
Azothath |
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Drop-bear (ursidae aussium)
CN Med magical beast (ursine) CR 3 XP 800
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60ft, low-light vision, scent 30 ft; Perception +7{dim, dark}/+5
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 natl)
HP 24 (3d10+6)
Fort +5, Rflx +7, Will +2, +2 vs natural/plant poi
Weakness: Light Sensitivity.
Speed 30 ft, Climb 20 ft, Fly(Glide) 40 (poor)
Melee Natl: claw +7, +7(1d4+2 c20*2 BS), bite +7(1d6+2 c20*2 BPS) {primary, AoO}
Natl: charge(fall up to 80ft) & bite +9(1d6 +2 c20*2 BPS) head grab.
Natl: bite +9(1d6 +2 c20*2 BPS) head grab.
HtH: shrtspear +5(1d6+2 c20*2 P)
Rng: shrtspear +7(1d6+2 c20*2 P) Rng 20 ft, thrown
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Ursine Ht 3ft at midpoint 5 ft total, Wt 60-100 lbs.
Str 14(+2), Dex 18(+4), Con 12(+2), Int 8(-1), Wis 12(+1), Cha 14(+2)
BAB(1) +3; CMB +7(+11 grab, +15 if flying charge on ≤ med sz); CMD +19 (23 vs Trip while climbing)
Feats: Agile Maneuvers(Cmbt), Weapon Finesse (Cmbt),
Skills(ranks 3): Acroᶜ +7(0), Climbᶜ +9(0){+4}, Flyᶜ +4(1){-4}, Prcpᶜ +7/5(1){+2 dim|dark}, Stlthᶜ +12/+8(1){+4 ≤5ft/r in jungle}, Srvlᶜ +7(3), Swimᶜ +5(0).
Languages: choose one per tribe (1d4); goblin, kech, sasquatch, sylvan (understands but cannot speak).
Mag Itm Slots Quadruped(claws): armor, belt(custom), chest, eyes, head, headband, neck, shoulders, wrist.
SQ: aggressive
Racial Modifiers +2 Perception Dim & Dark only, +2 natl AC (type advancement), Climb speed {Climb skill +8}, +4 stealth in trees/forest(terrain), +2 inhrt vs natural(unrefined) or plant poisons/toxins.
Armor/Weapon Proficiency: 4 (simple or tribal) weapons of less than 4 lbs, usually [dagger/dirk/kunai, club, lgt mace, shortspear].
Aggressive (Ex) unless specifically trained for combat (see Handle Animal skill) the creature tends to attack the rider and nearby targets and subduing this instinct entails succeeding at eight DC 20 handle animal checks once a week usually taking two to four months and incurring a 300 GP fee. For safety a beast with a bite attack wears a muzzle which negates its bite attack. Even with training at the start of each day the rider/owner must make a Handle Animal or Ride check of DC= 10 +CR +Cha Bonus of the creature, +5 if using Ride skill, +2 circumstance bonus without muzzle, +1 circumstance +1 for each day of hunger (+2 at first day to +6 at fifth day or more), else the aggressive creature attempts to break or sunder its muzzle and then given the chance will attempt up to 1d6 attacks that day or continue to attempt to break its muzzle. Suitable targets for such attacks within normal reach plus 5 feet are; perceived as weak(2 sizes smaller or have the docile quality), vulnerable (wounded below an estimated 50% of maximum HP, ongoing bleed damage, exhausted, nauseous, paralyzed, prone, sickened), throw the rider (CMB trip with +4 circumstance), or suitable ‘bad’ behavior. The rider/owner recognizes when the beast is surly and may choose to stable/confine the creature for the day.
Charge action – move directly towards a target from 10ft to up to twice(Full actn) or once(Std actn) your Fly distance (2* if down) to an adjacent square, with +1 BAB you can draw a weapon as part of this movement, after moving make a single attack at +2 attack or +2 Bull Rush CM and take a -2 AC/CMD penalty until the start of your next turn.
Climb (Ex) creature has a natural climb speed, +8 racial Climb, makes a check to climb a wall or slope with a DC higher than 0 but can always choose to take 10, even if rushed or threatened while climbing. If a creature with a climb speed chooses an accelerated climb, it moves at double its climb speed (or at its land speed, whichever is slower) and makes a single Climb check at a –5 penalty. It retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it. It cannot run while climbing. A climbing creature’s CMB is 4 higher versus trip attempts (+1 per limb) while climbing.
Darting Charge (Ex) gain Flyby Attack as a bonus feat. While flying/gliding and charging receives a +4 bonus on CMB checks made to grapple foes of it’s size or smaller.
Flyby Attack (Ex) When flying the creature can take a standard action at any point during the move action. The creature cannot take a second move action during a round when it makes a flyby attack. The creature’s movement provokes as normal.
