Red Hand of Doom

Game Master Krisam

3-module campaign: The Sunless Citadel, The Forge of Fury, and Red Hand of Doom - Pathfinderized.

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I'm planning to run The Sunless Citadel, The Forge of Fury, and Red Hand of Doom (converted to Pathfinder) as a campaign, all set in the Shaar of the Forgotten Realms, 1279 DR. The game will be a PBEM (NOT PBP) based out of Yahoo Groups, with a support website for things like character portraits and a collected archive of the story.

What I'm looking for:

- Players with a strong grasp of writing, as I collect all the posts into a story for everyone.

- Dependability. If you can't show up to post regularly, please don't apply.

- Players who are "engines" - they keep the game running by always pushing forward with actionable posts.

- Character concepts, NOT builds. Just a race, class, description and background (no more than 5 paragraphs, please). (The quality of the writing will be what sells your character, so don't sell it short!)

- 3-5 players. I have one spot reserved for an old player (an elf magus). I'm looking to keep the party size to 6 players.

What I'm offering:

- A RP-heavy game.

- Dedication. I've never given up on a game yet, and I don't plan to.

- 3pp allowed, pending review. No custom races beyond these offerings: Loxo, thri-kreen, wemics, and zebra-centaurs (see below). Note that some options will be reserved for certain races for flavor reasons, such as psionic classes for the thri-kreen, gungineers for gnomes, and legendary rogues for halflings.

House rules:

- Once you pick a favored class bonus, it's what you get for the entire campaign.

- Anything that can be Unchained, should be.

- No evil alignments. Also, no evil alignments masquerading as chaotic or neutral alignments. This is a game for heroes.

- Gunslingers must have some connection to the church of Oghma (unlike gnomish gungineers). Emerging guns.

- No traits meant for APs.

- All races age at the same rate until maturity, whereupon the longer-lived races age more slowly.

New races: (I'm open to comments about these races.)

Centaur (13 RP)

Racial features:
+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma: Centaurs are hardy and sensible, but lack social graces. (0 RP)

Centaurs: Centaurs are monstrous humanoids. (1 RP (-2 RP - no low-light vision or darkvision))

Large: Centaurs take a –1 size penalty to their AC, a –1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a –4 size penalty on Stealth checks. A centaur takes up a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet and has a reach of 5 feet. (7 RP)

Fast Speed: Centaurs have a base speed of 40 feet. (0 RP (Quadruped))

Quadruped: Centaurs have a +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts. Centaurs use weapons and humanoid armor (not barding) as if they were Medium (instead of Large). (2 RP)

Hooves: Centaurs have a hoof attack (1d6, x2, B). It is a secondary natural attack.(1 RP)

Desert runner: Centaurs receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments. (2 rp)

Languages: Centaurs begin play speaking Common. Centaurs with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Shartaan, Dwarven (Dethek), Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, and Sylvan.

A typical centaur stands 7 to 8 feet tall from front hoof to crown and measures 6 to 8 feet long from chest to tail, and weighing in at nearly 1,000 pounds. The horse portion of a centaur's body resembles a zebra - a trait that distinguishes him from the centaurs elsewhere in Faerûn - and his face is decidedly fey in appearance, with swept-back, angular features and somewhat pointed ears. He has golden bronze skin, light brown, black, or golden hair, and eyes in any of a wide variety of shades. Shaaryan centaurs prefer to wear their hair long, though they usually tie it back and weave decorative tokens into it. The number and kind of decorations a centaur wears indicate his rank in the tribe, though such distinctions are usually lost on outsiders.

Loxo (15 RP)

Racial features:
+4 Str, –2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence: Loxo are powerful, but lack finesse and forethought. (2 RP)

Loxo: Loxo are monstrous humanoids with the giant subtype. (1 RP (-2 RP - no low-light vision or darkvision)) Loxo may take the Trample feat, and apply it to themselves as though they had hooves, ignoring prerequisites.

Large: Loxo take a –1 size penalty to their AC, a –1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a –4 size penalty on Stealth checks. A loxo takes up a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet and has a reach of 5 feet. (7 RP)

Normal Speed: Loxo have a base speed of 30 feet. (0 RP)

Two trunks: Loxo have long, flexible trunks that can be used to carry objects. They cannot wield weapons with their trunks, but they can retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action. They can maintain a grapple with their trunks and still make attacks with their hands.(5 RP)

Languages: Loxo begin play speaking Loxo and Common. Loxo with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Shaartan, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, and Sylvan.

