Gareth-Michael Skarka |
Adamant Entertainment is pleased to announce that this week will see the release of our follow-up to the first available support product for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Tome of Secrets.
With the official release of The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary not expected until next month, we've decided to fill your need for monsters NOW -- and so we're happy to announce that starting this Friday, we'll be releasing the first volume of Fell Beasts: a weekly PDF series detailing original monsters for use with The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
Every week, we'll give you at least 10 new creatures for use in your campaign, for only $5.00 -- fifty cents or less per monster!
These monsters spring from the minds of our talented development team:
* Ari Marmell (MTG Planeswalker: Agents of Artifice, Tome of Magic, etc.)
* Hank Woon (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook and Bestiary, etc.)
* Jeb Boyt (Thrilling Tales)
* Lizard (Iron Lords of Jupiter, Gamma World, Relics & Rituals, etc.)
* Stefen Styrsky (Venture 4th: Pact of Ghosts, Pact of Blood, etc.)
* Walt Ciechanowski (Tome of Secrets, The Imperial Age, etc.)
The first volume of Fell Beasts will be available via the Paizo Store, RPGNow and DriveThruRPG this Friday, September 18th, and further volumes will follow every week.
Stalchild |
Are these monsters going to be unique to those in the Bestiary? Or would you provide a list of the monsters inside upon release, so that players could pick and choose which ones sounded worth the purchase?
I'm looking forward to getting some monsters for my campaigns, but as I already have an idea of what brands of creatures will be showing up, it'd be nice to know I could grab little bits here and there.
Gareth-Michael Skarka |
Are these monsters going to be unique to those in the Bestiary? Or would you provide a list of the monsters inside upon release, so that players could pick and choose which ones sounded worth the purchase?
I'm looking forward to getting some monsters for my campaigns, but as I already have an idea of what brands of creatures will be showing up, it'd be nice to know I could grab little bits here and there.
They will be original creations -- and each release's product description (here at Paizo and on RPGNow/DriveThru's sites) will give a full rundown of the contents of that volume.
DitheringFool |
* Ari Marmell (MTG Planeswalker: Agents of Artifice, Tome of Magic, etc.)
* Hank Woon (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook and Bestiary, etc.)
* Jeb Boyt (Thrilling Tales)
* Lizard (Iron Lords of Jupiter, Gamma World, Relics & Rituals, etc.)
* Stefen Styrsky (Venture 4th: Pact of Ghosts, Pact of Blood, etc.)
* Walt Ciechanowski (Tome of Secrets, The Imperial Age, etc.)
impressive group of friends you have there! I'm in.
...too bad you can't get a guest star entry from Blackdirge - it still breaks my heart that he abandoned us.
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
Gareth-Michael Skarka |
The creatures are original to Pathfinder, and represent a wide range of Challenge Ratings.
This series will be PDF only -- it is intended purely to fill a need while folks are waiting for the official Bestiary.
We do have some other print stuff on the way for PATHFINDER, but I'll cover those in their own threads when we're ready to announce. :)
Hank Woon Contributor |
Can you maybe provide a 1-monster preview? Or some idea of what they're like? So we know it's not like "This monster looks like an ice cream cone with sprinkles and sprays cotton candy at it is enemies" that we so often see from homebrewed monsters?
Damn. I guess this means you won't be thrilled about my Bubble-Tea Ooze, either. =(
Hank Woon Contributor |
Mairkurion {tm} |
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:No amount of dating Asian women, or marrying one, has given me access to the mysterious attraction of Bubble Tea. Nope. Not at all.I don't like it either, Mairkurion! My younger cousins all love it... I think it must be a generational thing...
Great, yet another thing to make me feel old!
So is it just chicks? I feel like I remember seeing some dudes in those places, but I can't be sure, maybe it was mostly chicks. Luckily, most of them sold coffee as well, so I was good. As far as I'm concerned, tapioca belongs in pudding. And giant tapioca is just weird.
James Risner Owner - D20 Hobbies |
lastknightleft |
Hank Woon wrote:Mairkurion {tm} wrote:No amount of dating Asian women, or marrying one, has given me access to the mysterious attraction of Bubble Tea. Nope. Not at all.I don't like it either, Mairkurion! My younger cousins all love it... I think it must be a generational thing...Great, yet another thing to make me feel old!
So is it just chicks? I feel like I remember seeing some dudes in those places, but I can't be sure, maybe it was mostly chicks. Luckily, most of them sold coffee as well, so I was good. As far as I'm concerned, tapioca belongs in pudding. And giant tapioca is just weird.
I've only had it once or twice, but I liked it allright and I'm a 27yo male. I mean I'm not driving 45 minutes to go to the places that sell it or anything, but I thought it was good and would order it if it was on the menu somewhere local.
Stalchild |
Quick update: The first volume of Fell Beasts will go live this weekend, rather than today. (Had a quick fire that I needed to put out, figuratively speaking, on an unrelated project, which has delayed the final uploads and such).
Fair enough. I'm waiting :D
Looking forward to these.
