X-Men Class of 1985 (Inactive)

Game Master Reckless

Alternate X-Men using M&M3e

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Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The Mutants & Masterminds 3e X-Men Recruiting Thread

Concept: X-Men reboot; Professor X and Magneto are (primarily) the same, but every other mutant isn't. Rewrite the history of the X-Men. Your PCs are the first X-Men recruited by Professor X in his battle to bring enlightenment to a world that hates and fears your kind. Magneto is convinced that a war will come and is prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure your species lands on top of the evolutionary landscape. To prevent the war, Professor X is training you to take on Magneto and any other threats to harmony between man and mutant.

System: Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition

PC Requirements: Power Level 8 with strong encouragement to use trade-offs to represent powerful but inexperienced PCs, PC submissions must be teen mutants, and must have minimum 1 paragraph backstory about development of powers and what brought them to the Xavier Institute of for Gifted Youngsters. You do not have to submit full builds, focus more on personality and basic descriptions of what you want the power set to be and do. Each applicant may submit up to two character concepts(if you submit two, be prepared for me to choose which one I like better.) Once a character is "pre-approved" then a full build will need to be submitted for approval. Players without access to M&M3e may refer to the M&M Powerlink SRD, and/or may request my help building their characters in herolab. Power Level WILL increase as the campaign progresses to represent training and experienced gained.

Selection Guidelines: I will be selecting 4-6 characters based on my interest on the character concepts and/or backstory. We might have a "waiting list" if there are enough applicants, to aid in case of drop outs.

PbP: Expect minimum one post per weekday and weekend, notification when you will not be able to post, preferably with more when you're able. RP will be a mixture of inter-PC interactions at the school, "training exercises", "fighting evil mutants", and "dealing with human prejudice". Slightly Sub-WB Network teenaged angst, superpowers that may be more trouble than they're worth, and giant killer robots that say "Sqaaaarrrk!" when they die. Oh, yeah, and no Wolverine hogging all the limelight. What more could you want?

See Campaign info tab for more details of Earth 673X.

dotting with interest. thinking an energy / matter manipulator.

possible radiation or stone/gem theme.

I made this character a long time ago for a DC Adventures game that didn't last very long. I'm pretty sure that the DC Adventures used the Mutants and Masterminds system, but there might be some updates that need to be made. By happy coincidence, he's Level 8, so there might not be much in the way of tinkering or adjustment, so there's that.

But of course you said you're more interested in personality and backstory, so here's the elevator pitch:

Tenfold, AKA Kevin Hamilton, is a young mutant who can create nine energy-based duplicates of himself. What's more, he's superhumanly strong (with the ability to lift up to ten tons) and somewhat resistant to damage. His biggest drawback is that he is deaf, because his body absorbs all sonic energy around him in order to power his duplicates. While he doesn't dampen sound for anyone else, the sound is absorbed before his ears can register it.

His brother Joe (unbeknownst to Kevin) has developed sonic powers of his own, and has gone down the path of the villain.

(The backstory in the profile is from the old game, and perhaps you're looking for someone a couple years younger. No biggie; that stuff's easily amended.)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32


Sounds like a neat possible game, will start thinking something up.

Dotting for intense personal interest due to combined loves of mutant stories, teen heroes, and the 1980s as a setting. Will commence work on a concept or concepts.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Tenfold, yes the DC game is built with the 3rd Ed M&M rules, I don't see any crunch that needs changing.

Looking forward to seeing some concepts.

I had an idea for a character but did not know what system to try it out in- young character (13 or 14) that discovers the ability to open a hole to another dimension and draw mass from that dimension, causing an increase in the character's density.

The catch? There are two: Currently the character can only maintain the added density for up to 20 minutes (2d10 minutes); and cannot shunt the mass back into the dimension it was drawn from. Due to the conservation of matter, when this mass is expelled from the character, it's in the form of a violent release of energy (read: explosion) that the character cannot stop or control.

Eventually Xavier might be able to train the teen to either shunt the additional mass back into the other dimension and possibly even the starting mass as well, to make for a more normal mass controller, or teach the teen to do "controlled bleeds" of additional mass- blasts or explosive attacks of energy that also decrease the character's mass in a controlled way.

Sounds super awesome! No pun intended!

It will likely be a day or two before I get a character made, given that I have received some crappy news and will likely be at the doc a good bit of the day tomorrow. But I will endeavor to have a character up as soon as possible!

What are your views on 3PP powers? I have a LOT of M&M books, just about all the official printed material and somewhere around 75% of the 3PP works.

Battery. A mutant with the ability to absorb all types of energy and use it to become more physically powerful or release excess energy. Like Sebastian Shaw.

Born into an poor, dysfunctional, inner city family, he already had a low chance of escaping criminality. When his mutant power manifested at puberty, such that absorbing energy made him feel very good, like a drug high, he became a bit addicted to taking damage, i.e. masochistic. His proclivity to fight and take severe risks bounced him in and out of juvenile detention during his childhood with his mutant powers keeping him alive. Professor X recruits him by offering a way to stay out of prison, which significantly curbs his opportunity to use his powers. Like Alex Summers in the movie X-men: First Class.

Nice. Would like to try, but I haven't looked at mutants and masterminds since the initial 1st run. So I may need to general help with a full build if I am selected.

My preferred character would be an alternate Gambit. In marvel xmen he has confidence to spare and the experience to back it up. I'm thinking more along the lines of a stringy, underfed kid whose power shows and he gets picked up by a anti-gubermint militia before doing something stupid enough to attract Xavier's attention. He would be a short ways down the road to deprograming and becoming an acceptable house guest. I like the idea of little skinny him punching a big brick that laughs at him, until he notices his shirt starting to glow...

Will ponder ideas for an original character for a backup.


Jubal, Sebastian Shaw's powers were freaking awesome! It's like, 'eats a grenade, BAM, evil laugh' lol!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
The Silver Prince wrote:

What are your views on 3PP powers? I have a LOT of M&M books, just about all the official printed material and somewhere around 75% of the 3PP works.

I haven't really looked at any 3PP powers. I don't see an issue as long as they fit into the chassis of M&M and aren't annoying.



Considering a technomancer type, able to speak / command technology & make simple machines to start, with complexity and power increasing. Eventually ability to "jump into" technology and assume its physical form.

Werewolf (Aka Michael Jager) was a pretty normal kid. Grew up in Ohio to John and Marlene Jager, owner of the local car shop and a housewife. Kind of a nerd, he excelled in school, rather than sports. Wore glasses and was pretty weak physically. As such, he was bullied a lot. Especially by a kid named Jared Plont. He would target him near everyday, from elementary school, all the way up to their freshman year in highschool. Swirlies, knocking him over for his lunch money, beatings afterschool, the works.

But when he was 14, things started to change. At first it seemed like normal puberty. He grew hungrier. Grew a little hairier. But then weird things started to happen. He started to be able to randomly smell things, things that were to far away to be smelled. Hear conversation from across the quad. And then the hunger really started to get to him. It seems that he had to eat all of the time. And it was often for meat. Scared, he hid it from his parents, and being a nerd, he started to do some research. He started with the library at school. Finding nothing, he started looking through the library at the University. He looked at any book about genetics he could find. He would write extensive notes about the progression of what was happening and what he could find.

One night, while biking home after spending hours at the library, he was stopped, by none other than Jared Plont and his gang. They knocked him off his bike, taunting him. Jared started pushing him around the group, asking him about the bag, and upon the discovery that it was books, pushing him around some more. But when he started to rip his note book, Michael started to push back. Which promptly caused the gang to start seriously beating him. Angry and scared, Michael felt the adrenaline pumping. He started to change. His teeth grew longer, claws erupted from his fingers. Muscles broadened. Legs and arms lengthed. He saw nothing but red, then blacked out.

