Seekers of the Grail (Inactive)

Game Master Matt, Garnished Game Designer

Join the ranks of an expedition on their quest to recover the history of their land and to recover the artifact which saved it in times of yore. A home made Play-by-Post Campaign.

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Campaign Background
A thousand years ago, Eveldine of Goldhollow, the capital city of Avelone, fought back the Society of the End with the aid of hundreds of questing knights and templars. Her battles against this dark tide lasted well over three decades and when her end was near, she sacrificed herself to empower an ancient artifact: The Grail of Gods. With the aid of this legendary relic, now renewed to full strength, the war was won and the Society destroyed. Eveldine was beatified into a Saint and entombed within Goldhollow's Catacombs to forever be remembered as a savior. With the war ended, the Grail was also interred beside Saint Eveldine to be retrieved in times of peril.

Centuries passed throughout Arcavelon, with nations rising, changing and falling, the past slowly receding into memory and then into myth. From the remains of great Avelone grew two nations: Keddenmark to the west and Nivmadas to the east. Ruled by the descendants of that great land, King Alevander of Keddenmark and Queen Gwenehart of Nivmadas, these two nations have stood side by side throughout the last couple centuries as a proud and valiant empire.

Then, three months ago, a borderland scout team discovered the ruins of an old watchtower. There, they found the skeletal remains and ruined armaments of guards which seemed to date back to the vestiges of Avelone itself. The rulers of both nations sent out missives to both their province's seeking to find willing citizens to join in a larger expedition to return to the watchtower and unearth any and all potential discoveries that could by chance lead to the remains of old Avelone and, maybe, just maybe, to the Tomb of Saint Eveldine and the Grail of Gods

Rules, Regulations, Etc


- This will be a Play-by-Post Campaign set in the lands of Arcavelon, a homemade campaign setting.

- 20 point buy characters, following all official Paizo published material. Any product, from core to player companion is fine. If you really want to use a 3rd Party product, run it by me first. I'm familiar with a few. I'd also prefer if the material can be found on d20 PF SRD

- RACE RESTRICTIONS: Any Core Rulebook races except Half-Orc. Unfortunately for Half-Orc lovers, Orcs have not lived in Arcavelon for centuries.

- CLASS RESTRICTIONS: As Seekers of the Grail is a more medieval setting, no Ninjas or Samurai and I'd strongly appreciate no Monks. This mostly asian theme is not present in most of the adventure. Nevertheless, if you truly want to play this class, you must find a way to make him fit with the rest of the Campaign Setting.

- PLAYER OPTIONS: 2 Traits, 1 taken from an official Paizo published product and the other from 1 of the choices presented below. (No Hero Points yet.)

- STARTING GOLD: Average for your class.

- ALIGNMENTS: Any. If you wish to play an EVIL character, it is not for murdering or PvP, it is to play your character correctly. Villainous characters or characters of lesser moral worth have their place in this adventure but not lunatic, stark raving mad slaughterhouses.

- BACKGROUND: Each background must be slightly based off the Campaign Trait chosen below. As well, choose whether you are from Keddenmark or Nivmadas. Nothing too expansive is needed, perhaps a paragraph. Minimum requirement is character description.

- OTHER: Try and at least post once a day, and not just a single sentence. Applicants both new and experienced are welcome, but a good understanding of the rules is helpful. If you're not too familiar, try reading through the books a bit if you have the time.

- ALIAS: Please make an alias, this will help me immensely.

Campaign Traits


Each character must choose one of his or her traits from the following:

- Noble Heritage: You were born into a noble family descended from one of the royal bloodlines. You gain a +1 bonus to Knowledge (nobility) and to Diplomacy as a result of your upbringing.

- Citizen of the Realm: You are a hard working citizen of the provinces and as such you are quite proficient at what you do. You gain a +1 bonus to Profession (any) and to Knowledge (local).

- Borderland Wanderer: You have lived your whole life exploring the boundaries of the realms. You gain a +1 bonus to Survival and to Knowledge (nature) as a result of this.

- Arcane Blood: You were born with the capacity for using arcane magic. You gain a +1 bonus to Spellcraft and to Knowledge (arcana) as you most likely attended one of the sorcerous academies.

- Divine Calling: You were born on a holy day or you have always felt a strong tie to a specific faith. You gain a +1 bonus to Heal and to Knowledge (religion) as a result of your path.

Divine Magic and Domains in Arcavelon


Unlike many worlds, Arcavelon has no named deities. Instead, when you make a character with access to a domain you must choose any two domains. I know this empowers character creation but this how the world works.

