[PF2] GM Steinkrug's Torment and Legacy (PF2 Demo) (Inactive)

Game Master steinkrug

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Thread for gameplay.

The villagers told you it was a shocking and brazen attack. The ogre strode into the village of Salvoy, picked up the old sage Lazino by his head, and unceremoniously stuffed him into a sack, shouting “Haanar wants to speak with you.” Not a moment later, the ogre ran laughing off into the hills. As soon as you strolled into Salvoy, nearly the entire population beseeched you to rescue their kindly, wise sage. They explained that Haanar is an exile who dabbled in foul magic, and that the odd man must have hired this ogre to kidnap Lazino. The most emotional request came from the sage’s granddaughter, Leyla, offering her entire savings, 20 gold coins, if you rescue grandpa.

Thankfully, the ogre’s trail was not difficult to follow. His massive footfalls pocked the ground softened by recent rains. One of the shaggy cattle of the region clearly ran afoul of the ogre—you found what remained of the poor beast eviscerated along the path, swarmed by flies and crows. Near sunset, you noticed the signs of fire in the distance, coming from atop a nearby hill. The drifting smell of cooking meat hinted it was a fire for comfort rather than catastrophe. But then you heard the screams for help, followed by a rumbling, mocking laughter, so deep that it rattles your teeth.

“Stop your crying, or I’ll put you on my hook and cook you all crispy.”

The man’s scream fades into a whimper, but the deep voice continues to laugh.

I've added a map to the slides. You know the ogre is likely at the top of the hill, but it's up to the party how you want to approach. Straight on up the path?

Male Goblin (Fire-Eater clan) Alchemist/1 (HP 15/15 Fire Resist 1| AC:17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+3 | Perc:+3 Darkvision | Stride:25) | Dogslicer +6 1d6S (A/BS), Flask +6 20ft Arcana +5 Crafting +5 Deception +2 Lore (underworld) +5 Society +5 Stealth +4 Thievery +4

Fumbus sneaks forward for a better view.

Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

He tries to remember what he knows about ogres.

Lore (underworld): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Wow. Awesome start to the adventure.

Assuming we start in Exploration mode?

Yup. Starting in Exploration Mode.

So, using Stealth to Sneak in PF2 is actually a Secret Check, meaning the GM rolls it. Secret checks are usually done when the PC might not know how successful they have been. So, we can disregard the 7 roll. You can just let me know your intention to sneak forward and how close you want to get and I'll let you know the result.

Male Goblin (Fire-Eater clan) Alchemist/1 (HP 15/15 Fire Resist 1| AC:17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+3 | Perc:+3 Darkvision | Stride:25) | Dogslicer +6 1d6S (A/BS), Flask +6 20ft Arcana +5 Crafting +5 Deception +2 Lore (underworld) +5 Society +5 Stealth +4 Thievery +4

I don't suppose Lore (underworld) is also a Secret Check? :p

Male Human Fighter / 1 [ HP: 20 / 20 I AC: 18 / 20 w/shield I F: +7 R: +7 W: +3 I P: +5 I Speed: 20 ]

Watching the Goblin move out, Valeros chooses another direction to sneak up the hill. With his shortbow in hand, he picks his route.

His plan, if he is seen or heard, is to have the Ogre turned so its back would be to Fumbus.

Actually, yes, that would be a Recall Knowledge which would also be a Secret Check.

GM Screen:

F Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Fumbus, you know that ogres are a lot bigger than you. You also know that tripping over your own feet isn't very sneaky. Fortunately, you don't notice any reaction from the hilltop. I'm going by the map that you only moved forward a little bit.

Valeros, there's only one path up the hill. However you can climb the cliffs to your south and attempt to draw the ogre that way. That would be an Athletics check to climb, which you can roll.

What would you all like to do? Climb? Try to Sneak a little closer? Or just head up the path?

Male Goblin (Fire-Eater clan) Alchemist/1 (HP 15/15 Fire Resist 1| AC:17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+3 | Perc:+3 Darkvision | Stride:25) | Dogslicer +6 1d6S (A/BS), Flask +6 20ft Arcana +5 Crafting +5 Deception +2 Lore (underworld) +5 Society +5 Stealth +4 Thievery +4

Fumbus opens his mouth to share the important knowledge he knows, but thinks better of it.