When he came to, he was in bed, covered in blood and back to normal. Michael cleaned up, hoping that it was just a nightmare, some freakish dream. But then the police came knocking. They found his things with the bodies of Jared Plont and his gang. It seems that they were ripped apart by wild dogs or wolves. They didn't suspect poor Michael, but they asked him questions, trying to see if they saw anything that could help.

But this was enough to attract the attention of Professor Xavier. The day after, he came knocking at the door, telling him of a place he could learn to control the beast inside him. He took the offer and for the past 3 years, he has been a fine student, learning a bit about how to control himself as a beast, though it has been an uphill battle.

So yeah, he is a bit like Beast, but he has a rougher backstory and starts out with the beast form. And he has worse control over his bestial urges.


Basically, he is a were creature. He has two forms. The normal, human form and the beast form.

In human form, the only powers he has are some increased senses, mainly smell and hearing. He is intelligent and he is training under the Professor to be a scholar and expert on mutants. He is tall and filled out quite a bit in the 3 intervening years, but has a heavy dose of nerd to him. Brown hair and yellow eyes behind glasses.

In the beast form, however, he has increased strength and agility, low levels of regeneration, claws and fangs. He appears much like the classic werewolf, hence the name. At first, this form was uncontrollable, but now Michael has some control. His intelligence decreases and still acts mostly on instinct, but he can now tell friend from foe, understand and take instructions, and even speak a little. But he occasionally will lose control.

There seems to be some gradation with his form, corresponding to adrenaline levels. He becomes more beast like, becoming stronger and faster, the more scared or angry he is, and there is a threshold in which he loses control. (Mechanically, maybe based on damage?)

I'll probably think of another character later, but this would be my main submission.


What's the X-men without a weather manipulator? :)

Maelstrom (Drew Addams):
Background: Bad boy. Thug. Punk. Dumb***. Andrew Addams had heard all the words in the book when people talked to him as he was growing up. That is wih the exception of love and son. Before he had turned three, he'd been abandoned and left at a home for orphaned children. Before he was twelve DA, as he was being called, had been in five foster homes and sent to juvenile hall as many time for petty theft and vandalism. It was during one of his last outings from juvie when he encountered the police officer who would make a difference for him. Although it was a struggle at first the officer, Damon Martins, was able to convince the boy that he was on the wrong path and that there was an even better path out there for him. And the thing that had the most impact on DA was that Damon and is wife started the process to officially adopt Andrew. Andrew felt he was able to look forward to a normal life. How wrong he was.

To truly give Drew a new start, Damon and his family (wife and daughter) moved from the depths of Chicago to a new home in Salem Center New York while they waited for the adoption process to be completed. Transferring to the SCPD police department, Damon took on the role of lieutenant and managed to gain the confidence and respect of his men rapidly. However, fate was not so smile kindly on Drew and his new family. On the way home from celebrating the official adoption, the car driven by Damon found itself hurtling off the rod and into a light pole courtesy of a drunk driver. Drew found himself flying through the front of the car and clear of the wreckage.

Discovering the car on fire, Andrew gave no thought to what had just happened, but immediately ran to the car and pulled the door open. Or rather off the car as he flung it to the side just as police and rescue arrived. Seeing the bodies of the family that made him one of their own was too much for Drew and he passed out.

When Drew awoke in the hospital and learned the fate of his potential father he fell into a deep depression. Strangely, at the same time, the entirety of North Salem experienced a storm outbreak that lasted for a couple of weeks. Noticing the storms abated as he left the hospital, Drew put a couple of other smaller incidents together in his mind and he realized that it was his own moods that were affecting the weather around him. Over the next couple of days, he learned a few things about what he could do.He managed to keep it hidden, but he was very afraid that he would lose control and spawn an EF-5 tornado or other devastating weather event. This fear and potential strength acted as a beacon for Professor X and Cerebro. Soon after he was spotted, Professor Xavier sent him an invitation to visit and join his school.

"Deathless" Jackie Marlette

Life's real weird when you grow up thinking you should've been dead. It's not that hard to internalize that notion when you've heard it all your life, so who can blame Jackson Marlette? Sure, he was declared stillborn, but things like that happen. Doctors are just people, and people make mistakes, right? Yeah, well, that doctor's mistake has ruined little Jackson's life. Not even his family wants to deal with him, so you know what they're doing? They're kicking him out, sending him up north to live in some boarding school where his ma and pa claim people like him can live and learn in peace. Maybe now, Jackie won't feel too much like an outsider any more.

Unlike most mutants who begin to gain their abilities through puberty, this character was born with immortality, and gained immunities through the years. His innate ability to return to life and his immunity to pain has left him with a very devil-may-care attitude yet he is constantly fighting with self-esteem issues.

Besides immortality and immunity, I'm looking to include temporal inertia (feature power), quickness and possibly weaken regeneration (if that is how weaken works). Hopefully his time spent at The Xavier Institute will teach him how to fend for himself and give him more of an offensive edge.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32



Isabelle White grew up the only child in a middle-class liberal family. Her childhood was relatively normal and her parents, both doctors, were always joining protests in support of gay rights, racial equality and even mutant rights. They always thought that mutants should be treated as people not monsters. That was until their own daughter showed the first signs of her developing powers. It was a normal day when Isabelle was just 15. Isabelle was in sports class, playing baseball. She'd always been pretty good at sports, and today, standing at second base, waiting for the pitch, she felt energised - like she could do anything. The pitch came, Sally Brindal hit the ball and Isabelle ran. Sally had not hit the ball well and it quickly came flying back towards third base. The opposing player caught the ball and began lowering it to touch Isabelle,.. and everything seemed to slow. Isabelle felt herself, shift, momentarily losing control of herself and somehow slipping through the girl's outstretched hand....

Whisp has the ability to transform her body into a small ball of blue heatless vaguely human-shaped flame-like light. In this form she can phase through solid objects and can fly. When she phases through living creatures they are stunned (affliction effect).

Isabelle is short at 5ft.1in. with pale freckled skin, short black hair and a thin build. Being somewhat short-sighted, Isabelle wears glasses and, as a bit of a tom-boy tends to favour jeans and t-shirts, often with a baseball cap, rather than dresses or skirts. (I would determine Whisp's uniform in game if selected, if appropriate.

I haven't played this system before so I'd need a bit of support in character creation and some of the mechanics.

Rough backstory, open to revision:

Vincenzo Rafael Tuveri was born to an arch-traditionalist Sicilian-American family. His father, Rafael, made all the decisions. His mother stayed at home and involved herself with charity and the church when not supervising the maid. Everything was a certain way and there was no other way it could be. Everybody ate together every night. Every Sunday they drove half an hour to attend the church that Vincenzo's great-grandfather, the stonemason who came over from the old country and never learned to read, helped build. After the service, they paid their respects at the stone that had his name carved into it. Vincenzo's grandfather, that one that made good, had that put in for his father's sixtieth birthday.

Church, family, tradition. You could depend on those things. Vincenzo learned very early on that his first duty was always to them. He should always be loyal and faithful and never do anything that could bring shame or harm to the family. Most especially, he should never speak to the police because they hated Italians (the Italian cops most of all) and anything you said they would twist around to get you or someone else into trouble. At home and at St. Andrea's Catholic School for Boys Vincenzo encountered little to bring any of it into question.

But bring shame on the family he did. Despite the generous, stable home that his father provided, Vincenzo barely made it a year into his schooling before he began having momentary blackouts. They happened often enough to thoroughly destroy his grades. When he blacked out while moving, he often fell over or ran into things. Sometimes one of his legs or an arm would spasm too. Soon he was the kid everyone loved to make fun of.