If you have any questions, PM me or post below!

This is a character I recently posted in another recruitment thread, but if he doesn't end up being in that game he could fit nicely in this one (having no deity and two domains). I would swap the Grounded trait for Divine Calling and rework his back story a bit.

Koldir Shadowhammer wrote:
This is a character I recently posted in another recruitment thread, but if he doesn't end up being in that game he could fit nicely in this one (having no deity and two domains). I would swap the Grounded trait for Divine Calling and rework his back story a bit.

Your character looks fine. A change to back story to fit location would be all that is necessary. Aside from that, I see nothing wrong with this character and rather relish the choice of Domains.

You can find a quick description of the two regions of Keddenmark and Nivmadas along with some locale names in the Campaign Description.

What level, GM? 1st?

Lucendar wrote:
What level, GM? 1st?

My apologies, yes, this campaign begins at 1st level.

EDIT: Hoping to reach my 4-6 player mark by Friday. If there are not too many additional hopefuls I will see about adding perhaps up to 8. If I feel your character is top notch and you are sure you wish to play I will add you to the Characters page.

If you have further questions, let me know,

Leon is a fighter originally made for a Kingmaker game. If you don't mind, i'd like to rework his background a bit as follows-


At some point in the very distant past, one of the countries ruled by those with a direct line to Saint Eveldine was overthrown by a coup. (this assumes that such a country exists. if not, we'll figure something else out) The king's general arranged for a detachment of knights to protect the king's infant son. They fled into the borderlands, planning to live posing as farmers until the fighting stopped. The coup was successful, and though the knights staged a resistance movement, it failed, and over the generations the facade of being farmers eventually became the truth.

Fast forward to now.

Leon didn't care much about his grandfather's crazy stories of ancient royalty and lost kingdoms. He was just a farmer. They were stories.

Then, when news of the grail spread across the land, armed men with dreams moved through in it's wake. They said they were out to reclaim lost treasures, but really they were men with swords who were willing to take what they wanted.

Leon's grandfather survived long enough to give him a very old key and instructions to dig int he doorway of the barn.

He dug up a chest. In it was a book that showed his family's lineage and history, a signet ring with a crest that had not been seen since a time of legends, and a perfectly preserved flag.

With nothing else to lose, Leon rode to join the expedition, determined to make sure that part of the recovery of the Grail included an affirmation of all the things the Grail was supposed to represent.

It was no enough that it be found. People needed to be reminded of why.

Tell me what you think, help me work out the details.

Leon the Landless wrote:

Leon is a fighter originally made for a Kingmaker game. If you don't mind, i'd like to rework his background a bit as follows-

** spoiler omitted **

Tell me what you think, help me work out the details.

I love this idea and definitely, this is a great idea that I'd welcome to the game.


We can definitely work together to fit in a "lost" royal branch, that's what history is for. Would you be living in Keddenmark or Nivmadas at the present moment?

Your character sounds great. So far that makes Cleric and Fighter which is perfect.

Whatever works best for you. Not knowing much about them makes it hard for me to pick. I'd be inclined to go with whichever one has had the most political upheaval (anywhere prone to banditry and really needing an old-school hero to come in, clean house, and put a strong ruler on the throne).


I know I haven't put much up yet. Both nations are definitely united for now but a coup-fallen kingdom would probably have come from Keddenmark. I recommend Montcalme as a starting hometown. It's far and in between the northern mountains known as the Frostfangs and the Relven Deepwoods... about as remote as you'll find.

Just a heads up, your back story fits in perfectly with the Grail quest as you'll soon see. It isn't Kingmaker per say, but a throne may not be too far off.

Lantern Lodge

I am interested and will make a char by tomorrow(Im about to go to bed) but I thought Id mention that clerics can already do what said for them so that's not empowered at all(only one gm has ever asked me to pick a deity)

I would like to make a sorc/mnk, not as the asian type mnk, but rather as one who studies unarmed combat (is a caravan guard/bounty hunter by profession) will randomize race for fun later.

DarkLightHitomi wrote:

I am interested and will make a char by tomorrow(Im about to go to bed) but I thought Id mention that clerics can already do what said for them so that's not empowered at all(only one gm has ever asked me to pick a deity)

I would like to make a sorc/mnk, not as the asian type mnk, but rather as one who studies unarmed combat (is a caravan guard/bounty hunter by profession) will randomize race for fun later.

