I've encountered a discrepancy regarding Sensate Fighters.

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

The Archives of Nethys used to say the Sensate Fighter lost Weapon Training 2, 3, and 4 - now it says it loses all of them. The d20PFSRD says likewise.
HOWEVER, I also checked my own original hard copy of Occult Adventures, and IT says it only loses 2, 3, and 4!

That must mean either there's been errata, OR those two sites got careless about checking what it actually said (maybe one copied off the other *wags finger*); either seems plausible. Any idea which?


Sensate Fighter: The Sensate Fighter doesn’t mention trading out Weapon Training 1, but it gains an extremely similar ability at 5th level, the same level as Weapon Training 1. Should it also trade out Weapon Training 1?
Yes. This will be reflected in the next errata.

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