Loxos appear as large humanoid elephants with two trunks and bluish-gray skin. They roam the Shaar in hunter-gatherer groups.

Thri-kreen (13 RP)

Racial features:
+4 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, –2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Thri-kreen are deft, but are unused to thinking outside the box or relating to other races. (1 RP)

Thri-kreen: Thri-kreen are humanoids (thri-kreen). (0 RP)

Medium: Thri-kreen have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.(0 RP)

Normal Speed: Thri-kreen have a base speed of 30 feet. (0 RP)

Multi-armed: Thri-kreen possess four arms. They can wield multiple weapons, but only one hand is its primary hand, and all others are off hands. It can also use its hands for other purposes that require free hands. (8 RP)

Darkvision: Thri-kreen can see in the dark up to 60 feet. (2 RP)

Alien mind: Thri-kreen gain a +2 to all Will saves. (2 RP)

Languages: Thri-kreen begin play speaking Common and Thri-kreen. Those with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Undercommon, Shaartan, Dwarven (Dethek), Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, and Orc.

Thri-kreen are insectoid humanoids with six limbs: two for walking and four to use as arms. Their heads have compound eyes and antennae. They primarily fight with two types of weapons: the gythka, a two-headed spear (treat as spear with the double quality replacing brace), and the chatkcha, a triangular crystalline throwing wedge (treat as chakram).

Wemic (15 RP)

Racial features:
+2 Strength, +2 Charisma, –2 Wisdom: Wemics are strong and sociable, but often lack patience. (0 RP)

Wemics: Wemics are monstrous humanoids with the catfolk subtype. (3 RP) A wemic may take Catfolk alternate racial traits, alternate favored class bonuses, and feats.

Large: Wemics take a –1 size penalty to their AC, a –1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a –4 size penalty on Stealth checks. A wemic takes up a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet and has a reach of 5 feet. (7 RP)

Normal Speed: Wemics have a base speed of 30 feet. (0 RP (Slow+Quadruped))

Quadruped: Wemics have a +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts. (2 RP)

Low-Light Vision: In dim light, wemics can see twice as far as humans. (-1 RP (monstrous humanoid with no darkvision))

Natural Hunter: Wemics receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Survival checks. (4 RP)

Languages: Wemics begin play speaking Common and Catfolk. Wemics with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Shaartan, Dwarven (Dethek), Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, and Sylvan.

Wemics are a proud and noble people who may be the most skillful hunters in all Faerûn. From head to rump, wemics are 10 to 12 feet long, and they stand 6 to 7 feet tall from their front paws to the tops of their heads. They weigh around 600 pounds. Dusky golden fur covers them from head to tail. Their tails feature a brush of black hair, and the males have a long black mane. Wemics’ faces are a mixture of humanoid and leonine, and their golden eyes have the slitted pupils of a cat. Their ears are set high on their heads. All six of their limbs end in claws, but the ones on their hands and their front paws are retractable. Most wemics die in dangerous hunts on the savanna long before age can take them.

OK, that's all I can think of to add for now. Feel free to ask questions!

Does the group come together to play at a set time, or is pbem like pbp in that you can post throughout the day when you have time? I think it's the latter, but I'm just asking in the interest of clear communication - I've never done pbem.

Do you need a yahoo account to play?

I have three ideas, any one of which I'd play;

-I might be interested in playing a Wemic Warlord (class from dreamscarred press; it's on the d20pfsrd), if that's allowed.

-Alternatively, would you allow me to add the brawler's Martial Flexibility class feature to the standard fighter? I feel like the fighter could have done with being 'unchained' too, and this is a good way to go about it. If yes, he'd be a half-orc. If no, that's fine.

-Finally, I could see playing a Cleric with the cavalier variant multiclass. He'd be a knight, of sorts. I think it could be interesting to have a 'civilised' character juxtapositioned with the wastelands.


Pbem is just like pbp, but we use a group to send messages to/from, and it sends out emails to everyone. You can indeed post anytime you have a little time to game. You do need a Yahoo account, but it's free, and you don't have to use the email address you get - you can use any address you have.