He tries sneaking closer after tying down a loose reagent flask that clinked loudly.

Intent is to "peek around the corner" until he gets a glimpse of the ogre.

Female Human Cleric 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 18 | F +5 R +4 W +9 | P +7 | Speed 25ft | Active Conditions: None

Kyra follows behind the surprisingly loud Fumbus, not particularly trying to hide herself but not tripping over herself either. She had never felt the need to hide herself from her opponents, and worried that they might not have time to be sneaking around. Not trained in stealth, apparently, but we don't seem to need an abundance of that here. Following Fumbus, but staying back behind him.

Male Human Fighter / 1 [ HP: 20 / 20 I AC: 18 / 20 w/shield I F: +7 R: +7 W: +3 I P: +5 I Speed: 20 ]

"I'll go around and climb up the south side so we can try and flank him. If one of us draws his attention away from Lazino, maybe the other can pull the sage from harm, then we can close in and gut this thing." Valeros whispers. He runs off to find a good ascent route.

Athletics: 8 + 7 = 15

Male Goblin (Fire-Eater clan) Alchemist/1 (HP 15/15 Fire Resist 1| AC:17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+3 | Perc:+3 Darkvision | Stride:25) | Dogslicer +6 1d6S (A/BS), Flask +6 20ft Arcana +5 Crafting +5 Deception +2 Lore (underworld) +5 Society +5 Stealth +4 Thievery +4

Hmpf! If we can grabs him, nothing wrong with runnings away and survivings to see tomorrow, grumbles Fumbus under his breath.

He's not cowardly so much as pragmatic. Also, have you seen how large ogres are?

He silently draws his dogslicer nonetheless.

Seelah HP 19/19 | AC 18 (20 with shield raised) | F 6 R 4 W 6 | Longsword +7 1d8+4 | Athletics +7 | Diplomacy +5 | Intimidation +5 | Lore +3 | Medicine +4 | Religion +4 | Survival +4 | Thievery +2

The case is clear, no matter how big that ogre is. They abducted someone against their will and have to give them back. We'll talk to them. Maybe they aren't as stupid.

Seelah grips her sword and shield, following Fumbus up the hill...

GM Screen:

Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Valeros attempts to climb up the cliff. He thinks he's going to make it but just before he gets a hand on the upper level, the rock his right foot is on breaks away from the cliff side and he slips back down.

Meanwhile, Fumbus tries to sneak up and get a glimpse of the ogre. Unfortunately, he stubs his big goblin toe on a rock and lets out a yelp of pain before he can cover his mouth.

“Huh? Who are you?” the ogre growls, his brow furrowing in confusion. “More meat for my fire,” he laughs as he grabs his hook and javelin and lurches toward you

The massive brute hobbles about on stumpy legs, its well-muscled torso covered in matted, sweaty body hair. Its disproportionately long arms giving it an ape-like appearance. He leaves behind a large fire over which a giant slab of meat is roasting.

“Help me! Please!” An old bearded man, bound at the entrance of the cave, begs as he struggles with his bonds.


The way I do initiative is to roll for everyone and then allow the PCs to act in blocks between monsters.

GM Screen:

Valeros: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Kyra: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Seelah: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Fumbus: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Ogre: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Initiative Order


Valeros and Kyra may act. Valeros, you can continue to make Athletics attempts to Climb if you like. Each attempt will cost 1 of your 3 actions per turn. I'll let you know that the DC is 17 so that if you succeed and have actions remaining you can declare those as well.

See map on slides for positioning, movement. Kyra and Seelah, I moved you up closer to Fumbus as you stated.

(Oh, there was also supposed to be fifth player but at this point we're moving on without since the number of players requires adjustments to this combat.)

