The Expansionist

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 440 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Scarab Sages

What is to keep the players from just skipping over the forest around Hammer Rock. At 16th level, they can fly, teleport without error or eve assuming they go into the forest, why would they participate in the Wild Hunt instead of just whacking the Fey? I'm confused. This would have been cooler as an earlier type thing. I'd rather have some stuff about Absalom or a big attack on a "rag tag" band of refugees.

Scarab Sages

We had a big argument in my game today about contingency. A wizard with 86 HP set contingency to cast heal when he reached zero HP. He took a Wail of the Banshee in the face, doing 170 points of damage. He failed his save. Does the contingency heal actually go off when he hits zero, interrupting the wail of the Banshee damage? As the GM, I see both sides of the argument,

1. He takes the 170, since it is an immeduate effect
2. The contingency interrupts the Wail damage.

Help me qyash this argument. It caused a rage quit for one of the players.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My group has been obstinate about not switching to PF2. This sounds like one of my 2 dream APs. What is the difficulty of converting to PF1 and does anyone do conversion notes?

Scarab Sages

I am playing a Kineticist for the first time. I'm a pyrokineticist and looking to blast something underwater. Since it is Magical fire, I need to make a Caster Level check...But I cannot find anywhere what a kineticists caster level is?

Scarab Sages

I don't know if anyone is reading these anymore, but I am running this as a precursere for Tyrants Grasp. My PCs are smart. They all have flight capabilities from wands or other items. What is to prevent them from just flying up Gallowspre, thereby skipping most of the encounters? Maybe some kind of warding? Juat curious if anyone else ran into this problem.

Scarab Sages

I am looking for an index and perhaps a shoort description of 3.5 dungeon magazine city based adventures for levels 6-9..I have bought a few old pdfs from the store, but have none that fit what i want....Any help would be appreciated

Scarab Sages

looking to see if anyone converted these to 3.5/PF1. Thinking it would be fun to run these on Roll20 while I'm out of work due to the stay at home situation...I could do it myself, but lots of work if it's already been done.

Scarab Sages

So I was thinking Oracle with Juju mystery and spirit vessels...But how do I get the command Undead need to be able to channel Negative Energy, plus that means no good alignment.I'm stuck...I don't want to go the cleric route....How do I make a kick ass undead controller...I think later in the campaign there will be a lot of intelligent there a way to handle them too, or should I just go with a Cleric undead destroyer/turner? maybe a Blossming Light?

Scarab Sages

One of my all time favorite APs. Well designed, fun. Everything I'd want.. I was thinking of running it on a VTT that ends with 20. Wondering if there exists any digital file of the maps, or if anyone has created them that they can share. I imagine they can be imported..


Scarab Sages

Getting ready to run Haunting of Harrowstone...for arguments sake, let's say I don't have a PC that can do positive energy damage. Aside from the specific items, is there any way to damage a haunt? If not, I have a feeling it will be a short lived campaign...


Scarab Sages

Are there any of these out there...I think I would prefer them rather than a PbP...

Scarab Sages

A modular computer a base amount for the engine, say 50 bucks or so, then have the APs available as DLC for say 20 dollars and have them either single player or coop games, so you can link up with 4 -5 other people and go through an AP or play it solo...I can't believe I'm the only one who has thought of this...LOL...probably not even it feasible? something like Kingmaker but multi player and with any of the APs available...A lot of us with families, multiple jobs etc...want to experience the stories of the APs but find it hard to get together more than 1x every week or 2, but would find it easier to sit down at the PC after the SO, kids, dogs etc...go to bed for a couple hours...So...whatcha think?