Glide (Ex) from Natural Flight 40 (poor {-4})
A gliding creature cannot use its fly speed to hover and must end its move action at least 5 feet lower in elevation than where it started. It is possible to gain elevation during flight using environmental updraft conditions and a successful fly check. Creatures with Glide suffer no damage from falling 10 ft and make an acrobatics or fly check comparing the result to DC(5 + total distance fallen/2) to convert the lethal damage from falling (up to their flight speed) into non-lethal damage per 10 foot increment even when not their turn but not while bound or helpless. Creatures with natural flight gain Fly as a class skill.
Head Grab (Ex) If the creature hits with the indicated attack, it deals the normal amount of damage and tries to start a grapple once per round as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Head grab works against opponents up to one size size larger and beating the minimal CMD by 5 covers the target’s head (a successful grab +5 DC confers a -8 comp Prcptn to the target and the blinded condition). The creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally (possibly covering the head) or simply use the part of its body it used in the grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on its combat maneuver check to start and maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition itself. A successful hold does not deal any extra damage on the initial attack unless the creature also has constrict. Each successive successful grapple automatically deals the damage indicated for the (natural) attack and if any constrict damage. Creatures without a head or sensory organs in a head cannot be blinded or take perception penalties from this attack. Creatures with the grab special attack receive a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks to start and maintain a grapple.
Light Sensitivity (Ex) The creature is dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
Natural Camouflage (Ex) the creature blends into a natural terrain and combines this with slow movement for stealth, +4 competence Stealth in Forest or Hills when moving 5ft or less per turn.
Equipment: choose 2; potion cure minor wounds (1d4+1), stink oil, tar bag(tanglefoot bag DC 13), thunderstone, wild animal musk.
Gear: (2)obsidian dagger, bag of semiprecious stones (25gp), moss-cloth bandolier (8 pouches), one of; club, net, shortspear, shortbow & 20 arrws, steel machete, blowgun & 4 darts & [2] spider vine poi darts & [2] black adder venom DC13 poi darts & [2] read tears poi darts, pair of mwk deer-horn knives, cold iron gladius, cold iron morningstar. {creatures have proficiency with weapon}
Environment temperate or tropical forests, Dreamlands/Mhar’s Fossa(Storval thinning)/Spider Vale, mounts of leng.
Organization solitary, pair, tribe (1 advanced template & 5-7 adults with 6-8 juveniles(young template)).
Treasure gear or 75gp.
Drop-bears look like small to medium sized large headed long limbed bears with a fanned tail or some might say rather large bulky flying squirrels with the acrobatic grace of cats. Their fur ranges from brown to deep black-brown striped/mottled fur on the backside with a dark purple underside, often they have an eye mask of lighter to golden color around their large eyes. Drop-bear limbs are long and have a connective flap (patagium) between their leg to arm.
While intelligent, drop-bears require training to be useful and then constant maintenance like a favored but spoiled feral dog. During training the owner can arrange teaching for the creature reassigning up to half its skill points using scholars which doubles the training cost (600 GP) and maximizes the time to train the beast (4 months). The creature refuses a saddle.
Crepuscular(twilight)/night ambush predators and opportunistic omnivores. Their usual tactic is to drop or glide from trees and grapple or engluf a creature’s head executing a surprise attack before the target can react. Most animals attempt to flee which only provokes more attacks. It is rare to see a tribe attack a large herbivore but drop-bears occasionally work together to defeat large marauding predators. Young drop-bears often target lone children or small prey.
Tactics typical ambush & guerrilla tactics.
Custom fitted items are for unusual creatures and cost +30gp minimum and require a professional with at least 3 ranks in appropriate Craft/Prof skill to fit the item/garment.
see also
Azothath's Homebrew: Monster: Therndentro Lignum (aka whompa) Huge Mon Humnd (giant, plant) CR:16
Azothath's Homebrew: Monster: Giant Foaming Grasshopper Med vermin CR2
Azothath's Homebrew: Monster: Barkgator Med animal(reptile) CR:1
Azothath's Homebrew: Monster: Grave Sedge Mother Med plant CR:3 & link to regular grave-sedge CR:0.25.
Azothath's Homebrew: Monster: Helminth Swarm Fine vermin(swarm) CR:3
Azothath's Homebrew: Purchased Mounts and in particular horses with scaling Hit Die & Prices

Azothath |
originally I had it at CR 4 with 4HD but that adds a lot to the numbers and is rather scary. The key is the initial ambush attack & grab... with good numbers it's killer but a party could beat it off a member before it kills 'em. I considered noting that (non-targeted/non-touch spell) attacks to the drop-bear do half damage to the hooded victim but thought that best for GM discretion.
I did add +2 for the bite & grab without claw/claw or the charge... should have noted that as I was trying to contain the Grab ability to single bite attacks (while the claws are grabbing).
Note that Head Grab works vs larger creatures as they are targeting the head and there's an effective -5 penalty for the better effect. Darting Charge (from Dragonfly) doesn't help on larger creatures.
The feats are ho-hum but really help on the math side of attacks. There are plenty of powers/abilities to make up for it.
Young creatures will go to small and all the negatives to CM accrue.
Making sasquatch an animal sound/non-verbal language provides them a language for communication and keeps drop-bears in a primitive animalistic bush theme. I did hint for training time and money they could be taught a language (skill point retraining).