As a request, I'd love to see the Kythons from the Book of Vile Darkness. They are one of my favorite creatures to use (although, granted, I modified them in my game to have a more sci-fi horror feel to them). If/when I see them updated, I'll buy in a heartbeat. If I don't, perhaps my lazy arse will simply convert them myself and put it up here...
flash_cxxi RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
Gareth-Michael Skarka |
Now that all of our delays have been taken care of, I'm proud to announce that Volume One of FELL BEASTS is now available at RPGNow and DriveThru (and I expect will be activated very soon here at Paizo as well)!
The creatures in this week's installment:
AIR JELLY (CR3): A deadly swarm of airborne, electrical jellyfish.
BLISTERING DEMON (CR15): A hideous demon, constantly aflame.
CANOPIC JAR (CR 5): Not all undead have bodies....
DREAD WAIF (CR6): An evil fey embodiment of fear and despair.
GHISSIC (CR4): A wasp-like aberration capable of controlling others through implanted larva.
GREENMOLD BONES (CR7): Undead corpses in symbiosis with plants.
MERCY FLOWER (CR6): A carnivorous plant that traps its prey with illusions of peace and bliss.
RIVERWRATH (CR6): An evil aquatic hag -- a water spirit driven to madness by the corruption of the river she called home.
SHISA (CR6): The Lion-dog of Asian legends.
WICKER MAN (CR10): A guardian construct protecting a druid's grove.
....and, as a special bonus, here is a creature that will be appearing in a future volume of Fell Beasts:
This wiry figure’s skin is ruddy, perhaps from exposure to the pounding sun. Rivulets of tears flow from slate-gray eyes, yet he grins to show teeth of the same stony hue. His hair is white, trailing into wisps of smoke, and his breath steams as though the air were winter-cold.
Hayula CR 8
4,800 xp
NC Medium outsider (chaotic, extraplanar)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +0
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16; (+2 armor, +4 Dex, +4 natural)
hp 85 (10d10+30)
Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +7
Defensive Abilities Corners of reality; DR 5/lawful; Immune type; Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Spd 30 ft., burrow 25 ft., fly 50 ft. (good), swim 50 ft.
Melee masterwork rod (treat as warhammer) +16/+11 (1d8+6/x3 plus 1d12 anarchic) or slam +14 (1d4+4 plus 1d12 anarchic)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (see corners of reality)
Special Attacks elemental rend
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th)
At will -- plane shift
2/day -- wall of energy (as wall of fire, but upon casting, the hayula chooses whether the wall deals acid, cold, electrical, or fire damage)
Str 18, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 15
Base Atk +10; CMB +14; CMD 28
Feats Ability Focus (elemental rend), Combat Casting, Improved Critical (rod), Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (rod)
Skills Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Escape Artist +14, Fly +11, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (nature) +11, Knowledge (the planes) +11, Perception +10, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +14
Languages Common, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran
SQ corners of reality, touch of unmaking
Gear masterwork rod, leather armor
Environment any
Organization solitary, pair, or band (3–6)
Treasure 3,028 gp (in gems and jewelry)
Corners of Reality (EX) As beings of chaos and uncreation from the heart of Limbo, the hayula exist at slight angles to reality. This grants them the following benefits:
• Concealment (20% miss chance) against ranged attacks.
• 15-foot reach, due to the fact that attacks do not all come from the exact position in which a hayula stands.
• A hayula may ignore an opponent’s cover (but not total cover) when making melee attacks, due to the unnatural angles of its strikes.
• For purposes of determining whether a hayula flanks an opponent, it is considered to occupy both its own square and any one other adjacent square of its choice.
Elemental Rend (SU) A hayula can declare a single melee attack to be an elemental rend. If the attack strikes and deals damage, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save. Should the save fail, the hayula draws forth a portion of the target’s physical makeup, which takes the form of an elemental under the hayula’s command. The elemental thus created has a number of Hit Dice equal to one-half the target’s. The elemental is treated in all respects as though it had been created via the hayula’s touch of unmaking ability; see below. (If this is more HD-worth of elementals than the hayula can control, no elemental appears, but the target still suffers the following effects.)
The target shrinks, due to the loss of mass, dropping to the next lower size category. It receives a –2 penalty to Strength and Constitution. All modifiers other than these ability penalties match those presented in the spell reduce person. This effect is permanent, but can be reversed via break enchantment and similar effects.
Outsiders and creatures already suffering from an elemental rend are immune to this ability. It requires one full minute of meditation before the hayula can use elemental rend a second time. Thus, it is essentially useful only once per encounter. The save DC is Strength-based.
Touch of Unmaking (EX) The hayula is a being of chaos and uncreation. All his melee attacks are considered chaotic, and deal extra anarchic damage.
Any creature slain by the hayula’s melee attacks instantly discorporates into its component elements, taking the form of one or more elementals under the hayula’s control. The victim cannot be returned to life via raise dead or resurrection, but true resurrection, miracle, and wish can do so. A being so slain produces a number of HD-worth of elementals equal to its own total Hit Dice (or half its Hit Dice, if it has already been affected by the hayula’s elemental rend). The hayula decides what form and quantity these elementals take. For instance, upon slaying a 4th-level fighter, the hayula could call forth a single 4-HD earth elemental, or a 2-HD earth elemental and a 2-HD water elemental. Most creatures can produce elementals of any of the four basic elements (including fire, which comes from the soul, or “spark of life”), but the DM may determine that certain creatures, such as constructs, can only produce specific types of elementals.
