Going out of Business (Inactive)

Game Master subway rat

If you're here say "here"

Silver Crusade


Benlei reporting for duty.

Also, "Here"


Present and willing! Err..."Here!"

Hey Jonny, Panic, this is actually a recruitment thread for part of a campaign of sorts found here : Pathfinder Endless Encounters

I invite you both to head over there. This particular encounter is open to level 1's so feel free to submit a character and join us!

I've started the gameplay thread, so go while we wait for others, check it out.

And like Withal said, make a character for Endless Encounters and come on back.

Here and I am writing more words to the forum will take my post.

Here. Where do i post my char sheet? Can i just have in the text box of my profile?

Yep, that's what the rest of us do :)

Still room for one more? Here!

And that looks like 5. Good enough. I'm closing application so we can get started. If Jonny or Pathetic get character sheets up in the next day they can slip in as well. Here's the roster:

Benlei lvl 2 (ooo, level in Paladin now I see. Interesting)
Withal lvl 2
Tagatha lvl 3
Shalin lvl 1
Jarcaranda lvl 1

Welcome. I hope you all have fun. The action will happen in "Gameplay", but I might post maps in "Campaign Info" for easy access.

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