Pathfinder Battles—Deadly Foes: Accuser Devil

3.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)

Our Price: $5.00

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Featuring friends and foes from the world of Golarion, Deadly Foes introduces 52 unique figures for your Pathfinder Battles miniatures campaign.

Base Size: Small
Rarity: Common

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Average product rating:

3.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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It is an average miniature. Since the accuser devil is Tiny sized, there is not a lot of detail that can be put into it. Still they managed to get in translucent wings and tiny insect legs. The paint job is simple but doesn't look like a hot mess.


Nice figure but unfortunately one of the wings broke off as soon as I got it.

Good for such a small common miniature.


Sculpt and pose. Eight tiny legs on the lower insect body, two translucent wings and an elongated tongue - all that on a fixed clear plastic rod is pretty much detail. Also five different colors.

The paintjob is very simple. All four in my case have the eyes (white dots) at different places.



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