Kawaii Cataclysm (Inactive)

Game Master BastianQuinn

A game of Magical Girls using the "Magical Fury" rulebook. [Maps]

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[Sheets] [Map]

The scene opens on the city of Obusa at twilight. The swollen red-tinged moon casts an eerie light which glitters like diamonds in the placid bay. The sky is dotted with the first few stars. The silhouette of Kirakira bridge, bespangled with its titular glittering lights, fills the horizon from your vantage at the old abandoned Bay Street shopping mall. Chills run up and down your back as you feel eyes upon you. This mall is supposed to be abandoned, but you can't shake the feeling you're not alone tonight. It wouldn't be a problem, except you're here tonight to investigate a rumor. For the past three months, on the night of a full moon, a silver train has been passing through old Obusa town. They say that from the second floor of the mall, you can see that there are no passengers, and no conductor.

There are four entrances to the mall: The Grand foyer on the south side facing Bay Street, the Arcade on the west side, the bookstore on the east side, and the food court on the north side facing the tracks. Describe how you arrive, why you’re here, and what you’ve brought with you. Everyone may bring a bag or backpack containing three items that don’t have to be described until you use them; otherwise, if you don’t describe it now, then you won’t have it inside.

Jo and her companion:
For all the time you’ve been in and out of here, this is the first time you’ve gotten lost. This doesn’t look like any part of the mall you've been in. The two of you stand in a very drab, very dark hallway. The only light in the hall comes from a flickering exit sign sitting over a large door which is blocked by a heavy-looking filing cabinet. A smaller door is seated in the opposite end of the hall. A third door leads into a room with a huge window, but it seems like the glass is a two-way mirror, and the room beyond is pitch black. Must have been ages since anyone’s been here because you haven’t ever seen a pane of intact glass in the mall. What do you do?

Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 1 ~ Trauma: 0 ~ Fate: 0

For my Final Project I was given the topic of highlighting local businesses that have or once were a major contributor to the city of Obusa. Being somewhat of a jaded person I chose to think outside of the box and examine the old abandoned mall as the focal point of the project. All of the rumors that had been buzzing around campus also helped justify my decision of picking the mall.

Bringing only my cell phone, a notebook and quill pen (a personal gift given to me by a previous mentor) and an emergency backpack just in case; I set out on foot to my destination travelling through the woods. Entering the Bay Street Mall through the west side entrance, cellphone in-hand, using it as a flashlight.

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Cismale/Complicated SN Alex Brooke
Stat Block:
Hope: 4~Magic: 0~Trauma: 2~Fate: 3

Yesterday was the start of Alex's leave.

Four months ago he'd started on the process, but between readiness drills, the commander of the squadron dropping by for a visit, other members of his department needing to take emergency family leave for any of a number of reasons he'd been pushed back... and back... and even further back until he'd almost forgotten that he'd actually gotten the time approved.

Yesterday the boatswain came to him with the papers in hand, grinning a bit. It'd been a long haul, but finally SN Alex Brooke had leave for a month.

Thankfully, the Navy wasn't going to just kick the sailor to the curb for that month, berthing was available with the standard clothing restrictions during duty hours, but nothing too onerous.

Originally, Alex had put in the leave request because he was a bit of a history buff. Local legend and rumor had it that the abandoned mall was the site of an old secret Japanese armory from the Second World War, that had long since been decommissioned and a mall built upon the site.

That the mall had suffered much the same fate as the purported military building was a bit of an irony, and one that wasn't lost on Alex. Especially not with the additional rumors of haunted silver trains that may or may not have passengers or crew.

He was planning to respectfully approach the place, playing up the role of 'American tourist', and if he could find a way inside, take plenty of notes with his notepad and pen, and take plenty of pictures with his digital camera. If there was signs to 'keep out' in Japanese, well, he's American, how was he supposed to know? Well, at least, that's the thought, at any rate.

He had those stashed in his pockets for easy access, along with wallet, dog tags around the neck (just in case), and was wearing a garish tropical shirt over khaki shorts, with white socks and tennis shoes. A cheap backpack rode over his right shoulder, with a water bottle in a side-pouch (important to remain hydrated), a couple of energy bars in the main pocket along with a sweater and a nice robust 'Maglite' style flashlight (the kind used by night watchmen everywhere).

He hadn't unpacked the backpack from a previous trip to the local equivalent of a comic store, so what else may still have been hiding in there was as much a guess to him as anyone else.

He approaches the Eastern entrance, it was the closest to his walk up, and why waste the effort walking halfway around the mall if the easiest access was open?

Sovereign Court

Kiyomi Shirakawa
Hope: 3 ~ Magic: 3 ~ Trauma: 2 ~ Fate: 3

Kiyomi Shirakawa, eldest scion of the Shirakawa name, was at that time engaged in the silliest thing she had ever done.

Kiyomi was not one to chase rumors. Kiyomi was a serious, dignified woman. And yet here she was, looking for a train with no conductor and no passengers.

Was this story supposed to be frightening? Kiyomi did not think so, but the mannerisms in which the scholarship student had told the story implied it to be such.

Kiyomi sighed quietly to herself; the scholarship student had insulted her honor by accusing her of being... of being scared of this phenomenon. It was a foolish notion, of course, but as usual Kiyomi could not let go of what the girl had said. Kiyomi did not understand the effect the commoner had on her, but it spurred her on regardless.

The young lady, certain that she would be able to talk down anyone who dared oppose her movements, entered the front door to the south. Her heels clicked on the tile flooring as she walked briskly forward, hoping to get this over as soon as she could.

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Hope: 2 ~ Magic: 2 ~ Trauma: 1 ~ Fate: 1

Miyako had absolutely no reason to go anywhere NEAR an abandoned building for any reason, let alone at night. Let alone the presence of a silver ghost train for that matter. Armed with that information, her thoughts ran a mile a minute, trying to parse why she was standing at the north door of the derelict mall with intent on going inside. She wanted nothing more than to sprint as fast as she could back home (not that she could sprint that far) and dive under her covers. But her feet didn't move.

