Mysteries of the Past and Future!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

It's almost that time of year again, the best day of the year to be a gamer: Free RPG Day! You might have already heard about what we have in store for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, but that's far from all. In the annual tradition of giving you an exciting new adventure to actually play on Free RPG Day, this year's quest is Pathfinder Module: Risen from the Sands, an expedition into the deep deserts of Osirion, written by the director of the Mummy's Mask Adventure Path, Rob McCreary. This foray into a perilous pyramid parallels the mysteries and ancient dangers of the new Mummy's Mask Adventure Path*. Here's the gist:

The deserts of Osirion—land of pharaohs and ancient tombs—hide not just untold wonders, but also unspeakable dangers. When the vast sand dunes part to reveal the ancient pyramid of the legendary Pharaoh of Sphinxes, glory seekers from across many nations race toward it, each fighting to be the first to claim its wonders. But the storied pharaoh doesn't rest quietly within this monument, and his tomb was designed to slaughter any who would dare trespass.

A band of bold adventurers are the first to arrive, and stand poised to claim what's risen from the sands—but they're unaware of the doom that lurks inside. With daring on their side and strange, rarely seen powers at their disposal, the heroes may be the only force capable of containing the force of evil within and defeating its curse!

But we're not just reaching into the forgotten past for this year's offering, we're also looking toward the future. Toward August, in particular, as Risen from the Sands includes four ready-to-play, pregenerated characters previewing four classes from this Summer's major hardcover release, Pathfinder RPG: Advanced Class Guide.

Free RPG Day is Saturday June 21st, so be sure to check with your local gaming store to make sure they'll be participating. It's less than 3 months away, so mark your calendar and don't miss out on Risen from the Sands, a new Pathfinder Adventure Card Game hero, and plenty more Free RPG Day awesomeness!

F. Wesley Schneider

*No, they can't be goblin adventures every year, or else you won't appreciate them. This year the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game has your annual dash of goblin goodness.

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Tags: Free RPG Day Pathfinder Modules
Liberty's Edge

Advanced Class Guide preview goodness! W00t!

Swashbuckler and warpriest seem to be confirmed, based on the cover - what are the other two, I wonder?

Lantern Lodge

Shisumo wrote:

Advanced Class Guide preview goodness! W00t!

Swashbuckler and warpriest seem to be confirmed, based on the cover - what are the other two, I wonder?

Half-Elf Swashbuckler iconic. I approve of this message.

Is the design on the Greatsword the holy symbol of Gorum? I was thinking Bloodrager at first.

Shadow Lodge

will thizs be PFS Sanctioned like the previous years

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Shisumo wrote:

Advanced Class Guide preview goodness! W00t!

Swashbuckler and warpriest seem to be confirmed, based on the cover - what are the other two, I wonder?

Half-Elf Swashbuckler iconic. I approve of this message.

Is the design on the Greatsword the holy symbol of Gorum? I was thinking Bloodrager at first.

I think its actually on his helmet.

Silver Crusade

Very cool! Looking forward to this.

zergtitan wrote:
Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Shisumo wrote:

Advanced Class Guide preview goodness! W00t!

Swashbuckler and warpriest seem to be confirmed, based on the cover - what are the other two, I wonder?

Half-Elf Swashbuckler iconic. I approve of this message.

Is the design on the Greatsword the holy symbol of Gorum? I was thinking Bloodrager at first.

I think its actually on his helmet.

It's been confirmed elsewhere that the Warpriest iconic is a male half-orc.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Looking forward to it!


Wraith235 wrote:
will thizs be PFS Sanctioned like the previous years

Sure will be. Expect more details down the road.

Liberty's Edge

Arcanist and slayer? That would fill the general warrior/healer/sneaky-type/arcane caster breakdown nicely...

Shisumo wrote:
Arcanist and slayer? That would fill the general warrior/healer/sneaky-type/arcane caster breakdown nicely...

I think the Arcanist is a pretty good guess. I would probably guess the Investigator might fill the final slot, but the slayer is possible as well.

I'm curious what race/ethnic group the final two iconics will be. I hope the Arcanist is of Garundi descent.

Any hopes for seeing the GenCon 2013 Beginner Box encounters by Free RPG day?