Vincenzo's father did not take it well. Vincenzo always knew he had a temper, but that temper only ever appeared directed at other people and rarely, if ever, at home. His father turned from a gentle giant into a terrifying being with two windows to Hell for eyes, trying to knock Vincenzo into shape.

For most of a year, Vincenzo lived in almost constant terror. Then he blacked out and fell face-first into the school pool. He nearly drowned, but it was enough to convince the teachers and his parents that Vincenzo had problems that ran deeper than attitude. The doctors diagnosed him with epilepsy and gave him medication. It helped quite a bit. His father made a complete turnaround as well, going back to his gentle, nurturing self. He even apologized for what had happened, though afterwards he would never speak of the epilepsy again. Vincenzo's mother had to handle his medication and all the related appointments and discussions. His father would just get up and leave the room.

Things settled down and Vincenzo went on to be a more or less typical kid. He had an aversion to sports that dated back to his seizures and some residual mocking remained, but overall it was fine. He lived a boringly ordinary life until he found the sack full of hundred dollar bills while playing in the basement one day.

Vincenzo knew better than to talk about it. He went straight to his father and received the talk. Things had gotten better in America, but lots of people still had it out for Italians. They pretended everything was equal, but really they were always out there waiting to cut you off at the knees. They rigged the system so you couldn't get ahead. So sometimes you had to break those rules they set in stone. It wasn't just about getting ahead personally, but also helping your community. And most importantly, it was something that Vincenzo's father, his father before him, and his father before him were all part of. It could be rough, it could be scary, but it was about keeping people safe and being a man of honor. It was about demanding the respect you deserved.

Vincenzo ate it all up. His father was part of a secret knighthood that protected people. If some of the kids at school occasionally said something, they were just jealous or ignorant. If the other parents were on their best behavior around the old man, that was just the respect he deserved. And none of it would ever come into Vincenzo's home. He would always be safe and taken care of, just like his mother and his little brothers. Maybe some day, Vincenzo would be part of it too.

From then on, Vincenzo imagined all the good things his father did in secret and went about his life until puberty hit. Then it was time for him to join a sport, because that's what men do and he was becoming a man. Vincenzo wasn't all that interested, but the old man had made the decision. One of Vincenzo's cousins was under similar pressure and decided to try running track, so Vincenzo signed up for the same.

Vincenzo had a natural gift for it. He started out as one of the fastest five kids on the middle school team and within three months had them all beat. The sport Vincenzo joined unwillingly soon became his abiding obsession. His life revolved around his training. He won races. He set middle school records. He beat kids with two years' life and five years' training. Vincenzo was a star.

His schoolwork suffered a little, but Vincenzo found the time to mostly keep up. His bright competitive future more than justified a few more Cs on tests. Only later did he realize that he'd begun having blackouts again.

During Vincenzo's freshman year, his personal best times leaped forward. Then they did it again. And again. People began to ask questions and soon enough Vincenzo was taking drug tests before every competition. With his old man's encouragement, Vincenzo saw it as one of those ways that people were out to get him. But he loved running so he gritted his teeth and endured it.

Everything went well enough. Vincenzo had no drugs in his system except the ones his doctor prescribed, and quite low doses of those thanks to his years of improvement. Then came the big meet against St. Andrea's rivals, St. Sebastian's. They had seniors who were within spitting distance of beating some of Vincenzo's times. A bad day could ruin his perfect record. Losing to St. Sebastian's would just make it all the worse. He'd let everyone down if he lost. Vincenzo resolved to run faster than he ever had before.

The starter pistol went off and something clicked in Vincenzo's head. The world froze in place. His feet tore free from the soles of his shoes and hurricane-force winds slammed into him, tearing at his uniform. He finished the race in half a second, bursting over the finish line just as the cheering began. Smoking bits of shoe fell in his wake and hot steam rose off his body. The field looked so dark that for a moment Vincenzo thought he'd fallen asleep and woken up near sunset. His eyes ached. His uniform had odd holes with black edges. He barely felt like he'd moved at all.

The other kids shot past the finish line as Vincenzo took his first breath. The cheers were just dying down. They gaped at him. Then his mind began to work again and Vincenzo realized that he'd just won the race. But he'd done it by running faster than anybody could run. Awesome! Was it a miracle? Could he do it again?

Vincenzo looked for his coach, spotted him, and started over. He made it two steps before tasking strawberries. The world went black and he collapsed. It was his first tonic-clonic seizure. He had four more before they let him out of the hospital a week later. By then, Vincenzo was just numb. Coach had been by to explain that Vincenzo's records were no more. He had an unnatural advantage over the other runners. His track career was over. Vincenzo might not even be allowed to go back to St. Andrea's because people like him just were not safe. What if he had a seizure and hit someone at full speed?

Home brought worse news. His father bluntly told him, with those hell-gate eyes burning wide, that Vincenzo was no son of his. No freak was carrying his name. Whoever's he was, whatever he was, Vincenzo wasn't living under that roof. Because he didn't want anything that touched Vincenzo's filthy body, he could take some clothes. But he was leaving, then and there. They were through.

The Old Man was good for every word of it too. Vincenzo, not really believing it was happening, packed a bag and got fairly shoved out the door.

Xavier found him sleeping against the wall of the family church the next day.

He's a basic speedster with baggage. The seizures come from parts of his nervous system kicking into superspeed without consulting the rest of it. Something Xavier could help him with. He also has significant problems with air pressure and inertia when he runs. The speed generates a lot of heat, hence the burned clothes. He'll need goggles or something to protect his eyes until he can adjust.

I'm not very experienced with M&M 3e, but I was thinking that maybe at the upper edge of his speed he risks some damage from the friction and/or generates a minor heat aura. (Could be just a flavor text thing on the latter.) Both could eventually be fixed with training.

As he gets faster, I was thinking he might develop into going invisible while running. More or less standard speedster tricks down the road.

Basically Vincenzo's a good kid that grew up in an environment that gave him some bad ideas. He really believes all the men of honor stuff and honestly does think that, all in all, the mob are like working class superheroes. He's convinced that nobody gets hurt who doesn't deserve it.

Vincenzo believes in loyalty, family, and all that stuff. He puts on a good face, but he essentially accepts that he did wrong and deserved some kind of punishment. He doesn't like hearing people object to his treatment or say anything else negative about his father. He thinks that maybe somewhere down the road he can prove that he's actually useful to the old man and deserves a place in the family business...or at least in what he imagines is the family business.

While he essentially means well, Vincenzo has very old fashioned ideas about gender roles, sex, and lots of other things. Men should be men and women should be women. Men are there to protect and provide for women, which entitles them to make the decisions. He also responds very well to strong male authority figures. (Female authority figures? What are those?!) He grew up believing that a man who needs to explain himself isn't really in control. These not attractive traits by any stretch, but he's young and capable of learning better. Doing so could be a fun character arc.

So far as real superhero work goes, Vincenzo would understand Xavier's dream as exactly the same as the mission of his fantasy vision of the mob: bend some rules here and there, but to protect the downtrodden and do right in the end. He's sort of a very confused paladin. :)

I would love to build an electricity character who can use his manipulation of electricity to become quicker with things (overpowering his own neural network, like Killua from Hunter x Hunter, to become smarter, do some tasks quicker, run faster no speedster levels but he could clearly run up to 50-70 mph if pushed), zap people, and control machinery/robotics. Powers are still evolving so that he can get an alternate electricity form eventually or teleport through electrical wiring. He can only use his electricity manipulation on one thing at a time unless he has more training or is overcharged by electricity.