For once in her life, she'd somehow found a reason to brave the dark of night, alone. That didn't make progressing any further easier, however, as her feet continued to not move. She'd found the rumors of the ghost train online completely by accident while researching her latest irrational fear, cleithrophobia. At least she assumed it was at the point of phobia, the thought of being trapped inside anything without the freedom to leave terrified her more than it seemed to bother anyone else. About twenty search paged in, she found the forum link discussing the silver train.

She would have dismissed it completely and returned to a less terrifying thread quickly if her curiosity didn't keep her reading to see what it had to do with cleithrophobia. As the forum goers posted, the rumors mutated, until one mentioned witnessing the train had absolved them of their cleithrophobia. She wasn't sure how, but the thought of losing a phobia somehow had gotten her to the doors of the mall.

She hefted her book bag, full of water bottles, lemon bread, paper bags, a pack of spare batteries, and a hard hat. She had wanted to bring more, but the hat took up a fair bit of space, and she was certain the mall ceiling would crumble away eventually, and she'd need it, so she could only stuff two or three more things in. She had a whistle dangling around her neck, in case she needed to signal for help, a can of mace in her hoodie pocket, in case someone tried to attack her in the dark, and her LED flashlight in hand, because she wasn't going anywhere near the building without a reliable source of light.

Taking a few deep, long breaths, she took her first step towards the doors. She hesitated on taking her second. She swallowed hard, breath quickening as she dashed the remaining distance and rushed through the door, panting in fright as she got the task done quickly like ripping off a band-aid.

Fleur doesn't know why she's here, no elevators, and while her crutches are strapped to the back of her chair, she's never been able to manage more than a handful or yards on them. How was she supposed to get up to the second floor. And if she ran into trouble... how long before someone could get here, how would she explain what she was doing?

She did of course know, in the deep recesses that she liked to challenge herself, what is the point in her life - so full of disappointment and difficulties , if she didn't take these risks. Maybe there was even a little bit of her that sought out danger, as a way to end it all, before her illness rendered her too weak to live at all.

And of course there were the rumours, one miraculous thing could lead to... no. She is who she is, no sense in getting her hopes up on foolish fantasies.

I am presuming the South side is easiest to access via wheelchair, she will have done a little research to work it out

She reached into her bag, takes out a flashlight and fastens it to the side of her chair with a velcro tag. She kept a few of the things hanging around, so she could tie things on within reach. Another tag had a cast with her mobile inside, an app with a panic button could call her parents instantly and send her position to them. Assuming this building didn't cut out all signal.

Okay, rolling on in then. Fleur whispered to herself as she pressed in through the doors.

[Sheets] [Map]

In the distance, a clock tower begins to chime the hour. The scent of ozone permeates the air, like a storm is brewing, but the skies are crystal clear.

Kiyomi and Fleur:
The grand foyer of the mall is filled with the leering presence of the broken down carousel which used to delight the children of Obusa. Now, ragged tatters of plastic tarp and cobweb are picked up by a draft, causing the shadows to shift and turn like a stampede of phantom horses. A glass elevator used to lead from here directly to the second floor, but the powerless and broken down car is now host to a family of tanuki. Normally, the stairs would be to the east, but an overgrown silver security fence blocks the way. It turns out beauty and whimsy fade with time, but the old guard never changes.

The light of the full moon has gotten you this far, Kiyomi, but it occurs to you now that going much deeper will require some other source of light. Luckily, a girl in a wheelchair comes in a minute after you and flicks on a flashlight. You can see some light coming from the food court to the north, and a corridor of shops recedes into the darkness to the west. A small, faded kiosk sports a map of the mall. What do you do?

The food court once had a great two story window in the north wall. It has since been broken in by the local schoolchildren. Ivy and moss has overgrown the entire court. From here, you could get a view of the train, but to look down into the cabins, you’ll need to get upstairs. You can see the balcony from here, and thin tendrils of ivy drag from there to the floor.

Most of the businesses moved their equipment out of the food court well before it was abandoned, but a local mom and pop ramen shop on the west wall closed with the mall, and all it’s kettles and stainless steel equipment is still intact, as if waiting for old man Haruna to return to work. The back office door still has the “employees only” sign posted.

There are restrooms in the east wall, and the court opens to the grand foyer in the south. What do you do?

In it’s heyday, the arcade was a grand affair of lights and the ring of pachinko machines. What few machines are still present are broken or even burnt out. The mirrored walls, which once made the place look spacious, now only serve to make the split-level arcade a disorienting maze of narrow passages. Just as you reach your goal, the broken down escalator you hope to scale, there is the crackling snap of electricity, and an old arcade machine blinks to life, letting out a distorted melody.

Glancing back to the escalator, you wouldn’t trust the steps to carry your weight, but you might be able to climb the railing. If you can’t trust the rusted deathtrap at all, you know there’s a set of stairs to the east, further inside the mall. What do you do?

The first-floor doors to the bookstore seem to be blocked by something heavy on the other side. As you struggle to push the door open, you spot a raven bobbing into a waist-high hole in the wall, hidden by a piece of sheet metal. You can also see the loading dock from here, but you have no idea how to get from the staging area back into the mall. Getting a little imaginative, you see a busted out window on the second floor. If you could find some way to climb up there, you could get right to the second floor. What do you do?

Hope: 2 ~ Magic: 2 ~ Trauma: 1 ~ Fate: 1

Miyako panned her flashlight around the food court slowly, carefully taking in every detail and concentrating on ignoring the darkness around her as best she can, trying to pretend that the area was properly illuminated by keeping her eyes glued to center of the arc of light. She took a long, deep breath, trying to calm down and muster another burst of courage to move deeper. She had to find a way upstairs if this was going to have even the slightest chance of working.