Scarab Sages

So I've been playing RPGs since I stumbled into a game store in 1981 and was asked to sit in on an Empire of the Petal Throne game with several players who went on to work for Judges Guild...since then I've played DnD, ADnD, Runequest, Warhammer, Pendragon, Ars Magica, Arcanis, 3.0, 3.5, Traveler but have been playing PF since it'd release some 10+ years ago...Still game on Sunday nights with my buddies from college...that said, I'd like to pick up another game somewhere and figured I might like to try one of the many online games I've been reading about...Between work, dogs, fiancé, her kids, ailing mom etc...I think it would be easier than going out for 6 hours on a night off...It mainly looks like I would be available Mondays and Thursdays...Anyway...If you're looking for another player, and don't mind walking someone through the intricacies of an online game, please reach out

Patrick Capossere

I live in Delaware about an hour south of East Coast time, but wouldn't be opposed to something that started later for me, as things are pretty quiet here at nights...

Scarab Sages

I've been hoping for one of these...wish I had the time to write one, but a book with a different chromatic dragon as it's primary villain maybe with an aspect of Dahak being the overall bad guy...could use lots of kobolds at low levels, dragon cultists, half dragon NPCs and maybe even be a mythic campaign where you have to fight major different color dragons at the end of each book to gain tiers...

Wish I had time to do this myself...

Scarab Sages

Has anyone converted Vecna Lives, Die Vecna Die and Vecna reborn to PF or 3.5? I thought it would make some cool high level stuff..maybe even mythic rules...

Scarab Sages

I don't know why my delivery is slow, but before I get volume 1....aside from Carrion Crown (assuming this is the case) is there anything you'd run to set this up/give flavor/set the tone....

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How hard will this be? My group has been playing 1E for the last 10+ years and most of us, me not being one, don't want to change...

Scarab Sages

OK, I kinda want to roleplay the PC's interviewing to be on The Peregrine. I was kinda hoping we could all collaborate on the interview process.

Who is conducting the interviews? The Bountiful Venture or a government official from Andoran.

I'll tailor the questions to each PC, but aside from the obvious ( what can you provide the settlement, why are you interested in going, etc..) what kinds of questions would you ask?

I was also thinking a pirate attack, to let the players and other colonists interact might be a cool think. A little low level mayhem to get them invested.

Anyone have any good ideas?

Scarab Sages

I'm wondering if there are any ideas out there to run my players through to give them a lore/feel for the upcoming AP? I like the players, even with running a 1 shot or 2, to just get a little history, lore, feel for the upcoming campaign, especially those not too familiar with the history of Golarion

Scarab Sages

Here is a general outline. Any advice or collaboration is welcome

I'm thinking of having the big bad guy be modified mythic dragon. His motivations are to gather up all the Orbs of Dragonkind and destroy them. He will have a cult following and part of his mythic ability is controlling dragons of all Neutral and Evil alignments. At low levels it will be a lot of kobolds, lizard men, half draconic creatures and drakes. As the PCs advance, obviously lots of dragon fights. I thought something cool would be to have each PC unlock certain powers against a specific type of dragon as they increased in level. Either a kind of bloodline power or by giving them to opposite domain powers and spells to the type dragon they are keyed. The players need to recover, but not use the Orbs, before the BBED can get to them, of course, they will fail occasionally, making for some tough battles.

I'm thinking of making it span a lot of Golarion. Kinda epic in scale.

Any thoughts?

Scarab Sages

Been thinking of a few side quests between books 2 and 3, or some good alternate stuff to allow the players to run some good characters in the same setting. I was thinking about having them do some Mitran characters to investigate the Horn of Abbadon right after the PC's leave.

Scarab Sages

I need to get book 6 for Way of the Wicked. I was also looking forward to Throne on Night, at least reading it. I can order the PDF for book 6, but it seems like they are not printing any more copies.

Has anyone heard from Mr. McBride? It would be a real shame if this talented small company fell by the wayside.

Any news would be cool...

Scarab Sages

I know for the SCAP and AoW, there is a site that contains all the text to be read to the players. I have a real tough time reading that light blue font in the magazine, and I cannot seem to find anywhere online that has the text re-typed ( so I could enlarge it or at least change the color)

Does anyone know if such a place exists, or has anyone undertaken the task of doing this?