Machinery will go haywire around him as he is not yet in full control of his powers, he would give family members many static shocks if he has no outlet for his powers. Sometimes he would just move coins and pens in his hands quite fast as an outlet.

He grew up as a relatively normal kid in NY. His dad has a pawnshop where he spent his weekends repairing technical equipment. Sometimes he could magically turn broken machinery back to life and he thought he had a gift. His dad didn't mind because he could sell the stuff for more. However, when his dad turned abusive after some drinking one night he accidentally zapped his dad causing a heart attack. His dad survived but kicked his kid out of the house.

Not knowing what to do he roamed the streets doing odd repair work here and there and making some money. He fixed an old motorcycle and laptop and lives in houses he breaks the electronical code of after making sure the people that lived in it went on holiday. He is a student at MIT, having electronically hacked his account for the age problem and tuition since he has no money. He's doing quite well there but keeps himself separate from the others out of fear for random zaps and being found out.

So he has some experience with controlling his power. As long as he isn't stressed or angry it seems to go okay. He does keep his distance so he is a little standoffish.

His personality is open and friendly, with fellow mutants he will joke a bit and use his powers for tricks like turning the sprinkler system on or setting the clock forward to get out earlier. He's quite smart and that causes him to be a bit arrogant. It makes him ignore "useless laws" and does what he feels is appropriate or should do in whatever situation. He can learn new things and write papers quite fast so he is very bored in school. No patience whatsoever for other people's slow learning process. So he spends his off time making funky tools and fixing old school tech and cars/motorcycles.

I have some experience with M&M2 character creation but forgot most of it ;). Need to think of a proper name, but let me know what you think. If we have too many speedsteresque characters I can think of something else.

Alternatively I would make a telekinetic with just a wee bit of telepathy (read surface thoughts and communication). After evolving them she would be able to fly, levitate others, create shields and learn more applications for her telekinesis.

Her name is Alex Mack (bonus points if you know where thats from) and she was a cheerleader at school.


Before her powers manifested she wasn't the popular kid in school. She was pretty yes, but a lack of self-confidence, no rich parents or friends and not being in the cheerleading team did not help.

Her powers first manifested when she could hear some surface thoughts of her friends. She had to focus really hard so luckily no going crazy over hearing voices. After a while she was also able to move items if she focused really hard. In time while she trained this herself she became strong and stronger, especially with moving items.

Hearing people's thoughts was a very good technique if you want to become popular. You know what people think of you and even better, you could hear their inner most secrets. Using her guile and peoples personal thoughts to her advantage, Alex quickly rose to become the most popular kid in school. Anyone who tried to push the queen bee from her throne would either have her secrets spilled or tripped/fell with a tray full of food or had their pants dropped. Alex loved it. Finally she was someone, everyone adored her or feared her and she could pick whoever she wanted as a boyfriend.

However, she did not pick wisely. She went for Jim Hathaway, the quarterback of the schools football team and apparently kind of a basterd. After one of their dates he drove her to a lookout spot and when they started kissing he wanted more and more. Alex had no intention to losing her virginity (even though she claimed she already had sex like all the popular kids did) and tried to push Jim off of her. To no avail he was too strong for her.

In her panicked state she pushed out with her power and threw Jim out of the car and over the cliff. He survived, but he would never play football again. Fearful of what would happen next she ran away from home, school and everyone she knew.

The attack unleashed an inner limit on her power and what used to be hard to move, now would move without any effort. Where she used to have to focus on hearing thoughts she would now hear everyone's though within reach. She had no more control over her power. Unattended objects would float near her and she her self floated up when a car almost hit her while crossing the street.

She ran and ran avoiding people and crowds as much as possible. Fortunately, Xavier picked up on her psychic attack and found her at a bus stop, waiting to go to yet another state where no-one would know her. Xavier took her in and would train with her diligently to get her powers back under control.

A more Fleshed-out version of my above idea:

White Point:

Daniel "White Point" Jackson-Yashida
On August 9th, 1945, Amiko Yashida looked to the skies above her home outside Nagasaki, Japan and the blast of brilliant white light was the last thing that she ever saw.

Although she was 7 months pregnant at the time, not only was Amiko herself miraculously unharmed by the radiation, her child was also born perfectly healthy as well. Feared and hated by those around her who had suffered from radiation sickness, cancers, birth defects and other maladies due to the after-effects of the atomic bombing, Amiko found salvation in an unlikely source. Sergeant Alex Jackson was the man that had shot her husband in combat, but as he watched the light pass from the eyes of Kiyomi Yashida, Jackson promised the man that he would make sure the man's wife and child were looked after, and he kept his promise.

The two married and Jackson took his wife and adopted son with him when he was rotated back stateside. Although by no means superhuman, young Jiro Jackson-Yashida was always healthy- never sick, never broke a bone, in excellent physical condition, etc. Becoming a soldier like his adopted father, Jiro eventually married himself and on August 9th, 1971 his wife Dana gave birth to their first child, a son Daniel (named after his maternal grandfather) and Daniel too seemed to be perfectly healthy, until he got sick a week before his 13th birthday. He broke out in what appeared to be full-blown radiation poisoning and nearly died, but after two weeks of touch and go fighting for his life, Daniel's sickness broke and he was perfectly healthy again. The doctors could not explain it, nor could they explain what happened next.

Daniel began to exhibit the ability to open a microscopic white hole, drawing mass through it from an unknown source, allowing him to increase his mass to superhuman levels, granting him great strength and resistance to harm. Unfortunately, this ability has two drawbacks- he cannot control how long he can maintain the mass- normally anywhere between two minute up to a maximum current duration of twenty minutes; and because white holes can only release matter into our universe (the reverse of a black hole), he cannot shunt his mass harmlessly back where it comes from. Instead, when he can no longer maintain his excess mass, Daniel's body converts the mass into pure energy and it is released from his body in an uncontrolled explosion around him.

Professor Xavier had known Daniel's grandfather from his own time serving in the army, and agreed to admit his grandson into the school based not only on that fact but Xavier's fascination with Daniel's power- the professor has theorized that with practice Daniel might either learn to bleed off his excess mass as controlled blasts of energy or possible develop an ability to generate microscopic black holes as well- allowing him to not o9nly shunt his own excess mass back out of our universe peacefully but possibly even reduce his own personal mass to the point of achieving a desolidified state. But at this time both possibilities are simply conjecture on Xavier's part.

Appearance: Daniel is a fit and reasonably attractive 13 year old of 1/2 Japanese descent. When he employs his power and his mass increases, both his features and clothing become solid white so bright as to almost be blinding (think Sunspot's solar form in reverse). At the moment of his mass release, this white expands outward in a brilliant blast of explosive white energy in all directions around him.

My second submission:

Javier Jones

You know something's wrong when you wake up for your 14th birthday and you're standing over your bed, staring at your own body, reaching out and feeling flesh-and-bones. Your parents hear you rustling in your room so they bust in and yell happy birthday, but immediately turn white in shock at what they're seeing. How do you explain this to them? How do they explain this to you? I remember that first time-- I just wanted to crawl back into a dark place and hide, and just like that, I woke up again, watching as that other...body... fell to the ground lifelessly. We watched together as flesh turned to dust and then disappear into nothing.

Mom cried. She had to. She didn't know what else to do. Dad comforted her, as always. They kept saying they'd get through it together, they'd find a solution, they'd figure it out...what about me? This is MY birthday I'm talking about, can we give me just a LITTLE more consideration? I just had an out-of-body-in-a-body experience, and they're more concerned with what they're going to do? Typical.