Sounds great. I was pretty sure though that Paizo wanted Clerics to follow a deity and not just be "follow a way of life". In any case, we're filling out the positions nicely.

Will you be taking a level of Sorcerer or Monk first?

I am interested in signing up, a potential Paladin for your worthy cause perchance?

EDIT: This is my characters Alias

Endrian wrote:

I am interested in signing up, a potential Paladin for your worthy cause perchance?

EDIT: This is my characters Alias

Hey there Endrian, welcome to the quest. Slots are still open, you're our 4th and your character seems well suited to the task.

If you have any questions let me know!

I actually do have a question...

What would Symbol of Eveldine look like? Endrian has a massive one in the form of a birthmark on his back.

Hmm, I'd like a chance to play a barbarian that I made, but there is already a paladin and a fighter... Hmm. I'll either rework my barbarian or make a bard or something.

Endrian wrote:

I actually do have a question...

What would Symbol of Eveldine look like? Endrian has a massive one in the form of a birthmark on his back.

Eveldine is always represented with a golden stylized chalice. The shape and form varies from province and town.

jlord wrote:
Hmm, I'd like a chance to play a barbarian that I made, but there is already a paladin and a fighter... Hmm. I'll either rework my barbarian or make a bard or something.

We do have a combat heavy group but I don't think a barbarian is too bad. We'll just be missing more subtler approaches. Let me know when you choose and if there's anything I can help you with.

Excellent. Thank you very much.

Endrian wrote:
Excellent. Thank you very much.

I plan on having Saint Eveldine's Faith as well as continuing to complete the Gazetteers tomorrow to clarify the campaign setting as much as possible.

The story of Baster of the Peacock:
Baster Thorn was born to a noble, respected and preeminent family. He always knew he was destined to accomplish great deeds.

Alas, he was the last child in a family of seven, and the fourth male child to boot.

His four brothers, all able and worthy men, excelled at what they set their mind to accomplish: the eldest, Branwan, became a great general in service of the kingdom of Nivmadas. The second, Bradley, became a priest and his devotion was a wonder to behold. The third, Bergond, went to study at eldritch academies, and was known thereafter as a wizard of great prowess. The fourth, Brendan, was a weaver of tales unsurpassed, a bard who made men fell in love with his words and women fell in love with him.

These four men were faithful to the crown, and men of honor and moderation. So when Baster came of age he decided to be someone his brothers never could have been.

He left the ancestral castle Thorn of his family to go to the marches of Nivmadas. There, he allied with men of ill repute - destitute knights and bandits really - and began scouring the countryside to carve a new fief for himself. Soon, his depredations became too much for the kingdom to ignore, and a detachment of knights lead by Branwan was sent to stop him.

Battle was joined. In the midst of combat, Branwan and Baster dueled, and Baster lost. He was brought back in chains to the queen to be judged. He would surely have been executed if all his brothers had not implored the queen for mercy.

And so mercy was shown, in acknowledgement of the all good deeds his brothers had accomplished for the kingdom, and Baster was absolved of his crimes on the conditions that he would never rise against the rule of his queen and kingdom again. This he swore by the gods, prostrating himself before the throne.

Then his brothers and sisters asked him to come back to the Castle of Thorns, home of the family, where they could surely heal the rift which had grown in their midst.

Upon hearing their kind words, Baster was overcome with a great rage terrible to behold. He grabbed his trusty shield, which arbored the crest of the Thorn family, and smashed it apart against the cobblestones of the royal castle.

"There brothers ! I am a Thorn at your side no more !"

"But what could you be without us, Baster ?" asked the youngest of his sisters in an imploring voice.

"I will be myself ! I will race you - my hated brothers - to great deeds and destiny ! I will be my own counsel and I will make my own steadfast friends and good fortune. And I shall be magnificent, like the peacock strutting proudly around, untouched by the dirt and the company of those lesser than itself."

He paused. And added to the sister who just spoke: "And I will always love you, dear sister, for you care for me."

Then he left to reclaim his destiny.

My character would be a Cavalier of the Order of the Peacock (which would be identical in all but name to the Order of the Cockatrice), honorable, very true to his word and somewhat cruel (but not wantonly so).

I can assure you, Matt, that I get along well with my fellow players, and can play in a team - although my character is obviously (?) evil, it won't hinder the game if you choose him for your game. He will enhance it (I hope :-), selfishness of his chosen order notwithstanding

I will work on the crunch, but will be able to post it only tomorrow.

Have a nice day.