She didn't see any stairs and the idea of climbing the ivy entered her mind and was quickly thrown out as it produced the image of her laying broken on the floor. Doubting there would be any safe way to the second floor in either the bathroom or the ramen shop, she makes her way south towards the center of the mall in hopes of finding safe passage upward, trying to ignore the building dread.

Sovereign Court

Kiyomi Shirakawa
Hope: 3 ~ Magic: 3 ~ Trauma: 2 ~ Fate: 3

Kiyomi groaned to herself as she realized how unprepared for this exhibition she had come; she had been in such a rush to sneak out before any of the servants noticed she was missing that she had not thought to ensure proper supplies were in her bag before departing. She rummaged around, not expecting to find anything, and sure enough there was no light source in her bag. Entirely unwilling to explain to anyone that she had to turn back because she forgot her flashlight, Kiyomi was about to press forward anyways when she heard the squeak of wheels nearby.

Kiyomi jumped slightly where she stood at the unexpected noise, but calmed a bit when she saw it was only another girl. She seemed bound to a wheelchair, but at that moment it was of little concern to Kiyomi, as she also saw the convenient flicker of a flashlight. She approached the young woman and held out her hand.

"You. I require your light. Give it to me." A more tactful person certainly would have phrased that differently, but Kiyomi was not accustomed to saying please.

Just to clarify, the up arrow to the right indicates the inaccessible overgrown staircase, correct?

[Sheets] [Map]

Yes, I've put a green squiggle on the map to show the passage is blocked. The arrows are stairs or escalators, the circle with an X is the elevator. The map only shows the parts of the mall accessible to the public.

Fleur looks around at the demanding young woman
"Excuse me? you can't just demand things from someone like that - what are you, royalty?"
her face is flushed indignantly as she speaks.

Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 1 ~ Trauma: 0 ~ Fate: 0

Feeling that nothing happens out of coincidence, I stop to think on what I should do in this situation. Being somewhat analytical, I think that there must be some message or reason behind this arcade game, out of the blue starting up as I leave the arcade and find the escalator.

So hearing the machine crackle to life with my departure, I felt the need to let the journey ahead of me wait a little longer and go over to examine further.

I attempt to go back the way that I came to investigate this distorted noise coming from one of these rusty machines.

Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 2 ~ Trauma: 2 ~ Fate: 1

Sakura stared at the bookstore that used to be one of her favorite places to explore. The shutdown had been sudden. The rumor was that the shelves held many books still and she'd come hoping to take advantage of those shelves.

As she moved towards the mall she noted the large man half covered in shadows and made to duck behind a wall as she watched him, her doll clutched in her arms.

Sovereign Court

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Kiyomi Shirakawa
Hope: 3 ~ Magic: 3 ~ Trauma: 2 ~ Fate: 3

Kiyomi lets out a mocking ojou-laugh, raising the back of her hand to her mouth for emphasis. It is a highly practiced gesture.

"Are you blind as well as lame? You are speaking to a Shirakawa. Though I would not be surprised if one of your station were ignorant of even that name."

Kiyomi takes another step forward, towering over the seated stranger, and puts her hand out again. "I haven't the slightest idea why one such as yourself would be here, but while you are you might as well make yourself useful. Due to circumstances beyond even my control I am here to investigate that silly rumor about the train - surely you have heard about it, yes? - and it is of upmost importance that I complete the investigation swiftly. If you assist me, then I will ensure that you are appropriately rewarded."

Kiyomi tapped her foot against the tile, the sound echoing through the empty mall. She really did not have time to deal with this woman, but she was not about to wrestle with the handicapped over a flashlight. She waited for the woman to listen to reason.

[Sheets] [Map]

At this point Miyako can hear the conversation between Kiyomi and Fleur, starting from the austere laughter. She may intervene, hide, or turn back. Fleur might have spotted Miyako's light, if she's not too focused on Kiyomi, but it would only have looked like a bobbing light out of the corner of her eye. The dialogue can continue at whatever pace you'd like. I'll hold off on responding to Hiro's action until more players have posted.

Hope: 2 ~ Magic: 2 ~ Trauma: 1 ~ Fate: 1

Miyako nearly leaped out of her skin at the sudden, eerie laugh, and dropped her flashlight. Luckily, it was made of a resilient plastic and sported rubber around the lens to help absorb the impact. It was a relatively soft clatter, but it sounded like a crash to the frightened Kurosawa. She quickly dove to scoop up the flash light and rolled behind a pillar out of sight.

She wasn't sure who else was in the mall, no one else should be in the mall! They could have been gangsters or delinquents or ghosts! She shook violently in panic, hoping she hadn't been noticed, a fairly probable outcome as she absolutely refused to turn her flashlight off to be left in the dark.

Hashimoto Sora 「」 Trauma 1 ~ Magic 1 ~ Hope 1 ~ Fate 2

Sora moves towards the western entrance (on foot), dressed in a dark hoodie, pretty far from her usual style, and has one hand shoved into her hoodie's front pocket, a smaller backpack hanging over her shoulder's - a floppy pink cat - and a small box tied with string under the other arm, most likely a bento box stuffed with a small meal. Overall, she seems to be trying to be on the incognito side... and doesn't really know how to do that.

She's carrying a smartphone in her pocket, and a small led flashlight, likewise, she has a high-end nonprofessional film-based camera in her hoodie pocket. Finally, she's got a few pieces of pastels in her pocket that she'd forgotten to take out before she left their home.

Nearby, May is following along, her room mate for the last several weeks. "Mmmm, there used to be an arcade over on this end. I've never really been here, but the internet said it had plenty of attractions. Maybe some of the old machines still work, if they have any power. If the machines are even there. No real way to know until we get there!"

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Fleur is momentarily lost for words. She has heard plenty of derogatory comments before - but this... this... girl.
"I've heard of the Shirakawa, but I didn't think they'd breed a degenerate so bad she didn't even think to bring a flashlight to explore an abandoned building."
For some reason, her own words strike her as hilarious and Fleur starts to laugh, only slightly hysterically.

Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 0 ~ Trauma: 0 ~ Fate: 0

"So, is it just me, or did we manage to get ourselves lost in the mall?" Jo said as she looked towards her friend as she drew her hood a bit tighter around herself. "I mean, with all the other times we've been in here, you'd think we'd be better at going through this place without any problems."

Jo gazed around for a bit before giving a shrug. There would be a moment of silence as the burned girl looked around

"Oh well, I guess. It's warm enough. And I mean, we're obviously the first ones here. Maybe we can find something interesting!" Jo went to the one-way mirror, trying to avoid staring at her burns. "If nothing else, we have a good place to sleep tonight, right?"

Female Caucasian May Carmine Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 1 ~ Trauma: 1 ~ Fate: 0

May lags slightly behind Hashimoto to the western entrance as she examines the unfamiliar environment, she'd only recently moved to Obusa and had quickly learned that being an American could make her stand out quite a bit depending on the area.

Her attire is rather contradictory to her room mates with a white zip up jacket in place of a hoodie and a simple black duffle bag to Hashimoto's near childish pack.

"Something new for both of us I guess."

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Moe: 2 ~ Tsundere: 1 ~ Kuudere: 1

Rumors or no, the mall provided the best opportunity for free-running training in Obusa, and even though she was a capable enough traceur for most days & most situations complacency was a greater danger than trepidation.

North or South, East or West... The choices run through her mind as she cinches her pack tightly to her frame. Having divested herself of all electronics before leaving her parent's apartment to insure no distractions, Tracy was down to a set of comfortable if snug exercise clothes in dark, neutral colors. Fingerless gloves, a Utilitool strapped to her right forearm, and an old D cell police baton-style Maglight snugged between her back & the pack completed the 'kit'.

Sighing in rueful anticipation, she jogs through the promenade to the food court. Noting the arc of a flashlight's beam, Tracy refrains from pulling out & turning on her own as she slows down enough that her footfalls no longer echo.

"!?" She coughs into her right hand as she holds the other up to show she is no threat.

Cismale/Complicated SN Alex Brooke
Stat Block:
Hope: 4~Magic: 0~Trauma: 2~Fate: 3

The American sailor(Alex), civilian-clothes clad, peered at the door in front of him, oblivious to the presence of the diminutive girl with the doll in hand watching his actions.

"Seriously? Finally get leave and stopped by something holding the door shut? And why does it feel like something propped against the door rather than, I dunno, a lock, or chains, or something."

That does baffle him a bit as he watches a raven enter through a spot covered with a chunk of sheet metal. Sheet metal? Why use that when you could use plywood, or... hmmm.

The chiming does push the action, though. If pushing the door doesn't work, then what does *pulling* it do? No Midvale School for the Gifted here!. What Alex is referring to..

He doesn't linger long, though. If that doesn't seem immediately effective, he pulls out his sweatshirt and carefully places it around the rough edges of the sheet metal, so hopefully he won't cut his fingers or make too much noise pulling the metal piece free.

And hopefully the opening will be big enough with the removal of the metal, maybe?

Please don't make noise, please don't make noise...

Cloud Watcher Tenshi

Sora bobs her head a bit too enthusiastically, and then looks around to see if there was anything going on in the immediate vicinity. "Yup. I never did ask you if you liked spooky things. I know you've been all over the place... so have you ever been to any haunted houses? Does America have huge empty malls, too?"

Her footfalls are rhythmic, and slightly accentuated, her motions exaggerated, and though she occasionally double-checks her surroundings, she mostly alternates her attention between May and the mall up ahead. "Heh... even the moon is creepy, tonight."

Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 2 ~ Trauma: 2 ~ Fate: 1

The girl looks on watching as the man makes his move, wondering how she could get in with her diminutive size.

[Sheets] [Map]

The spoiler tags are more for organization than anything else, you’re all welcome to read it all if you’d like.

The door was once automatic, sliding out of the way easily, but the plexiglass is pasted over with brown paper. There isn’t a handle to pull, and it feels like the door would have swung open once upon a time, before whatever was propped against the inside was placed there. You can’t help but feel like this was done on purpose to create a tactical choke point. You hope you're not becomming one of those paranoid military men.

Tilting the sheet metal, you’re pretty sure you could make your way inside once the metal is out of the way, even if you might have to take off your pack and pull it through with you. As you haul on the metal, you feel the weight shift suddenly. You can let your sweater shred and let it get stuck under the sheet as it eases to the cement, or pull it away quick and let the metal make just a whole bunch of noise.

You see what happens to Alex. Also, you’re hiding in the shelter of a park-and-ride bus stop. The heavy metal bar that made the sign for the stop was bent off halfway up its height and the end lays at your feet. It’s roughly the length of a baseball bat. There is also a heavy pile of cable from god knows what where the seats once were in the shelter. The cable leads up and up and up to the roof of the mall. If you could pull it down from the roof of the shelter, you could lay it against the wall of the mall and climb up to the window on the second floor. Someone impossibly tall, like the American, could just pull it down. What do you do?

Fleur and Kiyomi:
The whisper of flapping wings heralds the entrance through the security grate of a raven: stark black even against the shadow. It circles the Grand Foyer in a lazy loop, cutting just below the awning of the carousel, and alighting on the head of a strangely backlit fiberglass horse. It gives the room a plaintiff look and a half-hearted caw, then takes off into the food court. What do either of you do?

You see what happens to Fleur and Kiyomi.

As the raven pinwheels past, you could swear you hear distant laughing and the following muttered phrase: “[...]the one that sees it sees, it sees what’s unseen and is seen to see it. The seer must see[...]

Then, you see what happens to Tracy. If you’re still alive, what do you do?

