DM Rah's Strange Aeons

Game Master Kobash

~Guide to Strange Aeons~
+Visual Guide+
=Combat Map=
$Loot List$
Bottle Caps: Butterfly 3, Cats 2, Fearless 3, Mariner 2

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Welcome to the Strange Aeons Campaign! All out of character discussions go here.

The Campaign introduction is up, so head over and jump in!

Note: we are using expanded Fear rules, which I have posted under a spoiler on the Campaign Info Tab. I might introduce Sanity rules, but I'd like to see how things go first.

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14

Yay!!!! Let the insanity begin!

My other vessel is a migo brain cylinder.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

DM- what is the language: Luiric, "አንተም ሊመጣ የሚችለው"?
I don't understand .

I think it is supposed to be the language of halflings, but I'm not sure...

I borrowed it from Forgotten Realms, Luiric was the name of the halfling language.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

Great! I got that from the context, but I REALLY wanted to not mis-understand. Especially since I am newer to play by post/messageboard.

Good work The Mariner!

I keep seeing Brother Love's Salvation Show superimposed over your nickname.

Great start everyone! You're moving almost too fast for me to keep up, but don't stop!

Since we have technically started at a point before the official beginning to Part 1, I'm going to make the Unofficial Official title for this Prologue to Strange Aeons: "One Flew Over the Cthulhu's Nest."

I feel very honored to have such a mix of great players here from both my home and online games. I'm planning to run this whole Adventure Path, which will likely take a couple years, so I would suggest introducing yourselves at some point and getting to know each other. Who knows, we may all bump into each other some year at Paizocon or Gencon.

Though we are all experienced role players, I highly suggest you all read through Painlord's Guide to Play-by-Post. I know some of you have already read it (and of course one actually wrote it!) but I think it's worth rereading on occasion, and Strange Aeons will have plenty of role playing opportunities that could benefit from its tenants.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

I just read PainLord's Guide. That thing was a great and inspiring read.
So, here's my PUSH post!
I learned what I need to do. I just don't know how to post as a "Action"
For example: I see the word Withdraw in soft gray. That is obviously the "technical" action the PC is taking. How do I write that out?

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14
Brother Butterfly wrote:

I just read PainLord's Guide. That thing was a great and inspiring read.
So, here's my PUSH post!
I learned what I need to do. I just don't know how to post as a "Action"
For example: I see the word Withdraw in soft gray. That is obviously the "technical" action the PC is taking. How do I write that out?

At the bottom of where your type box is a small spoiler tag labeled how to format your text. Here are a few examples of the main ones.

  • Bold is mainly used for when your character is speaking out loud.

    [b]Type what you are saying here[/b ]

  • Italics are inner thoughts that your character is thinking.

    [i]Type what you are thinking here[/i ]

  • The blue text I did earlier is the ooc or out of character commentary to better explain what you are trying to come across doing.

    [ooc]Type what you are saying here[/ooc ]

Each of these are done in brackets as you can see above though without the extra space. I just put that there to help show the command. There are many more commands in the spoiler below such as linking URL's and quoting though the above ones are a good start :)

GM Rah wrote:
I feel very honored to have such a mix of great players here from both my home and online games. I'm planning to run this whole Adventure Path, which will likely take a couple years, so I would suggest introducing yourselves at some point and getting to know each other. Who knows, we may all bump into each other some year at Paizocon or Gencon.

I wish I could make it to Gen Con one of these years. It is always mere days before my wife's birthday and I get the "Medusa's glare" that literally turns my insides to stone when I bring it up. One of these years though. I think she is softening up to it.

My name is Derek (Tyranius on the boards here) from Iowa (Corn state, though the rest of the world thinks it's potatoes and that Iowa doesn't exist and we are just making it up to be a part of Idaho or Ohio.)

