Eldritch Knight VS MAGUS ARCANA

Rules Questions

the eldritch knight has an ability called [Eclectic Arcana]which can be used to get a magus arcana does this mean i can get Flamboyant Arcana (Ex)?? and do i also get pool points ???

Ok, this is the 3rd party version, not the Paizo Eldritch knight.

But the class feature does not give you an arcane pool, nor do any of the magus arcana. So you might want to dip magus if grabbing arcana appeals to you.

Thx i just noticed it was 3pp Oops!

I have to agree with I grok do u that it does not give you an arcane pool. Since most magus arcana require spending point from your pool that makes this nearly useless. Dipping a level in magus is not a good idea because it means you lose another level of spell casting in your arcane class. Your spell casting level is already at least 2 levels lower than a pure caster doing so will mean it is now 3 levels lower. The spells you gain from magus will all be at 1st level so be useless. Taking this class on a magus is going to make a weaker character than going straight magus so I assume you did not do that.

Most third-party class are not well written or balanced. This just prove that.

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