One moment you catch the attention of a terrified-looking girl, the next her head explodes in a flurry of black feathers. When the explosion blossoms into a raven performing a perfect barrel roll, your eyes adjust and the black bird veers into a small, empty food court stall. It dives into a small broken window and out of sight. The window is built into a door that’s been nailed shut. This stall was a batni shop that seemed like it closed before it opened. What do you do, if anything?

Jo and Alaina:
Before Joanne’s companion can make a response, a computer monitor on the other side of the mirror blinks to life, casting a light that alternates between magenta, cyan, and complete darkness like a strobe light. After a few seconds of flashing, the silhouette of a raven in flight blocks the screen for a few brief flashes, then disappears. You’re not sure if it’s a trick of the light, but you could swear you can see yourselves standing inside the room on the other side of the window, but what are you going to do about it?

May and Sora:
The arcade is in much worse shape than you expected. Although, from the prize hook machine that’s been put through the front window, you can’t tell how recently things went from bad to worse. Inside, the halls are lit by reflected moonlight. There are marks on the floor that suggest these walls were packed with game cabinets shoulder to shoulder, but now you’re lucky to see more than one in each of the short halls. With the mirrored walls bared, it would be very easy to get lost.

There’s one game you can see in the reflection of a reflection, disappearing around the corner just when you think you’ve made your way to it. You can tell it’s on and working- you’re almost certain you see someone playing it: a slight, somewhat short young man who you’d swear was a vampire if you weren’t certain you were looking at a reflection of him. He stands at the cabinet totally absorbed with the game. At a fork in the halls, you can see the working cabinet in one direction, and the broken down escalator and the exit deeper into the mall in the other. Who, if anyone, chases the will-o-the-wisp, and what are your reactions to this oddly specific light show?

You’re not sure how long it’s been, but you’re absolutely certain you’ve almost got the hang of this. You stand in front of a fully functional game cabinet which represents your life in high school. Everything about the game is a direct and obvious reference to your life, down to the title painted on the cabinet: “Miku-Chan High”. What game is it most like? It could be a mechanical game, like the claw machine or pachinko, or it could be a videogame, like a shooting gallery or joystick fighting game. Who from your past appears in the game, and what is your objective in playing it? What’s getting you stuck just before you win?

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Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 0 ~ Trauma: 0 ~ Fate: 0

"Well, that was... Was...." Jo broke out into a huge grin. As the 15-year-old continued to speak, her tone would get faster and faster, a common enough occurrence that signified that she was excited to her friend. "Absolutely AWESOME! Oh my god, there's so much cool stuff here! You gotta tell me you're seeing us there too, right?! I mean, what's a bird even doing in here? You'd think it'd be asleep by now, and besides, it's really kinda cramped in here for birdies. And I thought there wouldn't be any electricity here either since this place was abandoned, but boy did that computer prove me wrong! Ooooh, do you think that means there's a place where we could plug in a heater? I mean, sure we'd have to steal a heater first or something, but it'd be b**+~in' to actually have some real heat for a while! Do you think the police come by here at all to move out squatters? I don't think they would, since this place is a dump. But it's a perfectly good dump that we can make like our secret base or something! Oh my god, I am so happy we got lost now! This is, like, the best night ever!!!!"

Cloud Watcher Tenshi

Leaving her question hanging for just a moment before reaching the front, Sora tilts her head slightly before saying "何? (Nani?)" The obvious source of her confusion being the rather large machine that was more than a little out of place. "I wasn't expecting things to be quite so... bad. I'd expected lots of arcade machines to just be sitting unused... not for there to be so much... vandalized." she says, searching for the right word, before peering past the shattered window, she notes the silver mirrors, and the moonlight playing on not only the water, but also the walls. She shivers slightly, even though she's dressed in more warm clothing than she would normally be.

"Do you see that light up ahead? I don't think it's coming from the moon." she notes, nodding her head towards the differently-colored light. "I guess maybe they do have power. Want to go check it out?" she continues, but doesn't make the move to actually press forward, showing a bit of hesitation, now that they were closer to their goal of reaching the haunted mall.

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Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 2 ~ Trauma: 2 ~ Fate: 1

Sakura looks at the pipe at her feet then pulls her bag off her back and puts her doll in it. Absolutely determined not to go near the large man breaking into the mall she grabs the pipe and standing on her tiptoes she tries to work an end under the cable to pull it free.

Cismale/Complicated SN Alex Brooke
Stat Block:
Hope: 4~Magic: 0~Trauma: 2~Fate: 3

...either a tactical choke point, or someone was doing damage control to keep something *inside* from getting *outside*. God, I hope this place isn't radioactive or something... they'd have to post that and notify people if it were, right? No superhero origin stories tonight, okay? No cancer, either, okay?

Alex is able to rationalize the covering well enough, though the muttered swearing as the chunk of metal shreds and shears his old Basic training hoodie might carry a bit. The horrible grinding sound, though, is mitigated through the sacrifice as he carefully attempts to poke his way in, using the backpack in front of him, rather than behind. Provided there's no drop-off on the other side of the door, he will regroup on the other side with the flashlight from his backpack, popping it out and turning it on.

His sweatshirt gets one last mournful glance. Yep, that's shredded cloth right now, probably nothing left to even identify it as a former clothing item...

Moe: 2 ~ Tsundere: 1 ~ Kuudere: 1

Please tell me there isn't a headless corpse lying on the ground in front of me?..



As the transmogrification flashes before her, Tracy staggers back, ending in a crouch as instinctively she pulls out both her Utilitool & Maglight, thrusting them defensively between herself & whatever just happened.

Holy Crap!


Dedric flipped another page of the small book he was reading, the faint sound of water filled th air as he slowly walked home. After a day teaching and grading at Obusa’s University this is how he loved to relax, a good book and the fresh sounds of running water. He enjoyed it so much that he usually took the longer route avoiding Kirakira Bridge. The only real problem was the abandoned mall on the way. Not that he particularly disliked the looming building himself, he simply thought it was an abrupt cut to his relaxation cycle every night.

