Encounter-A-Day 2025

Homebrew and House Rules

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It's 2025 and I thought I'd try out a bit of a fun challenge for myself for the new year. Ive always enjoyed sitting down and putting things together for Pathfinder - conversions, homebrew, and adventure, but to be entirely honest, my time is stretched thin as a dad with two kids, full time job, running four PF groups, and being there for my family. So I decided to take what I love and turn it into a bite-sized challenge: one encounter a day!

The goal here is create one encounter (of a random level and difficulty) every single day for 2025, and it's been going well so far! I've put together a battle versus a very addled and confused dragon, a snipers' roost of hyrngar, and even an airship battle. Of course, that's just the start as we've had thirty-one days of encounters in January and more coming in February.

There's a link to the Google Drive collection here as well as the "Master List" of encounters created so far here. I hope that there's something here for everyone and that you can find something to pick up and use in your games, even if it's just an idea that you'd prefer to rewrite into something better and well-written ...more suited to your tastes!

And if anyone has any encounters they'd like to toss in, I'd love to make something like a "Community Folder" of encounters to share as well!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Good to have some free 2025 daily Encounters stuff for PF2E+ out there, Ruzza. ;)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ooh. Just discovered this. Very cool!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Very nice! Got a link from another forum post. Saved and favorited!

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Encounter-A-Day 2025