I'll check out the warlord class, but it's probably fine, as is the cleric/cavalier. I'd prefer not to cross-pollinate discrete classes, though.

Dot. Loved the Forge Never played through the rest.

Would Dreamscarred's psionics be allowed? I'm considering a thri-kreen soulknife (and will post more info, of course, if you approve of soulknives). Thanks and it sounds fun!

Yes, psionics are available to the thri-kreen. A soulknife would be fine.

I'd love to join your game. _by_emortal982-d6pjllj.jpg
The Bounty-hunter Kazgrim 'Kaz' Hugnirsson

Dwarf, Bountyhunter. (Is the bounty hunter class alright? I can also go barbarian or paladin, perhaps ranger? I don't really mind to be honest.)
A young Dwarven man, devoted to tracking down his bounty and bringing them back. Dead or Alive.

Kazgrim was the fourth son to the Dwarven weapons-merchant Han Hugnirsson. Han used to operate out of Hammer and Anvil, selling his wares to a variety of Shaarian people. Business was good and Kazgrim learned to pull his weight early on in life.

It was a family business and Han's boys were always kept busy by their father, who was a great salesman. It was his mother however, who called the shots.
Before he even knew it himself, she already recognised in Kazgrim the wanderlust that had taken hold of her brother, Kazgrims uncle.
While the other Hugnirsson brothers were content with their lives in Hammer and Anvil and Earthheart, their mother saw fit to send Kazgrim out on the errands that needed running. Whether it was to accompany a caravan to protect their interests, or go out and secure materials.. Kazgrim was usually the one for the job.
He became used to travelling and was a hard worker while on the job. He was even hired every now and then by friends of the family to accompany caravans, and he made a pretty penny doing it while also keeping his family name high.
Kazgrim enjoyed a hard days labor and knew how to appreciate the little things, fresh water.. a good meal or a happy person along the way would keep him going for miles.

One day after a particular long job he came home, expecting the usual warm welcomes and familiar stories. However, when he walked into the office he was greeted by sad faces and grief. While he was away a group of thugs had forced their way into the store during closing time and killed Han Hugnirsson. They had taken his lockbox with the weeks profits and made off with his most prized weapons. They had even taken the family rings Han proudly used to wear. Pried off of his dead fingers.

The thugs must have done their homework, since none of Kazgrims brothers were at the store that day.
After an emotional burial, during which half of Hammer and Anvil seemed to come pay their respects, blood oaths were sworn by all the Hugnirsson brothers to find the thugs and bring their heads back to their fathers grave. To show him revenge had been taken. True to the old ways.

Axes and swords were sharpened, and the boys set out. A Hugnirsson out for blood is a sight to behold, and the city guards had their hands full that week. While most of the guard appreciated the boys' traditional stance on this, they couldn't allow them to run around chasing rumours and leaving broken noses and worse in their wake. Leeway was given, but eventually all of Kazgrims brothers were detained.
It made for great tavern gossip, but the thugs were still out there. Unfortunately for them.. so was Kazgrim. He didn't go looking for the first fight he could find like his brothers. Kazgrim took his time. He got scorned by his brothers from behind the prison-bars, but he stayed the course. Weeks later, after chasing leads and following hunches Kazgrim went into a dark alley. He performed the secret knock on the black wooden door and when a man opened it, he drew a pair of daggers and shoved them inside the mans skull. He stepped into the slum-housing and drew more weapons. That night was a bloody night in the alley and Kazgrim emerged with the heads of his fathers killers.
There happened to be money on those heads, and he used it to bail out his brothers.

Kazgrim found he couldn't go back to the family business, even though his brothers had turned around in their attitude towards him. There was just something gone there. It would never be the same.
He started selling out his services, and vowed to take only those jobs that he found meaningful. He wasn't in it to get rich. This would for ever and always be something very, very, personal.

A bounty hunter was born.

WarTortoise: Do you mean the slayer archetype bounty hunter, or the ranger archetype bounty hunter, or the Tripod Machine bounty hunter, or something else? The three I mentioned are fine.

Please remember to write a paragraph or two of description for your character. It helps me get a better idea of what you think is important about them.


