Toshy |
Since in my next camapign one if the players will go for a skald I took some time to read through it's abilities.
However I found something I find rather strange and wonder if in this case RAW=RAI or not:
If accepted, the raging song’s effects last for that ally’s turn or until the song ends, whichever comes first.
RAW that would mean, that as soon as initiative passes own, everyone looses the benefits of the corresponding song until they can accept it again at the start of their turn.
That would result in some weird Boni-Jumps, like getting more STR, CON, AC for your turn, but loose them after it, only to regain them if you accept it again next turn.
Is this really the way it'ssupposed to work?
Especially defensive Boni or defensive Rage-Powers like Superstition which are recommended for a skald to pass with his song, would have greatly diminished use, if they are just active during one's turn.
I'm inclined to rule it like, a character can accept a ragin song, which benefits would last until the start of the player's next turn, when they can choose again.
Is there an official statement?
Is RAW really RAI?
Would my ruling make some things too powerful, or would it be fine?
How do you run it in your game?
Melkiador |
The Advanced Class Guide is kind of infamous for being badly written. If I remember right, this text was added after the playtest and so wasn’t playtested itself.
The RAW seems pretty clear, but also not well designed. I think running it your way should be fine. The important thing is that once the decision is made you have to be “stuck” with it for some set amount of time. Until the start of your next turn does seem more appropriate.
It also brings into question how this interacts with lingering performance.
Mysterious Stranger |
That section was put in because Inspired Rage can actually be detrimental to some allies. It completely shuts down any spell caster and even makes some marital characters useless. Without some way to refuse the song the skald will often become a hindrance to the party.
I suspect the mistake is in the last word of the sentence and should read last instead of first. The sentence before that specifies that an unconscious ally automatically accepts the song. It also says that the ally accepts the song when it is first started and then on each ally’s turn. That is a clear indication that the songs duration does persist when it is not the characters turn.