Male Human Fighter / 1 [ HP: 20 / 20 I AC: 18 / 20 w/shield I F: +7 R: +7 W: +3 I P: +5 I Speed: 20 ]

I hope we don't have to fight Santa Claus! LOL

Valeros shakes some dirt out of his hair and looks again for another route while he silently lets out an expletive. Then he hears the ogre bellow in the distance and realizes someone has been spotted. Instinct and a sense of urgency pushes him upward and this time he gets to the top.

Athletics: 18 + 7 = 25

He takes out his bow and runs toward the fire. He hopes to reach the Sage and lead him to safety before he spills some ogre blood.

Action 1: climb; Action 2: takes out bow; Action 3: move toward fire and/or sage

Female Human Cleric 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 18 | F +5 R +4 W +9 | P +7 | Speed 25ft | Active Conditions: None

Kyra gives Seelah a sidelong glance with a raised eyebrow. "Talk to ogres? Seriously?" she whispers, shaking her head slightly. Before she can say anything more, the less than graceful motions of her companions make the question a moot one. With a sigh, she quickly moves closer to the ogre. She then raises her hand toward the beast and sends forth a blaze of fire.

1 action to move and 2 actions to use Fire Ray
Spell attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11

Kyra's arc of fire hits the ogre square in the chest. Ow! Fire for cooking cow not me!

The ogre wobbles down toward Kyra, swinging his hook wide and low at her feet. She's not expecting this move and she hits the ground hard. Critical Success, 6 damage, fall prone. He then tries to bring the hook down on her, but in his excitement, hits the ground next to her instead.


Trip: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Attack: 1d20 + 12 - 5 ⇒ (1) + 12 - 5 = 8

Initiative Order
Round Two:

(-6, Prone)
Ogre (-11)

Round One:

Everyone is up before the Ogre gets another turn. You should be able to move your tokens on the map, let me know if you can't. Kyra, you can use 1 action to Stand.

Male Goblin (Fire-Eater clan) Alchemist/1 (HP 15/15 Fire Resist 1| AC:17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+3 | Perc:+3 Darkvision | Stride:25) | Dogslicer +6 1d6S (A/BS), Flask +6 20ft Arcana +5 Crafting +5 Deception +2 Lore (underworld) +5 Society +5 Stealth +4 Thievery +4

Fumbus lets out a traditional goblin warcry as he moves into position for a throw.

Fohhhhrrrr Daaaaaa Luuuuulllllls!

Stride, Quick Bomber Interact + Strike

Lesser Alchemist's Fire: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 7 fire + 1 persistent fire + 1 fire splash

lesser alc fire 3 remaining

He takes great pleasure in being accurate, and almost notices that a teammate was in splash range.

Sorry, Kyra. It seems in character for Fumbus to not care so much about collateral damage. Feel free to call him out on that.

Male Human Fighter / 1 [ HP: 20 / 20 I AC: 18 / 20 w/shield I F: +7 R: +7 W: +3 I P: +5 I Speed: 20 ]

Valeros moves up toward the fire and Sage, creating a barrier between the ogre and its captive. Then he nocks an arrow.

"Hey you, get behind behind me. Your grand daughter sent us to rescue you," Valeros whispers into the darkness on his left.

2 actions to move up 40ft; 1 action to set the arrow; free action to speak (assuming I can at least see a silhouette of Lazino or hear his whimpering)

Female Human Cleric 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 18 | F +5 R +4 W +9 | P +7 | Speed 25ft | Active Conditions: None

Kyra looks shocked as the ogre not only lands a solid blow, but also sends her falling flat on her rear. Then, to add insult to injury, the clumsy goblin hits her with some of his thrown fire! "Fumbus! What the hell, man!" she yells, as she shakes off the remains of the fire. She stands up, and casts a quick heal spell, touching her own nasty wounds.

One action to stand, two actions to cast the stronger heal spell
Healing: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Fumbus' alchemical research field is Bomber. I don't see this on your character sheet, so you wouldn't know, but Bombers can choose to deal splash damage only to their target. So, I'll assume you'd do that since you have the option. If not, Kyra healed, so it's kinda moot, but FYI.

Valeros. It's an action to take out your bow, but you don't have to use one to set the arrow, so you still have one action left if you want to go ahead and fire.

