Baron Galdur Vendikon

Nezthalak's page

Organized Play Member. 282 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Sovereign Court

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Chris Lambertz wrote:
GM Reference thread for Maiden, Mother, Crone.

Dotted for future reference

Sovereign Court

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Monk with options for the win :)

Sovereign Court

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Franko a wrote:

I let them roll everything. They seem to enjoy the botches as much as the natural 20's.

I can definitely attest to this. We were playing Sage Ed. Star Wars campaign and I was aiding another person work on the air ventilation for the ship. We both crit failed and killed everyone on board.

cue slowly backing up and walking away.

Sovereign Court

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yay! Monks getting love!

Sovereign Court

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what about a bard that performs dance like Stomp and fights using Vicious Stomp (when applicable) and improvised weapons (trash cans, buckets, etc.)

Sovereign Court

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Prerequisite is a Drunken Ki monk. Upon reaching his limit, each round the monk must make a Fortitude save with a base DC equal to 20 + the points gained from Drunken Ki within the past 8 hours. This DC increased by 1 each round or by 2 if the monk earned any Ki points from drinking in the previous round.

A failed save forces the monk to charge towards the nearest corner and empty the contents of his stomach. If this movement takes him through threatened squares, enemies may take their attacks of opportunity as normal (though they may get barfed on)

Sovereign Court

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Sovereign Court

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admittedly, I don't use shields and haven't investigated the feat chains involving them. I stand proudly corrected. :)

Ultimate shield bash and proof you don't need sword to get the job done


Sovereign Court

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Didn't mean it to have a negative sound to it. I apologize for it coming across that way. I only meant to say that the Brazer guide is comprehensive of what has been expanded out beyond what is laid out solely in the RRR book, which is where the core mechanics for the kingdom rules are.

The guide does an excellent job condensing and clarifying the kingdom building processes. Additionally, the inclusion of known errata and the work of Mr. Nelson is quite handy.

I did enjoy the castle additions and open landscape stuff. I try to run a lot of things by core rules (with admitted errata), so seeing additional things is always nice, but not always incorporated into our games.

I own it, and I will attest that it is a very valuable aid (worth of 5 stars indeed) and I encourage anyone playing Kingmaker to invest in it.

Sovereign Court

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they get it at level 10 as a monk bonus feat


At 10th level, the following feats are added to the list:

Improved Critical, Medusa’s Wrath, Snatch Arrows, and Spring Attack.

Sovereign Court

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paizo has no realistic way to provide the monk to be effective with unarmed combat. punches, kicks, monk of empty hand....please give us something to where we don't all have to pick crusader of gorum and flurry with greatswords to be effective fighters

Sovereign Court

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Sovereign Court

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Hand of Congratulation

gives a pat on the back for every natural 20 rolled


Sovereign Court

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copied from other thread that manages the same issue

FAQ Link

Monk: How does a monk's improved BAB when flurrying interact with feats like Power Attack and Combat Expertise, which have different effects depending on your BAB?

The monk uses his improved flurrying BAB to determine the effect of those feats.

—Sean K Reynolds, 07/08/11