Ultimate Magic - Improved Familiar

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge 5/5

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Are the new improved familiars from Ultimate Magic legal for PFS play? The "Additional Resources" page mentions that everything in the book is legal except for what is listed; the list does explicitly mention familiars from Chapter 2 as legal, but does not seem to comment on the legality of the Improved Familiar feat. I assumed this would mean that the new Improved Familiars were legal, but wanted to check.

My wife was hoping to have a Silvanshee improved familiar for her wizard if it is allowed. Thanks!

Last line of the entry for Ultimate Magic:

Other: No content from Chapter 2 is legal for play except new familiars

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Except he's not asking about familiars from chapter 2, he's asking about the expansion of the Improved Familiar feat from the Appendix.

The way the entry in the Add Res is written, I'd think they are allowed, since the entry calls out things that are not allowed or are altered. But you're really going to probably need M&M to comment.

Oh yeah. It was too late at night when I read and answered this and thought he said in his post that the new familiars were not legal. lol

Anyway, like you say, the entry says what is not legal, so if it is not listed, then it should be legal. Besides, what is in the appendix is just a list of all available improved familiars, not new rules mechanics or anything.

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Since the Appendix is not listed as not being legal (hate double negatives...) it is a legal source. I.E. you can use the list of Improved Familiars on page 251.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

I figured the Improved Familiars would be legal since they were in the Appendix, but I wanted to double-check. Thanks!

Grand Lodge 4/5

If someone wishes to take Improved Familiars, as long as they meet the requirements, they are welcome to use them.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

I do wish there were options for improved familar which weren't outsiders, pseudo dragons, etc and more your donkey becomes a horse, a Compy grows into a Veliocoraptor etc.

I've been looking for such things everywhere, and am yet to see it. Do they exist?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Not in PFS. In a home game, you might be able to get away with polymorphing the familiar, and depending on several factors it might become permanent.

The Exchange

dotting for later reference thanks for the clarification on allowed familiars

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