Jlord here
Here is my barbarian. All I need to do is work on the back ground and swap out the courageous trait or rich parents trait. I might still make a bard though, since the group is really fighter heavy.

Dotting my interest. This is an alias for the character, will work on getting the crunch up later tonight. He will be taking the Citizen of the Realm trait. Probably a rogue, possibly urban ranger then rogue.

Explorer and all around nice guy, Aldus Cottontail is a minor magician who uses his skills and hand for magic to perform a plethora of odd jobs required of a traveling merchant. Up until recently he has been serving a number of roles with an old friend who helped him when he was down on his luck. After this last trip he'd paid off his debts and heard of this expedition. Though not quite happy about leaving so soon after returning to the city he leaps at the chance for a change to do something exciting.

Dotting for interest. Here is my submission. Will finish rework when I get home from work. Planning to take Divine Calling

Well, I see that a night's rest has brought upon us quite a group. If my counting is correct we are already 9 capable hands. Now I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth so I say all are welcome to embark upon this quest!

I've read over each of your characters and so far nothing seems to be amiss. Backstories as mentioned previously need not be extensive for those of you currently missing one. A simple "who I am" is fine, but strong backstories a la Baster of the Peacock do give me plenty opportunity to add on to the history, lore and campaign setting.

Though 9 players is a tremendous amount for sure, the campaign is plenty functional as we will all see.

Now, as I said, we will officially begin on Friday the 27th but in the meantime feel free to mingle. I will put up the Expedition Recruitment Missive in a local Nivmadian tavern in the town of Ariellons. Feel free to talk and, for those inclined, make a show of your intent on joining the Seekers of the Grail.

I hereby close down recruitment slots to new players.

In the meantime, don't forget to finish your characters and simply include where you are from.

Matt, Game Master

Looking forward to getting started everyone. Can't wait to start up!

Updated Character

I would be very interested in joining, if there is still room.

My character sheet lacks numbers at the moment and I need to tailor the background to the campain, but the basic framework will not change.

Israfel Dawnborn wrote:

I would be very interested in joining, if there is still room.

My character sheet lacks numbers at the moment and I need to tailor the background to the campain, but the basic framework will not change.

I'm already at a high number of 9 players at the moment and I mentioned this previously in the post. Nevertheless, if you're still interested I can put you down as backup crew in case of potential drop outs. I'm surprised at how fast this group filled up.

We start on Friday and if players haven't started within the following week, I will make appropriate party replacements. I generally encourage posting at least once a day, if not once ever two days at the most.

Thank you for your interest, it's been duly noted.

Lantern Lodge

Matt, Game Master wrote:
DarkLightHitomi wrote:

I am interested and will make a char by tomorrow(Im about to go to bed) but I thought Id mention that clerics can already do what said for them so that's not empowered at all(only one gm has ever asked me to pick a deity)

I would like to make a sorc/mnk, not as the asian type mnk, but rather as one who studies unarmed combat (is a caravan guard/bounty hunter by profession) will randomize race for fun later.

Sounds great. I was pretty sure though that Paizo wanted Clerics to follow a deity and not just be "follow a way of life". In any case, we're filling out the positions nicely.

Will you be taking a level of Sorcerer or Monk first?

That happens a lot to my players, there is only one line in clr desc that says so.

I'll start with mnk, the job often gets in the way of studies
(note mnk will be every third lvl)

here's my random race rolls

dwarf - elf
2d6 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5
halfling - gnome
2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11
half elf - half orc
2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10

g1 - g2
2d6 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6
g3 - human
2d6 ⇒ (1, 6) = 7

last pair
2d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8

gender m - f
2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8

so male human, gee am I playing myself? lol :)

DarkLightHitomi wrote:

so male human, gee am I playing myself? lol :)

Alright then, let me know when your alias is done. Thanks again for joining in on this quest!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber


I'm interested in putting my hat in the ring. Been a year since I've played in a Pbp, so I am little rusty.

Leaning towards either end of the spectrum - either a Sorceror or Ranger. Maybe what whatever works better for party composition, if there are any preferences.

Will try to post some character suggestions later today. Thank you.

Alex Martin wrote:


I'm interested in putting my hat in the ring. Been a year since I've played in a Pbp, so I am little rusty.

Leaning towards either end of the spectrum - either a Sorceror or Ranger. Maybe what whatever works better for party composition, if there are any preferences.

Will try to post some character suggestions later today. Thank you.

