Warehouse 13


Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Anyone watch it last night?

Jack Kirby's trunks! Whoo hoo for the comic geeks. Hopefully we'll learn more about Amanda Wall- er Mrs. Freddricks.

and I'm sad MacPherson's dead, I like Roger Rees.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Latest Episode

Claudia calls another kid in town, a wonder twin.

Glad to see that somebody else on here likes this show! :-D

Cheers, John / Wanda

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

just getting caught up, but the HG Wells character is interesting.

Love Artie/Claudia. Hells I think Allison Scagliotti is good enough to eat ;-)

Anyone else notice 'frak' has wormed its way into the sci-fi scripts? First Eureka, now here?

We really need a scene between HG and Lindsey Wagner's doctor, for the meta-joke.

Dark Archive

Matthew Morris wrote:
just getting caught up, but the HG Wells character is interesting.

I think Jaime Murray is great! Really enjoyed her in the Hustle series a couple years back.

I would just like to see the actor playing Pete step up to the level of the rest of the cast. He's fun, but a little rough yet.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Finale spoilers

Well hopefully we'll see HG again. The shirt and shorts were pure fanservice, but the way they explained the fan service was funny. Now this is a villian I can enjoy. Complex and in pain.

How did the US end up with the Warehouse system? And can the stuff in Warehouse 2 be salvaged? I thought it interesting that Myka's 'perfect world' was the Warehouse and not the FBI agent she was snogging and got killed.

I hope Mika comes back, it's another case of the character/actor. And of course the Artie/Claudia chemestry is wonderful. They do need another strong male now that Badger, er Benedict is gone.

Sadly I didn't figure out the compact until she picked up the axe. And the exchange about the Coursican Vest was hilarious, and pure Artie.

When does Season 3 start?

The Exchange

Matthew Morris wrote:

Finale spoilers

Well hopefully we'll see HG again. The shirt and shorts were pure fanservice, but the way they explained the fan service was funny. Now this is a villian I can enjoy. Complex and in pain.

How did the US end up with the Warehouse system? And can the stuff in Warehouse 2 be salvaged? I thought it interesting that Myka's 'perfect world' was the Warehouse and not the FBI agent she was snogging and got killed.

I hope Mika comes back, it's another case of the character/actor. And of course the Artie/Claudia chemestry is wonderful. They do need another strong male now that Badger, er Benedict is gone.

Sadly I didn't figure out the compact until she picked up the axe. And the exchange about the Coursican Vest was hilarious, and pure Artie.

When does Season 3 start?

wikipedia wrote:
Throughout history, the Warehouse has moved to whichever country/city-state was the most powerful of the time (Greece, Rome, Spain, Russia, England, etc.).

There's also a history page of all the previous Warehouses on the show's website.

I hope Myka comes back too, although if it means an end to the ridiculous Twizzlers placement ads, I could live with the loss.

And, I'm glad I'm not the only one who still thinks of Mark Sheppard as Badger. Such a small role, but he made it HUGE. When Benedict died, my verbal comment was, "Aww. Goodbye, Badger". :(

Should be back in July. It's one of SYFY's strongest series, so I'm sure it will be renewed for a third season. I mean, really. They keep bringing Sanctuary back...

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Wolfthulhu wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

Finale spoilers

** spoiler omitted **

When does Season 3 start?

** spoiler omitted **

Should be back in July. It's one of SYFY's strongest series, so I'm sure it will be renewed for a third season. I mean, really. They keep bringing Sanctuary back...

I like Sanctuary, cheese and all. But come on, more John Druit please! He gets all the best lines.

"You know, vengeful killing sprees are good for the soul, but … there's no place like home."

I do miss Ashley though.

The Exchange

Matthew Morris wrote:
Wolfthulhu wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

Finale spoilers

** spoiler omitted **

When does Season 3 start?

** spoiler omitted **

Should be back in July. It's one of SYFY's strongest series, so I'm sure it will be renewed for a third season. I mean, really. They keep bringing Sanctuary back...

I like Sanctuary, cheese and all. But come on, more John Druit please! He gets all the best lines.

"You know, vengeful killing sprees are good for the soul, but … there's no place like home."

I do miss Ashley though.

I have to admit, I enjoy Sanctuary as well. New season starts soon, I think.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Matthew Morris wrote:

just getting caught up, but the HG Wells character is interesting.

Love Artie/Claudia. Hells I think Allison Scagliotti is good enough to eat ;-)

Anyone else notice 'frak' has wormed its way into the sci-fi scripts? First Eureka, now here?

We really need a scene between HG and Lindsey Wagner's doctor, for the meta-joke.

Mmmmmmmm, Allison Scagliotti IS good enough to eat! My goodness, I think she is the hottest thing on tv currently!

Dark Archive

Matthew Morris wrote:

Latest Episode

** spoiler omitted **

Perhaps a nod to her Smallville apperance?
Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

David Fryer wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

Latest Episode

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Pretty sure it was.

