Fluid Form vs. squeezing

Rules Questions

For reference, here is the battlemap:


Basically, a huge size PC in a 5' wide hallway. This is not only squeezing, but also the move through tight spaces condition in Escape Artist skill. Movement should take a minute, IF the check is made.

However, the PC has Fluid Form up and running. This allows to move through tight spaces, seemingly at full speed.

However, IF a fight breaks out in that hallway, is the PC under squeezing rules? Not for movement, but for the AC & attack penalties?

Similar question was asked before.

about squeezing:

In some cases, you may have to squeeze into or through an area that isn’t as wide as the space you take up. You can squeeze through or into a space that is at least half as wide as your normal space. Each move into or through a narrow space counts as if it were 2 squares, and while squeezed in a narrow space, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to AC.

When a Large creature (which normally takes up 4 squares) squeezes into a space that’s 1 square wide, the creature’s miniature figure occupies 2 squares, centered on the line between the 2 squares. For a bigger creature, center the creature likewise in the area it squeezes into.

A creature can squeeze past a creature while moving but it can’t end its movement in an occupied square.

To squeeze through or into a space less than half your space’s width, you must use the Escape Artist skill. You can’t attack while using Escape Artist to squeeze through or into a narrow space, you take a –4 penalty to AC, and you lose any Dexterity bonus to AC.

I personally cant imagine how a character is going to attack anything if he is inside the cracks of wall, or even using a bow while everything become liquid. So I would say the PC cannot attack if the space is less than half of his space width

Fluid Form:T6 is a spell and has spell effects which CAN do an end run around squeezing but not necessarily the penalties. However, squares or volume is not affected and that may lead to the GM using some squeezing rules. For PF1 RAW, the character is or is not in a square. Check out Gaseous Form & Liquid Form spells.

Huge PC = 15*15*15ft OR 27! 5ft cubes(squares).
moving through a 5*5ft corridor he will occupy 27 of them. As PF1 has no facing, he can attack from any of the occupied squares to his current reach (yes, PF1 simplicity is sometimes over simplified and silly). He provokes and can be attacked all along that length and easily flanked multiple times...

IMO he gets the -4 to Atk & AC from squeezing but has no limit on how much he can squeeze (the spell covers that) nor does he slow down (again, spell effect). The adjacent area to his perimeter goes from 120 sqrs as a cube to 124 sqrs as a long rectangular column, so not a big change.

Azothath wrote:


IMO he gets the -4 to Atk & AC from squeezing but has no limit on how much he can squeeze (the spell covers that) nor does he slow down (again, spell effect). The adjacent area to his perimeter goes from 120 sqrs as a cube to 124 sqrs as a long rectangular column, so not a big change.

you also have to consider cover once the creature is IN a small hole or crack (I think spell casting defines a 1*1ft hole as the the minimum opening(cross sectional area) for line of effect, but it is very subject to GM caveat) when attacking/being attacked.

The way I read the spell you would not take any penalties for squeezing because the spell allows you to alter your shape. The spell not only allows you to move through cracks it increases your reach by 10 feet. It seems obvious that you can make yourself much narrower and longer. At that point size really does not mean anything. If the character can fit through a crack that is less than an inch wide, it should not have any trouble with a hallway that is 5 feet wide.

If I were the GM, I would rule that the character does not need to squeeze at all. I would rule that in order to reduce his height and/or width he needs to increase his length.

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