Azothath |
Req: PFS legal, 20 pt Abil buy, 5th Lvl $10500 gear. For this initial build I’m going human for simplicity and the extra feat and skill ranks don’t hurt at all… I’m choosing Desna(CG)[Dom: Chaos, Good, Luck, Liberation, Travel; FvdWpn: starknife] with good domains and poor Fvd Wpn. You could pick up the Pal 3 for extra goodies. I’ll choose Dex but you could go Str 14 with the same build for melee with Wpn Fcs, Pwr Atk, Cmbt Exp. I use the character name for easy reference.
Minette female human Pal 2 Clr-VPlgrm(Desna) 3
LG med sz humnoid human
Init: +2, Prcptn: +7
AC: 18, tch 14, fftd 16 (+4 armr, +2 Dex, +2 dflc{ShldFth}, opt +1 shld)
HP: 36 (2d10+3d8) {PFS=10+6+5+5+5 +5{FCB}}.
Saves: Fort +9, Rflx +7 , Will +13, (+1 cloak, +1(2) secondary saves)
Mov Spd:40
Mle: mwk cryptstone lucerne hammer {+6}+5 (1d12{+1}(+1 vs UnD) c20 *2)B|P, brace, reach, +2 CMB to sunder med & hvy armr. {with divine favor}
Mle: mwk cFe gladius +5 (1d6 c19+ *2)P|S, pfrm.
Mle: obsdn dagger +4|thrw +6 (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S, Rng:10ft, {fragile} glassy.
Rng: mwk comp longbow {+9}+8≤30ft else {+8}+7 (1d8{+1} +1≤30ft, c20 *3)P Rng:110ft arrw: cFe & Ag[20].
Divine Spells Prpd (CL 3(Dur=5); Conc(Wis) +7)
2nd(2+1ᴰ/d): B Endur:T2, Brst Rad:K2, Aidᴰ:E2. OR Blind Ray:K2, Consecrt:K2, Rst Enrg:A2, Silence:I2.
1st(3+1ᴰ/d): Divn Fvr:K1, Shld Fth:A1, True Strkᴰ:D1. Or Librtn Cmmd:T1, Mag Ston:T1, Prot E:A1.
0th(4@will): Det Mag:D0, Guid:D0, Pur Fd&Drnk:T0, Stblz:C0.
DomPwr: CarvnBond(Su): up to 7 prep'd tgt within 30ft may gain Dom pwr. Chnl(Su,+): 30ft rad 2d6 heal liv/dmg UnD DC15 [5]/d, Spon Cast: Positive thus any "cure" for Splᵎᴰ. Activate all Clr items. Domn Spl(ᴰ)
Detect Evil(Sp) mov actn conc.
Smite Evil(Su) swft actn 1 target if Evil +2(+2, +4 first hit) bypass DR, +2 dflc AC 1/d.
Lay on Hands(Su) std/swft actn heal 1d6 3/d.
Abil: [10,14(13),10,14(12),18(16),14], 20pt & applied: +2 Wis, 4th:+1 Dex, headband Int +2, so at Fifth mods [0,+2,0,+2,+4,+2].
BAB: +4, CMB:+4, CMD:16.
Prfc: smpl & mrtl wpns, lgt/med/hvy armr, shld.
Domn: Luck: BitLuck(Sp):std actn tch tgt(willng) roll twice any d20roll their rnd [5]/d. Spls: true strk:D1, aid:2, prot Enrg:3, free mov:4, brk E:5, mislead:6, spl turn:7, momt presc:8, miracle:9. Travel: base Spd +10ft, AglFeet(Su) free actn ignore dfclt terr 1rnd uses:[3+WIS]/d, DimHop(Sp)@8: mov actn line of sight teleport to a total of 10*ClrLvl ft/d in 5ft increments and touched others use distance. Spls: longstrider:1, loc obj:2, fly:3, dim door:4, teleport:5, find the path:6, grtr teleport:7, phase door:8, astral projctn:9.