It didn't happen again, not for a while. Life went back to normal. Dad went back to working for that big "fortune 500" company, Mom kept up with her special trend diets and meeting up with her girlfriends for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. All eyes were off me, and that was good. For a while.
You can get real lonely when you're keeping a secret. You start itching to share it, and boy, did I want to share it.

It started back up again, but this time, I wanted it to. I'd hide in my closet, close my eyes and see myself in another body and it'll just appear right out of me. At first, I tried small things. Going downstairs to grab myself a drink, run out to get the mail...things like that. I worked my way up to riding my bike, working my paper route and eventually going to school. It came with headaches, yeah, but it wasn't so bad at first. I thought I could handle it. I always think I can handle it, but things started getting real bad. Blacking out for hours, forgetting where and who I am-- that kind of bad.

Professor Xavier, I've heard you could help me..people like me... My mom and dad won't do it- they won't even acknowledge that I'm any different. I know I'm special, I've been reading about people-- about special people-- who can run faster, jump further--heck, I've been reading about a guy in the city who claims he's a spider or somethin'. Bobby at school says his dad saw the guy shooting spider webs or something. I may not be the fastest or a spider man, but I think I'm something you can work with.

signed, Javi Jones


Javier Jones is capable of creating a duplicate of his body, but this duplicate is an empty husk. He must concentrate to project his senses into the body in order to control it. This leaves his own body vulnerable. He has been experiencing migraine headaches, black outs and also disassociating and depersonalizing due to the strain on his psyche.

When not dealing with the mental and psychological strain, Javi shows increased brain activity and extraordinary reflexes. Maybe one day, if he tried really hard, he could potentially split his consciousness between both bodies, and maybe even more. Ultimately, he hopes to control whatever is happening in his head to become something great like he's been reading about.

I can't quite settle on a name that I feel is appropriate, so I'll leave that open for now.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Here is character concept made for an X-men game using a different system from a while back that didn't last long.

Name: Julia Stewart

Codename: Hazard

Description: Julia stands at a tall 5'10" and has an athletic build toned from years of playing sports. Her golden blonde hair is about shoulder length though is usually done up in a bun at the back of her head to keep it out of the way. Her greenish brown eyes peer out with a sharp intellect from behind the stylish glasses she wears for her near-sightedness. Her outfits are usually comfortable but practical though are all long sleeved or ankle-length. In addition, she wears a pair of skin-tight gloves at all times.

Personality: Julia's personality is very much that of a no-nonsense scientist. Mature beyond her years, Julia acts like a mother to those around her, making sure everyone isn't getting into trouble. She is quick to reprimand those she thinks aren't taking a matter seriously enough but it just as quick to pick them up and dust them off after they make a mistake. She also has a thing about people touching her bare skin.

Background: Julia was born in a normal middle class home in a suburb in a small city in the state of Washington. She lacked for little growing up with her loving father, mother, and younger siblings. In school, she excelled in the academic, receiving high marks in all her subjects. This didn't mean she was the stereotypical good student though as she was also the president of several clubs, had a very active social life, and even when busy, she always had time to watch after her three younger brothers for her parents when needed. All in all, she lived a very normal life.

The awakening of her mutant powers didn't come about until just before her seventeenth birthday. After a stressful series of final exams for the semester, Julia was watching her brothers for her parents when she was telling her youngest brother to stop jumping on the sofa. When she went to pick him up and reprimand him, her touch set his clothes of fire. Panicking, Julia tried to smother the flames on her screaming little brother but another scope of her powers flared, turning her burning brother into a pyre. Her parents came home to the disaster but were too late to save the life of their son. They told the authorities that an electrical fire was the cause so that no one would know that Julia was a mutant. Instead, they shipped off the emotionally distraught Julia as soon as possible to her aunt's place on the other side of the country. They paid for her to relocate to a decent school there but told her never to come home again.

It took some time for Julia to stop crying every five minutes from what she had did, but eventually she threw herself into her studies. She took a keen interest in chemistry, looking for a cure to her horrible (in her mind) condition. She was reluctant to make friends with many people at first, scared that what she did to her brother she would do to them but after taking the proper precautions (gloves, long sleeve shirts, and pants) she started to interact with her peers. She came to the eye of Professor Xavier when he was visiting her high school for a speech. He told her that he knew of her condition and her pain. He asked her to come to study at his private institute. It took some persuasion but Julia eventually decided to give it a try. The technology and facilities of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters awed Julia and she quickly gave Xavier her application.

Powers: Secretion of highly flammable/toxic substances from her skin. Pyrokinesis.

I'm also working on a second concept for a character who's mutation gives him insight into the underlying language of the universe, such as the Asgardians used at one point to create their lands and technologies in the form of runes.

Warren Mulheer was a child prodigy even before the incident. Fortunately for him, his parents noticed his intellect and did everything they could to satiate it.
Before his second birthday, he had already taught himself to read and write.
By 3, he had completed began taking Calculus, Thermodynamics, and Chemistry.
By 4, he added Quantum Mechanics, differential equations, computer programming,
At 6, he completed his Masters Degree in Physics.
By 8, he had degrees in Nuclear Medicine and Radiology.
No longer content simply to gain degrees, Warren set about putting them to use. For the next eight years, he worked at a number of facilities to include NASA, CERN, and IAEA.

Although he was initially socially impaired by virtue of never having attended standard school, his time working in various fields of science has given him a bit of experience as far as networking goes. Although the science fields are not without their rivalries, Warren doesn't play into the politics and his parents taught him from a young age the virtue of doing good.
His fame initially made it a bit of a headache going out and about, visiting new facilities and such, but his time in the field has caused that fervor to die down. As such, the allure of working with Warren has fallen to the wayside, although he still has well-informed contacts in many schools, labs, research facilities and government agencies encompassing many fields of science.

Then the accident happened.

It was simple radiation exposure, but the effect had a far greater, and unprecedented reaction with Warren's biology. As he would later discover, his parents (who were also nuclear physicists) had been exposed to radiation over the course of their lives (a hazard of the field in the years where occupational safety was less of a concern), and Warren simply had a genetic predisposition to sensitivity to radiation.

The effect, however, was profound. The first manifestation of his powers was when his form faded, leaving behind a glowing humanoid shape. His body had turned into a form of raw nuclear radiation. Luckily, he was in the lab at the time, and it was treated as a leakage. The lab equipment in the room was ruined, but fortunately it also explained the higher level of radiation coming from his body. He was put into quarantine, where he tried to hide his powers, but still more surfaced.

In his energy form, he struggled to control the energy it gave off, but within a few days had learned to rein it in, effectively becoming invisible as the energy stopped giving off light. After a week, he managed to attain a state of equilibrium where the energy was confined to his form rather than shooting all over the place, and he found he could only become invisible for short periods. He also discovered that he could, by turning into energy, he could travel at intense speeds and through objects that did not block nuclear radiation.