There it was, the large vaguely threatening building just up ahead. It was obviously not a safe place to be for anyone.

Dedric swayed his head in a disappointed motion as he remembered all those rumours flying around about the mall. What do people want? To endanger others? It was just ridiculous. His attention was once again on his book but as he flipped another page a glimmer of light caught him right in the corner of his eye.

He stopped, it had come from the mall but surely no one was in there. Squatters perhaps… or children lured by the promises in the rumours. He closed his book briskly. What if it were students? As a teacher he had a responsibility to them.

He placed his book in his small over the shoulder brown bag where he was reunited with other such tomes of English literature and a small wallet. Dedric checked his smartphone and after making sure he had plenty of battery he wandered in to the mall from the main Southern entrance, it looked dark inside but the phone should provide enough light to guide him.

Whoever was inside was clearly in a dangerous situation, sane adults would never go in and if they were children he as a teacher had a responsibility to them. That’s what he thought as he approached the mall’s doors.

Fleur watches the Raven's flight, she unstraps the torch and holds it out to Kiyomi with a smile.
"Perhaps we should follow it together? It seems fairly portentous, and I have no idea where we're supposed to be going."

Sovereign Court

Kiyomi Shirakawa
Hope: 3 ~ Magic: 3 ~ Trauma: 2 ~ Fate: 3

Kiyomi thinks for a moment before nodding in reply. Kiyomi has never been one for superstition and is fairly certain that the bird is just a bird, but if it is a good enough excuse for the other woman to hand over her flashlight then it is a worthwhile lead to follow. Certainly better than continuing to argue in the foyer.

Taking the flashlight for herself, Kiyomi proceeds towards the food court. She moves slowly, at least at first, unsure of how quickly her new companion can follow; Kiyomi had no intention of darting off as soon as she got the flashlight, that would just be rude.

[Sheets] [Map]

Miyako, Kiyomi, Fleur and Tracy are now in full view of each other. Miyako is fine physically, but she might be a bit traumatized if she's not now convinced she's dreaming or delirious. She's pretty sure she's exhibiting early symptoms of schizophrenia or PTSD... or there's a gas leak.

Dedric can see small figures walking past the derelict carousel and into the food court beyond. You could shout out to them, or simply observe.

You enter the bookstore, which is a mess of toppled shelves and moldering books. From where you are squatting now, there seem to be two navigable passages. One leads deeper into the bookcases, toward the blocked exit. The other path leads to the mall proper. Some of the books that litter the floor look like they've been torn open and shredded, probably by small animals. A display case in the center of the bookstore boasts a "new" manga release, something that actually interests you. What is the manga about, and what do you do?

the cable shakes free and you swear you can hear a chime. The cable slides against the ground, unraveling the coiled length until it lays flat against the wall. With your youthful physique, scaling the wall should be no problem, you've seen it on TV like a million times.

Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 2 ~ Trauma: 2 ~ Fate: 1

Sakura looks at the pipe and jams it between her back and her backpack intending to take it with her.

She looks up at it before looking at the easy entrance the large man made. She creeps to the opening and peers in.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cismale/Complicated SN Alex Brooke
Stat Block:
Hope: 4~Magic: 0~Trauma: 2~Fate: 3

Flashlight down to the right, away to the upper right, to the upper left, down to lower left, then center, slowly to not miss any details.

It wasn't the sort of thing that was really 'taught' to roving watch standers, more one of those things that one picked up over years of experience. Almost tedious in it's own way.

To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder... The bookstore is very much the epitome of 'disorder' as Alex walks through and to the display case, minding the step with the practiced ease of someone who's been through dozens if not hundreds of 'damage control' drills with the power out.

The case does get his attention.

In the theatre of the absurd, it'd be unlikely to expect to find such a thing so fittingly appropriate to his initial reason for being in here, but there it is, the second issue of a manga related to some sort of 'invasion of Earth' that was then repulsed by the brave and noble soldiers of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.

Huh. Didn't know they'd made this into a manga yet. Score, though!

He approached the case carefully, slowly, to appraise the cover thoughtfully. While theft is not a good thing, arguably this whole place could fall into the 'abandoned' category, and when things are abandoned the law is pretty clear on 'salvage' rights. At least in the States, and most international law stood on the side of 'possession being nine-tenths of the law'.

Since he has a moment or two, he attempts to recover the manga carefully, so as not to tear it or rip the potentially fragile tome. If he's successful, he'll stow that in his backpack and continue on into the mall with care.

Fleur follows Kiyomi as quietly as she can.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dedric rushed through the doors, if he wasn’t sure that there was someone in that mall before now he had no doubts.

The entrance to the mall looked worse than he thought it would. Overgrown and dark it was not an inviting place still he pressed on. As soon as he was in the large area before the derelict carousel he raised his voice to shout.

Excuse me.

Surprisingly only a meek sound escaped his throat. He took a step back shaking slightly.

What am I doing? I don’t know who is in here. I should think before engaging them. Excuse me but I don’t believe you should be in here. No, he shouldn’t be in there as well. Hey, this is a dangerous location. Please there is nothing to see here. That sounded better, a bit of concern might be accepted more readily than a brash confrontation.

Still he faltered. Who are these people? Was he even safe? Maybe he should just head back and leave them to whatever decisions they made. He took out his phone in one fluid motion. No, if these were students attracted by the rumours of a mysterious train they had to be warned for their own good. He had a responsibility.

As he moved forward with his phone’s light as guidance he repeated this mantra in his mind.

I have a responsibility. I have a…

He tensed up and raised his voice one more time, the sound that came out was barely above that of a normal conversation.

Excuse me. This is a dangerous location, please you must leave this place as soon as possible.