Kind of like how on Eureka Fargo saying 'We're so frakked' while hiding behind Dr. Grant (played amazingly by James Calis. NBC, get this man a series NOW.) A metajoke that doesn't need to be understood to enjoy the series.

Dark Archive

Matthew Morris wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

Latest Episode

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Pretty sure it was.

Kind of like how on Eureka Fargo saying 'We're so frakked' while hiding behind Dr. Grant (played amazingly by James Calis. NBC, get this man a series NOW.) A metajoke that doesn't need to be understood to enjoy the series.

Gotta love those.

Liberty's Edge

Please bear in mind that Series 2 launched in the UK last night, so we've only seen the first episode - fun, though!

Wonder if 'bronzing' was inspired by the carbonite from Star Wars?

Odd thing was, the next thing up was the episode from Series 4 of A Town Called Eureka where Claudia turns up (not just the same actor, she's playing 'Claudia from Warehouse 13').

The Exchange

Megan Robertson wrote:

Please bear in mind that Series 2 launched in the UK last night, so we've only seen the first episode - fun, though!

Wonder if 'bronzing' was inspired by the carbonite from Star Wars?

Odd thing was, the next thing up was the episode from Series 4 of A Town Called Eureka where Claudia turns up (not just the same actor, she's playing 'Claudia from Warehouse 13').

Yeah, they did a crossover thing somewhere in the middle of the season. It'll make sense in a few weeks when you see the Eureka guy show up on Warehouse 13.

Liberty's Edge

Grrrr. Don't spoil me!

But it made sense anyway, if you posit that Eureka and Warehouse 13 exist in the same alternate reality, and there's no reason why they should not.

Megan Robertson wrote:

Grrrr. Don't spoil me!

But it made sense anyway, if you posit that Eureka and Warehouse 13 exist in the same alternate reality, and there's no reason why they should not.

I'm waiting for a Warehouse 13/Sancuary crossover. IMO they're closer in spirit than Eureka is.

<brain voice>

"Bonnie, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"

</brain voice>

<bonnie hammer>

"I think so, Brain. But we can't get the wrestlers to wear any less, and none of them will wear glasses in the ring..."

</bonnie hammer>

<brain voice>

"No, Bonnie. We could have the series finale of Warehouse 13 be the first part of the extended season opener for Sanctuary. The fans of one show will have to watch the opener of the second show for it to make sense, and they will be hooked into the adacent time slot. When Sanctuary has its season finale in January, we can do the same thing again. We can get ratings. And after that, we'll take over the world!"

</brain voice>

(For those not in the know, Bonnie Hammer is the network president of SyFi, and whenever SyFi's budget for new programming drops, we get third rate professional wrestling.

The Exchange

I don't think it would work.

Warehouse 13 and Eureka are pretty straight sci-fi with unbelievable/mystical technology, but Sanctuary is more a mix of fantasy/sci-fi with mythical creatures and strange (but not really mystical, for the most part) tech.

A crossover would feel forced and really unbelievable. And frankly as much as I like both shows, believability is an area where both already struggle.

Dark Archive

I agree, Warehouse 13 tends to stay in the realm of pseudoscience rather than the truely mystical.

I love this show! *Swoon* :D

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Also, Sanctuary keeps having background references to entire swathes of cities being burnt out ruins, without ever really explaining why, and strikes me therefore as being in a more alternate universe from real life than Eureka or Warehouse 13.

Liberty's Edge

After last night's broadcast (1st airing in the UK) I now know what you mean about Jack Kirby's trunks!!!

Anyone know why Joanne Kelly is out of the show? I'll try an episode or two, but...

QXL99 wrote:
Anyone know why Joanne Kelly is out of the show? I'll try an episode or two, but...

Probably because she couldn't act.

Seriously though, if you remember the last show from last season her character quit the agency. Which most likely means she quit the show to pursue a higher paycheck with a show that would give her greater exposure.

All of that won't matter because she can't act.

So looks like we're going to be getting extended Toyota commercials this season, instead of Twizzlers.

Dark Archive

Vanulf Wulfson wrote:
So looks like we're going to be getting extended Toyota commercials this season, instead of Twizzlers.

Yeah... I was a little annoyed in the "rub your face in it"-ness of the scene with the Prius. Why didn't they just print "$2000 cash back if you purchase by August 1st!" on the bottom of the screen...

Shadow Lodge

Xabulba wrote:
QXL99 wrote:
Anyone know why Joanne Kelly is out of the show? I'll try an episode or two, but...

Probably because she couldn't act.

Seriously though, if you remember the last show from last season her character quit the agency. Which most likely means she quit the show to pursue a higher paycheck with a show that would give her greater exposure.

All of that won't matter because she can't act.

In case anybody hasn't seen 3.1 yet:

And she's back in

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