It was easy to let the radiation seep out, causing damage, melting objects and causing lab subjects to become ill. In an attempt to contain any potential damage, it was suggested that Warren go to Xavier's school until he had a full handle on his powers.

points spent:

Warren - PL 8 (120 pts)

Abilities (12 pts)
Strength -1
Stamina 1
Agility -1
Dexterity 0
Fighting 0
Intellect 5
Awareness 3
Presence -1

Advantages (3 pts)
Connected: Research labs/database/equipment by virtue of college
Eidetic Memory
Languages (1 pt) Native, German

Skills (16 pts)
Close Combat (Affliction) +8
Ranged Combat (Energy Control) +8
Expertise: Science +8
Expertise: Medicine +4
Treatment +4

Powers (78 pts)
. . INSUBSTANTIAL 3 (19 pts)
. . . Energy (Radiation) Descriptor
. . . Continuous (+1/rank)
. . . Precise (Flat +1)
. . CONCEALMENT 3 (7 pts)
. . . Visual 2 (invisible to normal vision but not types that detect energy)
. . . Hearing 1 (inaudible)
. . . Precise (Flat +1)
. . TELEPORT 6 (20 pts)
. . . 250 miles
. . . Accurate (+1/rank)
. . . Change Direction (Flat +1)
. . . Change Velocity (Flat +1)
. . . Extended (+1/rank)
. . . . Limited to Extended (-1/rank)
. . . . ((learn "Easy" Extra later))
. . ENERGY CONTROL 8 (17 pts)
. . . DAMAGE (Ranged) 8
. . . Radiation Descriptor
. . . Array (1 pt)
. . . . ENERGY AURA 4 (4/rank)
. . . . AFFLICTION 8 (1/rank)
. . . . . Versus Will
. . . . . Extra Condition (+1/rank)
. . . . . 1st Degree: Fatigued, Vulnerable
. . . . . 2nd Degree: Disabled, Exhausted
. . . . . 3rd Degree: Asleep, Incapacitated
. . . . HEALING 8 (2/rank)
. . IMMUNITY (15 pts)
. . . Life Support (10 pts)
. . . Damage of Radiation Descriptor (5 pts)


Motivation: Doing Good
Motivation: Recognition (for Science, not for powers)
Relationship: Parents
Responsibility: Professional Duties (occasional)


Defense (11 pts)
Dodge x
Parry x
Fortitude x
Toughness x/x
Will 11

Power Points
Abilities 12 + Powers 78 + Advantages 3 + Skills 16 (32 ranks) + Defenses 11 = 120

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ok, I'm going to close this to further submissions, with the exception of giving The Silver Prince another day to submit something and anyone who's already posted one character the option of posting a second choice.

On Thursday I will post my selections for the game.

We'll work through crunch on Thursday through Saturday and probably start the game on Sunday.

Dang, am I excited. Fingers crossed.

I am going to withdraw interest since these fine folks have put so much work into their characters and I'll be busy discussing business for a good bit and working on my own campaigns anyway. I hope you all have fun! :)

Excellent! It seems like you will have a tough choice ahead of you.

This won't help that, but here is my second submission, Golem


Golem, aka Arthur Stein, was born in New York, the son of Adam and Lara Stein, wealthy Jewish Americans.

He grew up normally and was a pretty average kid. Good at school, ok at sports. But at his Bar Mitzvah, one of his gifts was a ornate and detailed stone statue of a man. A golem, his grandfather told him. Arthur didn't think much of it at the time, but as it was a present from his grandfather, he placed it carefully on a bookshelf in his room.

Months passed. Things started to change. It started with small things. Rocks seemed to follow him home. His mother's crystal glasses flew off the shelf when he got mad. Occasionally, the ground would shake.

When he started really to notice the patterns, he started experimenting, using the stone golem to help. He found that for some reason or another he could control stone, sand, crystals. Anything that has an underlying crystal structure to its parts. Fine enough to the point that he could move the arms and legs of the stone statue.

The Professor eventually found him after one of his experiments gone awry. A 5 on the Richter Scale localized to one empty lot. Seeing the Professor's powers in action, it convinced him to go to the School for Gifted Youngsters, though on the condition that his parents just think that it is a normal private school for their gifted son.

Arthur himself is cheerful and funny, though quite sarcastic. He's smart, but not terribly so, and through training, physically fit. In the years between his admittance and the present, he has grown to a respectable 5'10" with a mess of brown hair and black eyes behind glasses. He has aspirations of being a lawyer for civil rights.


Arthur can control anything with a crystal structure, including sand, stone, and crystal. How fine he can control it is based on the regularity of that structure. Fine crystal or gems, he can shape with ease, but on the other end with sedimentary stones, all he can really do is chuck it around. As far as Professor X can tell, he causes the crystal structures to resonate and move around. This power doesn't work on metals, organic material, etc.

Right now, he has a few good techniques up his sleeve. He can quickly amass stones to his body, forming armor, using it as protection, but also as a way to increase strength. He can throw stones at foes at a good speed. He can also use them as shields for himself and allies With sand, he can erode certain materials (sand blasting). He is working on flight, using a hunk of stone to lift him up, but he is still trying to work out the kinks. He is also not half bad at burrowing.

Most recently, he has been able to give crystals enough energy to move a bit on their own, with out his focus. For now, it only lasts a few seconds, but he can make a crystal golem move a few feet with out concentration. Later, this may translate into making actual golems that can move on their own practically all the time, though it may need charging.

If you'll allow a third submission, I also have an idea for a girl who is part plant.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Second submission...


Claire Austin grew up in England, in the southern city of Brighton. She had a happy childhood, her family was well off and her home-life was mostly happy and carefree. Going to an all-girls boarding school, Claire had little experience with boys, and was always shy around them. Unfortunately it was on her first date, and the instance of her first kiss, that her powers first awoke, leaving him almost catatonic for days and unable to feel normal emotions.

Claire has minor empathic powers allowing her to sense and to some degree positively influence the emotions of others. Additionally, those nearby her experience feelings of mild pleasure, her touch, however, induces powerful and incapacitating feelings of euphoria and ecstasy. Claire is unable to control her powers, and wears long skin-covering clothing and gloves at all times to prevent accidentally affecting those around her. She hopes that Xavier can help her to control her powers so that she can live a somewhat normal life, free from the risk of injuring other people and from the constant hubbub of their emotions.

Claire is very shy, especially around boys. She tries her best to stay apart from others (especially since that group of boys just wouldn’t stop following her around!) and is happiest reading alone in her room or in the school’s library. Claire is what’s generally called a teacher’s pet – she’s polite, neat, hardworking and never gets into trouble, she is embarrassed by her powers rather than horrified or proud of them, and wants training primarily so that she can live life without their effects.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Some people have no taste. Is Professor X one of them? You decide!....
School Uniforms For Everyone!

Reckless wrote:

Some people have no taste. Is Professor X one of them? You decide!....

School Uniforms For Everyone!

You'd think a man who can read minds would know what people like

Reckless wrote:

Some people have no taste. Is Professor X one of them? You decide!....

School Uniforms For Everyone!

The brightness of that yellow ARGH, it hurts my eyes :P.

Well, it WAS the 80s.

Yes, but there's no excuse!

in all honesty, they could be worse. Glad there aren't any crop-tops and headbands involved.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

The yellow and blue outfits are from the 60s. The 80s X-men outfits are the ones they wore in the Dark Phoenix Saga and Days of Future Past, fairly close to the ones they wore in the 90s animated X-men cartoon.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yes, but the 80s also gave us the New Mutants, who were forced to wear the good old school colors depending on who did the ink yellow and black or yellow and blue(-black)). Ole Chuck always liked them as training outfits.

Of course, when they decided they had graduated, they designed their own costumes.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Bad costume designs must be his fetish.

Better than the original graduation designs of the New Mutants' costumes (which they designed themselves) or... pretty much all of Kitty Pryde's self-desgned costumes until she became Shadowcat.

Checking back in, since I sort of popped in, and then fell silent. Not usually my style, but since Tenfold was pretty complete from the get-go, I didn't need to fill in a lot of blanks.

Anyway, I'm going to flesh out the background a bit more, to expand upon the potential for teen angst (and reduce his age to just out of high school).

Reckless wrote:

Some people have no taste. Is Professor X one of them? You decide!....

School Uniforms For Everyone!

No bright yellow codpiece? Are we sure Xavier designed those? :)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I was going to go with the thong but then decided the extended X looked better.