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

Name is Corbin and I am local to the GM - In Los Angeles.
I have a deep and crazy love for roleplaying, and so I am trying the PbP system for the first time since the great GM RAH is working this.
As you can see, I am not afraid to post and I try to check frequently.... but I regret that work goes bonkers crazy . So if I delay a bit in posting - it's either work or MY wife gave me the Medusa stare too!!!

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14

Yea, this is my first ever dice roleplaying game but have been doing this as a PbP since 2013 as there is not much of a real-life scene in my area. Took me a bit to get the hang of the plethora of rules but these guys have helped a lot :)

Acrobatics: +11. Disable: +20. Perception: +14. Sleight+12/Stealth +16. F12/R17/W9. Seeker of Redemption 10
"Brother Butterfly" wrote:
Name is Corbin and I am local to the GM - In Los Angeles.

Woah woah *and* the GM are in L.A.?! Really? Where in L.A.?

I'm in SF (west coast, yo) and have been playing with Rah & Fearless for about 18 months after I butted my way into their Giantslayer game. I'm surprised as heck that Rah is PST because it always seems that he posts at such odd hours. ;)

If any of all y'all are on computer most of the day (like me, or just evenings) and google chat (or trillian), please hit me up at painlordpfs(at)gmail(dot)com.

As I play more and more PbP, I've come to appreciate the side chats and discussion more and more. I hit up The Twin or Fearless to discuss tactics, snark, or RP opportunities on the side and it just makes the game better.

DM Rah wrote:
Great start everyone! You're moving almost too fast for me to keep up, but don't stop!

Like Brother Butterfly, I'm not afraid (and often like) to post frequently, but try to match the speed of the group. I don't want to overwhelm anyone and always feel free to pull me back if I'm going to fast.

DM Rah wrote:
I'm going to make the Unofficial Official title for this Prologue to Strange Aeons: "One Flew Over the Cthulhu's Nest."

+1 to this title. I freakin' love it.

* * *

p.s. I'm working on a good PbP post titled something along the lines of "Top X Mistakes Players & GMs Do" (or something) as I have a passion for creating better players so I can enjoy better PbP games. I have some ideas for the list (how can I not have lots of ideas of things not to do when I'm playing in two games with 'The Twin' ;) ) and if any of all y'all have any thoughts or ideas you want to share, please let me know.

Rough Around the Edges 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC 17; Touch 13; FF 14 | Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +2 | CMD 15 | Initiative +3 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive -1 | Kn. Arc +8 | Spellcraft +5
Eidolon Stats:
HP: 11/11 | AC 21*; Touch 13; FF 18* | Fort +1; Ref +6; Will +3 | CMD 15 | Perception +5 | Sense Motive +5 | Kn. Religion +8 | Stealth +8
Summon SLA: 5/5 | Spells: 1st: 3/3

+2 to the title of the Prologue.


I need to check aliases more often. Didn't even realize we got Tyr and Pain in here.

Also, if I'm not a frequent reference in that post, then I will feel slighted!


EDIT: Also, hey to the others that I am not familiar with!

Yes fantastic thread by Painlord!

Badged nerd here - been playing D&D since 1E basic set, my first PBP game was around 2005 ran a steady 2E Planescape campaign, then followed the dev owner to to finish that campaign, where Rah then ran Cyberpunk2020, then moved to PFS in 2011.

I've played in a few scenarios with Tyranius, and many others scenarios with Bold or Rah running. Most recent being in a worst-rolls-ever crew of heroes to ever play Bold's gestalt Runelords, then followed by EndlessForm's disco space pirate game. I'm currently running a Planescape game for Rah along with a couple of IRL bros. One of them is running me through solo homebrew. I'm in Rah's Kingmaker extension of a tabletop game that Brother plays in.

But as we all know well, adult working life kicks in and PBP replaces tabletop time and then eventually PBP starts to run out of time too. Which is why I think Painlord's Manifest (official now) is so spot on - PBP is the deepest character development you can get playing in an active game. For me all my characters are partial reflections of myself, I think this group of veterans surely feel the same.