Male Human Fighter / 1 [ HP: 20 / 20 I AC: 18 / 20 w/shield I F: +7 R: +7 W: +3 I P: +5 I Speed: 20 ]

Valeros peers down the arrow shaft, measures the distance to the ogre's back, and gauges wind speed and direction.

"I'd prefer to gut you, but this will have to do for now."

Bow & Arrow: 17 + 7 = 24

Damage: 3 + 0 = 3

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Male Goblin (Fire-Eater clan) Alchemist/1 (HP 15/15 Fire Resist 1| AC:17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+3 | Perc:+3 Darkvision | Stride:25) | Dogslicer +6 1d6S (A/BS), Flask +6 20ft Arcana +5 Crafting +5 Deception +2 Lore (underworld) +5 Society +5 Stealth +4 Thievery +4

Since Kyra healed it anyway, I'm gonna go with my initial characterization.

Oops, sorries! Fumbus will be more carefuls next time!

Gahh! No fire! Fire for cooking cow! yells the ogre as Fumbus's alchemical concoction gets all over him. Just as he's done reacting to that, one of Valeros's arrows sinks into his large back.

Th-thank you. Lazino responds to Valeros.

Initiative Order
Round Two:
Ogre (-21, persistent fire)

Round One:

Seelah is up.

Seelah HP 19/19 | AC 18 (20 with shield raised) | F 6 R 4 W 6 | Longsword +7 1d8+4 | Athletics +7 | Diplomacy +5 | Intimidation +5 | Lore +3 | Medicine +4 | Religion +4 | Survival +4 | Thievery +2

Seelah shrugs with her shoulders.
Doesn't seem too innocent this one if he thinks we're his dinner.

She strides up to the ogre next to Kyra and tries to hit them.
Longsword: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 91d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Seelah's swing goes wide and the ogre laughs. Not like that! Like this! And he raises his hook in one large, meaty hand to attack her, slicing a deep gash across her abdomen. How that feel?

He continues his momentum around, turning to attack the cleric. The hook bites deep into her as well. See what happen you interrupt my meal? He then sweeps the cleric off her feet again, but doesn't get as much behind it, so she doesn't hit the ground as hard this time.

The ogre takes a little more damage from the alchemical fire and then it goes out.

Attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Attack: 1d20 + 12 - 5 ⇒ (16) + 12 - 5 = 23 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Trip: 1d20 + 12 - 10 ⇒ (14) + 12 - 10 = 16

Ouch, some rough rolls, there.

Recovery: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Initiative Order
Round Three:
(-16, prone)
Ogre (-22, persistent fire)

Round Two:
Seelah (-15)

Everyone is up again.

Male Human Fighter / 1 [ HP: 20 / 20 I AC: 18 / 20 w/shield I F: +7 R: +7 W: +3 I P: +5 I Speed: 20 ]

Moments after the arrow leaves his hand, Valeros sees his companions take a few nasty hits. "Better get up there and gut this SOB," he thinks to himself.

"Stay out of sight, I'll be back," he whispers as he drops his bow, pulls out his shield and longsword, sprints up to the ogre, and swings his blade.

longsword: 12 + 9 = 21 flanking?

Damage: 2 + 4 = 6

Free Action to drop bow and speak; 1 Action to grab shield, 1 Action to unsheath longsword, 1 Action: Used 'Sudden Charge' Feat to run up to ogre which gives me an attack

Male Goblin (Fire-Eater clan) Alchemist/1 (HP 15/15 Fire Resist 1| AC:17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+3 | Perc:+3 Darkvision | Stride:25) | Dogslicer +6 1d6S (A/BS), Flask +6 20ft Arcana +5 Crafting +5 Deception +2 Lore (underworld) +5 Society +5 Stealth +4 Thievery +4

Fumbus quickly adjusts a flask to limit splash damage to a smaller radius, and lobs it at the ogre.

Quick Bomb: Interact + Strike; limit splash damage to primary target (this will be his default unless otherwise specified)

Lesser Alchemist's Fire: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6 fire + 1 persistent fire + 1 fire splash

lesser alc fire 2 remaining

Oooh, fire-ey! Burn, burn, burn!

