Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |

Erik, I am very disappointed. I expected to see 3 minis today, not just 1. Fortunately, you completely redeemed yourself, by breaking new ground, and giving us a mini with interchangable weapons :)
Wow... not only is this Frost Giant "super-cool", but now I have to get 2 of these guys so I can display him with either weapon. (pun intended)
I am so impressed with the PPM line. So very impressed. Great job!

KaeYoss |

So if you’re lucky enough to find the Frost Giant in your Heroes & Monsters booster and a friend asks “Did you get the one with the sword or the one with the axe?” you can answer:
“I got them both!”
I won't. The best answer to "Did you get the one with the sword or the one with the axe" is, of course, "Yes!"
But great idea nevertheless.
Does this make the minis a bit more like He-Man? Sure. Is that a bad thing? Not in this case! As long as we stay away from princes in pink outfits that have a bondage costume and oiled bodies as their "secret persona", we're golden.
Golden might be kitchy, but not nearly as much as pink!