Happy Thanksgiving

Off-Topic Discussions

I just wanted to say happy thanksgiving to everyone out there in D&D land, as well as to everyone who makes Dungeon and Dragon magazines the top-notch publications that they are. Thanks for the great reads and awesome artwork these past 12 months. This is a great online community.

My very best wishes I save for those D&D players who are serving in uniform at ships at sea and on foreign shores. Thank you for your service, for guarding our borders and for preserving freedom far from home. We pray you return safe -- and that in the future the only encounters with hostiles you have are at the gaming table.

Everyone keep rolling d20s.


Thanks Troy! Same to you sir! Best wishes to everyone on T-day. Eat much and remember...its a day off...so get your game on!

Happy Turkey Day to all my fellow gamers , Eat well and Game even better , all the best to every one out there!

Happy Thanksgiving, one and all.
Gamers and jocks.
Nerds and geeks.
Jedi and trekkies.
etc. etc. etc.

I wonder if they'll have a special Thanksgiving adventure on the WotC website...

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone...especially to our servicemen and women overseas who are away from their loved ones.

For the non-U.S. Paizo Message Board members, Happy Holidays (MERRY CHRISTMAS!!) and may your families be safe and happy this season.

For those servicemembers of non-U.S. nations also serving in the war zones--we certainly also hope you and your families are safe and can be reunited soon. Maybe you can find a nice American mess hall to sneak in a favorite U.S. holiday tradition--turkey dinner.

Happy Thanksgiving all . . . 'ware the dire turkeys . . .

I am currently serving in Iraq, I was in Afghanistan last holiday season as well. My wife and kids are getting a litlle sick of it. I would like to thank each and every one of you guys for your kind words and thoughts. I know that being over here isnt the same as being at home but our leaders really try hard to make it a little like home. Thank you all and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Liberty's Edge

Most definitely, Happy Thanksgiving.

Around July of this year I was mentally prepared to sell off 22 years of gaming material. I was done with D&D. I still had this Dungeon subscription going though, more out of habit after 19 years. Issue #126 arrived and unlike the previous four issues, I actually cracked it out the bag seeing my old TSR Online boss Sean Reynolds had an adventure in it (I had been running a Scarlet Cell-based campaign based on his work). Starting to read it I realilzed it was in Greyhawk and that it was #3 of a 12-part series. For the first time in 2+ years I was struck with a "D&D Urge". My Age of Worms game started in late August with four players, two of them gaming together regularly for the first time since 1988.

D&D is fun again.

A big part of that is my faithful companion Dungeon. Additionally it was discovering the tight "community" of people on the Paizo.com boards. It reminded me of the old TSR boards and the hours of hosting I once did there.

I give thanks to everyone that is proactive on the boards and symbioticly is creating a wonderful campaign with me. I've used a lot of other DM's wisdom and have tried to share some of mine. Thank you.

Happy Holidays to everyone abroad! Be safe. Adopt a needy d12 for the holidays. They're dice too. ::wink::

aka TSRO_Rexx/WizO_Rexx, Fizzlestick, Harry-the-Otyugh, etc.

Mmm... Turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving, all!

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