He produces a slightly different (oil) flask from one of his pockets and prepares to throw it.

Interact to retrieve item

@Valeros - Sudden Charge is a two action activity. Do you want to leave your shield stowed perhaps so you can still attack?

Male Human Fighter / 1 [ HP: 20 / 20 I AC: 18 / 20 w/shield I F: +7 R: +7 W: +3 I P: +5 I Speed: 20 ]
GM Steinkrug wrote:
@Valeros - Sudden Charge is a two action activity. Do you want to leave your shield stowed perhaps so you can still attack?

oops, yes please. I'll just draw my blade, move, and attack

Seelah HP 19/19 | AC 18 (20 with shield raised) | F 6 R 4 W 6 | Longsword +7 1d8+4 | Athletics +7 | Diplomacy +5 | Intimidation +5 | Lore +3 | Medicine +4 | Religion +4 | Survival +4 | Thievery +2

As the ogre strikes at Kyra, Seelah uses the chance to punish them and protect her ally.
Retributive Strike: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 261d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Then she heals herself for 6hp, raises her shield and strikes at the ogre again.
Longsword: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 171d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Seelah sees the ogre about to strike the cleric and is able to deflect the blow slightly so that it doesn't cut her as deep all while making her own savage attack at the monster.

The ogre continues to be battered by the party. Valeros comes flying down the hill, drawing his blade and puts a deep slash across its back. Not long after it had put itself out, Fumbus alights it again with another concoction. Finally, after calling upon her deity for healing, Seelah stabs at the ogre again. Her sword slips into the ogre's belly and it coughs up blood. Looks surprised for a moment...

and then falls over dead with a loud thump.

Well, it hit a couple of you pretty hard but you can back with some great rolls. Kind of surprised it went down that quick, though!

Kyra has some spells and both she and Seelah have medicine training with healer's tools. Let me know what healing you'd like to do. Treat Wounds takes 10 minutes with a DC of 15. Success heals 2d8, critical success (nat 20 or 25 and above) heals 4d8. Critical fail (nat 1 or 5 and below) does 1d8 damage

You've got 10 minutes to do some healing or other actions.

Seelah HP 19/19 | AC 18 (20 with shield raised) | F 6 R 4 W 6 | Longsword +7 1d8+4 | Athletics +7 | Diplomacy +5 | Intimidation +5 | Lore +3 | Medicine +4 | Religion +4 | Survival +4 | Thievery +2

Is that 10 minutes for one person?

Yeah, 10 minutes to heal one person.

Male Human Fighter / 1 [ HP: 20 / 20 I AC: 18 / 20 w/shield I F: +7 R: +7 W: +3 I P: +5 I Speed: 20 ]

Valeros nods to his companions confirming a job well done then runs back to the Sage. "Are you injured? Can you walk? Let's get you home."

If Lazino can walk on his own or with minimal assistance, Valeros will guide him back to the group. (assuming he is willing to follow)

Male Human Fighter / 1 [ HP: 20 / 20 I AC: 18 / 20 w/shield I F: +7 R: +7 W: +3 I P: +5 I Speed: 20 ]

Valeros also recovers his bow and starts looking around the camp and checks the ogre body.

Male Goblin (Fire-Eater clan) Alchemist/1 (HP 15/15 Fire Resist 1| AC:17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+3 | Perc:+3 Darkvision | Stride:25) | Dogslicer +6 1d6S (A/BS), Flask +6 20ft Arcana +5 Crafting +5 Deception +2 Lore (underworld) +5 Society +5 Stealth +4 Thievery +4

Fumbus looks around to make sure there are no more ogres to see, then kicks the dead ogre in the head.

There's a long history between ogres and goblins.

Ready to move on. We're escorting Lazino back to the village, yes?

@Kyra, you have 3 less damage to heal since Seelah blocked some of it with her retributive strike.

