(4) New Orleans by Night (Shadowrun) (Inactive)

Game Master mdt

Legality Codes

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Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

If you want, dot the game play thread, but delete the post once you do so it's not cluttered up. You may continue to talk about character creation in the recruitment thread. Discussion thread should be reserved for things other than the character creation.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Ok folks, please check in here with your alias's as your characters are done. I'd like to start this week.

For those that didn't use the program, I will need to put your characters in the program to double check them. Please make sure you send me your character if you haven't already (complete with equipmetn spent!).

If you did it in the program, and haven't already, make sure you get me the file asap.

Female Japanese Human-looking Elf | Phys: 4.12.5, Ment: 4.6.5 | R|I 11+2d6 (00) | Pools: Cmbt/Ctrl 11/11 | Stun 00, Phys 00: Conscious, -0 | Armor: 6/3,+1 | SCR 0, NOT -2, PBA -2; Good Looking & Knows It, Good Rep (Nawlins Fixers/Johnsons) | Dmg,Conc: HP: 9M,6/9; LP: 10D Stun (Silnc.),7/10; Katana 9S,5/7; Wakizashi 8S,6/9; Tanto 8M,8/12, Hardl. 5M Stun,9/13 | Wt: 30.4 | Fake SIN: 6, $3026; 2, $149; Cert. Cred $200; Cash $67
Active (+1D): Edged 5,-1TN; Unarmed 5; Pistols 5,sg; Stealth 5; Athletics 3; Bike 4*; Social -4/-3 TN: Etiq 4; Negot 4; KS: Current Events 4; Police/Sec Proc. 5; InterCorp Poli 5; NOLA Area 4; NOLA Waters 3

I's all done!! I hope. Though I am tempted to load up the 'clothing' stuff ... ;)

Hm. 250 characters per section; put up in order of Gender, Race, Classes/Levels.

Listener: Human Male Magician
Condition Monitor:
No Damage
Armor (B: 7, I: 3, NC: 1) // REA: 5 INIT: 1d6 // Pools: Combat (8), Spell (6), Astral Combat (9) // Social: CHA 6, Etiquette 6, Good Looking and Knows It

All set and ready to roll.

Female Japanese Human-looking Elf | Phys: 4.12.5, Ment: 4.6.5 | R|I 11+2d6 (00) | Pools: Cmbt/Ctrl 11/11 | Stun 00, Phys 00: Conscious, -0 | Armor: 6/3,+1 | SCR 0, NOT -2, PBA -2; Good Looking & Knows It, Good Rep (Nawlins Fixers/Johnsons) | Dmg,Conc: HP: 9M,6/9; LP: 10D Stun (Silnc.),7/10; Katana 9S,5/7; Wakizashi 8S,6/9; Tanto 8M,8/12, Hardl. 5M Stun,9/13 | Wt: 30.4 | Fake SIN: 6, $3026; 2, $149; Cert. Cred $200; Cash $67
Active (+1D): Edged 5,-1TN; Unarmed 5; Pistols 5,sg; Stealth 5; Athletics 3; Bike 4*; Social -4/-3 TN: Etiq 4; Negot 4; KS: Current Events 4; Police/Sec Proc. 5; InterCorp Poli 5; NOLA Area 4; NOLA Waters 3

This kind of popped into my head as I was thinking about if/how we all knew each other; it's the 'end' of the run just previous to the first one of this game.

End of the Line:

There was silence when Shugyōsha, still wet from the Lake, finally walked into the rendezvous point, the back room at a gin joint called Like A Fish. They'd arranged its use through one of Selachii's acquantances, a decker whose name he'd so far refused to tell the group; no specifics, only that it was to be open for use by a certain individual at a certain time. Of course Selachii'd arrived first, having finished his intrusion via a flophouse two blocks over; after that, it was just a matter of letting the rest in through the back door after confirming their facial IDs and recognition gestures through the security cameras.

"So," she said, placing a knapsack as soaked as she was onto the table at the center of the room. "I've clearly been out of the loop. Can anyone tell me what happened?"

The silence extended for a moment, until Redline spoke up. "I think Manfred went into this one looking for a fight."

"So he had to take Claudius with him?"

"You know Claudius had a mad-on for Southern Pharmaceuticals, Shu," said the only man in the room. "He was rarin' to go on this one."

"He was a mage, g!+!&#mit, trained at MIT&T, not some two-bit wiz-ganger!!" It wasn't often that Shugyōsha's temper flared. "He had more willpower and discipline that this!!"

Wraith snorted. "Clearly not."

Shugyōsha gave her a dirty look. "So what went down after we parted ways? All I caught was a six-second clip of a Wolverine Security helo putting four missiles into the air and blowing Manfred the hell out of the water."

It was Redline who replied. "We got out pretty clean. Between Cloudy and Wraith keeping up suppressive fire on anything that moved, my grenades when we needed 'em, and Selachii opening and closing doors for us, I got the charges planted pretty much to the Johnson's spec - max chaos and destruction, minimum loss of life. Once we were out, I started triggering them, and security lost interest in us - gave us time to get to the 'Rover and get the hell out. I saw the Wolverine helo go overhead about three minutes later, but it didn't look like it was headed for SouPharm. What happened on your end?"

