Splash Damage and Special Materials (Bomber Alchemist)

Rules Discussion

Bombers from the Remastered Alchemist get the ability to treat their versatile vials as being made from special materials at 11th level. Does the splash damage inherit this benefit too, or does it only affect the target of the attack?

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There are several other damage type replacements available in the Research Fields.

Bomber also immediately gets the ability to replace the damage type with cold, electricity, or fire.

Toxicologist has their versatile vial bombs dealing a combination of poison as well as the standard acid - which ever type damages the target more.

I am expecting that these damage type replacements are affecting all damage from the versatile vial bombs, not just the direct damage. It is strange to have a Bomber throwing a bomb that does electricity direct damage, but still does acid splash damage.

There may be some balance concerns that someone will bring up. I am not aware of any.

But from just the rules text, without any game balance considerations, I am not seeing any logical reading of the level 11 Advanced Vials ability of Bomber other than being a full damage type adjustment for all the damage types of the Versatile Vial bombs - both direct damage and splash damage. Just like the energy damage type replacements elsewhere.

It is a good catch, because there are bombs that have the main damage as one type, and the splash another type.

You can mix special ingredients into your vials, such as magical dust or flakes of precious minerals. When you create a versatile vial, you can choose to have it treated as one special material of your choice, chosen from adamantine, cold iron, and dawnsilver. If you’re wearing or wielding an item of a different precious material when you make the vial, you can choose that material instead.

I think it's an easy "yes" to treat the whole VV bomb, both sets of damage, as of that special material type.

You're adding something to the bomb's inner contents, not specifically infusing the casing in a way that could be read as more limited.

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