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

New Iconics AND an Osirion-themed adventure?


Gentleman Alligator wrote:
I hope the Arcanist is of Garundi descent.

While there's a lot of arcane historoy behind the Garundi(seriously, between Nethys, Nex, and Geb...), we have two Garundi iconics already. But we don't have any Mwangi ones. And they've got Old Mage Jatembe and the Magaambya just itching to be represented. :D

Would this dovetail into the Mummy's Mask AP as a side adventure easily?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Devastation Bob wrote:
Would this dovetail into the Mummy's Mask AP as a side adventure easily?

Rob would be just the man to answer this. I'll point him your way once we're all caffeinated and presentable.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mikaze wrote:

New Iconics AND an Osirion-themed adventure?


Gentleman Alligator wrote:
I hope the Arcanist is of Garundi descent.
While there's a lot of arcane historoy behind the Garundi(seriously, between Nethys, Nex, and Geb...), we have two Garundi iconics already. But we don't have any Mwangi ones. And they've got Old Mage Jatembe and the Magaambya just itching to be represented. :D

It is SO tempting to comment on this.

But I'm not.

In fact, I'm going to go make everyone swear a blood oath not to reveal these characters until this product hits and the Meet the Iconics start rolling out in May/June.


Sovereign Court Senior Developer

Devastation Bob wrote:
Would this dovetail into the Mummy's Mask AP as a side adventure easily?

It would take a little work, since this is a 3rd level adventure, and at that point, PCs will still be in the city of Wati in the first adventure of Mummy's Mask. That being said, thematically it's a perfect fit. I could see the PCs being sent out of Wati to investigate this pyramid in the middle of the adventure.

Alternatively (and this would take more work), the encounters in this adventure could be increased for higher level, and then this pyramid would be perfect when the PCs head into the desert in the third and fourth volumes of the Adventure Path.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

New Iconics AND an Osirion-themed adventure?


Gentleman Alligator wrote:
I hope the Arcanist is of Garundi descent.
While there's a lot of arcane historoy behind the Garundi(seriously, between Nethys, Nex, and Geb...), we have two Garundi iconics already. But we don't have any Mwangi ones. And they've got Old Mage Jatembe and the Magaambya just itching to be represented. :D

It is SO tempting to comment on this.

But I'm not.

In fact, I'm going to go make everyone swear a blood oath not to reveal these characters until this product hits and the Meet the Iconics start rolling out in May/June.


*takes knife and cuts hand* I swear the Blood Oath to remain silent! Though I do expect these "meet the iconics" to happen in mid-late May.

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

New Iconics AND an Osirion-themed adventure?


Gentleman Alligator wrote:
I hope the Arcanist is of Garundi descent.
While there's a lot of arcane historoy behind the Garundi(seriously, between Nethys, Nex, and Geb...), we have two Garundi iconics already. But we don't have any Mwangi ones. And they've got Old Mage Jatembe and the Magaambya just itching to be represented. :D

It is SO tempting to comment on this.

But I'm not.

In fact, I'm going to go make everyone swear a blood oath not to reveal these characters until this product hits and the Meet the Iconics start rolling out in May/June.


You're a cruel, cruel man Mr. Schneider.


zergtitan wrote:
*takes knife and cuts hand* I swear the Blood Oath to remain silent! Though I do expect these "meet the iconics" to happen in mid-late May.

Or June.

We'll let folks know once we have something like a schedule.


Gentleman Alligator wrote:
You're a cruel, cruel man Mr. Schneider.


Silver Crusade

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

New Iconics AND an Osirion-themed adventure?


Gentleman Alligator wrote:
I hope the Arcanist is of Garundi descent.
While there's a lot of arcane historoy behind the Garundi(seriously, between Nethys, Nex, and Geb...), we have two Garundi iconics already. But we don't have any Mwangi ones. And they've got Old Mage Jatembe and the Magaambya just itching to be represented. :D

It is SO tempting to comment on this.

But I'm not.

In fact, I'm going to go make everyone swear a blood oath not to reveal these characters until this product hits and the Meet the Iconics start rolling out in May/June.


I'm honestly unsure whether to mull over some new guesses or start being insufferably smug. :)

Jokes on you, the Arcanist is a female dwarf.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.


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