newbie character creation help!


my friends are long time pathfinder players and this is a going away thing for one so I agreed to give it a try but IIA stuck for ideas... after hearing what they will be using I'm interested in doing something along the aasimars but want to be evil. I'm thinking maybe a barf that manipulates people behind their back? my dm recommended planar oracle but I just don't get the feeling of an evil angel trying to manipulate and deceive others from it. I guess you could say I want to be luciferish lol. any help is greatly appreciated!!!

please don't make a pathfinder character with the intention of pvp

Aasimars do not need to be evil.
Your idea probably needs sky high charisma, and your job would be much easier if you are a caster. So I suggest you a sorcerer or an oracle. I'll tell you now: sorcerers have a better spell list than oracles for your idea. Charm person/monster, Dominate person/monster, sugggestion (mass, triggered) and so on.

I agree with arachnofiend don't make characters with the intent of player vs player. Now if you went to the GM and he agrees to have you roleplay a character that his story is to go against the players that's one thing. Or if you get the thumbs up from the group that's ok too but even then your walking a fine line.

If your set on doing it I recommend a human with silver tongue alternate racial trait or an aasimar. For class take infiltrator archetype for inquisitor as then you can lie very well and most spells have no chance of discerning your alignment.

it's not so much pvp as I want him to be loved by all but not really known if that makes sense? I just kind of want to be the guy who is driving a story but you wouldn't know it. like just an example one guy is running an ifrit ninja and the way he explained it he's all about using smoke for concealment to attack and do his missions. I was thinking maybe a bard who lures people in his voice and then twists them to his will? I know I'm bad at this lol but my dm said people might have ideas :)

When does the game start? It sounds like your concept is literally the Mesmerist from Occult Adventures, but that won't be released for another two weeks.

aelysftw wrote:
it's not so much pvp as I want him to be loved by all but not really known if that makes sense? I just kind of want to be the guy who is driving a story but you wouldn't know it. like just an example one guy is running an ifrit ninja and the way he explained it he's all about using smoke for concealment to attack and do his missions. I was thinking maybe a bard who lures people in his voice and then twists them to his will? I know I'm bad at this lol but my dm said people might have ideas :)

I see what yiu guys are saying I meant manipulation of the npc not party members I apologize about that

aelysftw wrote:
it's not so much pvp as I want him to be loved by all but not really known if that makes sense? I just kind of want to be the guy who is driving a story but you wouldn't know it. like just an example one guy is running an ifrit ninja and the way he explained it he's all about using smoke for concealment to attack and do his missions. I was thinking maybe a bard who lures people in his voice and then twists them to his will? I know I'm bad at this lol but my dm said people might have ideas :)

I would ask your DM if skill rolls can convince the players and npcs of this or if YOU the player have to articulate this and convince the players yourself. if the former then we can max out your manipulation a few ways and lay that out for you. if the latter then you can be a dumb uncharismatic commoner class and get the job done.

aelysftw wrote:
aelysftw wrote:
it's not so much pvp as I want him to be loved by all but not really known if that makes sense? I just kind of want to be the guy who is driving a story but you wouldn't know it. like just an example one guy is running an ifrit ninja and the way he explained it he's all about using smoke for concealment to attack and do his missions. I was thinking maybe a bard who lures people in his voice and then twists them to his will? I know I'm bad at this lol but my dm said people might have ideas :)
I see what yiu guys are saying I meant manipulation of the npc not party members I apologize about that

Saturday :( I was going to do ranger but the guy leaving already built a sweet falconer from what he described

he said it's rolls

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