My current pet theory: since they're unstable molecules Sue Storm must have done the design. Xavier was probably like "Just make sure they have an X on them and for gods sake don't just make them blue jumpsuits." and Sue went "Well, no way I'm letting any of X's girls look better than me. I know, bright yellow. That'll fix them."

And Reed was all into another project and like "Whu.. yes, dear, whatever you say dear."

"Big yellow %$$%% X!"


It was the fall of 1984. Friday night. The Albany High School Falcons had just beat Gloversville, and Kevin Hamilton was a big part of that win. He stared out the window as the team bus headed back home, the sound and rumble of the engines completely mute. It was usually worse after a game, but he didn't want to tell anyone about that. It was just a coincidence, nothing more. His "sound blackouts" didn't always follow physical exertion. Just... more than usual. But he was dealing with it. And he loved football, and wouldn't give it up just for the chance to hear a little more often.

Kevin was wondering when he would get a chance to watch The Terminator, since all the other players were talking about it. They asked Kevin if his dad had any spare parts lying around the house shaped like Arnold Schwarzenegger. They all knew his dad worked in robotics, but not that kind of robot.

Kevin looked around at the guys. It was going to be tough, ending the season and moving on. Guys declaring for different colleges, and even Katelyn going to Maryland. He expected to be offered a scholarship to play football, but he wondered how the deafness was going to affect everything.

He was in the middle of thinking about college programs when the bus pulled to a stop in the middle of the road. It was dark, and cold, and lots of the guys were dozing on the bus ride back to Albany. They started to stir, as the bus driver opened the door and a blast of cold air swept through the bus.

Kevin looked out the window, and saw a pretty big accident blocking the road, illuminated by the headlamps. There was also someone standing in the middle of the road, seeming to be saying something to the bus driver.

Without warning, the driver clutched his ears and collapsed. Then, inside the bus, the windows began shuddering and the players and coaches all started holding their hands over their ears and grimacing in pain.

Kevin couldn't hear anything, but felt an odd tingling throughout his body. He stood up and tried to help his teammates, who were all passing out one by one under whatever attack they were under. Kevin, unaffected, moved to the front and exited the bus to confront the stranger in the roadway.

But it wasn't a stranger. He recognized the person instantly. Joe? he asked, incredulously. What was his brother doing here? He had left home several years ago, and not on good terms. His parents had often feared he would turn up dead or in jail somewhere.

Joe nodded, and spoke clearly enough that Kevin could read his lips. "It figures you'd be immune. But what if I focused just on you?" With that, Joe put his hands together and the air rippled as Kevin was hit with some sort of force. The tingling increased until it became painful. He doubled over, feeling that he was going to burst. He looked up again at Joe, mouthing the words, "How? Why?"

Joe laughed. "I control sound! I wanted to give you a little demonstration. I was going to knock out you and your whole team. I want to watch you grovel at my feet. What would you do to keep me from deafening each and every one of them?"

The energy intensified, and Kevin screamed. Suddenly, the pain which had been welling up inside him released and Kevin was almost knocked to the ground. Images repeating themselves blasted through his mind as he blinked and tried to comprehend what he was seeing. It was like looking into a funhouse mirror; he saw images of himself standing to his left and right. But he was also registering images in his mind, as if he was seeing from multiple different perspectives. But in all those repeated images, one sight caught his attention.

Joe was standing slack-jawed, looking around at the bunch of Kevins in front of him. Kevin, and his others, each took a single, synchronized step towards him and balled his fists. This is very strange. But I think you're in trouble, Joe.

Joe recovered from his astonishment quickly, and sent a vibrational blast at the base of a electricity pole which sent it collapsing toward the bus. A second blast shook the bus' engine sending gasoline spraying. Kevin and his duplicates scattered as the pole came down, then he quickly realized the danger the team was in.

A couple of his dupes worked on righting the pole and yanking the frayed wires away from the pooling gasoline. The others worked on pulling his still-unconscious teammates and coaches from the bus. By the time the team was safe, Joe was long gone.

Kevin was hailed a hero, saving the busload of players and coaches that had stopped at an accident when the powerline freakishly collapsed on it. He kept his secret, though whatever blast of energy from his brother permanently deafened him. His duplication power took some getting used to. He learned that he could create nine additional copies of himself that were connected to him through some sort of mental link. He used his power to have the absolute best senior year -- he could be in several places at once; go to every party, and still get all his studies and practices in.

Oh, and he had to be really careful when playing football. He soon discovered his strength was increased tenfold.

Hmm. Tenfold.

Looking back, I took a completely different approach than everyone else. I'm pretty bored, so I'm gonna go in a little deeper. Sorry.

Deathless Jackie Marlette:

Back Story
Jackson Luther Marlette, the youngest of four, was declared dead at birth. His parents (Moretta and Ellington Marlette)were heartbroken. They couldn't bear the news. It seemed like hours dragged on as they wept in their hospital room. It was a surprise when a group of nurses rushed in, talking of a miracle. The Marlette's couldn't quite believe them until their doctor walked in, holding their crying, breathing, living baby in his hands. Ellington was elated, Moretta, scared. Was this an omen of troubles to come? Within a month of returning home, Moretta turned to drinking.

Jackson's childhood was rough. His father worked hard to keep the family afloat running the most successful inner city martial arts dojo Detroit had ever seen. His two older brothers and sister worked constantly, splitting their income with the family. His mother played the housewife until her alcoholism turned for the worse. She became violent towards Jackie. "He isn't right! He should be dead" she'd yell repeatedly as she threw bottles at him from across the house. Falling into a deep depression, Moretta took her life, claiming that she'd given birth to evil. In her note, she spoke of how she tried to be a good mother, but noticed that he hadn't been sick a single day of his young life. She described how she'd poisoned his food, fed him undercooked meat, gave him alcohol-- anything to make him ill, yet he showed no signs. She started to suspect that he was the devil and once she was heavy with guilt, she couldn't take it any more.

School was equally as rough as Jackson's home life. Always a tad bit shorter than everyone else, he got picked on constantly. He'd come home with black eyes, busted lips, and ripped clothes too often for the son of martial arts master. Once Ellington thought Jackie had hit that "right fightin' age", he started conditioning him, teaching him Shotokan, and then Taekwondo, Goju Ryu, Kobudo and Kyokushin. El was so happy to see that his boy was a natural fighter just like him. One late night, after closing up the shop, El and Jackie were stopped by a group of gang bangers looking for a quick buck. Jackson, overly confident after achieving his fifth belt earlier in the week, gave his father a cocky grin and charged the three men, leapt up in the air to deliver a kick and was met with a bullet to the head. The gang members were green. They'd barely even know how to operate that gun. The three ran off scared, leaving Ellington with alone with his son. Again, Ellington was met with a tragic death, first with his wife, and now with his son. He dropped to his knees and wept as he cried for help. Minutes dragged by with El cradling his son in that dark alleyway, unable to let go of his youngest son. Once again, Jackson had pulled a miracle and came back to life, grabbing his father's hand and letting him know that he's all right.

Of course, Ellington freaked out. Who wouldn't? All that grieving and pain, and his son just woke right back up. No bullet wound, no blood..good as new. He couldn't rationalize quite how it happened, or why, but he couldn't help but replay his deceased wife's words. Was Jackson a being of evil?

Around this time, Ellington caught wind of an experiment that bestowed four explorers with extraordinary powers and thought "could this be something else"? After some research, El grabbed Jackie and told him he was to go to a special school. A school for people like him- different people, people with abilities. They'd be able to help him and keep him safe from the change in social climate. Jackson packed a bag, hugged his family goodbye and left to The Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

Jackson possesses an unknown degree of immortality. The few times he's experimented, he's come back to life anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour later.
Along with immortality, he is also immune to poisons, diseases, suffocation, starvation, thirst and environmental conditions, and seems to have accelerated, quite possibly photographic, reflexes.