"Once we split up after getting that," Shugyōsha said with a strong tone of disgust in her voice, gesturing at the soaked sack, "Claudius and I made noise on our way out the back, just as planned, to give you four time for the third floor charges. Manfred came roaring up, giving us cover fire as we ran down to the end of the pier; perfect timing on his part, letting us run right onto the boat without missing a step. He and Claudius raked the SouPharm boats as we left, doing some damage to them but not, you know, completely out of order. They were ... I think a hundred and fifty yards back when we turned the corner and I went over the side. I was fifteen feet down and forty feet to the side when SouPharm went by. The plan was --"

"-- for Manfred and Claudius to duck into the Clairmont Marina, Claudius to call up the water elemental he bound last night," interrupted Selachii, "kill their forward momentum, still their wake, and turn them around so they appear to be puttering out of the place. From what I can piece together" - the decker was clearly plugged in and sifting through news reports - "they did that, but instead of keeping a low profile, they blew the SouPharm boat out of the water at point-blank range as it was going by, then went back for another pass on the back of the building. Wolverine was on their way by that point, and ..."

"... blew them out of the water in time for the Eleven O'Clock News," finished the Japanese female with a sigh. "Lo, the fruits of an obsession." She rubbed her face with both hands, clearly thinking through what came next. "Selachii, you said you knew a mage, a runner. Would he --"

"Not available," replied the decker. "On a job in Baton Rouge."

"Well. As much as I don't like going to a meet without mage backup --"

"I know a mage."

All eyes turned to Redline. "Seriously?"

"Yah. He's been, um ..." Redline almost seemed embarrassed. "Crashing on my couch. Just for a couple days ..."

"Uh-huh," Cloudy said with the most absolutely straightest face imagineable.

"He is!!" she shot back. "Anyhow, he's kinda ... um, laying low for a bit. So he might be willing to provide backup."

"And my roommate's available," piped up Wraith.

"What, Hepcat again??" asked Shugyōsha with exasperation. "C'mon, Wraith, he's --"

"-- green, fresh, wet behind the ears as much as you are right now," replied the cybered-up street-rat hotly, "but he knows his machines and he's willing to work and he can handle a gun and we don't know where Manfred kept his cars and we need the cover."

Shugyōsha closed her eyes and leaned forward against the table, pressing her palms flat against it for a long moment. "Fine," she said, straightening up. "Redline, go pick up your couch surfer, your Ares MP, and one of those anti-personnel cluster rockets you told me you have stashed, and go find us a nice quiet lonely place to set up - do it fast, and tell Selachii when you've found it. I want a vehicle-accessable area with no aerial access. Selachii, your Jackrabbit's nearby? Selachii!!"

Pulled out of his news surfing by the snap in her voice, he looked up. "Huh?"

"Is your Jackrabbit nearby?"


"Good. Get down to the Red Floor, ask Red to use the porta-potty. It's the code of the week, she'll let you into her back area, it's got a rerouted land line. Take Wraith, drop her off at home; Wraith, call Hepcat on your way. If he's not home you get him on the line and have him meet you there. Selachii, once you get set up, you're our hub - comms through you, let us know where to go."

The decker nodded, closing up shop. "You want eyes on the traffic cams around the area?"

"Yeah, to let us know when and how the J's on his way. Cloudy, when you get the call from Selachii, you call up the J and tell him where."

The black adept nodded. "How long?"

"Minimum thirty minutes, maximum forty-five - hit it on the quarter-hour. Call me after, I'll pick you up on my way. Just you and me in the circle this time. Redline, you set yourself and your mage up in the shadows; I want spell defense up on Cloudy and I, and if he can hide you and him, so much the better. Wraith, long-gun with a different angle than Redline, no more than two-thirds of the way across the circle - I want you ready to play pin-the-tail on the Johnson's brain until everything's clear. Hepcat has a car with clearance and some armor on it?"

Wraith nodded, her eyes a little wide at Shugyōsha's rapid-fire orders.

"Good. He's inside the car, inside the circle. If he's got guns on the thing, I want them hid but warmed up and ready to rock."

"All right."

"What's the plan, then?" asked Cloudy.

"That," said Shugyōsha, pointing at the backpack, "isn't drop-breakable, but it's not what I'd call durable. If it drops in the pot, we toss the damn thing at the slickest of the J's bodyguards, Johnson gets one in the brain-pan courtesy of Wraith, you and I go under Hepcat's car or truck or whatever he's got as Redline puts her anti-personnel shot onto the J's car - scythe city, probably take out the package to boot. Redline's couch-surfer does whatever he can to help out, then you and I roll back out and clean up the mess while Hepcat and Redline put down any heavy opposition. Any questions?"

"Pretty straight up, Shu," replied Redline. "What're you gonna do between now and then?"

"Me?" The Japanese round-ear elf lifted, then shook her hands, flicking water everywhere.

"I'm gonna go get into some dry f#*$ing clothes."

@Suki, sounds good gives us a little bit of history.

