitely on the todo list, and moving up in priority.

No offense (this is mostly just a bump/reminder), but it seems like progress is going pretty slow for something that I would think is quite simple and "moving up in priority" — considering that it's been over a year and a half and all.

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah, but you haven't seen how we're going to implement an underline tag. It's going to be the best danged underline tag you ever did see!

Seriously though it it is still on the todo list and it is actually moving (slowly) up in priority.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Gary Teter wrote:

Ah, but you haven't seen how we're going to implement an underline tag. It's going to be the best danged underline tag you ever did see!

Seriously though it it is still on the todo list and it is actually moving (slowly) up in priority.

I was going to recommend you underline it on that list, but, well...

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm hoping its moving up in priority along with the upgrade to the character limit on the campaign short descriptions. If I nag much more about it I think people will start flagging my posts :P.

Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
I'm hoping its moving up in priority along with the upgrade to the character limit on the campaign short descriptions. If I nag much more about it I think people will start flagging my posts :P.

Flagged, quoted, Fav'd, +1'd, super-bolded, etc. :P

Shadow Lodge

Underline is best left reserved for links in any kind of web formatting.

And it would really be nice for links to automatically get hyperlinked.

Yeah, put my vote on the underlining bandwagon. It would be useful in pbps, where I'm already using bold for able to act and italic for disabled. Underlining would be good for the top of the round marker.


Yes, I'm OCD. So sue me.

Sovereign Court

Toadkiller Dog wrote:
And it would really be nice for links to automatically get hyperlinked.

I like the current system. It forces people to be more elegant and (often) playful.

treppa wrote:
Yeah, put my vote on the underlining bandwagon. It would be useful in pbps, where I'm already using bold for able to act and italic for disabled. Underlining would be good for the top of the round marker.

I thought it was standard to use bold for speech and italics for thoughts?

I'm speaking of my initiative order list as GM, not about dialog, though it's easy to see why you thought that. I wasn't clear.

People use different speech/though conventions, but it's typically bold speech and italic thought. Nothing enforces that, though.

Sovereign Court

Treppa wrote:

I'm speaking of my initiative order list as GM, not about dialog, though it's easy to see why you thought that. I wasn't clear.

People use different speech/though conventions, but it's typically bold speech and italic thought. Nothing enforces that, though.

Ah, right.

I actually think the best innovation they could make for pbp GMs would be a range of colours. Although, I have no idea how difficult that would be to achieve.

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