Scarab Sages

Hey guys, started tonight with a 3 player group...I have only gamed with 1 previously, but it was cool..

I started with my favorite Level 1 intro adventure "Funeral Procession" from issue 135.
Game is starting in Sasserine, which I set in the Shackles.

Teifling Magus
Half-Elf Gunslinger
Asimar cleric of Sarenrae

They are about 3/4 through with this, then begin on STAP in earnest.

I am leveling them(no XP) because I want to add stuff in (like The Styes series) and the lost temple of Demogorgon, so the advancement is going to be slow, at best.

How do you think this party will fare? I'd love to have a full fighter, or arcane caster in the group, but until I get a 4th, I think they'll be OK...

Scarab Sages

I have looked at the early modules, and can't seem to find out what the approximate level progression should be...I tend to not use XP, and just tell the players when to level...I cannot sem to find it...

Would adventure 1 be 1-3, and 2 be 3-5? Just guessing?


Scarab Sages

OK, My PC's cleaned out the Horn, got provisions, hired a cook, smith, alchemist and torturer...My question is this, In the gazeteer, it says the Caer Bryr is teeming with barbarian tribe etc....They want to go recruiting gaurds from the barbarian tribes....I allowed the Antipaladin to recruit his max number of the have about 25 1st level puds, 2 2nd and a 3rd...but they want to find monsters and other guys to guard their dungeon...Any ideas how to tailor this...if they get a whole boatload of guys,l the good parties will just wipe pretty easily, don't you think?


Scarab Sages

Has anyone converted Myrakul to Pathfinder? My group will be getting there in the next 3 weeks, and I was wondering how people handled him in pathfinder...or can i feild suggestions? I am working on Adimarchus as any input would gladly be accepted...


Scarab Sages

I don't want to sound impatient, or be a pain in the butt, but does anyone have an estimate when the backordered books will be available? I am just excited to get them into my hands. The PDF's are awesome, but I unfortunately have 2 "skype" gamers, so running off my laptop is an impossibility, and printing them out will cost me as much in ink as my purchase price of the books...

Scarab Sages

One of my players wants to play a "fallen" Aasimar Anti-paladin, with the Angel Blloded subtype. I am leaning toward allowing it because it sounds cool...what do y'all think?

Scarab Sages

My group is preparing to head off to Carceri. I think i have found and read most of the source materila I could find online. I have planned out encounters (to avoid rlling randoms, which I hate). I have encounters with Daemons, a super swampy Shambling Mound, some demons and devils fighting the Blood War, and a questline they must follow to gain the info on where Skullrot is.

Has anyone fleshed out the Bastion of Lost Hope? Or perhaps fleshed out the trip to Skullrot, that can share. I would really like to make this memorable for my group.

How about any advicce for Skullrot itself? Any suggestions, comments or warnings?

We are using Pathfinder rules and 5-6 PC's, so they will be 17 when they get to the final part.

Howwould you convert Dark Myrakul to PF? I also have a pretty awesome Necromancer Wizard in my group. I will probably put some undead in so he can flex his muscle, but don't want him to take over the end (Dark Myrakul) so i guess I will just rule that he cannot control him in Skullrot.

Thanks in advance.

Scarab Sages

We are starting FoF and I wanted to begin to prep for forther sessions.

Another question. After Lords of oblivion it says the PC's learn the history of Vhalantru. I cannot seem to find it.

Scarab Sages

I have a player who wanted to retire his necromancer after gaining the Smoking Eye, to learn the ins and outs of controlling Occipitus.He wants to bring him back later, maybe for the final 2 chapters. Here are my few questions...

Should I actually play out any NPC's coming for the Smoking Eye? Or, just assume that he was the last one to get it?

Are Smoking Eye characters aware of other Smoking Eye characters? Can the "hunt them down" for example?

