Five Royal Weapons of Minkai?

Jade Regent

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So I'm checking that I haven't missed anything and only 3 out of five are detailed? Or was these some detail on what kind of weapons last two were even if they weren't statted?

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

You're correct, by the end of the campaign there are two missing Royal weapons.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hmm those would be Teikoku and Shojinawa ones... I wonder what they could be or where they are since it really feels off to not get full set x'D

For a PC side Quest (Redeeming the Golden Ghost Pagoda) I created my version of the Teikoku ancestral weapon ...

The Teikoku Sting:
Variant “Bastard’s Sting”, ancestral weapon of the Teikoku imperial family: This +2 adamantine nodachi becomes a +5 unholy adamantine nodachi in the hands of an antipaladin (see: here). A worthy member (DMs decision) of the Teikoku imperial Family of Minkai can use the weapon as if she were an antipaladin, even if not chaotic evil. No member of house Teikoku ever gains a negative level from that weapon, regardless of alignment (but see below) and can use the unholy blight ability, if she wishes at will at her character level. It otherwise bestows a negative level to good creatures not of the family and any creature, that acts against the interests of the Teikoku imperial family. This negative level lasts as long as the weapon is held or carried and cannot be overcome by any means other than laying down the weapon. This weapon was missing since the Battle of the three Bridges.
Aura strong necromancy; CL 18th; Weight 6 lbs.; Price 123,035 gp. Requirements: Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells unholy aura, unholy blight; Special creator must be evil; Cost 63,035 gp --> seen (but not touched) in a well-hidden part within the Teikoku Castle during the “Golden Ghost Pagoda” bonus quest.

The Shojinawa ancestral weapon I would create as a variant of this one. Maybe it was destroyed during a great BANG, that destroyed the Shojinawa home castle ...

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