
Cresting Tide Naiad's page

269 posts. Alias of Wei Ji the Learner.


SN Alex Brooke

Stat Block:
Hope: 4~Magic: 0~Trauma: 2~Fate: 3



About Cresting Tide Naiad

What does being a girl mean to you?
*Having to work harder, it's not a bed of roses. EditRoses are too gentle, even with their thorns.*

What are you most afraid of?
*If no one too many people try to take charge, we lose. Responsibility like that is terrifying. I hope I don't have to be the leader to get them all in line, but I'll do it if I have to.

What is your dearest wish?
*To be back to 'normal' when this is all done, without punishment *I need to find out more about Diamond Sovereign. If she *IS* my sister, I *have* to protect her!

A twisted wish!
*Feed on the impurity of others. Who would have thought purifying the blackest desires, thoughts, and actions would be so... invigorating?

Original appearance: Neatly trimmed black-haired Caucasian sailor clad in painfully obvious tropical shirt and khaki shorts with tennis shoes, average weight, about 6' tall, dark brown eyes.

Base appearance post-MG change: 16 yr. old Asiatic girl with shoulder-length turquoise hair, green eyes, wearing a navy blue serafuku.

Rough idea of appearance

An older, more primitive picture

Color: Navy Blue

Theme: Aquatic

Magical Name: Cresting Tide Naiad

Pre-MG Name: Seaman Alex Brooke, U.S.S. Pioneer (MCM-9), minesweeper stationed in a nearby port.

Post-MG 'mundane' Name: Pending

Proposed MG Form Appearance Shift changes: Hair becomes shorter (from shoulder-length to very short), takes on Navy blue hue from turquoise 'normal' look, eyes go dark blue, body becomes much more 'streamlined' for aquatic activity (Flatter features, slight webbing between the digits), the clothes going from normal to 'sleek/swimming' outfit. Trident may or may not be a thing.