That was better, he noted, not good enough though.
He sighed and moved forward, he wasn’t sure if anyone heard him but whatever the case he had to reach them to be sure.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 1 ~ Trauma: 0 ~ Fate: 0

Seeing this arcade machine simulating what appears to be my adolescent years in secondary academy, I begin to quietly examine the workings of the game in its entirety(controls, monitor, coin deposit, etc.) Finding that it seemed to play like a game from my past, Mischief Makers.

As the head prefect in the school, I was commonly tasked with monitoring the main hall during class exchange. Most of the time I would have to stop kids from running or occasionally breakup a fight. So within the game I found myself doing the same as the main character would do within the game. Moving students from one place to the next to make achievements and answering various questions when purposed to me by the "Clanoid" students. I see that organization and analytical thinking seem to be the name of this game and not to brag but I tend to master such skill checks.

Getting to the boss battle with all its glory, like I've been waiting for this moment for years I sort of take a step back and think to myself that I now have gotten a little too engrossed in this game machine. Turning back to the game because of the music exuding begins to overwhelm my inward contemplation. With its final chime of terror she appears, my mother.

One look up at her and I freeze in terror as she lets out the words, "Why must you wear those pants and not a skirt Miku my daughter?" and at that moment I feel my heart begin to crumble with her disappointment. With this, the screen fades to black and I feel my conscientiousness being moved to a a familiar location. I open my eyes and I'm back to the starting point of which I begin, the main hall of my secondary academy.

Hope: 2 ~ Magic: 2 ~ Trauma: 1 ~ Fate: 1

Miyako jolted at the sudden cough, her attention turned from the south entrance where the eerie laugh had echoed from to the north. She whipped her flashlight about to find the origin, spotting the other girl a moment before the raven swooped passed her and the strange muttering fills her ears. She scrambles away from the bird, slamming her back into the wall as she swings her light about frantically between Tracy and where she last saw the raven, reaching into her pack to pull her hard hat free and covering her head.

As two more people moved into view, she aimed the light at them as well, shaking in terror as she's practically surrounded. She shoves her hand into her hoodie pocket, trying to pull the can of mace free, only to drop it on the floor. She snatches it back up as quickly as she can and brandishes it next to her light. "Why are th-there others here!? No one sh-should be here! Whoever's wh-whispering, it's n-not funny!"

[Sheets] [Map]

I think I have a solution for this...

When you turn to speak to your companion, she is no longer in the hall with you. The image of her remains in the flickering two-way mirror, tugging on your reflection's hand. As your eyes meet with those of your reflection, her face stretches into a wicked smile and she brandishes a long, curved knife. As she turns to face your frantic friend, the light in the adjoining room goes out.

The flashing lights triggered something deep in your lizard brain, and before you know what you are doing, you are running through poorly lit halls, up and down narrow staircases. Before long, the edges of your vision begin to fade. A pain in your chest tells you you've been holding your breath. As you stumble to a stop to breathe, you find yourself in a small storage room full of mostly empty shoe boxes. There is a dark corridor that leads out in two directions and a small door with a poster of a smiley face that seems to lead into the shoe store.

Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 2 ~ Trauma: 2 ~ Fate: 1

Sakura watches the man and thinks he's there for much the same reason as she is. Rather than go near him she elects to go back over to the cable and climb it.

Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 0 ~ Trauma: 0 ~ Fate: 0

Jo's smile froze on her face at the odd sight unfolding in front of her, and she would be quiet for a long moment.

"Uhhhhhh..... You know what, I think I maaaaaayyyy have to take back the good things I said about this place. Also, if this is a joke, it's really not funny. Impressive, because I have no idea how you set this up, but totally not funny. So if you're hiding somewhere, come out please?"

Sovereign Court

Kiyomi Shirakawa
Hope: 3 ~ Magic: 3 ~ Trauma: 2 ~ Fate: 3

"Quite the crowd seems to have gathered tonight." Kiyomi had not planned for this; there were too many people here, and too many people have a habit of causing too many problems. She had lucked out on the fact that her parents were absent on business today and could not keep track of her, but if she stayed out too long even the most absentminded of her maids might become suspicious.

Unable to think of a good way of dealing with the stammering girl, Kiyomi decided to turn her attention to the older man. "My business is my business, and you shall have no part in it. The better question is why you would think to step out of the shadows and surprise a group of innocent young maidens. Awfully suspicious of you, creeping around like that. Are you some kind of pervert?" This line of questioning usually either sent men packing or proved them to actually be a pervert, in which case Kiyomi enjoyed the opportunity to tase them repeatedly. That was one tool she always had on her person, and she did not need to check to ensure it was there.

Moe: 2 ~ Tsundere: 1 ~ Kuudere: 1

As these two begin their argument, Tracy eases back to assume a slightly more relaxed posture as she turns herself in a complete circle to further asses the immediate area. Relief at the realization that the impression of a girl's head exploding before her was simply a trick of perception turns to concern as the girl in question shows indications of severe emotional distress.

"Hey, HEY," she slides the Utilitool back into it's place on her forearm, "it's just some creepy birds. Creepy, not dangerous." Tracy murmurs as calmingly as she is able.

Female Caucasian May Carmine Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 1 ~ Trauma: 1 ~ Fate: 0
Hashimoto Sora wrote:
"何? (Nani?)"

May looks at her with a slight confusion, her Japanese wasn't quite on par with a native speaker yet.

Hashimoto Sora wrote:
"I wasn't expecting things to be quite so... bad. I'd expected lots of arcade machines to just be sitting unused... not for there to be so much... vandalized."

"Now that you see a lot of in America, Vandalism that is."

Hashimoto Sora wrote:
"Do you see that light up ahead? I don't think it's coming from the moon." she notes, nodding her head towards the differently-colored light. "I guess maybe they do have power. Want to go check it out?" she continues, but doesn't make the move to actually press forward, showing a bit of hesitation, now that they were closer to their goal of reaching the haunted mall.

May shrugs and starts to follow it."It' what we came here for isn't it?"

While she wasn't sure what was causing the strange light she wasn't a very superstitious person leaving her with little to fear.