Even if you're not going to do anything for the 10 minutes let me know. Basically, you're resting up a bit with the intention of escorting Lazino back yes... That's your intention anyway... ;)

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Female Human Cleric 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 18 | F +5 R +4 W +9 | P +7 | Speed 25ft | Active Conditions: None

Kyra slowly stands back up, holding the savage cut to her side from that damn ogre's wicked blade. "Bloody bastard" she mutters, as she slowly limps around him and closer to Lazino. She gives a grim nod particularly to Seelah as she passes, and then begins to motion everyone closer to her and Lazino. "Gather around, anyone that got hurt, I'll give us some healing to get moving again."

Once everyone is within 30 feet of her, she'll mutter a quick prayer under her breath. When she finishes, everyone feels a gentle breeze flowing around them, seeming to go in little circles around the group, and all their wounds close up a little.

Channel: 1d8 ⇒ 3

"If you'll give me a few minutes, I don't have many spells left but I still need to see to my more serious wounds here." Kyra takes out her medical pack and begins to dress her own wounds.

Medicine: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Heal: 2d8 ⇒ (7, 8) = 15

Seelah HP 19/19 | AC 18 (20 with shield raised) | F 6 R 4 W 6 | Longsword +7 1d8+4 | Athletics +7 | Diplomacy +5 | Intimidation +5 | Lore +3 | Medicine +4 | Religion +4 | Survival +4 | Thievery +2

Medicine: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 222d8 ⇒ (5, 7) = 12

Following Kyras example Seelah heals herself as well.

The group tends to their wounds.

The sage tells Valeros he thinks he can walk and thanks him for coming to his rescue.

Suddenly, the standing stones not far from the ogre’s cave begin to glow with an emerald-green radiance. From the light steps forth a young man, his features distorted with rage. He has a otherworldly look to him, as if he is not entirely human.

“There you are, sage! I see that you’ve brought friends, but it doesn’t matter. You will tell me the truth of my birth.”

A light of recognition on Lazino’s face turns into sadness and then compassion. He takes a few steps toward the man. “Your father never told you, did he?” the old sage says. “I can see it in your eyes and features. Your father was a fool who gave of his heart too freely. Before you were born, he was deceived by a mysterious woman that visited our small town. She was gone after only a fortnight, but nine months later, a child was left on your father’s door. It was then that I knew that your mother was a hag, a powerful creature and decidedly evil, but I hoped that through Ragir’s love you might be raised to be an upstanding member of the community. It seems I was wrong, but it’s not too late. You could still find a place with us!”

The Sage's words seem to have had an effect on the man and he's paused in thought. What would you like to do?

Male Human Fighter / 1 [ HP: 20 / 20 I AC: 18 / 20 w/shield I F: +7 R: +7 W: +3 I P: +5 I Speed: 20 ]

Valeros takes a few steps forward to keep the Sage behind him and act as a barrier to the potential new threat.

"It sounds like Lazino speaks truth. Your father loves you, and you still have a place you can call home. This is what you want."

Not really trying to deceive here. Just trying to deescalate the situation. Not sure what other skill would be used in this situation. Will use the Assurance Feat which grants a 10. If Deception is the proper skill then it would be a result of 13 (10+3)

Seelah HP 19/19 | AC 18 (20 with shield raised) | F 6 R 4 W 6 | Longsword +7 1d8+4 | Athletics +7 | Diplomacy +5 | Intimidation +5 | Lore +3 | Medicine +4 | Religion +4 | Survival +4 | Thievery +2

Search deep in your heart. Does your mothers legacy define who you are? Or are you your own person, forging your own fate? I don't know your history, but the hand is still outstretched, you only need to reach out and grasp it. It is yourn choice.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Male Goblin (Fire-Eater clan) Alchemist/1 (HP 15/15 Fire Resist 1| AC:17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+3 | Perc:+3 Darkvision | Stride:25) | Dogslicer +6 1d6S (A/BS), Flask +6 20ft Arcana +5 Crafting +5 Deception +2 Lore (underworld) +5 Society +5 Stealth +4 Thievery +4

Fumbus nods enthusiastically.