Female Japanese Human-looking Elf | Phys: 4.12.5, Ment: 4.6.5 | R|I 11+2d6 (00) | Pools: Cmbt/Ctrl 11/11 | Stun 00, Phys 00: Conscious, -0 | Armor: 6/3,+1 | SCR 0, NOT -2, PBA -2; Good Looking & Knows It, Good Rep (Nawlins Fixers/Johnsons) | Dmg,Conc: HP: 9M,6/9; LP: 10D Stun (Silnc.),7/10; Katana 9S,5/7; Wakizashi 8S,6/9; Tanto 8M,8/12, Hardl. 5M Stun,9/13 | Wt: 30.4 | Fake SIN: 6, $3026; 2, $149; Cert. Cred $200; Cash $67
Active (+1D): Edged 5,-1TN; Unarmed 5; Pistols 5,sg; Stealth 5; Athletics 3; Bike 4*; Social -4/-3 TN: Etiq 4; Negot 4; KS: Current Events 4; Police/Sec Proc. 5; InterCorp Poli 5; NOLA Area 4; NOLA Waters 3

Well, only if everyone's okay with it. ;) But it begged to be written.

Great start Suki! Love the reaction HepCat get from her!! He is a bit of an weird-o! I picture him as a combination of Marlon Brando/James Dean and Donald Sutherland's character Oddball from Kelly's Heroes. Add in a big dose of beatnik influence and shake well...volia! HepCat.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

And how does Cowboy figure in?

Listener: Human Male Magician
Condition Monitor:
No Damage
Armor (B: 7, I: 3, NC: 1) // REA: 5 INIT: 1d6 // Pools: Combat (8), Spell (6), Astral Combat (9) // Social: CHA 6, Etiquette 6, Good Looking and Knows It

I'm pretty strongly against posting in-character for other people. Especially before they've found a "voice" of their own. Though, of course, as my character isn't represented, I have no real objections.

I'm all for establishing some working relationships and how people will interact before the game starts. With that said, I caution against one person establishing them. Usually these things grow organically and it'll be tough to maintain one person's idea longer than the first "real" interaction. But, as noted, I don't have a stake in this, so I'll leave it up to the other players.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Fiction is fiction. I'm fine with that piece since it just (sort of) establishes his presence, though meeting up post-run is something that (I thought) was not done for a couple of days, but it could have been a rush job.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Ok, I'm totaled on sleep tonight. I'll get Cloudy and MeMori into SR3 tomorrow, and double check everyone next week. I'll start tomorrow. If I find anything in the audits, I'll get you to tweak things.

Female Japanese Human-looking Elf | Phys: 4.12.5, Ment: 4.6.5 | R|I 11+2d6 (00) | Pools: Cmbt/Ctrl 11/11 | Stun 00, Phys 00: Conscious, -0 | Armor: 6/3,+1 | SCR 0, NOT -2, PBA -2; Good Looking & Knows It, Good Rep (Nawlins Fixers/Johnsons) | Dmg,Conc: HP: 9M,6/9; LP: 10D Stun (Silnc.),7/10; Katana 9S,5/7; Wakizashi 8S,6/9; Tanto 8M,8/12, Hardl. 5M Stun,9/13 | Wt: 30.4 | Fake SIN: 6, $3026; 2, $149; Cert. Cred $200; Cash $67
Active (+1D): Edged 5,-1TN; Unarmed 5; Pistols 5,sg; Stealth 5; Athletics 3; Bike 4*; Social -4/-3 TN: Etiq 4; Negot 4; KS: Current Events 4; Police/Sec Proc. 5; InterCorp Poli 5; NOLA Area 4; NOLA Waters 3

Re: End of the Line:

Me'mori wrote:
Fiction is fiction. I'm fine with that piece since it just (sort of) establishes his presence ...

That's pretty much what I was going for - presence, writing the other PCs as their backgrounds and discussions about them have brought them to my mind - Selachii as someone more concerned about the Matrix and the flow of information, secretive about 'his' stuff; Cloudy as quiet, watchful, but with a fast hand and a subtle sense of humor (at least when on a run - though sorry for not getting his Choctaw/Creole heritage right); Redline a little manic but focussed when she has explosions to make happen; Wraith something of a 'lost orphan' sort despite her implants who has incredible potential, but who hasn't had it trained/used properly up until now.

It's fiction, not in-character posting for other people; it's my impressions of their characters. Considering we've been going at this for three weeks, I think the other players have their characters' voices kind of clear in their heads; the 'why do you run' is sure to have helped that, and IMO everyone gave some pretty darn good writing in regards to it. And while it does establish some amount of power dynamic, in part with Shugyōsha being the 'mastermind' sort who's assembling the plans and directing the others, if someone else wants to take that point by all means.

I'm a 'everyone gets time in the spotlight at least once a game' sort of player and GM. Some of my characters in the past have been designed to do nothing but enable other players to really shine when they're in the spotlight; while I don't think Suki is (entirely) one such, I'm not one to whine and b@~~~ when someone does something I can't (or even something I can). At the same time, I at least like to think I hit everyone's high-point skills and whatnot. And, like I said, only if everyone's okay with it. If one of the five people I proposed as being part of 'that team' doesn't like it, than we all meet for the first time at the start of the run. I'm not going to shove a piece of writing I found fun to put together down someone else's throat.