My daily posting times are never the same across all active games, but usually in bursts or intermittent jabs. I have a desk job as well but limited opportunity; so I sneak away, snort my RPG dust for a quick high and jump back into work. Consequently, I do zero social media or messaging.

We also hit up the game cons here in LA too! I'll let Rah chime in on other details.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

The Mariner said, " . I'm in Rah's Kingmaker extension of a tabletop game that Brother plays in."
to which I reply -- Woot- Woot! +1.

Also, I need to Plus ! the One Flew over the Chathulu's Nest Episode title.

Acrobatics: +11. Disable: +20. Perception: +14. Sleight+12/Stealth +16. F12/R17/W9. Seeker of Redemption 10
"Cats" wrote:
"Brother Butterfly" wrote:
Name is Corbin and I am local to the GM - In Los Angeles.
Woah woah *and* the GM are in L.A.?! Really? Where in L.A.?

*cough* *cough*

What city/area do you all y'all hail from? Also, just so I understand better, Rah, Butterfly, & Mariner are all from some part of LA?

Oh yes sorry that was rude to not answer your question. We all have been personal friends since high school (20+ years) . We all lived in the San Fernando and San Gabriel Valley area of Los Angeles County. Each of us lived in same areas but going to different schools between the City of Burbank and Glendale. We all met through a mutual gaming interest at a local hobby shop called the Last Grenadier. Oh yes Mr. Pink is also a local too.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Hey all, my name is Rob.

I started role playing around age 10. My best friend played in a 1st Edition D&D game with his older brother, but he wouldn't lean games for other "kids," and wouldn't let us borrow his books either, so we did free form role playing and storytelling without dice. As we grew older, and he grew cooler, we stopped gaming. When I was 16 I learned that one of my friends from high school played with a group that met in the back room of a hobby store in Burbank. It was there that I first met the players behind Pinkie and The Mariner, and a couple years later I met Corbin, the guy responsible for Brother Butterfly. The group was beginning a new campaign "Scourge of the Slave Lords." I was very excited to get into a real game, had read the book like a lawyer studying for the Bar. As I was making my character the group went off script during the introduction, broke their slave chains, and in the process of completely ruining the plot, sank the ship. A few washed up on shore not far from where the adventure began and promptly made their way to the local tavern to replace party members, which is where I officially joined them. However, the GM soon determined the whole thing a wash, and so my first campaign lasted about one day.

Pinkie, The Mariner, Brother Butterfly, and myself all live in SoCal, spread out in the San Fernando Valley from Pasadena to Reseda. We've been friends for over 25 years now and still manage sitdown games every so often.

I work freelance as a location sound mixer, which partially explains my posting habits. I'm also married, which explains that further. And I have one daughter, so sometimes I'm posting from the throne. No, I'm not posting from it now. Or am I...?

m human AC 18 Perception +17 , stealth +19, acrobatics 15 ,disable device +21,escapeartist +17, sleight of hand +17, sence motive +17

hey all sorry posting for me has been kinda slow the last couple days but works been kinda crazy .I think Rah did a fantastic sumup of how we all know each other so only thing i'm going to add is my name is Louie and undoubtedly there will be inside jokes flung around but we will gladly fill you in if you want.

Acrobatics: +11. Disable: +20. Perception: +14. Sleight+12/Stealth +16. F12/R17/W9. Seeker of Redemption 10
"The Mariner" wrote:
Which is why I think Painlord's Manifest (official now) is so spot on - PBP is the deepest character development you can get playing in an active game. For me all my characters are partial reflections of myself, I think this group of veterans surely feel the same.

Lots of stuff/questions to unpack here. (I hope you don't mind me prying a bit but this kind of stuff is interesting to me.)

1) I know I feel that PbP is the best. It's pretty much ruined me for all face-to-face (F2F) gaming. I just can't do F2F anymore when I know I could be doing so much more, albeit more slowly, in PbP. You're the first yahoo to echo that sentiment and I appreciate it.