Skills(rnk 20{Skilled}): Acro +5(3){for Fgt Def}, Apprᶜ +6(1), Bluff, Crftᶜ(Alchemy +6(1)), Diploᶜ +8(1), Dsgs, Esc Art, Fly, HndlAnmlᶜ (), Healᶜ +8(1), Intmd, Know(arcnᶜ +6(1), dngn, engr, geog, histᶜ +6(1), locl +7(HB), natr, noblᶜ +6(1), plnsᶜ +6(1), rlgnᶜ +6(1)), Lingᶜ +6(1), Prcp +7(3), Pfrm, Profᶜ(merchant +8(1)), Rideᶜ +6(1), Sns Mtvᶜ +8(1), SoHnd, Splcrftᶜ +6(1), Stlth +, Survl. ᶜCls skl, ˢSkl Fcs
Lang: common(taldan), varisian(regional), celestial, napsu-sign language{HB}.
Cmbt Gear:
SLWS: Wand: Cure Lgt Wnd:C1@1[50] $750, Scr:Shld Fth:A1@1[2] $50. Bndlr: Pot: HolyWtr[2] $50, Alch Fire [2] $80, Antiplague $50, Antitoxin $50, Twitch tonic $50, Smelling salts $25, Pot sponge:Air Bubl:C1@1 $52 = $1157
Scrolls: Bless Wpn:1@1[2] $50(?), Comp Lang:D1@1[2] $50, Det UnD:D1@1[2] $50, Rmv Fear:A1[2] $50, Rmv Sickness:C1@1[2] $50, Sure Casting:D1@1 $25, Tap Innr Beauty:D1@1[2] $50 = $325
mwk cryptstone lucerne hammer mrtl 2hnd $515 (1d12 (+1 vs UnD) c20 *2)B|P, brace, reach, +2 CMB to sunder med & hvy armr, 12#. mwk{mwk trans} cold iron(cFe) gladius lgt mrtl $30. mwk comp longbow rngd mrtl $400 (1d8 c20 *3)P Rng:110ft Hrd:7 HP:15, 3lb. Arrw: cFe & WpnBlch silver(Ag) [20] $2+5, obsdn dagger smpl lgt $1 (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S Rng:10ft {fragile} Hrd:5 HP:2, 0.75lb. Mwk mithral chain shirt lgt armr $1100 (AC:+4, MaxDex:+5, ACP:0, ASF:10%, Mov:30, Wt:10#){can be upgraded into better mithral armor}. Quickdraw steel lgt shld {for gladius} $59 (AC:+1, MaxDex:--, ACP:-2, ASF:5%, Mov:--, Wt:7#). Bandolier(Bndlr)(8 slots) $0.5, spring-loaded wrist sheath(SLWS) [2] $10, investigator's kit 37lb $40, heavy warhorse & mil saddle {carries most stuff}, bridle, saddlebags $326, silver holy symbol(Desna) $25. =$2513.5
Aegis of recovery [neck] BO:$1500, Cloak of resistance +1 [shldr] $1000, Headband of Int +2 [hdbnd] $4000 =$6500
CASH = $4.5 gp (=$10500-1157-325-2513.5-6500).
T1: Mag Knack(Mag) Clr.
T2: Deft Dodger(Cmbt) +1 Rflx.
1stLvlHumanBonusF: Point-blank Shot.
1stLvlF: Precise Shot.
1stLvl: Paladin 1. Aura G, Det E, Smite E 1/d.
2ndLvl: Paladin 2. Divn Grc, LoHnd.
3rdLvl: Clr-arch Var Priest 1.
3rdLvlF: Deadly Aim.
4thLvl: Clr-arch Var Priest 2.
4thLvlAbil: Dex +1, so 13→ 14 to eliminate odd score.
5thLvl: Clr-arch Var Priest 3.
5thLvlF: Impvd Channel.

Azothath |
last min edits...
Rng: mwk comp longbow {+9}+8≤30ft else {+8}+7 (1d8{+1} +1≤30ft, c20 *3)P Rng:110ft arrw: cFe & Ag[10], cFe[10].
IMO overall not bad. I'm sure it could be tweaked one way or another but a good support & martial build with skills that can grow and get better. I like the reach version with the Lucerne hammer a bit more for reaching over/about the first rank of melee fighters but a bow has great range. The ability spread kills.