-HepCat- wrote:
Love the reaction HepCat get from her!!

I actually had the idea in the back of my head that Wraith has been trying to get Hepcat 'hired on', at least as a second-stringer, by Shu for a while - that several times when Manfred needed help, Wraith would pipe up that Hepcat was available, but Shu would still go with someone 'with more experience' or something. In the piece, she's accepting Hepcat because she's pressed for time and she doesn't have many options.

mdt wrote:
And how does Cowboy figure in?

Didn't have a clear read on how he would be 'related' to anyone, as it were, except perhaps for Listener - friend of a friend, or friend of the family, or something. If given an actual 'how are you going to involve Cowboy in this story' request, I'd say that when Redline gets home, she discovers Listener talking to Cowboy in her place - that Cowboy heard of the problems his old Army/Texas Ranger/whatever buddy / son of his buddy (or whatever) was in, and tracked him down to help him out. Of course he's going to come 'ride shotgun' with Listener to make sure he doesn't get hurt - and who knows, maybe he'd help out too.

Me'mori wrote:
... though meeting up post-run is something that (I thought) was not done for a couple of days, but it could have been a rush job.

Depends on the run. Generally, though, you want to arrange for the exchange as quickly as possible, to give the opposition (i.e. the people you stole it from) the smallest window possible to intercept the package, not quite enough time for the Johnson to be able to set up the way Shu has everyone set up in the story, but just enough time for your team to do so. Once the MacGuffin is transferred to the Johnson, and presuming the J doesn't screw you over (which, really, I seriously hope our Js don't - because I am not the sort of runner who goes out of their way to try to screw -him- over) then the runners are no longer important, and can vanish back into the shadows.

A good benchmark is 6 hours after the time of the run, +/- 3 hours. With SouPharm, I had a mental image that what 'the package' was was both a) moderately fragile and b) required refrigeration of some sort, so the longer it was out of its 'coolant system' thing, the more likely it was going to warm to the point of disintegration. :P :) So they wanted to get it out of their hands and into the Johnson's as soon as possible.

Armour Bo5/6 Ba7 I3 | Combat 9 | Rea 9+1d6 |

Mm seems like a nice scene anyhow, can't really fault it : )

But I do think I'd envision Redline to be a more of the *nudge nudge wink wink* type of character rather then 'whaaaa what are you saying?!'. But we could chalk that one up to stress or something. Or maybe he us just that cute :P

Armour Bo5/6 Ba7 I3 | Combat 9 | Rea 9+1d6 |

@Meeting J after a run - My experience is typically like this: if you have an actual thing to turn over, do that quickly. If not, you can typically afford to lay low a little bit.

Dark Archive

Android Op 3 | HP 22/22 SP: 14/21 RP: 7/7 |  EAC: 19 KAC: 19 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8 | F: +1 R: +7 W: +3 | Atk:+7/d6+1

I liked it.

Hehe. "Clearly not." Ya, I totes woulda' said that. =)

Listener: Human Male Magician
Condition Monitor:
No Damage
Armor (B: 7, I: 3, NC: 1) // REA: 5 INIT: 1d6 // Pools: Combat (8), Spell (6), Astral Combat (9) // Social: CHA 6, Etiquette 6, Good Looking and Knows It

Cowboy and HepCat are tied together, not Cowboy and Listener. There was some discussion about tying all three together, but Listener is coming in through Redline (via a friend of Redline.) But the same idea works there to bring Cowboy in.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3
Shugyosha / Suki wrote:
(End of the Line)

You're more or less on point with Selachii, one thing that it doesn't look like you're incorporating is that he's from Seattle, so he'd have more Japanese to his culture and mannerisms.

I'm thinking much like his Matrix Persona (and soon-to-be-made Reality Filter), he's kind of like a swimming shark: Calm, often in control, often as precise as needed to prevent misunderstandings, especially when it comes to work.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Everyone, if you have situational edges (Good Rep for example), you need to put in your alias who that good rep is with. Use the following format :

Good Rep (or whatever) : -2 Etiquette Dealing with New Orleans Elf Poser Gangs (Or East Bank Gangs, etc).

Replace the {'s with ['s and the }'s with ]'s obviously.

M Roleplayer 25 / GM 8 / Writer 18 - Neutral Annoyed - Atlanta, GA - SA: Punctuation, Spelling, Sentence Structure


Good Rep is non-situational, more along the lines of 'people who have heard of you'. But will 'Shadow Operators' - meaning fixers, mechanics, armorers, Mr. Johnsons (at least the professional ones) and those sort of people be okay?

Sorry...did not mean to post last message to Game page....will try to do better in future

Wraith, do you wish to arrive with HepCat? We can write our own entry, but if you come with him, then I can reference it...thats all...same with Roy.