YupYupYup! Fumbus knows...yes, he does...birth does not define youse. Only youse defines youse.

Not sure if Society is a valid skill here. Fumbus is not trying to deceive, he knows first-hand this is true. Please roll for me if any skills are appropriate.

Valeros, Assurance only applies to a specific skill. In Valeros's case, he has Assurance with the Athletics skill only.

So, I'd say the most applicable skill in this situation is Diplomacy and using it to Make an Impression. There are feats and class abilities in 2e that allow you to Make and Impression with other skills but I don't think any of you have them.

Lazino seems to have talked the man down from being outright hostile.

Make an Impression doesn't require you to be trained in Diplomacy so you can make an attempt with your Charisma modifier (if any) if you'd like. Or you can just let others do the talking.

I should have said more of this upfront, I think, so Valeros and Fumbus, you can attempt a Diplomacy roll or choose not to, up to you.

The strange man listens to Seelah's words. Hmph. You make it sound so simple. His attitude seems unaffected.

Seelah, you can make an additional Diplomacy attempt if you like. Kyra is also trained in Diplomacy I believe.

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Male Human Fighter / 1 [ HP: 20 / 20 I AC: 18 / 20 w/shield I F: +7 R: +7 W: +3 I P: +5 I Speed: 20 ]

Valeros is relieved when Seelah steps forward to speak with the man. Feeling out of his depth, he stays quiet while continuing to protect the sage. He does, however; keep a close eye on the man. 'I got a bad feeling about this,' Veleros thinks to himself. 'If he's lying, I'll have to gut this guy.'

I am thinking this might be a DM Perception Check for Valeros to determine if this man is lying. Assuming he agrees with a Diplomatic approach to this situation.

Deception has got Valeros out of many bad situations in his youth, and he likes to think he can spot a good lie. He is kind of arrogant in this respect.

Seelah HP 19/19 | AC 18 (20 with shield raised) | F 6 R 4 W 6 | Longsword +7 1d8+4 | Athletics +7 | Diplomacy +5 | Intimidation +5 | Lore +3 | Medicine +4 | Religion +4 | Survival +4 | Thievery +2

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

You will be surprised, it actually is simple. Provided you have the necessary strength of will to follow through with things you want. You don't seem to me like the weak-willed type there, do you?

Does aid another still exist?

Yes, from what I understand they have made it more difficult than in 1e. You can check it out here.

Male Goblin (Fire-Eater clan) Alchemist/1 (HP 15/15 Fire Resist 1| AC:17 | F:+6 R:+8 W:+3 | Perc:+3 Darkvision | Stride:25) | Dogslicer +6 1d6S (A/BS), Flask +6 20ft Arcana +5 Crafting +5 Deception +2 Lore (underworld) +5 Society +5 Stealth +4 Thievery +4

Fumbus was attempting to help the situation by recounting what he has learned from traveling outside of his tribe.

Aid Diplomacy, untrained: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

GM Screen:

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Valeros, your bad feeling lessens somewhat. You don't see any telltale signs of falsehood, but the situation is odd and you can't get yourself to the point where you feel completely comfortable.

In response to Seelah, the man says, "There may be something to what you say..."

"Yes," the sage says. "It's not too late!"

The man seems to be wrestling inwardly with his thoughts.

Will give Kyra some more time to chime in as well.

Female Human Cleric 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 18 | F +5 R +4 W +9 | P +7 | Speed 25ft | Active Conditions: None

Kyra tried, she really did. She held her tongue as this man-child griped about the truth of his birth. His birth? Seriously? Was this mewling thing behind the ogre attack somehow? Did he task the ogre to bring the poor sage out here, instead of just going to the man and asking him? All this was running through her brain as the others tried to convince this boy to not bring about violence on undeserving people simply for the sake of some knowledge. She opened her mouth to try to help them with their efforts; she tried to reason with this boy and tell him how it was OK to not be a bad guy, but her attempts fell pathetically flat.

Diplomacy Aid: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Through each word, her contempt for him somehow shown through. She said the words, but in her heart she did not believe them. She only hoped that the child in front of them was too distracted by the others to notice.

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