Now at age 16, Jackson stands at 5'9', completely dwarfed by the rest of his family. He has a dark complexion and keeps his hair in an asymmetrical high top fade. He is relatively muscular and in perfect shape due to his background in martial arts. He likes to be ahead of the curve when it comes to style. He likes to sport thick gold chains, denim jackets, ripped jeans and nike hi-tops.

Ridiculously cocky and confident, Jackson lives to prove others wrong. Constantly picked on by others in school and even at home by his older siblings, he's developed a bit of a napoleon complex regarding his pretty standard height. He loves to push himself physically, often finding crazier and crazier stunts to pull.

Whenever asked why he wants to be apart of the X-Men, Deathless says simply that he wants to be the best, but what drives him deep down is the need to prove his mother wrong.

Javi Jones:

(or"Uhm..Crash Test Dummy...or uhhh...Psyclone...or...uhmm can we come back to me?")

Back Story
Javier Manuel Colon-Jones was born to vietnam veteran Juan Miguel Colon, a second generation American from Puerto Rico, and Diana Jones, a nurse from Brooklyn, New York. After serving in Vietnam, Juan Miguel came back to the States to settle down and start the life he and his wife had always dreamed of. They had it all: a big home, a car, a dog and soon enough, a son. Javier was their pride and joy. Juan was so happy to have a baby boy to follow in his and his fathers footsteps as soldiers.

As Juan started a new job working for a private military company (quite possibly Trask Industries), Diana quit her job as a nurse and became a stay-at-home-mother. The money started coming in and soon they moved to Manhattan, hired a nanny, and a maid. Juan started travelling further and further away for work, while Diana started focusing on interior design and living the life of a New York City socialite. Javier seemed to be living the "only child" preteen life: little supervision, a steady flow of mom-and-dad money for school supplies and clothes, a little side money delivering newspapers for comics and records--the kid had it made.

Things changed, as they do, on his 14th birthday. He awoke just like any day. He brushed his teeth, got dressed. As he went to make his bed, he let out a scream. He'd done all of his usual morning routine somehow without even leaving the bed? "How could this be possible" he thought. He saw himself in the mirror, he held his toothbrush, even brushed hard enough to make his gums bleed! Yet there he was, laying in bed with his eyes closed and a thin layer of sweat over his body. He reached out and touched himself-- he was flesh-and-blood..this wasn't a dream at all. Though he wished it was once his parents walked in, birthday cake in hand, yelling "surprise!" at the top of their lungs. Everyone went silent as faces turned pale. The cake fell on the floor and Diana's eyes started to water. Javi wanted to feel small, he wanted to crawl into a dark hole and hide-- and in a split second, he woke up from his bed with enough time to see his other body fall to the ground and disappear.

Juan and Diana never talked about it. They ignored it as much as possible. How could they ever talk about that? It wasn't normal, and no one would ever believe a thing if they were to bring it up, so why try? Life for them went on, with Juan going on longer trips and Diana staying out 'til sun up.

Javier was so confused. He knew his parents loved him, at least he thought they did. Could they not look past what happened? He couldn't let it happen again, no matter how much he wanted to try it. Thinking that the mishap was sleep-related, Javi started to stay up as long as possible, using caffeine and coffee. He found himself sitting on the couch in a daze after a three day binge, thirsty but too tired to get up. He closed is eyes and opened them again to get up and grab a drink. When he returned, he saw himself sitting on the couch. He'd done it again, but this time there was no one around to tell him not to. He was on a brand new kick. He'd hide in his bedroom closet, will up another body and go on about his day. He started with simple tasks, and worked his way up until he'd spend all day in that body. It was awesome! It was something so simple yet so fun to him. He'd started trying to think of changes whenever he conjured his double- different hairstyles, outfits, he even managed to add a tiny bit of bulk to his frame, and it all worked. Javier Jones was on the rise!

That is, until the headaches started. At first they were minor headaches. Once a month to once a week, to every day until it was a constant stream of pain. They became more sever, turning into migraines that would leave him bedridden. He then began to pass out, disassociate and even depersonalize as he spent more time in his second body. Around the time of the migraines, Javi had learned of a school run by Professor Xavier. He quickly wrote him a letter asking for his help.
After a particularly tasking day of conjuring, Javier suffered what seemed to be a massive stroke. In reality, he sent a painful wave of psychic energy that disabled his body. Three days later, Professor Xavier came to his home and brought him to The Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters.

Javier, fully recuperated from his crippling incident,and with help from Professor X, only has minor headaches and no longer blacks out. He is capable of mentally manipulating reality to create a second body for himself in which he must concentrate to control. This typically leaves his primary body vulnerable, while he focuses his senses in his secondary body. Unlike his primary body, his secondary body does not fatigue as quickly, which he exploits when volunteering or working. Due to constant mental exercise, he also seems to be able to calculate and reason much faster than people twice his age.

Through practicing his "conjuring", Javi has learned to quickly summon, unsummon and resummon his secondary body to produce different effects:
By using his second body's vision, he can unsummon and resummon the body up to 10 feet away from it's last position (a very limited, combat-focused teleport).
Again, he can use this quick summon/unsummon/resummon trick to protect other friends. (He usually jokes around and claims to be the human ten-foot-pole)

Though he's noticed that he's capable of changing minor cosmetic things on his second body, he hasn't tried to make any significant changes, like a change of sex, or different abilities, nor has he tried to summon more than one body. He's particularly afraid of disabling himself again through over-exertion.

Javier is a scraggly haired boy standing at 5'10" of an athletic build. His skin is a golden olive and his hair is light brown and shoulder length. Beyond this, everything else about him is mediocre. He enjoys wearing v-neck sweaters with collared shirts under them, along with his father's old combat boots and a pair of suspenders.

Jav is a goofball. Raised as an only child mostly by nannies and maids, he's learned to entertain himself and half the time, it comes in the form of pranks. In school, he's known as the rebellious class clown, always looking to get a laugh. Despite his willingness to joke on someone else's expense, he is extremely kind. He is always willing to help others whenever they need it.
He is a huge nerd who loves collecting punk records and comic books. When not reading or listening, or working, or volunteering, he loves to play dungeons and dragons and scour bookstores for old pulp stories.

While attending the institute, Jav seems to develop a complex centered around how normal-seeming he is. He feels his ability isn't as readily useful as others and he continuously wracks his brain on how he'll become a superhero with such simple powers. This leads him to become very fickle when coming up with a codename.

His main drive is to become someone. He wants the recognition and adventure he's read about in his books.

A slight name change from Hazard, since it was already taken on the boards. Crunch is done on this character profile. I'll see about finishing up fluff and crunch on my second application tomorrow.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Damn, but you guys did not make this an easy process. Seriously, great characters all around. Made it hard to narrow it down to six. Nonetheless, here are the six original X-Men of Universe 673X:

Alex Mack (Codename Required)
Isabelle White aka Whisp
Jackie Marlette aka Deathless
Julia Stewart aka Catalyst
Michael Jager aka Werewolf
Vincenzo Rafael Tuveri (Codename Required)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Thanks Reckless! I'll try to work out Whisp's stats ASAP.

Awesome! Very excited to get started on the crunch.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
fbdaury wrote:
Better than the original graduation designs of the New Mutants' costumes (which they designed themselves) or... pretty much all of Kitty Pryde's self-desgned costumes until she became Shadowcat.


Although, I was always fond of this.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Discussion Page is open for character creation help, etc.

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