Mysterious Stranger |

Bless weapon does not say you cannot roll for a conformation of the critical. What is says is that every critical hit roll against an evil target is automatically successful. That means you still get a critical hit even if you roll a 1. That means you do not really need to make the roll, but nothing in the spell prevents you from doing so. If you have sundering strike you roll to see if you get to sunder your opponent’s weapon. As to the CMD being higher Critical Focus will help with that. You get that bonus even if you automatically are successful on the conformation roll.
Too much of this build is focused on critical hits, as per what the OP wanted. It makes more sense to have the ability all the time regardless of circumstances. Using an enchantment or weapon bond leaves the possibility of something like an antimagic shell or even a dispel magic from reducing your chance to get a critical hit.

MrCharisma |

-you could just buy a training enchantment to make space for another feat. the question then becomes "is this feat better than +1 att dmg?"
That's an interesting one. Bless Weapon specifically doesn't work with Keen, but would it work with a Training Enchantment? The RAI is obviously no, but the RAW?
This last effect does not apply to any weapon that already has a magical effect related to critical hits, such as a keen weapon or a vorpal sword.
My reading is still no, but it's a lot more of an edge case.

MrCharisma |

Without improved critical the characters normal combat effectiveness take a big hit. While he can use divine bond to gain keen that is also limited use ability.
I was assuming you'd just pay for a Keen enchantment on your weapon. That seems a better move than using your Divine Bond for something that important.

MrCharisma |

Bloodrager dip also makes you move 30 feet in armor (fast movement), and you can trade in the likely not great bloodline power for a bloodline familiar, + init is nice after all (your saves will probably be good enough, but init on pallys is always welcome).
Ooh good call on both of those points. You're basically getting a free feat by doing this so it kinda pays for itself. And yeah, bonus movement is definitely worthwhile.