Dark Archive

Android Op 3 | HP 22/22 SP: 14/21 RP: 7/7 |  EAC: 19 KAC: 19 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8 | F: +1 R: +7 W: +3 | Atk:+7/d6+1

Yes I do! =)

Female Japanese Human-looking Elf | Phys: 4.12.5, Ment: 4.6.5 | R|I 11+2d6 (00) | Pools: Cmbt/Ctrl 11/11 | Stun 00, Phys 00: Conscious, -0 | Armor: 6/3,+1 | SCR 0, NOT -2, PBA -2; Good Looking & Knows It, Good Rep (Nawlins Fixers/Johnsons) | Dmg,Conc: HP: 9M,6/9; LP: 10D Stun (Silnc.),7/10; Katana 9S,5/7; Wakizashi 8S,6/9; Tanto 8M,8/12, Hardl. 5M Stun,9/13 | Wt: 30.4 | Fake SIN: 6, $3026; 2, $149; Cert. Cred $200; Cash $67
Active (+1D): Edged 5,-1TN; Unarmed 5; Pistols 5,sg; Stealth 5; Athletics 3; Bike 4*; Social -4/-3 TN: Etiq 4; Negot 4; KS: Current Events 4; Police/Sec Proc. 5; InterCorp Poli 5; NOLA Area 4; NOLA Waters 3

I'd like a clear vote - from everyone, actually - on whether or not the 'End of the Line' fiction is 'canon' for us. Note that it has to be a unanimous 'yes'.

If so, then it can be assumed that HepCat and Listener were 'invited' to the meet that followed, and I would presume that Cowboy pushed his way in by 'coming along' with HepCat and Wraith. (In which case Listener would have gotten different - private - instructions from Shu.) I'd like to know, because it changes how Shugyōsha reacts, specifically in this instance to Cowboy. It also would suggest that the call came in to one of us with a Fixer for a contact - Cloudy or Shugyōsha.

If not, then we're all strangers to each other, and Shugyōsha reacts - to both Cowboy and Cloudy - in a completely different way.

Im fine with it being cannon.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

The GM has no vote in this, it's strictly up to the characters.

Sounds good for me too! Just being polite in the restaurant, then.

I liked it, so a yes for me

Dark Archive

Android Op 3 | HP 22/22 SP: 14/21 RP: 7/7 |  EAC: 19 KAC: 19 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8 | F: +1 R: +7 W: +3 | Atk:+7/d6+1

Why not? =)

Listener: Human Male Magician
Condition Monitor:
No Damage
Armor (B: 7, I: 3, NC: 1) // REA: 5 INIT: 1d6 // Pools: Combat (8), Spell (6), Astral Combat (9) // Social: CHA 6, Etiquette 6, Good Looking and Knows It

Suki: I'm under the impression that Redline is bringing Listener and he hasn't met anyone else as of yet. Which is part of why he's waiting outside.

mdt: In response to the Assensing: The reason he has 5 successes on the first test is because his TN is 3. (Perceptive). He should have 4 successes on Assensing and 3 Successes (which add just one more) on the Aura Reading test. It's nice of them to make Assensing as complicated as possible. ;)

Also, I expected that there might be a ward. (It's why I shifted senses while still outside across the street.) They're expensive to do permanently, but since apparently someone here is *at least* a conjurer, that's not too surprising. I assume I find this out while watching from across the street? If so, I'll be happy to talk to my little companion and give her different instructions.

Is there a reason why the watcher would be annoyed with a mage assensing in the area? Given the place is either run by an awakened, or has one on staff, I can't imagine they'd believe another awakened *wouldn't* use astral perception to look at the place, or find out what's in the place. (I'm also guessing, due to it's age, that it's actually rather beautiful in the astral.) It can't possibly be considered rude, it's just how people see.

I could understand them objecting to me conjuring a spirit or bringing an elemental into the building. Do I think they would object to summoning a watcher while inside? Given than it's both legal and normal, and even the highest force watcher can't really break anything, I would expect that it's rather common. Or maybe this place is abnormal in that regard? Or, being across the street still, do I not have enough of an impression of the place to know? Mainly I'm just trying to guess what a place like this *would* object to. ;)

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

You get the feeling the watchers are not the normal ones for the Arnaud, it would likely break them to hire someone strong enough to put up those temporary wards. In which case, it means it's likely that the person who conjured the spirits doesn't like being assensed for some reason. This would then be imprinted on the watchers.

Generally, it's considered bad form to bypass wards, and the restaurant would be perfectly within it's rights to ask you to leave and take your watcher with you if you summon inside the premises. Think of it like having a phone call in a theater.

In the case of a Mr. Johnson having called in magical support, it's more a question of adhering to the Mr. Johnson's wishes. It appears the watcher doesn't want you to assense. However, you haven't been told not to, by the Mr. Johnson. So, it's really up to you what you do.

Listener: Human Male Magician
Condition Monitor:
No Damage
Armor (B: 7, I: 3, NC: 1) // REA: 5 INIT: 1d6 // Pools: Combat (8), Spell (6), Astral Combat (9) // Social: CHA 6, Etiquette 6, Good Looking and Knows It

Fair enough. I get not wanting to bypass the wards normally, but with the room filled with spirits it seems sort of odd to object to someone else doing their due diligence. Though if that's the impression I'm getting, I'll just write it off as a personal thing for this particular guy/gal.

As for Assensing, I get that some people wouldn't like being assensed. I just have a hard time imagining someone that doesn't expect a mage to assense. Or, for that matter, would hire a mage that *doesn't* do what is pretty much their only job during a meeting. Though again, I'll write that off as this is probably someone that doesn't deal with professionals often. (At least not professionals that aren't his security team or direct subordinates.)