2) +1 to having characters as a reflection of a facet of oneself. That's mostly how I approach things as well. I find one detail or factor that I see within myself and amplify and expand upon it as an main element of character. In fact, it's a key element of the characters I play.

Sometimes I push the one facet that I dislike in myself, other times I enhance a facet that I want to be more like in real life. I use this silly game to explore how I different parts of me might interact with the world.

Is this the same with you? Do any of you yahoos have a different process?

DM Rah wrote:
Pinkie, The Mariner, Brother Butterfly, and myself all live in SoCal, spread out in the San Fernando Valley from Pasadena to Reseda. We've been friends for over 25 years now and still manage sitdown games every so often.

Word. I grew up in San Marino/Pasadena and attended Loyola High (just west of downtown LA).

Next time I come down, I'll see if we can rendezvous for some duck burritos(link) or some such. My dad still lives near the Rock of Eagles.

For me, the character needs to feel real - believable, heroic, flawed, imperfect by personal vices, fears and dreams. The last addition shows up in forms of my own (like you) morals, silliness, fantasies, dark sides, bright sides. Ultimately, lifetime characters for me is really alomst a diary. I save all my games and reread them later on like looking at a photoalbum. A great memory I have of my character named Nilu, in a homebrew tabletop that Rah ran for years. During an apex point in the story, Nilu said "Do you not think I would not sacrifice my life for this cause?" while that goes against all gaming paradigm of "But you'll die, your character will not be resurrectable, effectively out of the game." Consequently, I abhor metagaming. I prefer a small 12 points character with a HUGE heart. If you ever get the chance to play with Mu and Shu (me and Rah's alias), they are quite hilarious. In the end though, I still prefer face time with my friends.

Ha! I've live in Pasadena for the last 9 years with the San Marino neighborhood line across the street. AND my dad lives in Eagle Rock as well. I drive past CaCao twice a day.

Rough Around the Edges 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC 17; Touch 13; FF 14 | Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +2 | CMD 15 | Initiative +3 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive -1 | Kn. Arc +8 | Spellcraft +5
Eidolon Stats:
HP: 11/11 | AC 21*; Touch 13; FF 18* | Fort +1; Ref +6; Will +3 | CMD 15 | Perception +5 | Sense Motive +5 | Kn. Religion +8 | Stealth +8
Summon SLA: 5/5 | Spells: 1st: 3/3

Since we are doing intros, I will chime in.

My name is Ron a.k.a. Bold Strider. I used to GM and play a lot of PFS here on the boards but Painlord (and a few others) have ruined that for me. The short mission type character just seems blah, especially since I have now somehow picked up several APs to GM as well as play in a few with great GMs like Rah, Tyranius and Lithrac.


Dammit Barley! I can never remember you are Pathmaker. Haha.


Also, I live in Indiana, so no duck burritos for me. :(

YES! Barley 川から流木

A little info on the Pathmaker handle. When Pathfinder system was launched, Rah began running Kingmaker. He created an online journal which I had to make a login name. Without much thought, I combine the name of this new system and the module name and used Path/maker. In hindsight, probably should have thought it out more, Bulldog or something not so wink-wink. And my real name is Sam.

And I keep forgetting that it's not Bold, it's rpblue. You took a hiatus for the BAR exam last I remembered.

"Cats" wrote:
Lots of stuff/questions to unpack here. (I hope you don't mind me prying a bit but this kind of stuff is interesting to me.)

This stuff is highly interesting to me. As a GM and a Player it really helps to have insight into other player's thought processes.

"Cats" wrote:
1) I know I feel that PbP is the best. It's pretty much ruined me for all face-to-face (F2F) gaming. I just can't do F2F anymore when I know I could be doing so much more, albeit more slowly, in PbP. You're the first yahoo to echo that sentiment and I appreciate it.