Hi there Alex, we're currently already at 9 (potentially 10 players). For the moment I'd like to leave it like this but like I told Israfel earlier, I'm fine with putting your name down in the potential reinforcements in case of a player dropping out for example.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

OK - sounds fine. I'll keep checking periodically.
Good luck!

If it will help for contact:


Alex Martin wrote:

OK - sounds fine. I'll keep checking periodically.

Good luck!

If it will help for contact:
** spoiler omitted **

Thanks again for showing interest Alex. I will contact you if a slot becomes available. You're welcome to follow the quest though!

Alias up, let me know what you think.

Tim Deamon wrote:
Alias up, let me know what you think.

Looks great! Glad to see the bloodline you chose and the story fits right in!


The northern border of Nivmadas is up past Ariellons, where the journey begins. If you want true northern Nivmadas, it'd be the Kjald Northlands.

Everyone, feel free to begin the Campaign, I've already put up the start. We officially begin this Friday!

Final product is up.

Game Master:
My race is Elf, not human.

Matt, Game Master:
I wondered what bonus language would make sense in your world for the scion of a noble family.

Alternatively, I can pick whatever language you think is best for this quest.

Or if it's all equal to you, I could pick Draconic.

Gallops up to the tavern on his desrier and skids to a stop.
"Did someone say "Grail"?
Raises his visor and reads the "Closed to Recruitment" sign.
"Well... shoot."

Ithriel Latairn wrote:

Final product is up.

** spoiler omitted **

My apologies. *Runs off to correct the issue post haste*


All languages are equally important. I would recommend the languages of the races (dwarf, elf, etc) first and then all the others. Draconic is still a fine choice though you probably won't cross a Dragon for a while.

Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:

Gallops up to the tavern on his desrier and skids to a stop.

"Did someone say "Grail"?
Raises his visor and reads the "Closed to Recruitment" sign.
"Well... shoot."

I must apologize, for we are already at 9-10 players. Nevertheless, if you wish I may add you to our growing potential recruitment list. I'm really sorry as you seem to really have been into this quest.

Thanks for your swift answer, Matt Game Master.

I have another question.

Matt, Game Master:
I'm thinking about a Two-Weapon Fighting build, with Longsword and Scorpion Whip.

If I take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency:Whip will I be able to fight proficiently with the Scorpion Whip ?

Or, conversely, if I take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency:Scorpion Whip will I be able to use my Scorpion Whip as a simple Whip (that is, to Trip & Disarm with those respective weapon qualities ?)

Or must I take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency:Scorpion Whip and use that weapon as any other weapon, that is without the Trip & Disarm weapon qualities affixed to the normal whip ?

Hum, I guess basically my question is: must I take Exotic Weapon Proficiency:Whip and Exotic Weapon Proficiency:Scorpion Whip to use the Scorpion Whip as itself and as a plain whip ?

I hope that made sense :-).

Character is ready for submission if an opening comes up.

Btw I hope you don't mind if I added your Traits to my Hero Lab for possible later use in my P&P Campaign. They are really well written.

On his way to the local tavern, Ithriel wonders, I wonder if it's possible to find any information of my father?

Baster of the Peacock wrote:

Thanks for your swift answer, Matt Game Master.

I have another question.** spoiler omitted **

From rereading both weapons I am guessing that yes, you'd normally have to first become proficient with the whip before being able to use a Scorpion Whip's abilities. Nevertheless, I am going to allow that you a single Exotic Weapon Proficiency be suitable for both weapons. In my head, a whip is a whip.

Israfel Dawnborn wrote:
Character is ready for submission if an opening comes up.

Thank you Israfel, for the moment there isn't room but I'll let you know as soon as there is an opening.

Ithriel Latairn wrote:

Btw I hope you don't mind if I added your Traits to my Hero Lab for possible later use in my P&P Campaign. They are really well written.

On his way to the local tavern, Ithriel wonders, I wonder if it's possible to find any information of my father?

Nope, no problem at all. Glad to have been able to add on for your PbP. As for your second point, I seem to recall you not having been told anything about your father at birth. Would you like me to come up with his backstory or would you like to? Seeing as you have no knowledge of him I'd make it a part of the quest as I'm already adding bits to suit everyone's background.

Weeellll, seeing is how my masters are more than likely........ oh wait, wrong media (cookie if you guess what that is from). Seriously, if you are already in the process of adding bits from backgrounds, go right ahead. It should be a surprise to the character. Oh and I meant Pen & Paper, not Play by Post.

My character is crunch-completed.

I will post the stats for my mount and its equipment tomorrow.

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