Just wanted to make sure I got the right impression from what's going on. Thanks again!

Female Japanese Human-looking Elf | Phys: 4.12.5, Ment: 4.6.5 | R|I 11+2d6 (00) | Pools: Cmbt/Ctrl 11/11 | Stun 00, Phys 00: Conscious, -0 | Armor: 6/3,+1 | SCR 0, NOT -2, PBA -2; Good Looking & Knows It, Good Rep (Nawlins Fixers/Johnsons) | Dmg,Conc: HP: 9M,6/9; LP: 10D Stun (Silnc.),7/10; Katana 9S,5/7; Wakizashi 8S,6/9; Tanto 8M,8/12, Hardl. 5M Stun,9/13 | Wt: 30.4 | Fake SIN: 6, $3026; 2, $149; Cert. Cred $200; Cash $67
Active (+1D): Edged 5,-1TN; Unarmed 5; Pistols 5,sg; Stealth 5; Athletics 3; Bike 4*; Social -4/-3 TN: Etiq 4; Negot 4; KS: Current Events 4; Police/Sec Proc. 5; InterCorp Poli 5; NOLA Area 4; NOLA Waters 3

Is that a 'yes' for Listener, then?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Think of it from a super hero game perspective. If you are hiring Professor Xavier, you might want him because he's a powerful telepath. However, you might not want him rooting around in your mind while you're negotiating with him.

Assensing can give you a good idea if someone is lying, or nervous, or excited, or honest. That's a big help during a negotiation, and generally Mr. Johnsons don't like being assensed while they negotiate.

There are entire protocols that governments go through when negotiating, filling the air with aura disrupting spores, or putting foci on negotiators that mask their aura, all to keep people from assensing them.

Female Japanese Human-looking Elf | Phys: 4.12.5, Ment: 4.6.5 | R|I 11+2d6 (00) | Pools: Cmbt/Ctrl 11/11 | Stun 00, Phys 00: Conscious, -0 | Armor: 6/3,+1 | SCR 0, NOT -2, PBA -2; Good Looking & Knows It, Good Rep (Nawlins Fixers/Johnsons) | Dmg,Conc: HP: 9M,6/9; LP: 10D Stun (Silnc.),7/10; Katana 9S,5/7; Wakizashi 8S,6/9; Tanto 8M,8/12, Hardl. 5M Stun,9/13 | Wt: 30.4 | Fake SIN: 6, $3026; 2, $149; Cert. Cred $200; Cash $67
Active (+1D): Edged 5,-1TN; Unarmed 5; Pistols 5,sg; Stealth 5; Athletics 3; Bike 4*; Social -4/-3 TN: Etiq 4; Negot 4; KS: Current Events 4; Police/Sec Proc. 5; InterCorp Poli 5; NOLA Area 4; NOLA Waters 3

Not that they don't expect it to be done - once, at the beginning of the meet. Start to assense at any time after the first few seconds he (or you) arrive, and usually it's a dealbreaker. (And as I've always seen it played, the fact that you're assensing is more-or-less clear to anyone who has even the slightest idea of what to look for.)

It's also Shu's policy that you get to do that to her once - once.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

It's the glassy eyed stare...

Listener: Human Male Magician
Condition Monitor:
No Damage
Armor (B: 7, I: 3, NC: 1) // REA: 5 INIT: 1d6 // Pools: Combat (8), Spell (6), Astral Combat (9) // Social: CHA 6, Etiquette 6, Good Looking and Knows It

Oh, I agree that it's useful. It's just that it's impossible to stop. So being insulted by someone doing it is like being insulted if people don't turn off their cybereyes. You can't get upset if people don't go out of their way and just use the expertise they have available. If you don't want to be assensed, get someone that can control their emotions or don't invite mages. If you allow mages at a meeting, expect to be assensed...because that's why you're allowing them in the first place.

(It actually can't tell if people are lying. Explicitly really. There's also a spell for that exact thing and it's resisted.)

To me it's a matter of expecting people to do their due diligence. You don't hire mages that don't assense people. Because if they don't, they aren't professionals and they aren't being careful. Now, with that said, people that aren't used to dealing with careful people might find it odd or even be insulted by it. Though it is difficult to imagine a mage being insulted. Again, it's one of their natural senses. Not impossible though. Humans are often irrational. ;)

Oh, and I agree that it's obvious when a mage is doing it even to mundanes. Unless, of course, those mundanes have *very* little knowledge about magic. Like *maybe* average every-day wage slave. Maybe. But I certainly expect every professional shadowrunner or anyone that has anything to do with this sort of stuff would know.

Suki: As before, I have no objections given Listener isn't included in person. As long as I've got no contact with anyone but Redline prior to this meeting, I'm good to go.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Even wage slaves have seen it in trids for 20 years.

Still waiting on Selachii, Redline, and Wraithe.