Blake Antares
Race: Tiefling(Demonspawn or Shackleborn)
Class: Oracle; Cavalier Variant Multiclass. Eventual Paladin Chevalier standard Multiclassing. Projected progression Oracle 4/Paladin 16 (or however many levels we end up playing.)
Favored Class: Paladin.

Deity: The Triad (she likes to believe her oracle powers derive from Ilmater, but who knows, really?)

Blake is a healer, first and foremost. She's seen enough of people wanting to get ahead for themselves, enough of the casual cruelty of humanoids, that she's not going to just sit back and focus on her own life.

It helps that she's been granted magical powers from above. She likes to think that her patrons want her to go out in the world, helping people. Because that's what she's decided to do, and she'll be damned if she doesn't cleave to her promises.

She's of middling height, has straight black hair, and skin with a reddish tint to it. The most obvious features of her abyssal ancestry is her long, meaty tail, and the twin horns that rise from the ridge above her brow.

How would we be doing stats?

Burnscar: Cool. But what's her background? Stats will be point buy, varying (15-20-25) depending on how much effort is put into the background and description of the characters.

That seems like it'll end up in 'group politics' a lot faster than I'd like my gaming to.

I think I'll be bowing out of recruitment. Good luck! :)

Maybe I should clarify: The player is the one who decides whether they want a basic background and description point buy (15), one with positive and negative characteristics for their characters (20), or one with the characteristics and a description of some NPCs they know (25). I don't choose what point buy you get - you do.

Submissions on Paizo:

karlprosek: elf magus (pre-approved)
WarTortoise: Kazgrim 'Kaz' Hugnirsson, dwarf bounty hunter
Burnscar: Blake Antares, tiefling oracle/cavalier/paladin

Submissions on other forums:
Neurotic: Nominis Expers, fetchling bard (umbral weaver)

Alright, hold on. I'm definetly going for the 25 point-buy.. More to come.

Don't worry about the point buy just yet - that was just to explain how it will work. For those chosen, I'll supply more specific instructions on how to gain the various point buys. I only need the basics right now. :)

I know it sucks to make an entire build and then not get chosen, which is why I just want race, class, background and description at the moment.

This looks like a great game. I am really drawn to the Loxo. I'm thinking about a martial character, probably heavily melee. I have an idea for a personality, but I'm torn about class. I think I'm leaning towards one of three options: Barbarian, Brawler, or Warder (from Dreamscarred Press' Paths of War).

Grand Lodge

Are you allowing the Classes from Path of War? The Warlord seems like an interesting class, I have a Warder in a Serpent Skull game at present and they are awesome

Path of War is fine with me.

Grand Lodge

Awesome, I may make a Warlord or Stalker for this.

How unusual would it be for a loxo nomad to be able to read and write?

Well, hopefully this isn't too far off from the setting. Here is my submission. Thank you for your consideration.

Braydok Firrith
Male TN Loxo (Warder?)

Background (first draft):

The midsummer sun rises over the horizon, bringing forth the heat of a new day. The light slowly reveals the charred remains of a tent, then another, then more. Before the new days warms, the sun has shone upon the glowing embers of what was once a nomad camp.

At the edge of the ruined camp sits a figure. It leans against a stone jutting from the ground. As the morning twilight brightens, details become clear. The figure is massive, large even for his kind. His rough, wrinkled grey skin stained with ash and blood. Salt crusts the runnels on his face where tears flowed, unseen in the night. Beside him sits a pile, items saved from the conflagration. A brightly painted shield, tanned leather stretched over wood, a bundle of spears, a heap of hides that might be worn as armor, a pack with all of his worldly possessions.

In his massive hands rests a book, tattered and charred, but still usable. Between two tusks, one of his trunks wields a small piece of cinder, marking the book in small careful motions. He mumbles to himself as he writes, sounding out the words. "Last night they came, quietly at first. The first ones slew the guards before anyone knew what had happened. The dogs and serpents, working together. The fires were are first warning. They burned the grasslands, driving us into their nets. We fought, many were slain, more were captured."

He pauses and looks toward a pillar of thick greasy smoke rising from the pile of burning bodies. His shoulders slump and he goes back to his writing. "By what right do I survive? Am I being punished for some unknown deed? Or is this something twisted reward for a life well lived? What God to I blame? What God do I turn to for revenge? Justice? Absolution?"