Sovereign Court

Hope: 0 Magic: 0 Trauma: 0 Fate: 0
Glorious Warrior Damoclese wrote:
"This is, like, the best night ever!!!!"

She agreed eagerly, nodding and pulling out her stolen dry erase board and writing quickly, drawing a raven to show she'd seen it too. "I think I know where we can get a heater, but I like being out of the wind the most!"

Then the world changed and Alaina didn't know what to do except run and run until she couldn't anymore. Seeing the strange face on the sign, smiling at her, she felt this weird desire to go in and explore. Never knew what could be in a place. Maybe Jo was there!

[Sheets] [Map]

In a maneuver that has your parents, teachers, and ancestors screaming in their sleep, you pull yourself up to the second floor window and swing inside. You avoid, as the young so often do, all of the several ways you almost died.

When you get to your feet inside, four brightly colored spotlights crack on in short succession, creating a pool a brilliant white light that follows you around the room. You are standing at the far end of a clothing store; although, you don't see much in the way of clothing. Mannequins stand at even intervals on either side of the clear and open path through the store to the rest of the mall. The rest of the shop has shelves and racks scattered about which would block the spotlights, but you aren't sure if there will be a clear path to the exit. In the dark, the mannequins' eye sockets are hooded in shadow and seem to follow you as closely as the spotlight. What do you do?

You enter the east wing of the shopping mall. There is a small cluster of coin-operated children's rides and candy machines here by the bookstore, and most of the shops are closed off with metal curtains. One storefront in the north wall is open and lit from within. You can’t see inside from the empty window displays, but you do see movement inside. Another open storefront on the south side appears to have been broken into with explosives. The linoleum floor has been pulled up and it seems the cement foundation has burst up from the ground. The result is an intriguing, but not quite inviting hole in the ground that appears to lead into a basement. Near the end of the wing there is a wide, spiraling ramp to the second floor. You can see motion in the grand foyer beyond, but an overgrown aluminum gate has been pulled across the intervening space. What would you like to do?

Sure thing babe.” A man in a crimson, double-breasted jacket now stands under the exit sign. His dress and the unfocused look in his black eyes make him look like the CEO of a chain of head shops. His wild black hair stands out in a swept-back style, and he is carrying a black cane which he uses to push the file cabinet aside as if brushing a pillow out of his way. The cane returns to the floor with a clack, and the man cups the handle of the cane in black gloved hands that creak as he flexes his fingers within the leather.

What d’ya need? I can’t exactly stay for long, and I can’t say I’ve given you my undivided attention.” So, uhm, what did you want to ask him?

You push open the door, and on the other side you find an entire clan of elves… brownies? Some kind of tiny, furred people who are systematically packing shoes into shoe boxes and shelving them. When the door opens fully, it sets off a tiny bell and every eye in the room turns to you and they all freeze. They. Are. Adorable. What do you do?

Rainbow Rumpus Party Town:
Y’all have enough to deal with without me intervening. Please, continue to percolate your social dynamics. =D

Hiro, May, Sora:
You’re feeling the frustration mounting, Hiro. You’ve thrown the last three attempts just to vent some stress. The game reloads one more time and as you leap to the second floor to escort your first little clay dude, you find in his place a pair of young women stepping out of a bright white doorway.

May and Sora, you turn another corner, and the building seems to open up into a surrealist hellscape of school hallways built from multicolored blocks. Your clothes have changed slightly, changing from modern hoodies to black and white school uniforms. You also find simple white masks perched on your heads like those worn by shy guys. The young man before you is dressed in some kind of mecha suit and his eyes have a glazed cast to them.

Before the three of you can properly react, the shadow of a bird passing overhead catches your attentions. The raven circles once, and you all can hear a faint whisper of “shake-shake-shake” as three jet black feathers fall gently to the floor.

You are all standing in a school hall. There are many classes on either side of the hall, and small pots are arranged in alternating corners as if they were trash cans. Hiro, you know the way to the boss, but you also know you need some kind of power-up or weapon to take her down this time, and you have a feeling a few Clanoids and feathers aren’t quite going to cut it. What will you do to prepare? Sora and May, What's up with this guy?

Cloud Watcher Tenshi

Arcade/Game Time

Sora didn't really understand the confusion in regards to what she'd said... as it had been mostly an automatic response, having simply said the equivalent of 'what?' in surprise.

Sora, on the other hand, was superstitious. Or at least enough to be afraid of the unknown. She started to move forward, quietly, trying to reach the light... and then realized that they were effectively inside of a fun house.

After a bit of effort, she finally discovered the young - or was he impossibly old? - man standing before the machine. She wasn't certain of what to do, and paused for a moment, before remembering May following behind her. She didn't want to act afraid in front of her, so she pressed onwards, slowly making her way through the the arcade. When her two paths diverged, she took the path that lead to the person... rather than up the stairs, at least for now.

And then the scene changes, once more, just as suddenly as the first.

Sora appears confused for a moment, the confusion not taking long to become no small amount of panic. A breeze on her legs makes her notice that she's no longer wearing pants which for her was the first indication that she was now in a schoolgirl uniform. Which was quite assuredly going to blow her cover. But... more importantly, how did her clothes simply change?

Then she notices the young man who's transformed as well into some sort of half-robot... thing, and takes an involuntary step back. Then she hears the flutter of wings and snaps her head in that direction, as the black bird flutters nearby. She didn't at all like what was going on.

She positions herself between May and the person Hiro, perhaps uselessly. "Ano... what's going on? Where have you taken us? Where'd you put our clothes?"

Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 2 ~ Trauma: 2 ~ Fate: 1

Sakura stares at the lights and disturbingly eyeless mannequins for a minute before running out of the store and onto the second floor walkway. Tell me about it.I watched my niece fall off a couch as a toddler onto her head and her neck just bent wrong. She got up to go play while I tried not to have a heart attack.

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