Listener: Human Male Magician
Condition Monitor:
No Damage
Armor (B: 7, I: 3, NC: 1) // REA: 5 INIT: 1d6 // Pools: Combat (8), Spell (6), Astral Combat (9) // Social: CHA 6, Etiquette 6, Good Looking and Knows It

I'd be very skeptical that there are any trids that portray magic and magic use accurately. Though now I'm picturing an almost oscar-winning performance by a 100-year old Leonardo DiCaprio with the "most realistic portrayal of Merlin ever!"

Female Japanese Human-looking Elf | Phys: 4.12.5, Ment: 4.6.5 | R|I 11+2d6 (00) | Pools: Cmbt/Ctrl 11/11 | Stun 00, Phys 00: Conscious, -0 | Armor: 6/3,+1 | SCR 0, NOT -2, PBA -2; Good Looking & Knows It, Good Rep (Nawlins Fixers/Johnsons) | Dmg,Conc: HP: 9M,6/9; LP: 10D Stun (Silnc.),7/10; Katana 9S,5/7; Wakizashi 8S,6/9; Tanto 8M,8/12, Hardl. 5M Stun,9/13 | Wt: 30.4 | Fake SIN: 6, $3026; 2, $149; Cert. Cred $200; Cash $67
Active (+1D): Edged 5,-1TN; Unarmed 5; Pistols 5,sg; Stealth 5; Athletics 3; Bike 4*; Social -4/-3 TN: Etiq 4; Negot 4; KS: Current Events 4; Police/Sec Proc. 5; InterCorp Poli 5; NOLA Area 4; NOLA Waters 3

I'd be stunned if there aren't - because magic exists. Because industry mages can - sorry, DO - make six-figure salaries not only consulting on trid programs and simfilms, but actually casting physical illusions. While they often make heavy use of tropes ('The Odd Coven'), they also use historical information ('Tyee!'). While assensing may be the least tool in a mage's arsenal, it's also the easist to portray, because most mages do it pretty much the same way.

In any case.

Re: 'End of the Line': Listener is included by implication; he would have been 'picked up' as per the directions in the story, and been there providing spell defense and been a check against Cowboy being a plant or traitor at the exchange at the end of the previous run. So since you don't want to have been involved, your vote would be a 'no'.

Therefore, except for those who have already arranged to know each other - Cowboy, HepCat, and Wraith on the one, Redline and Listener on the other - we're all strangers, and the fiction has nothing to do with the game.

Listener: Human Male Magician
Condition Monitor:
No Damage
Armor (B: 7, I: 3, NC: 1) // REA: 5 INIT: 1d6 // Pools: Combat (8), Spell (6), Astral Combat (9) // Social: CHA 6, Etiquette 6, Good Looking and Knows It

I expect that movies haven't gotten any more accurate in the next 50 years. And given that only 1% of the population is awakened (and less than that can even astrally perceive) I'm not sure there's a whole lot of them advising on movies. Not that there aren't *any*, but I expect that the vast majority of those are hacks.

Even today there's no shortage of people who have law enforcement experience or military experience. The percentage of those that have seen actual combat is ridiculously low but still high enough that some of them consult on movies. And yet, movies can't manage to handle even that moderately accurately. Because the truth is less interesting. And that's about as *exciting* a thing that can actually happen. Nevermind the boring stuff like paperwork, training, etc. I'd expect that magic is no different in this regard. There are sorcerers that can make special effects that look like *anything*. There are almost certainly movies about time traveling and teleporting wizards. I'm confident that there are movies about wizards that bring the dead back to life. (Horror and science fiction are *absolutely* still genres in the 2060's.)

So sure, while I don't doubt there are "accurate" portrayals of magic in shadowrun media, there's no way they're consistently accurate. And, just like now, there's zero chance that the average person can tell the difference. (Have you *seen* a movie/tv show about lawyers, doctors, or cops that even get close...ever?)

This isn't to say that people don't know what a glassy-eyed stare is. I just expect that there are a lot of misunderstandings by the average person as to what it means or if it means anything. People like our characters aren't the average person by a long shot.

Armour Bo5/6 Ba7 I3 | Combat 9 | Rea 9+1d6 |

Merp, there we go . )

Also, 'End of the Line' is out? Just double checkin'

And I'll get to actually stuffing my alias with useful things in a moment : )

Armour Bo5/6 Ba7 I3 | Combat 9 | Rea 9+1d6 |

Ahhhh I'm confused now. Might be the long day; but do we know each other or not?

Wraith didn't seem to know me, but Listner indicates that we/she should. Or something, mayhaps I got it all twisted?


I will need to go to sleep real soon anyhow, so I'll act a bit vague in a what that could, with a bit of squinting, fit in either way! :P

Listener: Human Male Magician
Condition Monitor:
No Damage
Armor (B: 7, I: 3, NC: 1) // REA: 5 INIT: 1d6 // Pools: Combat (8), Spell (6), Astral Combat (9) // Social: CHA 6, Etiquette 6, Good Looking and Knows It

As I understand it: Redline, Wraith, Suki, Cloudy, and Selachii all know each other. (This was discussed briefly in the recruitment forum.) Redline is bringing Listener in. Wraith is bringing HepCat and Cowboy in.

