Another Low Magic Setting

Homebrew and House Rules

Recently got the urge to envision how I might run a low-magic game. I know there have been a thousand threads exploring this exact topic, but humor me while I put some ideas down. My goal would be to keep all classes in the game, but limit spellcasting in a way that makes it far less objectively better to be a spellcaster, while still keeping casting classes playable for players who want to play them badly enough. I wouldn’t say I have all kinks worked out, but I think this is a pretty solid foundation, pending peer review.

Point Buy:
- No ability scores higher than 16 before racial bonuses
- You can get back up to 3 points from ability scores below 10

GM Notes:
Casters will see lots of setbacks at character creation. The idea here is to minimize the temptation for casters to try to un-do these purposeful setbacks by hyper-dumping all non-essential ability scores to maximize their Dex and casting stat - aka, someone who should probably be in the hospital

Point Budgets:
Full Martials; ¼ casters: 22
¾ casters (includes Alchemists, Investigators, and Mediums): 18
Full casters (includes Kineticists): 15

GM Notes:
Magic isn’t obtained for free - it costs its wielder greatly - some of your potential is snuffed out to make room. Mediums were tough to place, but with their ability to get 6th level spells with the Archmage and Hierophant Spirits, and the fact that unlike other 1/4 casters, they get 0-level spells, I felt they needed to be counted as 3/4 casters, here. I made it up to them farther down, though, since they’re already not the most optimized class

Burn is a mechanic used by the Kineticist Class, but is now also applied to spellcasting in general with several specific applications:
- Spellcasters can take a number of points of Burn per day equal to 3 plus their casting ability modifier.
- All spellcasters take 1 point of Burn anytime they cast spells in consecutive rounds (0-level spells don’t apply to this rule, nor do spells four or more levels below the highest level spell you can cast).
- Applying a metamagic feat to a spell costs 1 point of Burn per metamagic effect (in addition to the increase in casting time and spell level as normal); Quicken costs 2 points of Burn.
- Kineticists take 1 point of Burn anytime they use Kinetic Blasts in consecutive rounds (Gathering Power can be used to ignore this Burn). Metakinesis costs 1 additional Burn to use.

GM Notes:
Burn is a great mechanic that represents a hero pushing themselves in a metaphysical way, but it doesn’t do so in a way that limits their action economy, or reduce the effectiveness of the action they take. I’m afraid it might be too heavy-handed as is, but the idea IS supposed to be that being a martial character is actually a better deal overall; only if you’re willing to limit yourself in all of these ways can you enjoy the ability to cast fireballs or fly or heal.

- Full martials gain Combat Stamina as a bonus feat at first level (minimum 1 point). Spellcasters (including Rangers and Paladins) can take Combat Stamina as a normal feat.
- 0-level spells cannot be cast at-will. Spellcasters with access to 0-level spells receive the same number of spell slots for 0-level spells as they do for 1st-level spells, and add to this number with bonus spells per day from a high casting stat the same way they would for 1st-level spells per day. A spellcaster can cast a 0-level spell without expending a spell slot by making the casting time 10 minutes.
- Core Rogue banned; Unchained Rogue gets the Inspiration class feature as an Investigator, but the skills that can use Inspiration for free are from the Expanded Inspiration talent, only, and they gain Inspiration points equal to ½ level (minimum 1; can take Logical Inspiration, Unconventional Inspiration, and Underworld Inspiration as Rogue Talents, and Combat Inspiration and Tenacious Inspiration as Advanced Rogue talents).
- Ninjas gain Inspiration as Unchained Rogues, but the skills that can use Inspiration for free are from the Underworld Inspiration talent, only (can take Expanded Inspiration, Logical Inspiration, and Unconventional Inspiration as Ninja Tricks, and Combat Inspiration and Tenacious Inspiration as Advanced Ninja Tricks).
- Mediums can Spirit Surge without losing Influence 1/day, as long as they don’t channel the Archmage or Hierophant Spirits. This benefit increases by +1/day every 6 levels.
- All characters use Automatic Bonus Progression.
- All characters gain 2 Background skill ranks per level.

GM Notes:
With the assumed trend of significantly more martial characters, I felt the Ninja and Unchained Rogue could use a little something to stand out a bit more, as the softest martials. Automatic Bonus Progression seemed like an obvious option, as with a low-magic setting, magic items should likewise be less common, ABP lets everyone keep up

This is a first draft. Any notes or thoughts are appreciated.

So where do the points come from? I could be mistaken, but its looking like you buy classes using the same point pool as ability scores. It seems odd that martials and 1/4 bab casters cost 22, and full casters cost 15? Why does full casters show up twice (most full casters have 1/4 bab)?

Sorry for the confusion. I’m listing the point buy amounts allowed for each of the three categories. “1/4 casters” is shorthand for classes who get a very limited amount of spells, only up to 4th-level spells. This includes Rangers, Paladins, and Blood Ragers. For full-clarity, “3/4 casters” is shorthand for classes who get up to 6th-level spells, such as Bards, Inquisitors, Spiritualists, etc. “full casters” is any class that gets up to 9th-level spells. Full martials is just any class that gets no spellcasting whatsoever.

So, full-martials and 1/4 casters get 22 points to buy their ability scores. 3/4 casters get 18 points, and full casters only get 15 points.

Honestly, if I was one of your players, I'd just tell you to ban all spell using classes, as these rules put them in the close to unplayable area, especially considering the boost you've given to martials. Or, just swap to a system built around low-magic. I think zweihander and Conan bot are built that way.

Ahh. Misunderstandings happen. Thanks for clearing things up.

Not sure how you'll be able to balance the lack of spellcasting at higher levels with the encounters.
If you're not familiar with Iron Heroes, I would suggest checking that out. It's d20 and would only take a few minor tweaks for it to fall inline with Pathfinder. I played in a campaign, years ago. It was pretty balanced with being low magic.
Even if you decide not to just run that system, they may have ideas you can pull from.

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