I obviously will level him to the appropriate power level..but..should I give him more gear..He is a potentially difficult character to run, since he is a de-buff, crowd control, pnd all around pain in the butt kind of character.


Oh..they are tackling Vhalantru next,let's there isn't a TPK...

Scarab Sages

OK..I am starting this chapter next week. I have been pathfinderizing the campaign. I noticed as the chapters move on, alot of the cool stuff on the RPGenius site has been dwindling.

Anyone who has run the party at the House Rhiavadi, can you recount how you handled it? Seems like it could be difficult to get the PC's to listen to Thirafane's speech. And, did you have the party encounter the NPC's en masse, or perhaps individually or in small groups? I'd love any kind of advice.

Oh, and the major players (the Jester, Lady T etc...) did you allow them to escape to the Fiery Sanctum, or did your players whack them here?


Scarab Sages

So, my players survived the seige of Redgorge, and w are planning to start chapter 7. Now, when they return to Cauldron, what should happen before the assassains hit them. I am sure they will go looking for Vhlantru and for answers about the seige...

How did any of you who have run it before handle this?


Scarab Sages

OK...I know I need to re-read the mod again, but here is my question..

Is the test limited to 1 PC?
Seems to me like it should be...I mean, if the one who passes it inherits rulership of the plane, how can multiple people take the test? And, if Kaurophon cannot enter the tet area, then how would he gain the template? It's kinda confusing...I have just started the trek to the Cathedral, but I think they will make it there this week...

Scarab Sages

If I were playing a Cleric in this campaign, which God do y'all think would be best to worship...I liked Asmodeus but am not sure how it would work....any suggestions?

Scarab Sages

There are a ton of monsters that are not covered by PF, such as the Green Slaad in the wandering monsters for Smoking Eye. I am thinking of keeping them, but making them tougher..what do you think? Replace them with something else, or just beef them up a bit?

Scarab Sages

I would love to hear if y'all made many changes to this adventure? I love the mod..seems like it should be fun. I want to make it kinda memorable, so will take any player/gm advice on things...


Scarab Sages

I am starting the tax riot next time we play. I have a PC who is a town guard. I was thinking of having him be the one to try and make the arrest on Maarvu...I also have a rogue who is trying to get in good with the Last Laugh, so I was thinking of letting him in on the plat to try and incite things, but not that they are going to try and whack his frend...

Scarab Sages

Has anyone played this out? I am planning on my PC to have the dream of the sword when they reach the demonskar, then feel a tug. Since we know Vitris Bale has a role to play later in the campaign, did you have anything gaurding the sword, or just have it laying at the bottom of the gorge? Just curious how you played the recovery of this important item??


Scarab Sages

With the events in chapter 4 and beginning of 5, they are anxious to start investigating. One wants to arrest maarvu, one is hunting the "wizard" who summoned the Umber Hulk and the Breatdrinker. I had to give him a crumb and had a woman eyewitnesses placed at both locations...And the rogue wants to infiltrate the Last Laugh...they are hard to keep on the tracks...

Scarab Sages

My girl messed up my PC and I lost all that awesome info you sent me. If you get a chance I would really love to have it again.

Thanks man!!

Scarab Sages

I'm sure this has been asked on many occasions, but, I am in a hurry to get to work and might forget here goes..

My FLGS is having a "Pathfinder Day" in a few weeks. Since I have been playing and running PF since it came out, I have been elected to run. I really do not have time to devote to pre-generating characters from scratch, and all the on-line character generators I have seen are either expensive or not updated, so i was thinking the Iconics.

I was hoping to find them statted up somewhere, but a cursory glance lead me to find only the APG ones. I will have 6 PC's and wanted to have alot of choices.

Are they statted up somewhere? I found descriptions, pictures etc...but no level progression kind of things.

Thanks in advance,

Scarab Sages

I am not really good with photoshop or maptools or any of those programs. Has anyone created a large scale map of the Umber Hulk attack in chapter 4 that they would like to share?