Edit: Apparently Suki decided that's not what's going on? Hrm. I kind of wish that had come up prior to the game starting. Even the original idea, prior to the fiction, was that the established runners knew each other. Why change that now after the game has started and people have introduced themselves?

Armour Bo5/6 Ba7 I3 | Combat 9 | Rea 9+1d6 |

If you look above, you'll see she wanted everyone in on it. And since the story ended with an implication that we had already hooked our friends in ("we are meeting our J for the 'fictional' run, can your friends help out?") - thus when you said you hadn't met us earlier, Suki took that as that you didn't feel that the story worked out (since the story implied that you already helped us out with that J) and so the 100% 'story-agreement' wasn't there so she scraped it.

That is my read of it all at least. You may note that it is somewhat ful of assumptions and so, hence my confusion :P


Would everyone be on board with us using everything but the last piece of the 'End of the Line' story (that is, excluding the implied meeting with our fictional J :P) and thus keep those character-to-character bonds?

If that makes sense .P

Something completely different - about how much info do you want from your assessing hits on Redline? A bit of character and mood, or something more?

Dark Archive

Android Op 3 | HP 22/22 SP: 14/21 RP: 7/7 |  EAC: 19 KAC: 19 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8 | F: +1 R: +7 W: +3 | Atk:+7/d6+1

Ooo! Could we all write our own Assensing results? =}

As you stare in the direction of the one named WhiteAngel, you get a sense of staring into the infinite black of the night sky, accented with only a few dying stars. So, too, a phrase long-forgotten rushes to your mind's eye: "And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee."

Listener: Human Male Magician
Condition Monitor:
No Damage
Armor (B: 7, I: 3, NC: 1) // REA: 5 INIT: 1d6 // Pools: Combat (8), Spell (6), Astral Combat (9) // Social: CHA 6, Etiquette 6, Good Looking and Knows It

I'd wait on mdt to say what I get, if anything, but I don't mind people writing up their own auras. As long as all the info that's supposed to be in there is in there (pg. 172). :)

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

If everyone can do their own, that would be fine. Save me having to type it up.

Female Japanese Human-looking Elf | Phys: 4.12.5, Ment: 4.6.5 | R|I 11+2d6 (00) | Pools: Cmbt/Ctrl 11/11 | Stun 00, Phys 00: Conscious, -0 | Armor: 6/3,+1 | SCR 0, NOT -2, PBA -2; Good Looking & Knows It, Good Rep (Nawlins Fixers/Johnsons) | Dmg,Conc: HP: 9M,6/9; LP: 10D Stun (Silnc.),7/10; Katana 9S,5/7; Wakizashi 8S,6/9; Tanto 8M,8/12, Hardl. 5M Stun,9/13 | Wt: 30.4 | Fake SIN: 6, $3026; 2, $149; Cert. Cred $200; Cash $67
Active (+1D): Edged 5,-1TN; Unarmed 5; Pistols 5,sg; Stealth 5; Athletics 3; Bike 4*; Social -4/-3 TN: Etiq 4; Negot 4; KS: Current Events 4; Police/Sec Proc. 5; InterCorp Poli 5; NOLA Area 4; NOLA Waters 3

Dumped my original post re: Shu's name, and the fact that 'End of the Line' is not in effect, and all, because I finally read the GM post. Therefore:


Full birth name?? And she's having us sign what can only be a magically binding contract with a specific pen?

Not meaning to offend, but ... that's going to cause an immediate and lethal reaction on Shugyosha's part, because as far as she knows, and thus as far as she can assume, the only people who have her birth name are the people who are out to kill her. I don't know if anyone else has any hunteds, but ... (Edit: And apparently kind of on Listener's, too.)

I kind of understand you want to have a whip hand and all, but is this really how far and where you want to go, how you want to start the game out, mdt? Because if it is, in the interests of the game, it'd probably be best if I bow out, otherwise there's going to be at least a dead elf and probably a dead troll, your run will be shot, and everyone will be pissed off.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Just saw this post, not sure why. It didn't show up earlier Suki.

You never have to take a job. You can always turn it down. The only time we'll have issues is if half the group takes it, and the other half doesn't.

Part of this is to determine what type of game you want to play in. Careful, low end jobs, dangerous high end jobs, crazy balls to the wall let's go full bore jobs.

There's too many different players and character concepts to get everyone exactly what they want. So my solution is to throw you into the mix and we go through until everyone kind of finds something they can agree to.

In my experience running games, a well paying Johnson wanting a blood sample as insurance is not unexpected, your situation may vary. The current Johnson is a traditionalist, and prefers contracts to a vial of blood, but it's the same effect.

If you're not happy with that type of run, and nobody else is either, I have no issues with that, we'll move on to something more sedate and safe. I figured starting out toward the deep end would be faster than starting at the shallow end is all.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Presuming Selachii would be able to access the system's cameras - the intent was to set up a "Crash Host" operation set to a trigger from him if something went wrong, he would also balk at the "Real Name Here", and bow out as gracefully as his etiquette would allow.

OOC, I have not been able to post until now, and showing this late is very bad form -- I take it Selachii is approved with no kinks?-- I'll let this one ride out without him, and catch up when the opportunity arises.

--Are all of us going with "End of Line" as a generalized precursor to the group meeting?

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