Illustration by Branko Bistrovic

Get Lost

Friday, October 22, 2010

Illustration by Damien Mammoliti

We're nearing the homestretch in development of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Lost Cities of Golarion and that means it's time to start leaking some of the brand-new art you can expect to find within the tome's dusty pages. Check out these relics we've unearthed while plumbing the ruins of Kho in the Mwangi Expanse and Storasta in the demon-choked Worldwound.

Mark Moreland

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Tags: Alain Animals Branko Bistrovic Cavaliers Damien Mammoliti Demons Iconics Magi Monsters Mwangi Expanse Pathfinder Campaign Setting Seltyiel Wallpapers
Silver Crusade

So I was looking at the Storasta and at first I was like :D

But then I noticed the decor on its back and I was like :O

Really looking forward to this book.

A right LE bastard Seltyiel may be, but I still hope those vargoilles focus on Alain instead.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

While the Kho artwork has some great posing and dynamic, it looks like the artist needs to work on faces some more. Man, Seltyiel should look like a brooding emo Sephiroth knockoff that he is !

And yes, Mikaze is right. Seltyiel may be a brooding emo Sephiroth knockoff, but at least he's not a jerk. Eat bat guano in the face, Alain.

On the other side, Storasta: yummy.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Branko Bistrovic ftw! Very evocative. Does not feel "cartoony" to me (thank goodness!).

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Wow! Great pics. I am very much looking forward to this book dropping. Crystal craziness in Kho! Some kind of hardcore plant monster in Storasta! Yes please!

Mikaze wrote:
Really looking forward to this book.

I have to agree with this. It'll be so great!

Mikaze wrote:
A right LE bastard Seltyiel may be, but I still hope those vargoilles focus on Alain instead.

No, Seltyiel is too pretty; they'll all want to kiss him instead. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Silly Seltyiel.

Rays don't work on swarms!

Do they?


Jason, did you do the Kho section on this one? Or am I confusing that with the Mwangi book?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pygon wrote:

Silly Seltyiel.

Rays don't work on swarms!

Do they?

They do. So does the fire damage from a flaming sword. Energy damage more or less trumps that whole thing... if it didn't, then there'd REALLY be no reason aside from pure GM cruelty and hatred to have lower than CR 3 swarms.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Gorbacz wrote:

While the Kho artwork has some great posing and dynamic, it looks like the artist needs to work on faces some more. Man, Seltyiel should look like a brooding emo Sephiroth knockoff that he is !

And yes, Mikaze is right. Seltyiel may be a brooding emo Sephiroth knockoff, but at least he's not a jerk. Eat bat guano in the face, Alain.

On the other side, Storasta: yummy.

What's a Sephiroth knockoff?

Sorry, not feeling the Kho picture, it just seems way too messy and "unfinished" to me.
I know it's an artists personal touch to a picture, but I feel like a lot of pictures I've seen from certain artists have had that "unfinished" feel to them, as if they've been sloppy rush jobs. Totally turn-off for someone who's as visually inspired as me.

Really like the Storasta one, though (the picture that is, wouldn't want to encounter the bastard!).

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Todd Stewart wrote:
Jason, did you do the Kho section on this one? Or am I confusing that with the Mwangi book?

Actually, it was both. As in Kho in both this and Mwangi, and both of the lost cities here - Kho and Storasta! Woohoo for neato art!

It actually inspired me to go back and reread my turnovers. As always, I'm curious to see what things might have changed and what kind of art shows up. Based on these two, me likey.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Zaister wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:

While the Kho artwork has some great posing and dynamic, it looks like the artist needs to work on faces some more. Man, Seltyiel should look like a brooding emo Sephiroth knockoff that he is !

And yes, Mikaze is right. Seltyiel may be a brooding emo Sephiroth knockoff, but at least he's not a jerk. Eat bat guano in the face, Alain.

On the other side, Storasta: yummy.

What's a Sephiroth knockoff?

I believe he's referring to the Final Fantasy character.


Jason Nelson wrote:
Todd Stewart wrote:
Jason, did you do the Kho section on this one? Or am I confusing that with the Mwangi book?

Actually, it was both. As in Kho in both this and Mwangi, and both of the lost cities here - Kho and Storasta! Woohoo for neato art!

It actually inspired me to go back and reread my turnovers. As always, I'm curious to see what things might have changed and what kind of art shows up. Based on these two, me likey.

That's one of the joys of creacking open a new book (or a new pdf as is often the case since those arrive earlier) - findout out what from the turnover stayed in, what got cut, what got tweaked etc. And it's always amusing if you answer a question about a topic online and your answer ends up referring to something absolutely minor that didn't appear in the final print version. *chuckle*

In any event, I greatly look forward to seeing your take on both cities. :D

Lantern Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:
Pygon wrote:

Silly Seltyiel.

Rays don't work on swarms!

Do they?

They do. So does the fire damage from a flaming sword. Energy damage more or less trumps that whole thing... if it didn't, then there'd REALLY be no reason aside from pure GM cruelty and hatred to have lower than CR 3 swarms.

James, are you able to point to where energy damage trumps swarms immunity to weapon damage or non area effects? Is this a house-rule, errata, or am I missing something?

Pathfinder Bestiary wrote:
Swarm traits: A swarm made up of Tiny creatures takes half damage from slashing and piercing weapons. A swarm composed of Fine or Diminutive creatures is immune to all weapon damage ... A swarm is immune to any spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures (including single-target spells such as disintegrate), with the exception of mind-affecting effects ... A Swarm takes half again as much damage (+50%) from spells or effects that affect an area, such as splash weapons and many evocation spells.

There are some grey areas and room for interpretation, though your interpretation strikes me as rather broad. Swarms occur often enough in Pathfinder Society scenarios, that I'd like to know I'm ruling correctly, and not applying my pure GM cruelty and hatred too liberally?

Of course, Seltyiel might be fighting several individual bats of some type or other (eg, not a swarm), or casting Burning Hands (eg, cone area of effect, not a ray).


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