He stares off into the distance, the horizon already shimmering in the heat. "I am all that remains free of my herd. I think I saw Ansora in the nets, she had our son in her arms. Do I dare hope they yet live? Do I throw my life at Lhesper? In the hope that I can single-handedly fight my way through the Gnolls and save my family from the Yuan-ti? Or do I trek to the Council Hills, or some other center of men, and beg assistance? In the hope that my family will still live by the time I return?"

He carefully folds the diary and places it in the pack before rising, towering over everything around him. He gathers his meager belongings, taking the time to don his armor. He lifts the spears and slides them into a pouch on the side of his pack. Lifting the shield and strapping it to his arm, he takes one last look at the smoldering remains of his home and turns his back, striding into the Shaar.

Demon Lurking: Nice! I'll leave it up to you whether your nomad has picked up reading and writing (I suspect he has! ;) ) A description for someone meeting him for the first time would be great.

Braydok Firrith
Male TN Loxo (Warder?)

Background (revised):

The midsummer sun rises over the horizon, bringing forth the heat of a new day. The light slowly reveals the charred remains of a tent, then another, then more. Before the new days warms, the sun has shone upon the glowing embers of what was once a nomad camp.

At the edge of the ruined camp sits a figure. It leans against a stone jutting from the ground. As the morning twilight brightens, details become clear. The figure is massive, large even for his kind. His rough, wrinkled grey skin stained with ash and blood. Salt crusts the runnels on his face where tears flowed during the night. Beside him sits a pile, items saved from the conflagration. A brightly painted shield, tanned leather stretched over wood, a bundle of spears, a heap of hides that might be worn as armor, a pack with all of his worldly possessions.

In his massive hands rests a book, tattered and charred, but still usable. Between two tusks, one of his trunks wields a small piece of cinder, marking the book in small careful motions. He mumbles to himself as he writes, sounding out the words. His deep quiet voice rumbling in the morning silence, disturbed only be the crackling embers and the occasional birdcall. "Last night they came, quietly at first. The first ones slew the guards before anyone knew what had happened. The dogs and serpents, working together. The fires were are first warning. They burned the grasslands, driving us into their nets. We fought, many were slain, more were captured."

He pauses and looks toward a pillar of thick greasy smoke rising from the pile of burning bodies. His shoulders slump and he goes back to his writing. "By what right do I survive? Am I being punished for some unknown deed? Or is this something twisted reward for a life well lived? What God to I blame? What God do I turn to for revenge? Justice? Absolution?"

He stares off into the distance, the horizon already shimmering in the heat. "I am all that remains free of my herd. I think I saw Ansora in the nets, she had our son in her arms. Do I dare hope they yet live? Do I throw my life at Lhesper? In the hope that I can single-handedly fight my way through the Gnolls and save my family from the Yuan-ti? Or do I trek to the Council Hills, or some other center of men, and beg assistance? In the hope that my family will still live by the time I return?"

A wistful look crosses his weathered face. He sets down the book and stares at hosting thick, blunt hands. He watches the rough callouses move as he flexes his fingers to pick up the book once more. "Would Theibor forgive me my failure? The dwarf trained me to defend the herd. Our herd traveled many months with his caravan when I was a child. Perhaps I should search for him or his kin to aid me." He finally speaks out clearly, "Whichever direction I choose, it is time to be on my way. Words will help me no further here."

He carefully folds the diary and places it in the pack before slowly rising. The impressive figure stands nearly 8 feet tall, a towering wall of muscle. His torso is broad and barrel chested. His small pale blue eyes peer sadly from his broad face. His simple hide armor is stitched with swirling lines of bright beads made of stone and bone. His tough wrinkled skin is marked with the scars of battles past. His left ear is notched and his right tusk is shorter where the tip is broken off.

He gathers his meager belongings, taking the time to don his armor. He moves slowly, with great deliberation, as if the world is too small and delicate for his massive form. He lifts the spears and slides them into a pouch on the side of his pack. Lifting the shield and strapping it to his arm, he takes one last look at the smoldering remains of his home and turns his back, striding into the Shaar.


Braydok Firrith is quiet and somewhat melancholy, but not morose or morbid. He feels he failed his herd and someday hopes to redeem himself, either in their freedom or in the protection of others. He does not fear death, but intends to welcome it. Just not yet, not now. He is slow to anger, but once moving, quick to act. He can be suspicious of strangers, but loyal to those who manage to befriend him.