+1 to this! Except I still enjoy F2F games because I'm playing them with guys I've known forever, most of whom are interested in really digging into their characters. And I've managed to drag most of them into PBP where another level of the game can be found.

"Cats" wrote:
2) +1 to having characters as a reflection of a facet of oneself. That's mostly how I approach things as well. I find one detail or factor that I see within myself and amplify and expand upon it as an main element of character. In fact, it's a key element of the characters I play.

I sometimes work this way, though I think it might be a subliminal effect. I usually start with some sort of concept, then reverse engineer it to fit within the world.

For example: my android Richard in the Iron Gods campaign was intended to be a sort of Indiana Jones type character, but instead of being a history professor moonlighting as an adventurer, he is an adventurer moonlighting as a robot rock star.

Another example: my PFS character Maximo is a mix between Baron Munchausen meets the Most Interesting Man in the World. His backstory is that he was once a great Taldan Noble so obsessed with recapturing his youth that he experimented with his own alchemical version of the Sun Orchid Elixir. It works temporarily (as seen with his mutagen), but repeated use has left him in a fugue state with delusions of grandeur.

Last example: Kraygan from Giantslayer might be the closest version of myself, except I rarely drink, fight, or fart in public. The thing I see in him is unrealized potential. And a beard.

"The Twin" wrote:
I used to GM and play a lot of PFS here on the boards but Painlord (and a few others) have ruined that for me. The short mission type character just seems blah...

I used to love the short mission aspect of PFS, but after playing in Tektite's (now Tyranius') Iron Gods, and Tyranius' (still Tyranius') Giantslayer, I've pretty much given them up for now.

"The Twin" wrote:
Also, I live in Indiana, so no duck burritos for me. :(

Don't worry, we'll mail one to you (link).

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14

I like all of the aspects. I love Campaign settings as you can really flesh out a character. It is a bit harder in the shorter PFS scenarios but can still be done here and there. Overall I simply like the stories and want to get through them all which may be impossible :)

As for the Adventure Paths with Paizo I wish they didn't have to make them all 6 books. It would be nice if they just made a good story and stopped it were it needed to be stopped. It seems most of the Adventure Paths always has a good chunk that just seems like filler.

I still love the short mission aspect, especially now that there is a meta story, but overall I will play/run any story as overall I enjoy the game and building / seeing new character concepts.

Regarding Adventure Paths and their tendency to stretch out stories like Peter Jackson stretches out Tolkien. As might be apparent with the opening to Strange Aeons, I tend to modify existing material, tailoring it to both my personal tastes and the interests of the players. I believe that "Filler is Killer" and I don't mind skipping irrelevant encounters to get to the meat of the story, or adding material for players to sink their teeth into for a better role playing experience. So far for this Adventre Path I haven't seen much wasted material, but I only have two books in hand at this time.

@Painlord: I'm looking into google chat for off-board communications. I'd like to have a group chat for anyone interested in one, but I have about no experience with it. I'd like to access it through my iPhone, but I'm only finding an app for Google Hangouts. Any idea if that accesses the same chat system as Google Chat?

Acrobatics: +11. Disable: +20. Perception: +14. Sleight+12/Stealth +16. F12/R17/W9. Seeker of Redemption 10
DM Rah wrote:
@Painlord: I'm looking into google chat for off-board communications. I'd like to have a group chat for anyone interested in one, but I have about no experience with it. I'd like to access it through my iPhone, but I'm only finding an app for Google Hangouts. Any idea if that accesses the same chat system as Google Chat?

I use Trillian to parse AIM and Googlechat together. I started using it when I was working at Wikipedia because it worked on Mac/PCs and was a separate window than my browser (so I could chat and surf at the same time).

Trillian is available on the iPhone. And Mac/PC as a free download. You will also, by virtue of downloading and installing Trillian, create a Trillian name that you can also use as a chat ID to other Trillian clients. If you need my Trillian name, PM me. Or you can use my gmail address (in previous post).