The elementals serve the hayula faithfully, and remain for one hour before fading away to merge with the elemental planes. Between his touch of unmaking and elemental rend, a hayula may have no more than his own Hit Dice-worth of elementals under his command at any given time. (Thus, a standard hayula could potentially have up to 10-HD of elementals at once.) If the hayula slays a creature that would bring his total above this limit, the target still discorporates, its essence dispersed to the elemental planes, but no elementals appear.
Outsiders do not discorporate or produce elementals when slain, but are still subject to the hayula’s anarchic damage.
The hayula are genie-kind spawned in the elemental oases that rise and submerge amidst Limbo’s eddies of pure chaos. Beings of both madness and primordial matter, the hayula (and, legend holds, the far more potent genie lords who rule over them) seek to return the mortal realm to the “purer state” of its component elements—unmaking all life and creation in the process.
Most other varieties of genies refuse to acknowledge their relation to the hayula, and the hayula in turn hold their elemental cousins in disdain. Then again, hayula hold most creatures in disdain. While they consist partly of the four major elements, they’re more accurately creatures of manifest chaos, and though capable of ordered thought, they prefer to act on instinct and emotion. Hayula actually find following orders or intricate plans to be physically painful—and, so some claim, suffer similarly when witnessing the orderly and lawful behavior of others. Hayula fight, not necessarily to kill, but simply to disrupt the orderly flow of the world and the people around them. They often ally with other violent creatures—destructive elementals, bandits or raiders, demons, and the like—simply for the opportunity to sow discord.
Oddly enough for creatures of such chaotic temperament, a hayula makes every attempt to keep his word once he’s given it (though, unlike some other genies, if circumstances make keeping a promise impossible, the hayula doesn’t consider it a mark against his honor). Precisely why the hayula consider their word important is unclear, but presumably comes from traditions that date back to the days of more frequent interaction with other genies. For this reason, hayula rarely give their word on anything, and if forced to do so, are masters on par with devils of leaving themselves loopholes in the letter of their promises.
In combat, hayula use their elemental rend ability early, in order to bring new allies to the fight, and prefer to focus their efforts on one foe at a time, in hopes of dropping him and drawing forth yet more elementals. They’re often found in the company of elemental creatures other than those they’ve summoned, treating these pseudo-creatures as the true form that life should take and considering other living creatures—like, say, people—to be abominations of the natural order.
Jeb Boyt RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |
Gareth-Michael Skarka |
Fell Beasts: Volume Two is now available at RPGNow/DriveThru, and should be available here at Paizo very shortly.
Creatures in this installment:
CECAELIA (CR1/2): A race of octopoid merpeople.
CECAELIA SINGER (CR 1): The haunting voices of the sea.
DEADSOUL ELEMENTALS: A horrifying hybrid of undead and elemental creatures.
--CHARNELSMOKE (CR 11): A tornado of air befouled with greasy ash.
--DEADSOUL ELEMENTAL: CHOKEWATER (CR 12): A brackish, diseased pool of water, filled with floating corpses.
--DEADSOUL ELEMENTAL: GRAVE EARTH (CR 10): A boneyard elemental of burial dirt and tombstones.
--DEADSOUL ELEMENTAL: PYREFLAME (CR 10): A whirling inferno of unliving fire, filled with the sound of crackling skin and breaking bones.
FEAR MONGER (CR 7): An incorporeal bringer of betrayal and pain.
GENIE, HAYULA (CR 8): A djinn woven from the chaotic fabric of reality itself.
MALACHITE GARGOYLE (CR 7): A powerful and intelligent gargoyle whose bite turns victims to stone.
MASTER OF COILS (CR 12): Serpents rise from the tatoos that cover his flesh. (Includes the stats for a Cobra Swarm (CR 6)
PUPPET SPIDER (CR 5): A magical evil arachnid able to burrow inside corpses and animate them like zombies.
VILE MANDRAKE (CR 3): A malevolent root gifted with malign intelligence, whose sole purpose is to spread pain.
Volume Three will appear next week!
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Fell Beasts: Volume Two is now available at RPGNow/DriveThru, and should be available here at Paizo very shortly.
It's up now....
Gareth-Michael Skarka |
is there going to be a Vol.3 and if so when is it going to be released?
Yes, there will be -- I am moving Fell Beasts to a bi-weekly schedule, though, which allows us to give more time to artists and editing (which I'll admit has been slack).
Volume 3 will be released in the coming week, and Volume 4 will follow during the week of the 26th.
Urizen |
Yes, there will be -- I am moving Fell Beasts to a bi-weekly schedule, though, which allows us to give more time to artists and editing (which I'll admit has been slack).
Volume 3 will be released in the coming week, and Volume 4 will follow during the week of the 26th.
Looking forward, any thoughts of compiling these into an annual compendium that can also be available as a dead tree product instead of buying them separately?
Hank Woon Contributor |