I was doing some spitballing and ran across an issue with the racial builds. The 7RP version of Large includes a +2 to Strength and a -2 to Dexterity. This makes some of the attribute modifiers somewhat off. Any suggestions?

Best one might be just to ignore it and move on since the same modifiers have been applied to all three Large races.

Whoops! I missed that, I guess. As you say, it's probably easiest to just ignore it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, though!

Submissions so far on Paizo:

karlprosek: elf magus (pre-approved)
WarTortoise: Kazgrim 'Kaz' Hugnirsson, dwarf bounty hunter
Burnscar: Blake Antares, tiefling oracle/cavalier/paladin
Demon Lurking: Braydok Firrith, loxo warder

Submissions so far on other forums:

Neurotic: Nominis Expers, fetchling bard (umbral weaver)
KahlessNestor: Nala, gnome barbarian

Note: I'll let the recruitment run until the end of the month, and make the choices on September 1st.

If people feel strongly against me handling the dice rolls in the background, I guess we can use the discussion thread here for rolls.

I have no issue with it. The Paizo dice roller is notorious for being odd.
Besides, it is in the GMs interest to keep the PCs alive but in peril. TPKs are actually not fun for players or GMs.

I personally like the anonymity that the Paizo forums provide. It let's me set up a profile for the character and only use that one in a given game. It makes it easier for me to keep multiple games separate. This will be my first pbem game.

I am interested in this as well. I like the idea of the Loxo though there is another in the running. Is there an unspoken "Chewbacca"rule?

No, I'll pick the submissions I think will suit best regardless of their race, though a weird party may get some weird looks. Though, considering your alias, I'll reiterate that gnomes are the only race that can take the gungineer class by Flying Pincushion, and don't have the requirement other gunslinger-types have of a connection to the Oghman church.

(Gungineer is a class that makes your gun modular, so that it scales with you, kind of like an eidolon.)

You do know how to tempt.

I'm making the support site public here so anyone interested can review things. I also added a house rule for dwarves: they have access to rune magic/feats.

Kamaloo wrote:
I'm making the support site public here so anyone interested can review things. I also added a house rule for dwarves: they have access to rune magic/feats.

I like it! Although I am uncertain exactly what I would wind up spending 300gp on as a nomad. But that'll probably cover a bunch of the upcharges for being Large.

I'm gonna have to step out of this. Sorry guys. i got to thinking about it and I've actually played the first two modules. They are really fun. I think I'm looking for something more Golarion based.

I sense pooling for a wand of Cure Light Wounds in the party's future... :P

I'm kind of amazed that pbem has fallen so far out of favor. It isn't really that different from pbp, you just largely avoid one-line responses and you get to pick your own profile pic. And formatting text isn't such a pain.

I think some of it is the sense of anonymity that the boards give. You don't have to share your email address with strangers. I also find that the aliases give a sense of immersion that replying to just can't compare to. You also don't risk losing a post in all the rest of your personal mail.

Also, here there is at least some moderation. If there's a problem with another player or the GM, here there is a reporting process. With pbem they have your email address and there isn't anything you can do about it.

There are lots of reasons.

Hmm, I guess I hadn't thought of it that way (though we reply to the group, not the individuals in it). Trust isn't such an issue where I live. ;)

Submissions so far on Paizo:

karlprosek: Tharivol Galanodel, elf magus (pre-approved)
WarTortoise: Kazgrim 'Kaz' Hugnirsson, dwarf bounty hunter
Burnscar: Blake Antares, tiefling oracle/cavalier/paladin
Demon Lurking: Braydok Firrith, loxo warder

Submissions so far on other forums:

Neurotic: Nominis Expers, fetchling bard (umbral weaver)
KahlessNestor: Nala, gnome barbarian

Well, I guess a few more days isn't likely to result in that many more submissions. You're all in! Feel free to start posting to the group to discuss your characters backgrounds and such; I'll send my email address to you once you're all in the group, so you can send me the rtf character sheet. Please don't use MS Word or Open Office to fill it out, as it totally borks the formatting. Wordpad or the equivalent is best. Also, please don't include any linked text, as that makes the file size bloat every now and again when it's saved for some reason (no idea why).

Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

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