If you believe that PF is a social game, then you'll understand why it's nice to be able to chat with others outside of the game. I ping Fearless (aka GM Tyranius, aka Allarnon) to discuss our other games and ask questions. I ping The Twin (aka Torgan, aka rpgblue) to talk trash and shoot the poop. It's good. It makes the PbP experience better.

I downloaded Trillian and I can't figure it out. I'm sending you a PM.

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14

That duck burrito bag looks like it came from 5 guys burgers and fries.

Ugh.... now I need to get out to L.A. to try a Duck Burrito. *Adds to his bucket list* :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Acrobatics: +11. Disable: +20. Perception: +14. Sleight+12/Stealth +16. F12/R17/W9. Seeker of Redemption 10
DM Rah wrote:
I believe that "Filler is Killer" and I don't mind skipping irrelevant encounters to get to the meat of the story, or adding material for players to sink their teeth into for a better role playing experience. So far for this Adventre Path I haven't seen much wasted material, but I only have two books in hand at this time.

"Filler is Killer"? Piddlespot, that's gold. That's going into the new guide, because obviously.

A note for everyone: you are dimly aware of all abilities, skills, fears, spells, etc that are on your character sheet. That includes knowledge skills.


If anyone here use as an Android phone, a gamer on this site name DKal created this app, it does an awesome job at doing quick post from the road.

-Posted with Wayfinder

I don't normally like to restrict posting, but since the group is in many different places right now, and I'm still setting the stage for the adventure, I'll need a day or two to catch everyone up. Those PCs at dinner can roleplay, but let's not get ahead of that just yet.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Due to the number of NPCs in this campaign I've created a "Guide to Strange Aeons" to list notes on who you have encountered. I will update it as we continue, but it can be edited by players if you so desire.

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14


I've noticed eekends are typically slow-posting times for most everyone. I would like to press on, but I'm going to hold off until around midnight PST.

m human AC 18 Perception +17 , stealth +19, acrobatics 15 ,disable device +21,escapeartist +17, sleight of hand +17, sence motive +17

sorry the wife surprised me with a few days out of town im back on now

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Regarding spoilers, I don't mind if you want to read the spoilers that aren't for your characters. I trust everyone to seperate player vs character knowledge. However, I think the story will unfold better for you if you don't read them just yet.

I encourage you all to look back through them at a later point to see the full story.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

Cats, that was a super -duper amazing post. I nearly lost my lunch reading it. Great zinger against BB. Your delivery was perfect.

"Hairless monstrosity"


(I missed it upon first read through.)

I'm still refraining from reading any spoilers since separated.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

Hey guys, Work is crazy right now. I will be silent, but reading for the next two days. I should be able to post WEdnesday evening.
Keep chugging along.

Might not be able to update until tomorrow night. Until then...

Happy Thanksgiving!


-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14

Same to you DM Rah!

Rough Around the Edges 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC 17; Touch 13; FF 14 | Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +2 | CMD 15 | Initiative +3 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive -1 | Kn. Arc +8 | Spellcraft +5
Eidolon Stats:
HP: 11/11 | AC 21*; Touch 13; FF 18* | Fort +1; Ref +6; Will +3 | CMD 15 | Perception +5 | Sense Motive +5 | Kn. Religion +8 | Stealth +8
Summon SLA: 5/5 | Spells: 1st: 3/3

Turkey cheers, boys!

Hey guys, I was going to post this in Flaxseed tomorrow, but thought I'd open it up here first if any of you wanted an automatic spot.

"I thought it would fun to run a game with all gripplis characters in Reaping What We Sow. Keeping it to 4 seats for challenge and the likelihood that not many players have the gripplis character boon to use. If slow sign-ups then first come and recruiting stays open until 4 seats reached; if larger response, then lottery after a couple of days. Find it here."

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